Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi 24 *SPOILERS*


What's Yuuki Up To?

Picking up from the last chapter, Yuuki had texted Iori to apologize and inform that she was going to be late.

The reason for that is, she ended up having to run some errands for the owner of the glamping resort, together with Seno. Seno has just fetched Yuuki an apron, and the owner is apologizing to both Yuuki and Seno.

We see Yuuki's narration explaining that she was planning on talking to Seno and then go to where Iori was, but things happened - Yuuki was about to start talking to Seno, but the resort owner was pushing a trolley near them, and the box on the trolley toppled over when the trolley hit a rock. The box's contents spilled out and made a mess.

Seno and the owner recognized each other - Seno re-introduced himself to the owner as one of the part-time workers who would be working at the resort starting tomorrow (Yuuki, Sanae and Hiro too). Seno had also received onsen vouchers from the owner before.

The owner had then desperately asked for Seno and Yuuki's assistance to help him. He needed to open a cottage in the resort for business the next day, but it was still filled with boxes. He would need the boxes to be moved to the administrative building and for the place to be cleaned up.

Current State

Yuuki is currently moving boxes together with the owner and Seno. They meet a lady carrying a baby (I think she is a customer who will be using the cottage), and she apologizes to them for her difficult request. The baby starts crying, and the owner gets distracted trying to coddle the baby. Seno and Yuuki continue with their task.

Yuuki is struggling with moving the numerous boxes and wonders if they have enough time. She loses her grip on the box she is holding, but Seno comes to help her in time. When she looks up to thank him, their faces come very close to each other.

When Seno notices their proximity, he retreats while blushing furiously. Yuuki looks surprised but otherwise unaffected. Seno takes the box that Yuuki was holding, quickly turns around (so she won't see his shy expression) and tells her to leave the heavier boxes to him - she can focus on the cleaning instead. Yuuki asks if he'll be fine dealing with all the boxes (because there's still a lot left), but Seno says that he can manage.

Yuuki's Thoughts

Alone in the cottage's bedroom now, Yuuki begins to clean. She thinks about Seno's blushing expression earlier.

She narrates her thoughts: He was blushing up to his ears. Even without having to think about it again, it's painfully obvious - Seno-kun likes me and he cares about me more than anything.

There's a knock on the bedroom door. Seno enters to inform Yuuki that he's done. Yuuki expresses her surprise at how quickly he got it done. They're left with cleaning the living room area of the cottage. Yuuki says that she is worried about the dust in the area - she noticed that the baby was coughing earlier.

Seno rolls up his sleeves to get ready to clean, but Yuuki says that he should rest after moving the boxes - plus, the cleaning would get his clothes dirty. However, Seno laughs and says that his clothes are already dirty, so it's fine.

Yuuki thinks to herself that her first love is such a wonderful person.

Work Complete

Later, Yuuki and Seno complete the chores and the owner gratefully thanks them. He offers them some warm drinks.

When Seno goes away to put the drinks on a table, the owner whispers to Yuuki, "Ah, hey, hey, Honda-san. Your boyfriend is such a hunk!"

Yuuki: Eh?! (thinking that the owner has mistaken Seno to be her boyfriend)
Owner: He's dependable and kind.
Yuuki: Ah- That's true, but he's not my boyf...
Owner: Earlier, the lady with her baby--

The owner relates to Yuuki what happened. The lady with her baby had apologized to Yuuki's boyfriend for causing them inconvenience. However, Yuuki's boyfriend had said, "It's completely fine. You know, when I was little, I used to cry a lot and it troubled my mother." Looking at the baby, Yuuki's boyfriend said, "We're the same, eh."

The mother was instantly captivated - and the owner too, while watching the interaction. Yuuki is amazed while the owner tells her to hold on to her boyfriend, since there aren't many guys as good as him. Yuuki thinks to herself that she thinks so too.

Yuuki and Seno

The two of them are now seated and sipping on the warm drinks given by the owner. 

Seno: Thanks for the hard work.
Yuuki: Ah... You've worked hard yourself, too.
Seno: Eh? Wait, why are you being so formal?
Yuuki: That's because no matter how I think about it, you had a tougher time with the work.
Seno: That's not true.
Yuuki: No, no, so anyway, if you get assigned a task you don't like tomorrow, just tell me and I'll swap with you.
Seno: If that's the case... I want to swap with you now, not tomorrow.

Yuuki: ...Eh?
Seno: Honda, you called me out earlier as you had something to say, but I also have something I want to say no matter what. I'd like to go first. Is that okay?
Yuuki: ...Ah, ah, yes, of course! Please go ahead.
Seno: Thank you.

Yuuki picks up her mug to sip her drink.

Seno: I like you.
Yuuki: *chokes*

Yuuki: ...Eh?
Seno: Heh, sorry. Even if you weren't surprised, I think you already know. I like you, Honda. That's why I want you to be happy, so I thought I'd do everything I can to make that happen. However, in the end, it was all for myself. If it was possible, I hoped that you would turn to look at me. As I didn't want to seem like a nuisance, I was patient more than anything. I'm not anymore, today.

Seno goes to kneel on one knee in front of Yuuki, who's seated on the chair.

Seno: I asked Iori-san what he liked about you, Honda. He wasn't able to answer. I'm sorry for saying these hurtful things. Nonetheless, I want to cover up that wound.

Yuuki recalls some words that were said to her (I think it was from her conversation with Hiro): I guess I just want you to take better care of yourself, Yuuki. Because if it's Seno, he can do it.

Seno: It's fine to take your time. I want you to look at me once more, ...

Seno glances down at Yuuki's hands and reaches out to touch her hands. However, before touching her hands, he hesitates and instead offers his hand out as in a handshake. He then looks up at Yuuki and finishes his sentence, "This time."

Yuuki's Answer

Yuuki looks at Seno's hand and reaches out to take his hand. She squeezes it tightly and answers, "I'm sorry."

Yuuki: ...Thank you for liking me this much and for caring about me so much.

She narrates: I wonder if there'll ever be a day I regret today.

Yuuki: About Iori-kun, I may not be able to get him to care about me as much... but even so, I still want to be with him. I think it's important that I think this way right now. Thank you, Seno-kun. Thank you.
Seno (smiling gently): Okay, I understand.

Yuuki continues narrating: I definitely never want to let go of Iori-kun's hand. I've made up my mind; I've never had such strong feelings for anyone before. I can't believe I ever could.

Back at the Tents

Having talked to Seno, Yuuki runs back to her lodging to look for Iori. She goes to the campfire, but Iori isn't around. His jacket is, though.

Iori's text to Yuuki had mentioned that he would be waiting by the campfire. Yuuki wonders if Iori had returned to his tent, since she took so long to return. She tries calling Iori on the phone, but he doesn't answer. She peeks into the tent that Iori should be in, but she sees that Sanae and Kaji are still happily playing cards together - and Iori is not in there. She decides not to interrupt Sanae and Kaji and hides away.

Just then, she receives a call. It's from Seno.

Yuuki: Eh... Seno-kun?
Seno: Sorry, there's something I forgot to mention earlier. Iori-san came to help out too. With the moving of the boxes.
Yuuki: ......Huh?
Seno: When you were cleaning, Iori-san came over to help me with the moving of the boxes. That's why I finished so quickly.
Yuuki: Iori-kun did...?!
Seno: I guess he was worried and couldn't sit still?

There's a small flashback of Seno's interaction with Iori when Iori was moving boxes with him.

Seno: Honda told you to wait, but you still came to look for her?
Iori: I was just passing by! Don't ever tell Yuuki about this!

End of flashback.

Yuuki: ......I- (she's astonished)
Seno: The owner knows too, because I didn't hide it from him. I thought that he would find out anyway.

We see that Seno had introduced Iori to the owner as Yuuki's boyfriend. Iori had said to the owner that he would help too. Iori was the one who interacted with the lady and her baby. Yuuki is speechless when she realizes that the owner was actually referring to Iori and not Seno.

Seno: It didn't matter what your answer was. Such matters of instinct; it doesn't follow logic, I'm sure. All the best.

Seno narrates: Uncertain, but strong and unrivaled. If it really makes you happy, I'd like for you to show me. In the end, I became a wingman.

Yuuki and Iori

Just as Yuuki ends her call with Seno, Iori returns and sees her. He calls out to Yuuki and she turns to see him.

Yuuki dashes towards Iori and is about to hug him, but Iori holds her away at arm's length.

Yuuki (looks hurt): Eh... Why...?!
Iori: No, it's because my sweater is wet.
Yuuki: ! It's true! Why is that?!
Iori: I got my sweater dirty, but I couldn't go back to my tent, so I tried using water to clean it, but it got worse.
Yuuki: Eh-- Oh no! Do you want to go to the girls' tent instead?

Inside the Girls' Tent

Iori has taken off his sweater and is wearing his T-shirt, and Yuuki is helping him to clean his sweater.

Yuuki: Why is it so dirty?
Iori: ......
Yuuki: ......
Iori: I fell down.
Yuuki: Pfft-
Iori: What?
Yuuki: Fufufufu- (trying to hold in her laughter) 
Iori: Even I will fall down sometimes, you know.
Yuuki: Fufu- Well, it's fine. I like Iori-kun no matter who you are. Just keep being you in your own way, Iori-kun. I'm most happy when you're together with me.

Iori pins Yuuki down on a bean bag. Gently brushing her fringe away from her face, Iori says, "I'm going to say as much as I want about the things I like. Your smiling face that's healing, how I find you adorable even when you're crying or angry, how you're unexpectedly bold that it moves me... Sorry, they're all such superficial things..."

Iori plops himself next to Yuuki on the beanbag and puts his arms around her. He seems a little disappointed with the things he said, but Yuuki is very happy and thinks to herself that she wants to hear more.

Iori: But I mentioned it before, right? That such things will keep increasing or decreasing. (I think Iori is referring to special moments shared between the two of them, in Chapter 20.5 here)
Yuuki: Eh- Decrease?!
Iori: Well, it might decrease after a long time.
Yuuki: That's true... (You're pragmatic.)
Iori: Nonetheless, even if there's no significant reason, I think it's better for the two of us to keep staying together no matter what happens. That way, if we could be together forever without being separated...
Yuuki: ......? If we could be together?

Iori pinches Yuuki's cheeks gently and says, "...It's a secret." He proceeds to kiss Yuuki and she returns his kiss.

Iori's narration reads: I thought that it's undoubtedly fate, with Yuuki.

Iori then hugs Yuuki and says that he's glad she came back.

Yuuki: I never thought you'd be that worried... (she's very happy)
Iori: ......Right? That's how good that guy is.

About That Guy

The next day, Seno is at work as a counter staff in the resort. He has his professional smile dialed up to the max, going, "If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Please take your time and enjoy yourselves." to some female customers, who are instantly charmed and smitten with him.

When the female customers leave, Hiro goes up to Seno, saying, "Uwuh... Your smile hurts... You don't have to force yourself to smile, you know?!"

Seno: ......
Hiro: It's torture- Getting completely rejected and having to work together with her immediately. I'm sorry, man... For inviting you to this part-time job...
Seno: No, I'm the one who invited you to work part-time. You're the one who called it a group date.
Hiro: Oh, right! A group date! When we get back, I'll seriously look for a date for you...!
Seno: Come on... I said I don't need that. Thanks to this part-time job, I can talk to Honda without feeling awkward.

Yuuki (she is also working part-time in the same building) calls out to Seno. She returns a map to him that he lent to her, saying that it was easy to read. She then thanks him and leaves to talk to the owner.

Seno (to Hiro): ...See?
Hiro: O-oh...
Seno (looking radiant): I'm very grateful.
Hiro (touched): S-Seno---

Yuuki and Sanae

The two girls are taking a break together while at the part-time job. Sanae shares with Yuuki a picture of a fancy restaurant.

Sanae: Look, Yuuki! We decided on this place~
Yuuki: Wow, that's so fancy~
Sanae: Right? I was longing for it~ (What shall I do about my clothes~)
Yuuki: But is it fine if it's so expensive?
Sanae: Yes, because I won completely! I don't have to hold back.

(Sanae and Kaji had been playing cards and Sanae won all of the rounds. Kaji had said that he would take her anywhere and buy her anything)

Sanae: I mustered up my courage to say that I'd like to have a dinner date. And Kaji said, "In that case, do you want to go during Christmas?" Kyaa--
Yuuki: Kyaaa--- It's like you're lovers already~

The Rest of the Part-Time Job

Yuuki's narration reads: And with that, various things happened during our glamping. Somehow, everyone was able to return with a smile on their faces. Also, the temporary part-time job ended enjoyably and uneventfully. It was thanks to Seno-kun who treated me the same way. I'm really thankful to him.

(Seno looks good while working hard at the part-time job. Even Sanae thinks to herself that if Kaji didn't exist, she would have fallen for Seno.)

At university, Sanae asks Yuuki if she has any plans with Iori for Christmas. Yuuki says that they haven't talked about it yet, but she was told that he wanted to discuss something with her.

Sanae is excited for Yuuki and says that it must be to discuss plans for Christmas. Yuuki responds that it'd be nice if it were the case.

Yuuki and Iori (at Iori's House)

Yuuki is happy to find out from Iori that Ibuki decided to live in Japan and not return overseas, though he still needs to leave every time there's a tournament.

She remarks that things finally went so well, so it would be a waste if they had to do a long-distance relationship.

Yuuki is beaming, but she wonders internally if what Iori wanted to discuss was actually just about this update. She doesn't mind even if they don't talk about their plans for Christmas.

Yuuki: So, will Ibuki-san come back to stay here?
Iori: Nope... He's renting an apartment near where Airi stays.
Yuuki: Eh? 
Iori: Somehow, that fan of his found a good property or something.
Yuuki: Fan... Ah! Mikage-kun?!
Iori: Yup. So, about what I wanted to discuss... Yuuki, do you want to live here?

Yuuki (blanks out for a moment): ...Eh?! ......In other words, you mean... Living tog-
Iori: Living together.
Yuuki: !!!

Yuuki is overwhelmed by the topic of discussion and her mind can't keep up.

Iori: I know what you want to say. That it's still too early and it's not so simple or something, right? Regardless, after it was decided that I won't be living with my brother, naturally this idea surfaced. That since I want to be with you, Yuuki, I'd want to try living together with you.

Yuuki thinks to herself that she's delighted, but she doesn't say anything.

Iori (walking away): Of course, if you don't want to, don't force yourself to...
Yuuki: There's no way I don't want to.

Yuuki's words make Iori pause and glance back at her.

Yuuki: I want to live together with you too.

Yuuki's narration reads: Once you've made up your mind, there's no other way but forward. It'll be fine if it's with Iori-kun.

Iori smiles and gives Yuuki a peck on her forehead. He says, "Well then, once again, I'll be in your care."


Lilas Le said…
Awwww, thank you so much. I’ve been waiting for this spoiler for so long 🥰
Anonymous said…
Cara n sei qm tu é mas te amo oo, obrigado por postar os episódios.