Onee-chan no Midori-kun 17

Sui narrates: When I was a freshman in high school, I fell for someone whose name shares the same kanji as me. He's mean and exasperating, annoyingly kind, but he's someone I absolutely cannot fall for. 

He's my older sister's boyfriend; He was onee-chan's boyfriend.

At a cafe, Ayame and Sui are eating together. Ayame remarks, "I feel like I still haven't gotten over the holiday mood."

Sui: I get it. Summer break during college is pretty long, eh.
Ayame: It's called summer vacation, but it's already autumn. Sigh... Summer break was so good, though... 

Ayame (thanking the gods): We're in different universities, so it's like summer break was to make up for the time we couldn't see each other every day like we did in high school. Spending so much time with Sui... (It was such bliss for me...)
Sui: Even though it was mainly just roping me into your otaku activities. You're pretty much having meals at my place once every 3 days; it's not that different, right? (Since we live next to each other.)

(Sui and Ayame are still staying at their own homes.)

Ayame: Nope. Twice a week isn't enough. I want to see Sui's face every single day.
Sui: 😓
Ayame: I wonder if I should make a bishoujo-style poster. (Of Sui.)
Sui: Hey, hey, that's too much.

Someone approaches them and greets them.

It's Ayame's college friend, Niki Kaede.

Kaede: Yo-
Ayame: Ah, Kaede-kun.
Kaede: Both of you are getting along well today too, eh-
Ayame: Of course.
Kaede: Even though I finally found my soulmate in Ayame while in college. I'm jealous-
Sui: Gross- Can you not involve yourself with the customers and do your work, Mr. Employee?
Kaede: Too bad, I'm on a break today- It was last minute.
Ayame: Is that so?
Kaede: They messed up the schedule so there's more than the required number of people. With that, I'm free now, so can I go and hang out at Ayame's place? 
Ayame: Sure. Are you staying over? (Tomorrow's a rest day after all.)
Kaede: Of course. ✌Let's play Magic ❤ Love's new release until morning~
Ayame: Superb 👍Sui, will you come too?
Sui: I won't.
Ayame: Eh- Why not-
Sui: No way, I can't keep up with the two of you when you discuss your bishoujo games, and I also have my part-time job tomorrow... Ah.

Sui looks at the time, it's almost 5pm.

Sui: Well, I'll head off. (I'll put the money for my food here.)
Kaede: What, you have something to do?
Sui: Timed sale. Eggs are expensive now so I'm going to buy them. Seeya.

Ayame and Kaede watch as Sui leaves.

Kaede: Eh- Is she a housewife?
Ayame: Sui's older sister moved out to start living on her own last year, so it's just her and their mom now. She has to take on her share of the household chores. (Aunty works till late, too.)
Kaede: Ah- I see. Nonetheless, no matter how you say that you guys are childhood friends, you two seem way too close. You're in different universities, yet you meet so often and go on dates for your otaku activities. I'm surprised that the two of you aren't dating. If this is a classic bishoujo game, wouldn't Sanae be the typical heroine?

(Profile of Bishoujo Game Heroine - Sanae Sui: Childhood friend of your main character. Tsundere personality. Good at housework and is reliable. Possesses supreme destructive power when being shy. Works part-time at an old bookstore.)

Ayame: Moreover, during middle and high school, she has the best features - tsundere-style twin pigtails! (Her canine teeth are great too.) 👍
Kaede: It's the best 👍
Ayame: Well, but I'm also content with how it is now.

Pointing at himself, Ayame says to Kaede, "Whether we're dating or not doesn't matter, because be it now or all this time, I'm the one who's the closest to Sui."

Kaede: Eh, what, are you bragging about your relationship?
Ayame: It's great, isn't it? A real tsundere childhood friend.

Sui's narration reads: It's been over three years since that summer I last talked to Midori-kun. Before I realized it, I'd already become a college student.

Sui walks along the streets. Feeling the cold breeze, she thinks to herself that it's really autumn now. She gets distracted by a guy who vaguely resembles Midori.

Sui slaps herself to wake herself up. She narrates: Ever since then, I didn't meet that person even once.

The next day, Sui is sitting on a bench along the streets, arms folded and deep in thought. She thinks, '...This is bad. What do I do? I never expected that I'd suddenly lose my part-time job...!!'

(The old bookstore she was working at was managed by an elderly couple. They apologetically told Sui that they decided to close the shop, because their health couldn't keep up anymore.)

Sui thinks to herself, '...It's hard for me, but I also want for them (the elderly couple) to live their lives while prioritizing their health. I guess I have no choice...'

Sui tells herself, 'I gotta find my next part-time job! I still have to pay for my phone bills and whatnot. Oh no! Anyway, for now, let's look for job openings... '

She spots a poster for a job vacancy. It's for working at the cash register and attending to customers. Hourly pay is 1200 yen (about US$8), working hours between 5pm to 9pm for three days a week.

Sui is surprised and takes a picture of the poster, thinking to herself that this is a great offer. Wondering what kind of shop it is, Sui steps back and looks at the signboard. It says ONiSE (reference to Onise Taiga from Honey).

Sui recognizes that ONiSE is a bakery that Midori likes and had bought cake from.

Realizing that she's thinking about Midori again, Sui slaps herself once more, thinking, 'Stop! I'm thinking of him again. Dummy!'

Sui deliberates, 'What's with this situation?! After receiving a shock and walking around aimlessly, I end up with this kind of coincidence?! Scary!'

(Earlier, Sui was lifelessly wandering around after losing her part-time job at the bookstore and ended up sitting on the bench in front of the bakery.)

Sighing, Sui narrates: Over the past 3 years, there have been many times where that person would randomly pop into my head.

Sui recalls her interaction with Ayame after saying farewell to Midori in the previous chapter.

Ayame: ...Sui, I have an inkling about it, but I won't ask you now, since you don't want to talk about it. However, don't cry on your own, okay? Promise me.
Sui: Dummy-...

Sui narrates: I no longer cry alone or feel so sad that I feel like crying, but no matter how much time passes, they won't go away. How can the feelings of liking him from that time still remain even now?

Sui thinks, 'Geez, I'm really gross... like some kind of needy stalker (?). '

Turning away, Sui tells herself that she can't work here even though the pay is good. However, she's stopped by someone who asks, "Are you looking for a part-time job?"

Sui turns back to the source of the voice, going, "Eh? Ah, no..."

However, when Sui sees who is talking to her, she gets a shock. An intimidating-looking guy with a poker face. (It's actually Taiga from Honey) Sui thinks, 'A yakuza?!'

Frozen in place and trembling, Sui can only go, "Uh, no, I mean..."

Taiga's aura overwhelms Sui when he asks, "Hm?" and Sui is so scared of offending him that she blurts out, "...Yes, I am looking for a part-time job."

Sui screams in her head, 'I-I'm gonna get killed...!!'

However, after three days, Sui begins her first day at work in the bakery.

Nao (from Honey): I am Onise Nao. I look forward to working with you from today on, Sanae-san 😊
Sui: ...I'll be in your care.
Taiga: Anyway, thank you so much, Sanae-san.

Sui screams in her head again, 'I was hired in an instant...!!'

Taiga: You're a lifesaver. We were really troubled because we couldn't find a part-timer.
Sui: Ah, I was also in a tight spot... so I'm thankful.
Taiga: So kind...! 😭
Nao: Right...? She's so kind, Tai-chan! (Tai-chan is how Nao calls Taiga)
Sui: Uh, I don't think this is being kind...

Sui thinks to herself while observing Taiga and Nao, 'This couple sure gets along well...'

Sui narrates: ...Onise-san's presence was so overwhelming that without thinking, I just said Yes. Nonetheless, after hearing the things he said, I couldn't bring myself to say No...

(During her interview, Taiga shared, "The previous employee suddenly disappeared with our cakes... And others who were looking for part-time jobs ran away after seeing my face; they didn't even interview with us..." and Sui thought, 'So pitiful...!')

Sui thinks to herself, 'His face is scary, but he's a completely good person. (I'm sorry for judging based on appearances...)'

Nao: Now, Tai-cha...Taiga-kun is essentially in charge of the kitchen, while I will guide you on your tasks.
Sui: Ah- Yes! I look forward to working with you.

Sui narrates: Truthfully, I thought about things like 'what if I think about him more' and 'what am I going to do if I meet him', but I figured that if it happens, it happens. I'd just interact with him normally. Rather than worry about something that hasn't happened, I should work hard since I was hired.

Sui gets herself pumped up.

On another day, Ayame hangs out in Sui's room, playing his games.

Ayame: How's everything so far? With your new part-time job. (His gaming console goes, "Ayame-kun ❤")
Sui: It's really fun. The cakes are so cute, they're healing. Occasionally, if there are leftovers, they give it to me. The boss and his wife are super nice people, too. (They're adorable.)

(Taiga: Sui-chan, try this new cake I created-
Nao: It's Tai-chan's masterpiece- Mont Blanc tart ❤)

Ayame: Oooh-
Sui: Also, the problem I expected did not occur at all.
Ayame: ? What problem?
Sui: Next time, I'll buy some cake for you, Ayame.

Ayame: Eh- I look forward to it.
Sui: They're all yummy. (You'll be surprised.)

On another day at ONiSE bakery, Sui professionally hands a bag of cake to Chika, Azuki (from Te wo Tsunagou yo) and their son. 

After they leave, Sui gets a little time to herself. She thinks, '...I've worked for a month, yet nothing happened. I really worried over nothing- (Thank goodness.) In the first place, when I think about it, I don't even know whether that person is still living around here.'

Nao pops in to check on Sui.

Nao: Sui-chan, we have some cream puffs left over today; how many would you like to bring back?
Sui: Ah, then is it all right if I take two?
Nao: Two, it is. Then, I'll place them in the refrigerator for you.
Sui: Thank you very much!

Sui happily thinks to herself that she will give the cream puffs to her sister and Ayame. Just then, someone enters the bakery.

Sui automatically welcomes the customer, but her voice trails off when she sees the profile of the customer, who looks like Midori.

Frozen in place, Sui stares and thinks, '...Eh? Midori-ku-"

The customer asks, "Are you still open?"

Sui is still frozen in shock.

Customer: ? Um--...
Sui: *startled* I'm sorry...! We're still open... It's fine...!
Customer: Ah, that's great- Let's see...

While the customer picks out the cakes, Sui thinks to herself, '...No way. What was I just thinking? For an instant, I thought it was him. However, when I realized that it wasn't him, I felt disappointed...?'

The customer goes, "Excuse me, I'll have the cream puffs and grape tarts. Two each, please." and Sui professionally answers, "Understood."

Sui is vexed while taking Mochi on a walk on another day.

She thinks, '......No! Impossible! There's no way that happened! Really now! To begin with, why am I disappointed that I was mistaken? Am I an idiot?!'

Sui then narrates: After all, even if that person hasn't disappeared yet, I'm still making progress little by little, and someday everything will become a memory. Isn't that how it is? 

Just then, Sui snaps out of her thoughts when she hears Mochi whimper.

Sui goes, "Eh? Mochi..." when she notices blood on Mochi's paw.

"Eh?! What-what happened?! Why is there blood on..."

Sui sees glass shards on the ground and realizes what happened. While Mochi whines in pain, Sui hugs him and says, "I'm sorry, Mochi...!"

Sui apologetically says, "It's all because I was too caught up in my own thoughts." and thinks about herself, 'Just what am I doing? I'm really the worst...'

Starting to panic, Sui goes, "Ah, but right now, we need to stop the bleeding... Th-the vet...!"

Someone approaches Sui, asking if she's all right. "What happened to the doggie..."

The voice stops Sui. She turns towards the person.

It's Midori. Recognizing Sui, he goes, "......Eh, Sui-chan?"
