Onee-chan no Midori-kun 16

Sui is stunned at Momo's news: "We broke up. Midori and I."

Trying to recover from the shock, Sui goes, "......Eh? Wha- what are you saying... Ah! It's a prank, right?"

Huffing and pouting, Sui continues, "What, onee-chan, you're making fun of me too. Aren't you becoming more and more like Midori-kun? There's no way I'll fall for that..."

Sui trails off when she see's Momo's unlaughing expression. 

Biting her lower lip, Sui then asks, "...Why? It's Midori-kun's birthday today... Onee-chan, you put so much thought into planning for this. Didn't you say that you were going to celebrate with him?"

Sui adds, "That Midori-kun, he likes onee-chan so much, so why..."

Momo is about to say something, but the sisters are interrupted by their mother returning home.

Miyuki: I'm home-- My meeting with the client ended earlier than expected- ...Hm? What's wrong? Why are the two of you staring?
Momo: Ah- It's noth-
Sui: ...C-curry! I made curry, so do you want some?! Mum!
Miyuki: Eh~ 💕 Yes, I'll eat.
Sui: Then I'll go and heat it up! I'll make you a fried egg too!
Miyuki: Thank you, Sui- ✨(what a good daughter you are...)
Momo: ......

Sui narrates: ...This is bad. My thoughts are a mess. I don't understand at all.

Back in her bedroom, Sui curls up on her bed, thinking, '...They broke up. Onee-chan and Midori-kun broke up.'

She wonders, 'Both of them seemed like they were troubled over various things, but weren't they doing well? I wanted for them to get along well and smile happily, so why?'

Sui is lightly startled by Momo knocking on her bedroom door.

Momo: Sui, the bath is ready, do you want to take a bath?
Sui: ...Onee-chan, you can go first. I'll go later.

Momo goes, "...Hey, Sui. Hasn't it been a long time since we bathed together? Let's take one, together."

Sui, who was still curled up on her bed, gets the message. Opening her bedroom door and peeking out, Sui answers, "...I got it."

A while later, Sui and Momo are soaking in the bathtub together.

Momo: Hah- So warm-
Sui: ...You sound like an old person, onee-chan.
Momo: Well, from Sui's point of view, I might be an aunty, but I'm still a spunky 22-year-old.
Sui: Spunky, eh.
Momo: Ahaha, it's archaic, right.

Sui doesn't respond and simply remains looking sullen.

Momo begins, "...You know, I was already at a dead end, but I kept pretending not to notice. The more I kept my real thoughts inside, trying to juggle both my career and Midori, the more draining it became, eventually reaching this point. It's because I'm like this that Midori even had to be the one to bring up this difficult topic of breaking up."

Momo adds, "I really should have been the one to bring it up first."

Sui is shocked. Her narration reads: ......Huh? The one who suggested breaking up...

Sui: It was Midori-kun who suggested it?
Momo: Yes.
Sui: ...What's with that? I don't understand it at all. Even though he liked onee-chan so much it was even somewhat irritating? This- this is so weird-
Momo: It's because he's kind.

Momo adds with a pained smile, "It's because he was always only thinking for me and for us."

Sui thinks, '...I'm aware that that person is excessively kind, but...'

Momo: Sui, too. I'm sorry. I've made you worry.
Sui: ...Ah, it's nothing. I'm sorry too. Even though you're having a hard time...

Momo answers, "...Well, I'd be lying if I said that it's not painful, but I'm alright."

Sui looks at Momo, then says, "I see-...".

Later, while looking at the amulet that Midori gifted to her in Chapter 1, Sui narrates: I understand, but I don't get it at all. Even if that was out of kindness, is Midori-kun able to smile and say that he's alright?

On another day, Sui and Ayame are on the train together after school.

Sui is spacing out while Ayame calls out to her, "...ui. Su... Sui.", poking her cheek repeatedly.

When Sui realizes it and turns towards Ayame, he goes, "Ah, you've finally noticed."

Sui (annoyed): Hey! What- stop it.
Ayame: Bleh- What happened? Recently, you look like you're always deep in thought.
Sui: ...Nothing. It's the same as always.
Ayame: Uh-huh. Throughout summer break and even after resuming school, there have been several times where you've been so lost in your thoughts that you don't notice me at all. Same as always, huh.
Sui: Ugh-
Ayame: If talking about it will make you feel better, you can talk.

Sui: ...I'm sorry for causing you to worry, but it isn't something I can talk about, so I won't say it. Sorry. ...However, for noticing and being concerned about me... thank you.
Ayame: Did your affection level for me rise? 😉
Sui: What?! Again with that-
Ayame: Well, in case something happens, I'll always be ready to lend you my chest anytime. 

Thumping a fist against his chest, Ayame declares to Sui, "Come at me with it!"

Sui looks at a determined Ayame and remarks, "Ayame, you're really Ayame, huh.", to which Ayame answers, "That's right."

Sui narrates: ...No matter what, Midori-kun won't ever leave my thoughts, but it's probably better if I don't think about it too much...

Later, Sui arrives outside Haru's (Midori's uncle) restaurant. Shocked at herself, Sui thinks, '...And that's what I thought, so why am I here at Midori-kun's part-time job location?! (The subconscious is scary...!)'

She thinks further, 'I should have just gone with Ayame to his otaku-related activities......Really, what am I doing? I'm so dumb.'

Telling herself to leave, Sui turns away and thinks, 'No matter how much I think about it, it's not like there's anything I can actually do-...'

Just then, Sui hears as Midori opens the door to the restaurant, saying, "Well then, I'll head out to buy the groceries-"

Sui turns back towards the restaurant and sees Midori. He has a downcast, dejected look on his face.

Seeing Midori's expression, Sui's narration reads: ......Nonetheless, even so-

It suddenly starts to rain.

Midori (hasn't noticed Sui yet): Geh- Rain-
Sui: Midori-kun...!
Midori (turning to see Sui): ...Eh, Sui-cha-
Sui (tears spilling over): ...Didn't I tell you before not to make your strange expressions?! You dummy-...

Sui narrates: I don't want to see this person looking sad.

Midori gives Sui a pained laugh while saying, "So you've heard about it."

Ignoring the fact that the rain is getting her drenched, Sui grips her skirt, saying, "...You did that, yet you make a weird expression when you're alone. Why did you suggest to break up?"

Sui adds, "I'm an outsider to this. Onee-chan said that this was because you are kind, Midori-kun, but are you really fine with this?! (You dummy!)"

Midori flinches a little at Sui's outburst calling him a dummy. As Sui wipes her tears, Midori takes an umbrella and covers them with it.

Midori replies, "...It wasn't kindness at all. ...You know, during the summer festival, you told me that you wished for me to smile. Sui-chan, the words you said to me never left my mind. After that, I realized something. I couldn't remember the last time I had a proper laugh together with Momo."

Sui: Eh...
Midori: Say, Sui-chan. I don't regret my decision, you know.

Trying to lighten the mood a little, Midori pouts and admits, "I mean, honestly, it's really draining. I'd be completely lying if I said that I've already moved on."

Sui: 😓
Midori: ...However, even if we tried to look for a way to be together, in the end, one of us would have to give up a part of ourselves. Both Momo and I had already been reduced to a state that we could no longer undo.

Midori adds, "That's why, this is a decision that was made so that Momo and I can smile from the bottom of our hearts."

The rain stops. (Hinata and Natsuno from Hinata no Blue are in the background.)

Folding up the umbrella, Midori says with a pained smile, "It might still be impossible for me right now, but I will certainly smile happily in the future."

Sui's eyes brim with tears again.

As her tears spill over, Sui narrates: I see. It's truly over-...

As she cries, Sui says, "...I'm sorry, Midori-kun. I've been like an idiot, fussing and complaining about something that the two of you decided upon. I keep asking you not to treat me as a child, but I'm still just a brat, after all."

Midori: Eh-? Are you just realizing this now? Sui-chan ❤
Sui: Well, please excuse me for only realizing it now...!

Wiping Sui's tears with his thumb, Midori says, "I'm just kidding. It's thanks to you, Sui-chan, that I've had fun and learnt a lot. ...Truly, thank you for everything, Sui-chan."

Sui's tears threaten to spill over again as she recalls all of her major interactions with Midori over the previous chapters.

Tears pouring down her face, Sui smiles up at Midori and answers, "...Yeah. Goodbye, Midori-kun."

Midori gently smiles back at her.

Sui narrates: Because he's onee-chan's boyfriend; because he was onee-chan's boyfriend, I suppose we'll never meet again.

Later, Sui is on the way home when she runs into Ayame.

Ayame: Oh? Sui, you're only home now...?
Sui: ...Ah. Ayame...

Ayame looks at Sui, then immediately pulls her into his chest.

Hugging Sui in his arms, Ayame says, "...Thank goodness I was prepared to lend you my chest."

Upon hearing Ayame's words, Sui tugs on his shirt and starts sobbing.

Sui narrates: Please smile happily, will you? Midori-kun.

Years pass. Sui and Ayame are now in college.

On campus, Ayame calls out to Sui, "Sui, thanks for waiting. (Wanna come to my place to work on the report?)" 
