Onee-chan no Midori-kun 21

Picking up from last chapter, Sui is devastated from the news about Pii-chan, and asks Momo, "What do we do, onee-chan? Pii-chan... Midori-kun must be...". 

Momo looks concerned.

Momo: ...Sui? Eh? What's wrong? Are you all right? (Come here.)
Sui: ...It's because...

Sui says, "He really loved Pii-chan and cherished him. Not long ago, when I met Midori-kun, he mentioned Pii-chan. He's someone who still laughs even when he's having a hard time. He definitely wouldn't talk about how difficult it is."

Momo looks surprised at Sui's words, while Sui bites her lips in order to hold back her tears.

Sui narrates: I know it well, because he's always been like that.

Momo brings Sui into an embrace and gently pats her head.

Momo: Aww- Our Sui-chan is really such a kind-hearted person-
Sui (surprised): Wha- no! I'm not...! (Don't pat my head!) It's because if this were to happen to me, the thought of Mochi leaving... It's unthinkable! That's why I'm concerned.

Momo thinks for a moment.

Momo: ...Hm- Then, how about this? Shall we organize a gathering? 'To Help Midori Cheer Up.'
Sui: Huh?
Momo: Halloween's around the corner, so I thought that doing something festive would feel nice. Everyone can bring some snacks or things that Pii-chan likes and get together.

Sui: No, I mean, not just texting or calling, but actually meeting up...?

Momo smiles a little in response.

Momo: ...Yes. I am worried about him, after all. Furthermore, didn't you mention it before? That Midori wants to meet me, too.

Sui looks surprised.

Momo: Though I say that, whether or not Midori wants to meet up is another story, so it's dependent on whether he'll be ok with it.

Momo adds, "Anyway, if I simply called or texted him, he would probably be like as you said, Sui - saying that he's fine even if he wasn't. I'll contact him right away after I finish eating."

Momo goes to re-heat her curry, and Sui wonders to herself in shock, 'What's with this development...!'

It's now the day of their gathering. Sui's house is decorated with Halloween-themed items, and Sui helps Mochi to put on a costume. Momo is in the dining room.

Momo: That reminds me, did you invite Ayame?
Sui: Ah, yes. He has part-time work until 2pm, so he will come after that.
Momo: Oh, that's perfect timing. (I haven't seen Ayame in a long time.)

Sui thinks to herself that Ayame seemed very enthusiastic when she told him about the gathering.

Momo: If only Mom could spare some time from her appointments-
Sui: ...

Sui observes Momo, who's putting up decorations. She thinks to herself that Momo looks normal, but it's been 3 years... Sui wonders how Momo had contacted Midori.

Sui recalls the things that Momo and Midori had said: "Well, it's been a long time, so I do think I want to see him, but it's not something I could have said in the first place." "Well, it's been a long time, so I do think I want to see her. There are times when I think of seeing her."

Sui narrates: When I heard what both of them said, I found myself wishing that the two of them would meet again someday, even if things have changed. However, I also wonder... if it will be awkward and if everything will be okay. Somehow, my heart is pounding...!! 

Shi thinks to herself, 'I'm partly to blame for this situation, though...', when Momo suddenly calls out, "Ah! There's no juice...! (I forgot to buy...!)"

Sui: Ah, then I'll go to buy it. I was thinking of buying some ice cream, anyway.
Momo: Eh, thank you, Sui.
Sui: Is there anything else we need?
Momo: I want some ice cream, too.

At the convenience store, Sui has finished shopping. She thinks to herself that this is a good change in pace for her, because she was getting restless and fidgety. She reminds herself to calm down.

When she leaves the store, she meets Midori.

Midori: Oh? Sui-chan.
Sui: Midori-kun.
Midori: Yo-

Midori: I was thinking of buying juice or something to bring over, so I stopped by. However, it looks like you've already bought them?
Sui: Yup, spot on. I've got it covered with a 2-litre bottle and a 1-litre pack. (I also got lots of snacks) ✨
Midori: Oh my- Well, in that case, I'll carry the bag.
Sui: Eh- it's fine.
Midori: Nope, I'll do it. It's heavy for a girl to hold.
Sui (pouts a little): Then, even if you find it heavy later, I'm not going to care.
Midori: Leave it to me. 👍

Sui narrates: This makes things easier for me, so I guess it's fine.

Midori: Oh, anyway, sorry that we have to walk. I came by train because I thought that I might be drinking today.
Sui: Eh? You're gonna drink? Even though you're bad with alcohol?
Midori: Eh, why do you know?
Sui: It was mentioned during the barbeque back then. I heard from onee-chan. She said you'd start laughing in a silly manner.
Midori: ... (in a silly manner...) Well, let's put that aside for now. At least for today, I want to drink, even if it's just a little.

Sui looks at Midori, who looks somewhat uncomfortable.

Sui: Are you nervous?

Midori seems to freeze for a second, before answering: I mean, it's been 3 years. I never imagined that things would develop this way. (Stop making that face.)
Sui: Bleh- (Nope.)

Sui narrates: That's right. There's no way they're not feeling nervous.

She starts feeling nervous again and panics internally. However, she remembers something, and goes, "By the way...!", surprising Midori.

Sui: Are you all right?! About Pii-chan.
Midori (teasing): Are you worried about me?
Sui: Wha- No-
Midori: Well, I already heard from Momo-

Sui pouts angrily, thinking to herself, 'You didn't have to mention that, onee-chan...!!! (Just what did you say to him...?!)'

Sui: I-it's not like I was particularly concerned. If Mochi were to leave me, I would have it hard, too. Midori-kun, you're always so quick to say that you're fine and act cool. (Even when you're not fine.)
Midori: Ouch, that's blunt.
Sui: You shouldn't say that you're fine when you're not.

Midori looks wistful for a moment.

He says, "...Well, to say the truth, on the day Pii-chan passed away, I was so sad that I hugged Pii-chan while crying myself to sleep... But I'm okay. If I'm depressed and moping all the time, Pii-chan wouldn't be able to cross the rainbow bridge peacefully."

Sui: So you're really not okay. It's like you're forcing yourself just to convince me.
Midori: No, no, it's true. I'm really not forcing myself or anything.

Midori: From the day I decided to live together with Pii-chan, I was already aware that Pii-chan would leave me some day. I knew I needed to be more prepared and responsible. Pii-chan healed me, cheered me up, made me laugh - a hundred times more than whatever I gave to Pii-chan. Pii-chan gave me many happy times, so the last thing I can do for him is to send him off with a smile.

Sui looks inspired by Midori's words.

She narrates: I see. It's because the time spent with Pii-chan was precious. It's because he really treasures it.

Midori (teasing): Furthermore, if I made a "strange expression", Pii-chan would be worried about me, right?
Sui: 😐
Midori: 😇
Sui: What's with that way of saying it?
Midori: There you go again.
Sui: ......For me, I completely have not yet come to terms with the fact that Mochi will leave me some day. Right now, I don't want to think about it either.

Sui: Nonetheless, when that day arrives, I hope I can be like Midori-kun and send Mochi off with a smile.

Sui narrates: ...This might be the first time I'm seeing this person's values regarding something that isn't about onee-chan.

Sui thinks to herself, '...Somehow, this feels pretty incredible.'

Midori: Ah, I just remembered. I brought along an album of Pii-chan. I'll show it off later.
Sui: Eh, I wanna see. It must be super cute-

Ayame appears behind them and suddenly grabs Sui's wrist, calling to her, "Sui."

Sui: Ah, Ayame.
Midori: Ah.
Ayame: ......
Sui: You've finished your part-time job-
Ayame (interrupting Sui and facing Midori): Hi. Long time no see, Midori-kun.

Midori answers, "Ah, yes. Long time no see..."
