Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi 23 *SPOILERS*


Dinner Time

Everyone is still at the glamping site, but doing different things. Iori is with Seno at the onsen, Airi is with Ibuki and Sanae is presumably still with Kaji (not sure what Hiro is up to).

Yuuki is alone in front of a table with plates of food spread across. She texted Iori to inform him that she'd be preparing food and waiting. However, she hasn't heard back from him.

Yuuki is concerned about Iori and thinks to herself that he and Seno are taking a long time. She starts to worry if one of them got dizzy from the heat, or if they started fighting. However, she tells herself to calm down.

Just then, Sanae appears and surprises Yuuki by hugging her.

Sanae's Update

Sanae thanks Yuuki for giving her time alone with Kaji, so Yuuki asks her how it went. Sanae disappointedly shares that she didn't make good use of the opportunity and ended up playing cards with Kaji, then went on to win all of their games - there was no atmosphere to talk at all.

Yuuki tries to comfort her by saying that at least they had a good time. However, Sanae says that she feels like Kaji might be drawing a boundary on purpose. She worries that her doing her best right now might just be being a nuisance.

Yuuki recalls what Iori said about Kaji previously: "He's stuck because he's thinking too seriously." and tries to reassure Sanae that it's not the case, but they get interrupted by Airi and Ibuki, who have come to join them.

Airi's Update

Airi and Ibuki see that Yuuki has prepared the food. Airi apologizes while Ibuki thanks her. Ibuki leaves to go and call Iori and Kaji (seems like Ibuki doesn't know Iori is away). Yuuki and Sanae see how Airi and Ibuki are interacting and are extremely happy for them.

Now that the girls are alone together, Airi updates them. She explains that she and Ibuki have decided to remain as normal friends. After having a good talk with Ibuki, she and Ibuki agreed that they're different from the past now and it's impossible to restart the relationship. Also, considering what Ibuki has built up for himself without her, she doesn't want to get in his way.

Sanae and Yuuki look disappointed for her, but Airi reassures them that she's fine. She smiles at them and says that she's glad she came, that it feels like a weight lifted from her shoulders. Yuuki and Sanae don't look too convinced, but don't pursue the topic anymore. Sanae hypes them up by saying that they should eat to their hearts' contents. 

Just then, Ibuki and Kaji arrive. Sanae notices out loud that Iori is not with them, which causes Yuuki to snap out of her thoughts (she seemed down about Airi's update). Ibuki says that Iori wasn't around and didn't answer his phone. He asks Yuuki if she knows about Iori's whereabouts.

Yuuki nervously answers that she will go to search for Iori. Sanae asks if she'll be ok alone and Yuuki says it's fine.

What's Up with Iori

Iori is still at the onsen but about to leave. He picks up his phone from the counter and checks it - there are multiple texts from Yuuki, Kaji and Ibuki.

Suddenly, a bespectacled girl runs up to Iori and falls to her knees at his feet, apologizing dramatically. Iori is surprised. The girl explains that she was the "culprit", the one who recorded the video (of Iori and Yuuki).

Iori doesn't get what she's saying, but lets the girl continue talking. She says that she meant no malice and didn't have any intention of showing it to anyone. Iori asks her if she got the wrong person, and the girl looks at Iori again (her head was hung low the whole time earlier). 

She says that she didn't get the wrong person. She says that she saw Iori going into the onsen with his friend (Seno) earlier. Iori wonders to himself if she's referring to Seno. The girl continues explaining that before that, she had chased after Iori's friend, wanting to apologize for the video, but saw him entering the onsen with Iori, then lost track of them. Iori asks her, "...What video?"

Iori and Yuuki

A short while later, we see Yuuki running in the direction of the onsen, still looking for Iori. She worries again if Iori and Seno really did end up in a fight when her phone vibrates.

It's a call from Iori. He explains to her that he left his phone at the onsen, so he went to pick it up, and is on his way back. Yuuki heaves a huge sigh of relief, then she and Iori spot each other (they were not far from each other when Iori called). Yuuki expresses her relief at finding him and Iori asks her if she's anxious because the others are waiting.

Yuuki asks him if everything with Seno went alright. Iori's expression becomes stern (I'm not sure if Yuuki notices it) and he holds her hand while answering that it was fine. While walking back to the glamping site, Yuuki asks if nothing happened and Iori simply says that he'll tell her in detail later.

The two of them return and everyone has dinner together (Yuuki, Airi, Sanae, Iori, Ibuki and Kaji).

Yuuki's narration reads: I wonder if this means 'something happened, but it's okay'? Somehow, you look like you're forcing yourself to smile...? Not just Iori-kun, but everyone, too. I wished for everyone's feelings to clear up with the weather. I wonder if we'll just have to go home in this state.

Later On

After dinner, the group of 6 go to the onsen together, and now they're returning to the glamping site. Iori and Yuuki are walking behind the rest. Iori updates Yuuki on the fact that they were videoed, which shocks Yuuki.

Iori explains that Seno had dealt with it, though. Iori adds that he didn't find this out from Seno, but from the person who took the video, who came to apologize. There's a flashback of Iori's conversation with the bespectacled girl.

She explains to Iori that she recorded the video of Iori and Yuuki because they looked amazing and wanted to use it as reference for her work. However, Seno had caught up to her and her group of friends. Seno said that the video might have been of his friends, so she showed Seno the video and Seno had asked for it to be deleted. She says that Seno's expression looked extremely pained when he saw the video, which made her feel very bad, so she wanted to apologize properly. In response, Iori tells the girl that the one who was most at fault was him. End of flashback.

Iori says that Seno wanted to tell him to take better care of Yuuki, because Seno himself could do it. When Yuuki hears that, she recalls Hiro asking her to consider Seno again and give him one last chance.

Iori: I think that Kaji, who takes things too seriously, and my older brother, who loves so much that he doesn't want to see the other person, can do it; but because I don't understand that feeling, it caused this to happen.
Yuuki: Eh...?
Iori: When I think about it, I'd been ignoring your pace since the beginning, Yuuki.

Yuuki thinks back to all the times she had intimate moments with Iori.

Iori: I'm sorry.

Yuuki looks emotional and clenches her fists. 

Back in the Girls' Tent

Yuuki explodes and says, "Please don't say that kind of thing where it sounds like you're negating everything we've done so far...! This isn't like you, Iori-kun...!!!"

Her outburst surprises Airi and Sanae, who are in the tent with her. The above is what Yuuki wanted to say back to Iori, but she missed the opportunity earlier because her conversation with Iori was interrupted by the others (the two of them were lagging too far behind the group).

Airi and Sanae are concerned about Yuuki and ask what happened. Yuuki apologizes to them and asks if they will let her go to where Iori is until she's satisfied.

Sanae readily gives her approval and Airi also agrees. Airi adds that she wants to go to where Ibuki is as well.

Girl Support Power!

Airi explains that she tried to be cool and said that she understands Ibuki, but the more she thought about it, the more angry she got. She says that she wanted to rant about it after coming back, but since Yuuki wants to go and talk to Iori, she will also use the same time to go and talk to Ibuki, as she doesn't want things to end just like that.

Sanae gets pumped up and says that even if it will turn into a card game again, she will try harder this time.

The three girls share a group hug, happy to support each other.

A short while later, there's a knock at the door of the guys' tent. Kaji and Ibuki are playing cards, so Iori answers the door. Airi and Sanae are at the door, which surprises the guys.

Airi says that she wants to talk to Ibuki, while Sanae asks for Kaji to play cards with her again. Iori asks them where Yuuki is. The girls explain that Yuuki will come later - Yuuki had asked them to relay to Iori that she will talk to Seno and asked for him to wait for her.

In another panel, we see Yuuki approaching Seno, who is waiting for her outside the glamping site's admin building. She apologizes to Seno for asking to meet him, but Seno says that he's happy.

Airi and Ibuki

Meanwhile, Ibuki and Airi seem to be doing a nighttime hike/stroll. Airi is walking in front while Ibuki looks tense, following behind. He asks Airi where they're headed. She answers that she's looking for a beautiful place and asks him to wait - she's looking for a place with a nice view or the open night sky to set up a romantic mood to talk. Ibuki is confused but doesn't say anything. Airi eventually finds what she's looking for - a clearing where they can see all of the glamping tents below them.

Ibuki suddenly notices that Airi's jacket is missing - she's currently only wearing a T-shirt. He asks her where the jacket went and Airi nonchalantly replies that she lost it (she actually hid it away in a bush).

Ibuki takes off his coat and drapes it over Airi. She thanks him for it, but says that she's still cold. She pulls open one side of the coat, shyly gesturing for Ibuki to come closer to her.

Ibuki: ...What are you saying... You've been acting strange since just now. You don't need to force yourself like this.
Airi (emotional): I'll force it...!!! If forcing myself is what it takes for us to be together, then I'll force it. I realized that that's how much I want to be with you. Ibuki, I tried to understand that you wanted to leave, but I hated the thought after all. I know that it's painful to be with me... but I'm in pain too, you know? Both of us are suffering, right...? If that's the case, don't leave. I want for us to overcome it together. This is what I thought, but why didn't you think so, Ibuki...? This doesn't mean that you like me more...! Dummy!!!

Airi throws Ibuki's coat back at him and runs off. However, Ibuki reacts in time to stop her by grabbing her wrist.

Ibuki: Wait! It's because I didn't know that you liked me, Airi...
Airi: --Ah...

Airi snatches her wrist out of Ibuki's grasp (seems like her "allergy" was going to act up again). Ibuki realizes what he did and apologizes, but Airi apologizes too.

Ibuki: It's okay... it can't be helped. It's not something you can do right away.
Airi (hunches down towards the ground): ......
Ibuki (goes to sit next to Airi): ---Nonetheless... Can I believe it? ...That you like me.
Airi (looks embarrassed): ......Yes.

Upon hearing Airi's response, Ibuki leans back to lie down on the ground and lets out a big sigh.

Ibuki: Seriously... I'm already happy with that.

They look at each other. Airi looks shy while Ibuki has a small smile on his face.

Ibuki: --But I want to make you happy too, Airi, so is that alright with you?

Ibuki extends a pinky finger towards Airi. With happy tears in her eyes, Airi says okay and links her pinky finger with Ibuki's.

Airi: Let's be happy together.
Ibuki: It's a promise.


We see that in the meantime, Sanae and Kaji are happily playing card games together in the tent, while Iori is outside, sitting by the campfire.

He checks his phone - he received a text, presumably from Yuuki. She apologizes and says that she'll be a little late. Iori touches the bracelet on his wrist, looking like he's thinking about something.
