Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi 22 *SPOILERS*


Damsel in Distress...?

Picking up from the last chapter, Ibuki spots Airi being bothered by gangsters. He runs out into the rain, calling out to her.

At first, it appears like Airi is in distress, but she angrily twists the arm of one of the gangsters and wrestles him to the ground. Ibuki is surprised and stops in his tracks, watching her.

The gangster on the ground cries out in pain while his buddy shouts for Airi to let go. However, Ibuki stops the buddy from approaching Airi. He threatens to report the gangsters, so they hurriedly leave.

Airi asks Ibuki if he's all right, because he was (supposedly) not feeling well (but Airi doesn't know that). Ibuki flinches a little at the question and asks if this is the reason she came. Airi tells him that she bought him food that's easy to eat. He apologizes for her having to see him in this state, but she doesn't mind.

Rather, Airi asks Ibuki if she was amazing earlier. She explains that she learnt it before and is glad that she got to apply what she'd practiced in an actual situation. Ibuki smiles and says that she was amazing, and Airi looks happy.

Ibuki's narration reads: Even so, I wanted to be by your side and protect you, and in fact, I just want to hug you right now.

He asks Airi if she will eat the things she bought for him together, and she agrees.

Iori and Yuuki

Our main couple are now hiding from the rain in a pavilion. Iori has updated Yuuki about Ibuki's feelings towards Airi.

Yuuki: He likes Airi-san too much? Though he said he didn't want to meet her...?
Iori: Yep.
Yuuki: What does that mean?!
Iori: I don't get it at all either, but...well, he liked her to the extent it messed up his life.
Yuuki: Ah...

Yuuki recalls her meeting with Ibuki and thinks to herself that Ibuki had indeed been obsessing over and suffering for years over Airi.

Iori: It's amazing, though. To like a person this much.
Yuuki: ...That's true.

Yuuki thinks to herself that she can relate - the feeling of liking someone so much that it changes one's life. However, it seems that Iori still can't relate. She somewhat sadly thinks to herself that there's still a gap in their feelings.

Iori: Kaji too, that Kaji.
Yuuki: Eh...?
Iori: He's stuck because he's thinking too seriously.

This gets Yuuki very curious and excited. She asks Iori if it's about Sanae, but Iori keeps his lips sealed and just stares at Yuuki.

Pulling Yuuki close to him, he says that she should just focus on what's in front of her right now. (He's gesturing for a kiss/ make-out session). 

Yuuki (covering Iori's mouth): ---I already said that doing it outside is no good! (What would we do if we get seen!!)
Iori: Then, what was the point of coming here?
Yuuki (relenting): Then... if it's just a small peck.
Iori: ...Ok.

They lightly kiss on the lips, but it quickly escalates into a deeper kiss. Iori's hand also slips beneath Yuuki's shirt. They then hug tightly.

Yuuki narrates: When I do this, I feel loved and end up getting carried away. I wonder if someday, I'd also be filled with Iori's feelings? I can't imagine being loved this strongly--... What does it feel like?

Ibuki and Airi (Again)

Ibuki and Airi are now indoors. Airi is happily eating jelly and Ibuki is sitting aside, suffering, because he finds Airi eating jelly too adorable.

Airi asks Ibuki why he's sitting so far away - is it because he's still being considerate of her condition? Ibuki says no. Airi says that she's been cured. She has no problems interacting with male customers now.

Going towards Ibuki and extending a hand towards him, Airi says that just like how he's changed, she's changed, too. She's been wanting to properly meet and talk.

Airi: Let's build a relationship again from now on. We don't need to be together for Iori's sake anymore. 
From now on, I want us... to face each other properly, just the two of us.
Ibuki: ...Thank you.

The two of them smile. However, immediately after taking Airi's hand as in a handshake, he pulls her into a hug.

Ibuki: However, I don't think it's possible?
Airi: ...Eh? --S-st-stop it...!

Airi pushes Ibuki away.

Ibuki: You don't remember?
Airi: ......Eh?
Ibuki: It was no good back then too, right? When we were pretending to date.

There's a short flashback to the scene of Ibuki introducing Airi to Iori, and the aftermath of Ibuki having put his hand on her shoulder back then.

Ibuki (his hand is on Airi's shoulder): Look, Iori! My soulmate...!

Airi develops rashes on her arms. 

Ibuki: It's because I touched you earlier. ...I'm sorry.
Airi: No, it's okay. I'm sorry too. It was just playing pretend, yet I wonder why, somehow--... It felt different from the usual Ibuki.

-End of Flashback-

Ibuki: For Airi, I think it's no good when people have strong feelings of affection towards you. For this reason, it's no wonder that this happened. It's not your fault, Airi. It's my fault for having these feelings.
Airi: ...Having...?
Ibuki: In truth, I liked you. The whole time, since the start. I liked you, who was hurt by selfish feelings in the past, yet kept looking forward and giving your utmost best, so much that I scared myself. ...I liked you, but I couldn't say it. That's why I left. ...Then, you made your dream come true and I changed too. I thought that it was best we keep our distance.

Ibuki's narration reads: When our feelings get too strong, we end up failing to see. If I can continue to cherish the happiness of the person important to me,

Ibuki says, "I think I'll finally be set free too."

Smiling (and looking at peace), Ibuki thanks Airi for coming today and says for them to make this an enjoyable final memory.

Seno and Hiro

The two boys are out with umbrellas, looking for the way to the onsen. They can't find it. Seno says that they didn't have to come out in this weather. Hiro indignantly replies that Seno was planning on asking Yuuki to go earlier. (Hiro prevented Seno from asking Yuuki out by saying that he wanted to go to the onsen. For that, Hiro thinks to himself, 'Praise me, Iori-san! I'm doing my best to keep him on a leash!')

They meet a group of people coming their way from the opposite direction. They ask the group of people for directions to the onsen.

One of the ladies in the group awkwardly suggests for Seno and Hiro not to go right now, as on the way there, they saw a couple flirting and kissing while taking shelter from the rain. This shocks Hiro.

As the group of people leave, Hiro and Seno can hear them talking about the couple - "Didn't someone take a video of them?" "Eh, that's nasty-" "...But if they're there, I might wanna see." "The guy looked handsome, lol"

When the group of people are out of earshot, Hiro remarks that they were really nasty. However, he realizes that Seno is still heading towards the onsen. He asks Seno what they are going to do if they run into the couple, to which Seno says that they'll do nothing.

Hiro suddenly says that he has a bad feeling and suggests that the couple might have been Yuuki and Iori. Seno is silent for a moment, but says no. Seno says that Iori wouldn't do such a thing, and Yuuki wouldn't put herself in a situation where she'll be exposed. Hiro agrees with him and is convinced.

Just then, the two of them spot Yuuki and Iori approaching them (but Yuuki and Iori do not see the two of them yet). Shocked, Seno and Hiro retreat to hide themselves for a moment. Seno mutters, "The video..." and Hiro understands what Seno is thinking. Seno asks Hiro to hold his belongings while he dashes back to the group of people to check.

Onsen Time?

Yuuki and Iori spot Hiro. They ask him what he's doing. Hiro awkwardly responds, "Ah! Oh? It's the two of you. (What are you two doing?)"

When Iori answers that he and Yuuki were taking shelter from the rain earlier, it confirms Hiro's suspicions. Nonetheless, he tells them that he is heading to the onsen, and Seno will join later (because he's clearly holding Seno's belongings).

The couple is about to leave, but Hiro remembers that Seno had earlier also asked him to stall the couple, so Hiro invites Yuuki and Iori to join him at the onsen

When the three of them arrive at the onsen, Yuuki says that the place looks nice and is happy. She thanks Hiro for finding this place.

Seno is Back

Hiro goes aside to text Seno to update him about their whereabouts. He's starting to get worried because Seno is taking a while. However, just when he texts Seno "Oi--- Are you okay??", Seno appears behind him to say that it's all good.

Seno was clearly running the entire time as he's panting. While he squats to catch his breath, Seno says that the video is fine too. Hiro responds, "Then, they weren't filmed...!", but Seno doesn't say anything in response.

Yuuki and Iori join them and see Seno panting and perspiring. They ask him if he's okay, but Seno simply calls out to Yuuki and asks her to lend Iori to him for a while. He's inviting Iori to join him at the onsen.

Yuuki and Hiro

A moment later, Hiro and Yuuki are walking back from the onsen, looking dejected. (Entering the onsen requires tickets and Seno only had two, so Yuuki and Hiro were left out).

Yuuki expresses her worry about Iori and Seno taking a bath together, as she knows that it won't simply be a relaxing bath. She laments not being more clear with her behavior about Seno's invitation to Iori earlier. Hiro answers that she was already clear enough, but Seno probably knew what he was doing.

Hiro recalls how Seno had dashed off earlier, and says to Yuuki, "Sorry, Yuuki-chan. I know you're already bothered about Seno, but can I ask something of you?"

Seno and Iori

The two guys are now in the bath together. Seno apologizes for making Iori come with him to the onsen. Iori asks why choose the bath, and Seno answers, "I wanted to sweat it out, at the same time calm myself down and have a talk with Iori-san, so this was the best location of choice." Iori lamely agrees.

Iori says that Seno mentioned before he was going to do whatever he liked, so this is more preferable than actually making a move on Yuuki. Seno responds by saying that half of what he meant was literal, and half of it was just to trigger Iori.

Iori: ......Hah?
Seno: I know that if I do something to her, you'll try to protect her that much more. When there's something bothering Honda, the more I try to interfere, the more she will believe in Iori-san's feelings and feel at ease.
Iori: ...What's with that? Do you really like Yuuki? 
Seno: ...No, I was just helping.
Iori: You're being too modest.

Seno's Thoughts

Seno's narration reads: --That's right. As long as I have that guilt, I can't be on equal terms with Honda. Yet, thanks to that, I was able to build something.

There's a flashback to Seno and Yuuki back in middle school.

Seno: Um... about the bentos, it must be really difficult. I feel bad. You have to wake up so early, and in truth, I...
Yuuki: Ah-, no...! I'm fine! For the first time, I knew what it felt like to do my best for someone. It's amazing... I'm burning with passion every day...
Seno: ......?
Yuuki: S-sorry, that was weird, right?!

-End of Flashback-

Seno says to Iori that his feelings for Yuuki is more special than just liking her.

Seno's narration reads: I've come to understand it too, Honda. Before I knew it, my body was moving. (He's referring to when he dashed off to check on the video recording.) I'm glad I did track and field; suddenly the past is paying off. I also understand what it means to be saved by these feelings, so it's okay if we can't be equals. However, I wish you could smile like that again someday. (He's thinking of middle school Yuuki's smile at him.)

Seno to Iori

Seno: Iori-san, what do you like about Honda? Can you say that you like her even if you can't touch her at all?

Seno's narration reads: Despite you being by her side; despite being wanted more than anyone else, don't make me think that I can take better care of her than you.

There's a sequence of panels which shows that Seno had caught up to the group of people who gave them directions to the onsen. He had asked to see the video that they recorded, then politely asked for them to erase it. (The video indeed was of Iori and Yuuki.)

Seno: ...If you can't answer, I hope that the two of you will wake up soon.

With that, Seno stands up from the bath and leaves. Iori remains behind, reflecting on himself.

Back to Yuuki

Yuuki is now alone. She's running up some stairs to a shrine.

We see the rest of her conversation with Hiro.

Hiro: Can I ask something of you? It's fine if it's just for today, but can you try considering Seno once more? I like Iori-san and I support him dating you, Yuuki-chan... But somehow, I can't help but feel moved by Seno's feelings. ...Will you please give him one last chance?

While she prays at the shrine, Yuuki's narration reads: The rain let up earlier than expected. The sky has already cleared up. I hope everyone's feelings will clear up too.

The narration goes: The answer is decided. For each of them, they will present it themselves some way or another.
