Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi 21 *SPOILERS*


Glamping Time...?

Picking up from where the previous chapter left off, all of our major characters are now in a glamping site. Seno previously told Iori that he wanted to do as he pleases and Iori challenged him to actually do it. Meanwhile, Ibuki has been forced to face Airi in person.

Yuuki ran off to pass Sanae and Kaji the keys to the glamping doors, but as she reaches them, it starts to rain heavily.

Kaji tells Yuuki and Sanae to stay indoors to hide from the rain while he goes back to the men's side. (The girls are rooming together while Iori, Ibuki and Kaji are rooming together. Hiro and Seno have a separate room from them.)

Iori and Seno are still standing, staring down each other in silence in the rain. However, Hiro breaks the silence by panicking and complaining about the tense atmosphere between Iori and Seno. Flustered, Hiro apologizes to Iori and tells him that he will control Seno, before getting Seno to leave by saying that they'll catch a cold.

Now alone, Iori sighs and realizes that he's still holding onto Yuuki's belongings. He shelters her bag under his jacket, when Ibuki suddenly appears beside him. Ibuki uses his arm to clutch Iori by the neck to drag Iori back to the room.

Ibuki's Feelings

Kaji is in the room when Ibuki and Iori return. Kaji talks about how the weather forecast was wrong when he realizes the weird atmosphere between Iori and Ibuki. Ibuki looks very angry. He asks Kaji with a threatening gaze, "Are you also an accomplice...?" Kaji gets frightened.

Ibuki: What farewell party? I told you not to do unnecessary things.
Kaji: Sorry... Do you need a towel?
Ibuki: ......I have one, it's fine. *takes off his shirt*
Kaji (to Iori): Oi oi oi, he's super mad...
Iori: Indeed, his character has changed. It feels like he went back to his old times?
Kaji: No no no, this is my first time seeing Ibuki-kun this angry! (What are we going to do about this?)

Having changed to dry clothes, Ibuki grabs his bag and says that he's leaving.

Iori: Huh?!
Kaji: Let's all have fun together.
Iori: Are you insane...? Won't Airi get hurt?
Ibuki: Just say that I suddenly had work.
Iori: What the hell...? Why do you go to such lengths to avoid Airi?
Kaji: ...He's right, Ibuki-kun. If you're leaving, at least give us a reasonable explanation.

Ibuki drops his bag to the ground resignedly and sits on a bench.

Ibuki (sighing): It's no good if I meet her... If Airi's around, I-- I can't control myself...
Iori and Kaji: 😕 (shocked and confused)

What About Airi?

Airi returns to the ladies' tent. Yuuki offers her a towel, but while thanking Yuuki, Airi says that she's not that wet. Yuuki and Sanae notice that Airi is holding a wet jacket and ask if it's Ibuki's.

Airi explains that when it started to rain, Ibuki took off his jacket to cover Airi. Yuuki and Sanae squeal as though it was a romantic gesture, but Airi dismisses it, saying that anyone would have done the same. Airi says that it was extremely awkward - even when they made eye contact, Ibuki would immediately look away. She feels like they can't talk.

Yuuki and Sanae look worried.

Back to Ibuki

Looking bothered, Ibuki explains that he can't even look Airi in the eye. Iori is trying his best to hold back his laughter while Kaji tries to shush Iori.

Ibuki: The more I try to endure and distance myself, the worse it gets. I already had a bad feeling that something like this would happen just by hearing her voice on the phone... That's why I wanted to go back without meeting her...
Iori: Pwaha- What the heck... Are you saying that to look cool? (Are you a middle school student or something?)
Ibuki (flinching): ! (Middle school...) 
Kaji: No... I think it's fine! I get it, Ibuki-kun. (It's adorable that you're pure!)
Ibuki (flinching again): ...... (Pure...)

Ibuki: I really should leave... (It's not funny at all.)
Kaji: We understand! We understand, so calm down!!

Seno and Hiro

Hiro is in the tent when Seno returns with a couple of umbrellas in his hand. Seno explains that he borrowed umbrellas from the administrative building. Hiro thanks him and says that he will tell Iori (via text).

Hiro: Anyway, why did you say that to Iori-san? (he's referring to Seno saying "I wonder if you'll let me do as I please." in the previous chapter) Are there any chances of you being successful?
Seno: ......Nope.
Hiro: 😥
Seno: Nonetheless, I have faith.
Hiro: What's that, something to eat? 😓
Seno: More importantly, I went to greet the owner, and I got some vouchers.
Hiro: Eh! Really?

Iori and Yuuki

Now, Iori is on the phone with Yuuki while he and Kaji enter the administrative building.

Iori: I'll bring your bag over, so don't go out. (The rain is very heavy now.) I'm going to borrow some umbrellas with Kaji.
Yuuki: Okay, thank you very much.
Iori: Also, you really don't need to worry about my bro and Airi.
Yuuki: Eh? But it seemed like Airi-san didn't get to talk to him properly...
Iori: It's fine, it's fine, just wait.
Yuuki: O-okay...

Hanging up, Yuuki wonders to herself if Iori has some kind of plan. She glances at Airi, who is talking to Sanae. Sanae is looking at something on her phone with Airi.

Sanae: Eh, hold on, barbequed meat, that's awesome...!
Airi: It's true...! Geez, if it's like this, I'll choose meat over Ibuki... I'll definitely get second helpings.
Sanae: I also want to have second helpings... but it's fattening...... 😭
Airi: Meat doesn't make you fat, right? Let's eat without worries today! ✨

Yuuki is glad to see her two friends getting along nicely (even though Airi and Sanae are meeting for the first time).

Iori's Thoughts

Iori and Kaji are in the administrative building queueing up to borrow umbrellas. (They are getting the attention of the girls around them.)

Iori thinks to himself that he didn't expect Ibuki to break down this much. He recalls more of the conversation they had earlier in the tent.

Ibuki: It'll be really bad if Airi gets involved. You'd understand that I feel weird because I caused a lot of trouble, right?

Iori thinks to himself that Ibuki is right (because Ibuki had tried to get Iori and Airi to hook up.)

Ibuki: --That's why, I'll go back...
Iori: No! Stay for now.
Kaji: You can just stay in the tent! (We'll just say you're not feeling well.)

(Ibuki is now isolating himself in the glamping tent, feigning illness.)

Iori smiles to himself, thinking that Ibuki must like Airi a lot.

The girls around Iori are blushing at how Iori suddenly smiled, when Iori comes to his senses and realizes that Kaji is missing.

Kaji in Trouble

Kaji is being cornered by two gangster-like men.

Gangster: Hold up, mister. What were you trying to say by interrupting me?
Kaji: ...Didn't I say that you were troubling them? No matter how you look at it, they were scared and didn't want it, right?
Gangster (wrings Kaji's collar): Huh?!

An umbrella handle suddenly connects with the gangster's collar from behind, tugging him backwards.

Gangster: Uwahh--
Iori: What are you fighting about?
Kaji: Iori...
Gangster: What do you think you're doing, damn it...

Iori swings the umbrella at the gangsters to get them to go away.

Iori: Say, there's no way Kaji would start a fight.
Kaji: That's right, I was helping! They were pestering them! (Kaji is referring to two ladies who are hiding in a corner.)

The two ladies come out of hiding after the gangsters leave and thank Kaji for helping them. He tells them not to worry about it, then turns to leave with Iori.

Iori: What was that? Say something before you disappear.
Kaji: I did! I told you, "I'm going over to help them".
Iori: I totally didn't hear it.
Kaji: Oi.

Kaji and Sanae...?

The two ladies call out to Iori and Kaji and shyly ask if Iori and Kaji would like to join them for drinks so that they can thank them.

Kaji answers that they came with their girlfriends, so they would have to politely refuse.

Iori and Kaji are now on the way back to the glamping tents.

Iori: Say, are you and Sanae dating already?
Kaji: ...We're not, but since you and Yuuki-chan are dating, that wasn't a lie, was it?
Iori: What? I see.
Kaji: Anyway, Iori, you refer to Sanae-chan as 'Sanae'. Are you two that close?
Iori: Hm? No, not at all. 
Kaji: Then, don't call her that. It's been a bad habit of yours, you know? Calling girls with their names like that. Yuuki-chan might not like it, you know?
Iori: I was unaware. Something like that might be possible. (I'll be careful.)
Kaji: Ah, ah- no... I might be being a bit too preachy. Sorry, forget it. It's just, right now, I'm--... jealous.
Iori: Oh...? Jealous?
Kaji: I mean, if I didn't like her, I wouldn't meet her, right?
Iori: Yuuki would be happy if she hears this. (He's thinking that Yuuki will rejoice knowing that Sanae and Kaji's feelings are mutual.)
Kaji: But you see, I can't proceed while taking this lightly. If we're dating, we have to think about marriage...!
Iori: ...Marriage?
Kaji: Well, just in case. Sanae-chan may not look like it, but she's pretty serious about wanting to get married. I tend to act cool in front of her, but I'm not calm about it at all. My career is also just starting to take off. I can't just say I want us to be together to keep her around.

Iori feels somewhat attacked by Kaji's words.

Iori: Eh, was that preaching too? (Iori is recalling how in Chapter 11, he thought to himself that he just wants to be together with Yuuki, and wonders if based on Kaji, this is being irresponsible.)
Kaji: ...Huh? That's what I want to ask you. Are you aware of what you're doing to Yuuki-chan?
Iori: ...... (Kaji hit the bullseye)
Kaji: Anyway! There's still time to find out. (No need to be anxious, right?)
Iori: Uh, yeah...

Setting up Airi and Ibuki

Iori and Kaji arrive at the ladies' tent. Yuuki thanks Iori for bringing her bag and the umbrellas.

Iori: The people said that the rain will stop at night.
Yuuki: Really? That's great-
Kaji (to Sanae): I bought poker cards from the store, shall we all play until it's time to barbeque?
Sanae: Yes, let's play!
Airi: --Oh...? Where's Ibuki...?
Kaji: Ah-... He's not feeling well, so he's staying in the tent.
Yuuki: Eh? Is he alright?
Kaji: Yup... He's fine! He's just feeling a little cold because he got wet from the rain. He'll be fine after sleeping!

Airi recalls how Ibuki gave her his jacket earlier. She grabs an umbrella.

Airi: I'll go to see him.
Yuuki: Airi...
Airi: You guys have fun, I'll be fine by myself.

Airi leaves. Then, Iori and Kaji tell Yuuki and Sanae about Ibuki.

Yuuki: Eh... Feigning illness?!
Kaji: Yeah. Sorry for making you worry.
Sanae: Ah, I understand! It's because he wanted to be alone with Airi-san, right?
Iori: Ah- It's a bit different from that, but well, putting it that way is fine too, I guess.
Kaji: ...Yeah.
Yuuki (surprised): Eh? 😳
Sanae: Kyaa- Isn't that great, Yuuki! You were very worried, weren't you? (I hope it goes well~)

Yuuki feels relieved and thinks to herself that it now depends on how Airi feels. Then, Yuuki remembers something.

Couple Time

Yuuki: Oh, right! Iori-kun! Actually, I have something important to talk to you about...!
Iori: ...Hm?
Yuuki (to Kaji and Sanae): Sorry, we'll step out for a while.
Kaji: Eh?
Yuuki: We'll be back for the barbeque!
Sanae: Ah... okay.

With that, Yuuki ushers Iori out, leaving Sanae alone with Kaji.

Iori and Yuuki are now outside, but it's still raining.

Yuuki: ......I completely forgot about the rain...
Iori: I guess so. So? What's the important thing you wanted to talk about?
Yuuki: ...I hope Sanae can make some progress too... Sorry, I forced things without a proper plan... (I'll try to find some place to go...)
Iori: ...Fufu, it's totally fine. I wanted us to be alone together anyway.

Iori pulls Yuuki into a kiss.

Yuuki (after breaking the kiss): ...Um.
Iori: ...Hm? 
Yuuki: The umbrella isn't blocking anything... (It's transparent.)
Iori: Ah.
Yuuki: What are we going to do if we get seen!
Iori: You're right. Then, let's go.
Yuuki: ! Where to?
Iori: Somewhere no one will see us.

Iori texts Kaji: Even if you're uncertain, I think that it's it's fine as long as you're happy. Good luck to you.

In the tent with Sanae, Kaji sees Iori's text and goes, "Hah? (That's a tall order!)"

Yuuki narrates: I felt the rain ease a little and the sky becoming brighter. I hope everyone will be able to laugh and have a good time by the time this rain completely clears up.

Meanwhile, Ibuki is still in the tent, looking out at the rainy scenery outside. He looks at his hand, which he recalls he used to hold Airi's shoulder, long ago when he introduced Airi to Iori. He suddenly hears commotion outside the tent.

He sees Airi being approached by gangsters. They are grabbing her arm and she looks upset.

Ibuki instantly dashes out, going, "Airi...!"
