Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi 25 *SPOILERS*


Living Together

Yuuki narrates that in the blink of an eye, she decided to live together with Iori.

She stretches while yawning in the balcony of Iori's apartment and is mesmerized by the view of the sunset. She narrates that she will be living here (Iori's place) starting today, and it is also the beginning of their everyday life together. She squeals to herself in excitement, wondering what they should have for dinner. She contemplates asking Iori what he wants to eat.

However, she gets a text on her phone - it's from her mother. "Have you finished moving?? Tell me your new address!!!"

Yuuki freezes. She narrates that beyond the excitement, there are still other things to think about.

Reporting to Family

Previously, Yuuki was still in her old apartment bedroom, looking pale while talking to her mother on the phone.

Mother: Liv-living together??!! What are you talking about all of a sudden-- this kind of timing too... (your dad is away on a long business trip).
Yuuki: ...Shouldn't it just be a matter of informing you properly...? The people around me told me not to do this too.
Mother: Other people are other people!! We need to talk about this! When are you coming back next? New Year's?
Yuuki: About that... No matter what, I want to move in within this month. (It's cheaper this month!)
Mother: Hah?!
Yuuki: It's going to be fine, mum! Because he's a decent person!! (I'll send you a picture!!)

Yuuki's mother checks her phone and sees a picture of Iori and Yuuki together. She's at first surprised because Iori is handsome.

Mother: I'm even more worried because he's handsome...!!
Yuuki: *exasperated*

Yuuki narrates that her mother was difficult.

Mother: What do you mean when you say that you want to live together? 
Yuuki: ...Eh?
Mother: I mean to ask if you're properly thinking about your future. Especially your partner!
Yuuki: ...Ah, that's--...

Yuuki narrates that at that moment, she considered postponing the plan to live together, but-

Yuuki's younger brother told their mother that he met Iori before. (Recall Chapter 6) He says that Iori helped him when he was in Tokyo and that Iori is his savior (he's exaggerating it but the mother gets convinced).

Yuuki continues narrating that thanks to her brother giving an assist (she bought him over), she managed to obtain approval to move in with Iori. Now, all that's left is to continue giving them peace of mind, and somehow, everything has worked out. She texts her mother her new address. However, Yuuki thinks to herself that there's still one thing left to settle.

Iori Returns

Before we can see what Yuuki was thinking about, she hears the door opening. Iori is home.

Yuuki: Welcome home...!
Iori: I'm back.
Yuuki: You're early!
Iori: Hiro let me leave early. (He said that I should assist with the moving.) However, it looks like the moving's all completed already, right?
Yuuki: That's right!
Iori: Sorry for not being able to help.
Yuuki (showing Iori her room, which used to be Ibuki's room): It's fine! Didn't I say it before? I have very little furniture to move because I gave most of it to my younger brother. ...Oh, more importantly, our dinner... (I haven't prepared anything).
Iori: Ah, that's fine. Let's go out to eat. Shall we go somewhere nearby?
Yuuki: Yes...!

Heading Out

Our couple is on the streets now, walking hand in hand and checking out new places to eat. Iori remarks that it's cold and puts their hands in his pocket, surprising Yuuki a little (but she then smiles happily).

Yuuki narrates: We can go anywhere on a whim and do whatever we like, together. Having this become a daily routine is such a blissful feeling...

They're now eating in a cafe/ restaurant.

Iori: It's almost Christmas, huh. What shall we do? Any thoughts? Anything you want to do or anything you want?
Yuuki (surprised because she was so busy and forgot about it): Eh... um... (It's our first Christmas together after getting into a relationship...!)
Iori: Ah- But it's a weekday, so I'd normally have clinical practice.
Yuuki: Ah... I see. (I'm on winter vacation...)
Iori: Then, shall we make a reservation somewhere at night? At a luxury restaurant that we don't normally visit.
Yuuki: !!! Y---

In Yuuki's mind, she's thrilled at the thought of going to a fancy restaurant just like Sanae is, for Christmas. She was about to say yes, however...

Yuuki: ......Ah...
Iori: Hm?
Yuuki: Can I think about it properly?
Iori: ...? Sure.

Hiro, Seno, Kaji

Hiro is at the bar/ restaurant that Kaji is working at.

Hiro: What on earth do you mean...? Living together?
Kaji: Who knows. I was shocked too.
Hiro: Did you ask about the reason in detail? I was too scared to ask.
Kaji: Nope. Me too...

Kaji thinks back to his conversation with Iori, which went down with Iori simply explaining, "I wanted us to be together more." and Kaji responding with, "Eh- That's it?!".

Hiro: Ah! Could it be marriage? Are they thinking of it??
Kaji: Um, that's...
Seno (just arrived): It could be something unexpected.
Kaji: Oh, welcome~
Hiro: Did you hear?!
Seno: ...Rather than say I'm aware of it, it's more like I was subconsciously thinking about it.
Hiro: ? What do you mean??
Seno: Us bystanders don't need to worry so much. If it's Iori-san and Honda, they'll be fine.

Kaji and Hiro are surprised.

Kaji: When you put it like that... Strangely enough I feel that way.
Hiro: Woah... blowing away our doubts; Did you level up again?!
Seno: ?

Yuuki's Decision

On another morning, Yuuki approaches Iori in the bathroom. Iori is brushing his teeth.

Yuuki: Iori-kun! (Good morning!!) I thought about it all night...! For Christmas, I want to have a small and simple party at home.
Iori: ......Huh?
Yuuki: Ah, of course I will be the one to make the preparations. (Since I'm on vacation.)
Iori: No, I mean... Is that okay with you?
Yuuki: Yes! Ah, and I would like for us to do a gift exchange...! The gift budget will be 3000 yen. ($20 USD)
Iori: 3000 yen?! That's difficult, no?
Yuuki: That's why it's good...! Doing your best to consider how to make the other person happy, given the limitations. It tests your character and that's what makes it interesting and fun...!

Later, Yuuki is out shopping with Sanae.

Yuuki: What do you think...?!
Sanae: What's with that? So cute~! It's like middle school times! ❤
Yuuki (metaphorically stabbed): ...You think? Iori-kun was also somewhat turned off...
Sanae: Hey, I'm complimenting you, you know? As expected, living together gives one more peace of mind; you don't care about making luxurious plans... (I admire that!)
Yuuki: Th-that's not what I mean...! I just want it to feel more special...
Sanae (grabbing Yuuki's hands): It'll be fine!!! The location and activity are irrelevant...! What matters is that you show your affection to each other more than usual.
Yuuki: ...! 

Yuuki feels reassured by Sanae's words (which Sanae reveals in her thoughts that she quoted from a book she read).

Time passes and it's now the morning of Christmas eve (6AM). Iori wakes up and sees a handwritten note Yuuki left on the dining table: I have things to do so I've left the house. See you in the evening~ ★

Yuuki's narration reads: That's right, you can figure anything out as long as you have the right attitude. I'll make it a wonderful Christmas...! I'm suddenly motivated~!

Yuuki does her best at a last-minute part-time job selling cakes for Christmas (she gets to wear reindeer horns), shops for groceries, goes home early to decorate and cooks.

Evening Time

Iori arrives home and is surprised by Yuuki wearing reindeer horns and confetti popping.

Iori: ......What's with that. (He looks unimpressed but actually he means, "You're so cute.")
Yuuki: I got it while working at a last-minute part time job today.
Iori: Last-minute job...?
Yuuki: I sold a lot of cakes! I have a costume for you too, Iori-kun! (Santa Claus!) Do you want to wear it?
Iori: No way.
Yuuki: I thought so!

"No way", says Iori, but he puts on the Santa Claus costume anyway. He even wears the moustache (no beard, though.)

They sit down to have dinner.

Santa Claus Iori: This is delicious...! Did you make all of them?
Yuuki: One third of it was from the department stores. By the way, this one you said was delicious is from the department store...
Iori: No wonder.
Yuuki: *mews in disappointment* (because the dish that Iori complimented wasn't her cooking)
Iori: Ah, but this is delicious too.
Yuuki: ! That's what I cooked.
Iori: I think I like this the best.
Yuuki: Really!?
Iori: I really like it.
Yuuki: Yay-

Gift Exchange Time

Yuuki whips out two small packages as her gift to Iori. Iori opens the bigger box and finds a set of two glasses. He says that it's a great gift. Yuuki explains that since it's a pair, she will use the other one.

Yuuki's second gift are cute ballpoint pens. The top of the pens have little animals or funny designs. She suggests that Iori can use them when he's at work at the dental clinic.

Iori: At work?
Yuuki: Yes! I thought that if you use them, the patients at the clinic won't be as afraid of you.

Iori recalls that the director of the dental clinic always nags him to smile more to look less scary.

Iori: Ah! (You remember well). ...Thank you. (Iori looks touched.)
Yuuki: It's especially popular with children.
Iori: You're right. I'll start using them immediately tomorrow.

Now, Iori presents his gift. Yuuki looks excited and touched. Upon opening the gift box, she finds a small decorative lamp shaped like a Christmas tree. She then notices a card which says 'Handmade', and asks Iori if he made it himself.

Iori explains that he was out yesterday and noticed a workshop for DIY experiences. They had two options - a Christmas wreath for 1000 yen, or a Christmas tree for 3000 yen. He decided to join and when he entered the workshop, it was full of mothers with their children or young girls with a female instructor, so he stuck out like a sore thumb.

Yuuki: Eh--- That must have been super embarrassing, right...?! (trying to hold back her giggles)
Iori: I was embarrassed to death. (It's fine, you can laugh.)

Iori adds that he made the cutest one desperately, and everyone at the workshop was extremely impressed.

Yuuki: Thank you so much... It's the best...! (still laughing)

Night Time

Yuuki goes to take her bath first. Now, it's Iori's turn to take his bath. Yuuki dims the lights in the living room and notices the light from Iori's Christmas tree lamp, sitting on the coffee table.

She goes to sit by the coffee table to admire the lamp once again. She imagines Iori at the workshop, working on the tree and thinks to herself that she's super happy. She feels that in the end, she received a lot of happiness, just like always. She then wonders if Iori will come out of the bath soon and if she should go tidy up...

The next moment, Yuuki wakes up with a start and realizes that she's being princess-carried by Iori to her room.

Iori: You're up.
Yuuki: I...I fell asleep...?!
Iori: You were fast asleep.
Yuuki: *embarrassed*
Iori: It's fine, just sleep. I'll carry you like this.

Iori places Yuuki gently down on her bed and tells her to sleep - he'll settle the rest of the tidying up.

Yuuki: No... I'm fully awake now...
Iori: But just now, you were sleep-talking, calling out, 'The cakes are sold out!', you know?
Yuuki: Eh?!
Iori (turning away): You must be tired. (Good night.)
Yuuki: Really! My tiredness has flown away.

Yuuki tugs on Iori's shirt to stop him. She narrates that she still wants to stay up together with him.

Iori turns around to face Yuuki and sits down by the bedside. 

Serious Talk

Iori: ...In that case, listen up. There's something you've been worrying about on your own, haven't you?
Yuuki: ...Eh?
Iori: Money.
Yuuki: *caught red-handed*
Iori: You said you wanted a small and simple Christmas, but you went and squeezed in a difficult last-minute part time job.
Yuuki: Uh... um... *Iori hit the bullseye so she has nothing to say*

Yuuki narrates that even so, it's not something she should hide about.

Yuuki: I understand... I will save up as much as possible. ...The rent is higher than before, but I will do my best to keep my spending to a minimum as I have always done.

She continues narrating that this is so that she won't cause unnecessary worry for her parents and to earn their trust.

Iori: I told you not to worry about the rent. It would have been enough if you just gave the same amount as what you were paying in your previous place.
Yuuki: No way! I want to contribute half. 
Iori: ......

(Before Yuuki moved in, she also insisted that she will definitely pay for the rent and asked Iori how much it was.)

Yuuki narrates that she's about to start job-hunting soon, so there may be times when she can't help it. However, she tells Iori that she will save up accordingly or increase her part-time jobs to pay her half of the rent when she can. She says that she wants to be able to be as equal to Iori as possible, because this is what living together is about.

Yuuki continues narrating that she doesn't know how much Iori thought about a future together with her before they started living together, but she thinks that it depends on whether they can face each other in this kind of life and look towards the future together.

Yuuki: I've already decided, so please let me do it.
Iori (bringing Yuuki's head to his chest): ......Okay, I understand. But don't over-exert yourself. It's fine to tap out when you're having a hard time. You can leave things to me or lash out at me. I'll also talk to you about anything and rely on you.
Yuuki (looking blissful): ...Okay.
Iori: Also, if you want to feel equal, you really need to stop using honorifics with me.
Yuuki: *caught red-handed again* ......Okay.

Another Surprise

Iori: Ah, also-
Yuuki: Eh...? (There's some more?)
Iori: Are you really not sleepy or tired?
Yuuki: ...? Yes...

Iori sits on Yuuki's bed and brings her onto his lap. He lightly pecks her on the lips.

Iori: Then, spend some more time with me.
Yuuki: ...Hehe, okay.

They kiss deeply and Iori reaches underneath her camisole. While kissing, Iori goes, "...Don't move for a second-" and Yuuki goes, "...Huh?"

When she realizes it, Iori has put on a necklace on Yuuki's neck. While taking off his shirt (signaling what he wants to do next), Iori explains that he was actually planning on putting it on her when she was asleep. It's a present that he bought earlier, before Yuuki mentioned the 3000 yen budget. Yuuki is surprised.

Iori crawls over Yuuki, going, "In exchange for going along with your plans, grant my request now, too."

Yuuki's eyes well up with tears from being touched and happy. She goes, "...Thank you..." while narrating that she can't return something of equal value as this; that equality is so hard.

The two of them make love and fall asleep together.

Another Day

Yuuki and Iori are out together.

Iori: Should I buy a piggy bank?
Yuuki: Eh?
Iori: It's true that saving up is important, but I want for the two of us to enjoy ourselves. I want to do something luxurious with you. That's why, you can save up the amount you have left over after paying the rent you used to pay, and once we've saved enough, we can both use it. ...How does that sound?
Yuuki: Alright! (I agree!!)
Iori: Also, you'll have to pay a penalty of 100 yen to the piggy bank every time you use honorifics with me.
Yuuki: Eh-- That's expensive! How about 10 yen?
Iori: That's too lenient.

Yuuki narrates that the curtains to their cohabiting life has officially been drawn open.

In the meantime, back in their apartment, someone's phone (presumably Iori's) is vibrating with an incoming call. It's from Father.


Anonymous said…
Ufff pensé que los problemas serían más serios sjsnsndd me alegro
Anonymous said…
Awn, love them! 💜
Anonymous said…
Thank you for doing these summaries! I'm always looking forward to it 🥰
Shoujo Sekai said…
Thank you so much!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the update and your hard work