Onee-chan no Midori-kun 20

We're exploring Ayame's POV this chapter once more!
At Ayame's university, his friend Kaede calls out to him.

Kaede: Ayame- Let's go-
Ayame: Okay.
Kaede: How about we work on the report tonight?
Ayame: That's fine, but would you be ok with it? Staying over.
Kaede: It's totally ok. If anything, your Love Draft soundtrack will let me work more efficiently.
(Love Draft is a new bishoujo game from the creators of Real ❤ Love)
Ayame: Then, let's play Hina's route today.
Kaede: Yippee- Hina~ It's decided, then!

Kaede: Before that, shall we go? To our land of love ★
Ayame: Yup. To the convenience store.

Our two otaku buddies head to the convenience store and purchase their goods. Then, they return to Ayame's house.

Ayame: ...Alright now, this is the last one.
Kaede: Idol idol idol idol idol idol idol idol-
Ayame and Kaede (pulling out their cards): Hup!
Ayame: Rika!
Kaede: As expected, it's Juna! My favourite...!

The two boys rejoice at their good luck.

Kaede: Now that we're satisfied, let's start on the report.
Ayame: I'll put Rika on display in front of the game.

Kaede watches as Ayame places the picture of Rika on a small easel. Ayame proceeds to use his phone to take multiple pictures of Rika.

Ayame goes, "Gonna send pictures to Sui...", when he remembers her expression as she watched Midori leave (previous chapter). He hesitates sending the picture of Rika and spaces out for a moment. Kaede notices it.

Kaede: ...Say, Ayame, what happened?
Ayame: What?
Kaede: I don't know anything, but haven't you been spacing out more than usual? (Recently.)

Kaede: Well? Your soulmate is right before you. Consultation now is free of charge ★

Ayame looks at Kaede, hesitates a little, then begins.

Ayame: ...Until now, I never particularly mentioned it, but I like Sui.
Kaede: Ah- Indeed? Somehow, I was thinking that that was the case.
Ayame: Eh, is that so?
Kaede: Of course. Ayame-kun, you said that. (Kaede is referring to when Ayame had told him in Chapter 17, "Be it now or all this time, I'm the one who's the closest to Sui.")

Kaede: ...But well, even though I can understand you saying "I'm content with how it is now", I can't understand why you'd take that position.

Kaede: If you're the closest to her, wouldn't you all the more want to date her? If I were right next to Juna, I'd definitely want to date her. (More like, we'll date.)
Ayame: Yes, that's true. ...However, there's someone she can't forget.
Kaede: Really?
Ayame: Really. Well, it's someone who's definitely impossible to date, though. Based on that person, as well as Sui's character.
Kaede: Huh. What do you mea... *gasp*

In his mind, Kaede guesses that Sui is in love with a married man.

Kaede: Eh- for real? Sanae's like that?
Ayame: I won't say anymore to protect her privacy.

Kaede thinks to himself, 'Really? Sanae?'

(Because of this, Kaede has developed a warped impression of Sui, lol.)

Ayame: Furthermore, I've been rejected twice already. By Sui. I guess this is what caused me to choose to take this position(?).

We see a flashback of Ayame and Sui hanging out in Sui's room. They are back in their high school times. Sui is at her desk doing homework while Ayame is playing his game.

Ayame: Say, Sui. Isn't it about time you date me? (Before Sui can say anything, Ayame's game console goes, "Ayame, you dummy ❤")
Sui: Huh?
Ayame (putting down his game console): It's already been a year since you said goodbye to Midori-kun.

Ayame goes up to Sui and leans against Sui's chair, towards her.

Ayame: I think it's time you looked elsewhere. You have a prime candidate right in front of you, after all.
Sui: You're saying that of yourself?
Ayame: I'm saying that of myself. I have confidence that I can make you happy.

Sui looks at Ayame with a troubled expression.

Sui begins, "......You know, I'm going to be serious with you, so I'd like for you to listen to what I have to say. I'm truly thankful to you, Ayame."

Sui continues, "Since noticing that I liked Midori-kun and when I said goodbye to Midori-kun, it's because Ayame was around that I was saved. Such thoughts occurred to me a lot. Even saying thank you 1 million times isn't enough."

Ayame blushes a little with happiness when he hears the "1 million times".

Sui adds, "However, I'm sorry. I cannot date you, after all."

Upon hearing that, Ayame freezes for a second, then suddenly swivels Sui's chair so that she's facing him. Then, he leans right into her face, asking, "Why?"

Ayame: Look, isn't it impossible now since Midori-kun is gone?
Sui: No-
Ayame: Then, can't you just let me fill up that void?
Sui: Wai-
Ayame: I want to respect Sui's feelings, but this conclusion is simply unacceptable. Also, it's not like Sui is going to hurt anyone-
Sui: Stop...!! You're mistaken! It's not about what I feel towards Midori-kun or the impossibility or hurting others. You're important to me, Ayame!

Ayame looks surprised.

Sui elaborates, "...It's probably horrible of me to say this while being unable to reciprocate your feelings, but Ayame, you're much more important to me than you think."

Sui: It's because you're important, and it's because it's you, Ayame, that there's no way I can afford to be slipshod with this.

Ayame calms down a little and steps away from Sui.

Ayame: ...Then, if it wasn't me but someone else, you're saying you'd try dating them a while?
Sui: Eh? ...No, I wouldn't just thoughtlessly say yes either...
Ayame: ...I understand.

Ayame retrieves his belongings and prepares to leave. 

Ayame: I might want to be alone for a while.
Sui: ...Okay. I'm sorry--...

End of flashback.

Ayame: ...And that's what happened. I'm happy that I'm so important to her, but as long as that person remains in that position, it might be impossible for me in this lifetime. I had mixed feelings and kept my distance from her for a while. Nonetheless, after one week, I couldn't bear it anymore.
Kaede: That fast?!
Ayame: Then, it happened to be her birthday, so I launched a surprise attack.

(Ayame randomly burst into Sui's room to wish her happy birthday.)

Ayame adds, "Then, the look on her face at that time was so surprising that it hit me hard. Oh, I'm truly special, I thought."

Continuing, Ayame says, "As long as Sui still has the slightest bit of feeling towards that person left, there's no way she will belong to anyone else."

Ayame concludes, "Therefore, I decided that I would just remain by Sui's side and always be the one who's closest to her."

Ayame (pointing at himself while looking at Kaede): So, that's me now.
Kaede: Sigh- Somehow, it's too complicated and difficult for me. (You're surprisingly calculating, Ayame.)
Ayame: Is that so? ...Well, but that was also based on the thought that Sui would definitely not be able to meet the person she liked. It seems like she ended up meeting him, though. Recently. Moreover, it looked like she still had lingering feelings for him.
Kaede: Ah- So that's the reason you were spacing out. However, it's not really something you need to worry about, right?

Ayame: Eh?
Kaede: Well, because Ayame, your current position is on the basis that Sanae still has feelings for that person, right? You've simply realized it again, that's all.
Ayame: Oh? You're right... Hmm, then what was I feeling so anxious for... Ah. It might be like, while soaking in lukewarm water, having a premonition that hot water was going to be poured on me.
Kaede: Hm?
Ayame: I felt that something would re-emerge inside Sui by meeting that person again. I was afraid of that.

Kaede: Then, Ayame, you have to do everything you can to prevent it from re-emerging.
Ayame: Eh?
Kaede: If Sanae herself hasn't yet realized her feelings for that person, then you should try not to let her realize it for the rest of her life. In the end, it's up to you, right?

Ayame looks motivated.

Ayame: Yes! You're right, it's true. Why didn't I realize this sooner?
Kaede: That's what happens when you're worried.
Ayame: Thank you, Kaede-kun, I'm starting to feel like everything's alright now. (I'll absolutely prevent it!)
Kaede: Make the most of your bishoujo game knowledge ★

Ayame proceeds to send the picture of Rika to Sui, and Kaede thinks to himself, 'If not, Sanae is going to go on the forbidden path again...' (His misunderstanding of Sui has not been cleared up, ahaha)

Meanwhile, Sui is at home, doing homework in the living room. Her phone vibrates with a message from Ayame. It's the picture of Rika.

She replies to Ayame to congratulate him and thinks to herself, '...He left so hastily previously, I wondered what happened. I'm glad we're back to normal.'

Just then, the front door opens. Momo calls out, "I'm back-"

Sui: Oh? Onee-chan.
Momo: Hihi-
Sui: What's up?
Momo: The place I'm reporting at tomorrow is nearer to home, so I decided to stay over here today. Mom's still at work?
Sui: Yup. There's curry, do you wanna eat?
Momo: Yes, I'll eat- ❤

Momo: Mmm! Sui's curry is delicious indeed-
Sui: I added miso as a secret ingredient today.
Momo: Excellent 👍✨

Sui: Ah, that reminds me, I met Midori-kun again recently.
Momo: Ehh- That's some amazing coincidence.
Sui: Right? I was scared too. Then, things just developed such that I ended up having a meal with him and talking a little. Midori-kun also said that he'd sometimes think of wanting to meet you, onee-chan.

Momo recalls what she said to Sui in Chapter 18: "Well, it's been a long time, so I do think I want to see him, but it's not something I could have said in the first place."

Momo then smiles and goes, "I see."

Sui smiles a little to herself while looking at Momo's expression.

Sui: Well, it seems that Pii-chan must have played a significant role in comforting him such that he could feel positive enough to think that way.
Momo: Uwah! Pii-chan! How nostalgic--! I wonder if he's still updating the hamster-gram.
Sui: Ah, that's true. I'll look it up.

Sui picks up her phone and opens the Instagram app. She thinks to herself, '...After saying goodbye, I'd been trying not to look at it.'

Sui finds Midori's hamster account. "Ah, there it is. The latest post just happens to be yesterday. Newest Pii-chan updates..."

Sui's eyes widen when she reads the caption of the latest post.

hamu-hamu-P update: On 22 October, my cherished family member Pii-chan crossed the rainbow bridge. It has been 4 years and 1 month since we met. The days spent with Pii-chan were times that provided me with much happiness and healing.

Momo goes, "Ah... I see, Pii-chan..."

Sui recalls her conversation with Midori while they were eating at Haru's restaurant.

Midori: Every day when I would wet my pillow, he would run on the wheel, as if saying, "I'm here!"
Sui: Huh, isn't that just because he wanted to run?
Midori: No way, Sui-chan, you're unsentimental ❤ ...Regardless, I'd think he felt something after all, because he's my adorable Pii-chan.

Sui is frozen as she reads the post.

Momo: ...But it's amazing, Pii-chan lived up to 4 years. Surely, Midori was also...

Sui weakly tugs on Momo's sleeve with a trembling arm.

Momo: Sui?
Sui: What do we do, onee-chan? Pii-chan... Midori-kun must be...

Momo looks concerned as she sees Sui's expression.

