Numa Sugite Mohaya Koi 16 *SPOILERS*


Big Bro?!

Kametani and Kirino's moment is interrupted by Kametani's older brother.

A cigarette in his hand, he tells them that he was planning to take a nap before he went to his job, but was woken up by them.

He stares at Kirino, and asks who she is. Kametani puts his arm around Kirino to bring her towards him and states clearly, "My girlfriend."

Flustered, Kirino introduces herself to Kametani's brother, "U-uh, I'm sorry for disturbing you!! I'm currently going out with Kametani-kun!! My name is Kirino!!"

Kametani's brother mysteriously goes, "Hmm... Girlfriend, huh. ...No wonder. I see." He then turns away and leaves the room. Kametani goes, "Ah-", but none of them get a word out.

Getting Home

Kametani apologizes to Kirino for his brother, saying that he must have surprised Kirino. They then decide to send Kirino home.

On the way home, Kirino thinks to herself that even though it was indeed a shock to suddenly meet Kametani's brother, the way Kametani candidly introduced her to his brother as his girlfriend made her realize once again that she's become Kametani's girlfriend.

Next Morning

Kirino wakes up in her bed and recalls the events from yesterday. She wonders if everything was real, not just a dream.

Dressed and out of her house, she sees Kametani, who's outside her place, waiting to walk with her to school. He greets her good morning and they start walking together.

After walking a little, Kametani goes, "...Um." and Kirino answers, "Yes, I'm here!"

Kametani says that he wants to hold hands and asks if she would be willing to. Blushing, Kirino replies, "W-why wouldn't I be..." and gives Kametani her hand. Kametani smiles warmly at her while holding her hand.

Kirino narrates: Whether or not my feelings are being transmitted to him through our linked hands doesn't matter anymore. He knows that I like him. He also won't leave my side and will be with me.


Kirino and Kametani enter their classroom still holding hands. They see Sakurai, who also sees them.

Kirino greets him good morning. Sakurai answers, "...Seems like you've resolved whatever was bothering you?" and Kirino replies that it was thanks to him.

Tera sniggers while going up to the couple, going, "Ara ara, what's with this situation? Blatantly entering class while holding hands."

Kametani informs Tera while gently patting Kirino's head that they're started dating.

Tera simply grins at them, but the rest of the class who heard Kametani are surprised.

Kirino blushes when she realizes that Kametani announced it. Kametani asks her if he shouldn't have said it, but she says that it's fine.

Then, other female classmates surround Kirino and marvel at the news. "Kirino-san, you're amazing!" "How did you manage to tame that scary Kametani-kun?!" "Wasn't he supposed to be bad with girls?!" "Who was the one who confessed first?"

Kirino starts to get flustered. She tries to answer, but Kametani covers her mouth. He tells their classmates that those things are their secret.

Kirino thinks to herself that Kametani as a boyfriend is simply superb.

Lunch Break

At lunchtime, Kirino and Kametani are sitting together on the roof. Kametani made her a bento. She is astonished and says that it's even more lavish than before. Flustered, she says that she feels bad, as it must have taken a lot of effort to prepare this.

Kametani blushes and says that every time he's reminded of the fact that he's now dating Kirino, he can't sleep and can't calm down until he does something for her. The sight of Kametani like that makes Kirino blush too.

Taking a bite of the bento's side dishes, she cries and says that it's delicious. Kametani is happy to hear that. Kirino tells him not to push himself, but he answers by leaning his head on her shoulder and saying that it's fine, because her happy expression is adorable.

Lap Pillow

Kirino looks at Kametani and notices that his eyes are closed. She asks if he's feeling sleepy. Drowsily muttering a yes, Kametani ends up falling over and his head ends up on Kirino's lap.

Kirino gets a little flustered and asks if his neck is uncomfortable. Kametani says that he's fine. He's always wanted to do this.

Kirino screams in her head that he's adorable and she wants to rustle his hair. While she wonders if it's okay to do it, Kametani gently lifts a finger to touch her lips. He then smiles up at her.

This makes Kirino scream even more in her head! She tells herself that she wants to protect his smile.

Class Time

Back in class, they're now having lessons. Kirino is spacing out while the teacher is talking. She looks at her thighs and thinks about how Kametani was using them as his lap pillow earlier. She grins to herself and rustles his imaginary head.

She thinks to herself that class time feels so long. They're classmates, but they're seated apart and it makes her feel lonely.

Kirino glances at where Kametani is seated, which is a few seats diagonally in front of her and stares at his side profile. She thinks, 'This is bad. I don't want to be apart from Kametani even for a second.'

After School

It's finally the end of school. Kametani goes up to her, saying, "Kirino, let's go back." and she readily agrees.

They silently sit next to each other on the train. The train announcement informs that they are approaching the next station and Kirino recognizes that it's Kametani's stop.

Thinking about how Kametani is going to alight, she thinks about how she doesn't want to be separated from him. However, she thinks that saying that sort of thing will trouble Kametani.

Blushing hard, she squeezes her eyes shut and tries to touch his hand.

As if reading her mind, Kametani holds her hand and says, "...I also don't want to go back yet. Shall we sit for another stop?"

Surprised, Kirino answers, "Yes...!". She narrates: Kametani-kun feels the same way as I do. In the end, 'another stop' ended up being the final stop...


The two of them end up at the beach. While watching the sea together and enjoying the sea breeze, Kirino suddenly hears a camera shutter.

She realizes that Kametani is taking pictures of her. When she asks about it, Kametani says that it's because she's very pretty.

Kirino responds by immediately whipping out her own phone to take pictures of Kametani, but he covers himself. She says that he's sly.

Smirking, Kametani asks if she wants to take pictures of him. When she says yes, he runs away and goes, "Sure, if you manage to!"

Couple Time

Kirino runs after Kametani with her phone camera on, calling out, "W-wait for me!"

On her phone, we see that she's taking a video and Kametani is in the frame. He turns to look at her, makes a peace sign, then a funny face.

Kirino then informs him that she's taking a video and Kametani suddenly gets shy. He goes, "Uwuh, that's embarrassing... Taking a video is so sly!"

Kirino happily answers that it's because with a video, she'll be able to hear his voice even when he's not around.

When Kametani hears that, he goes silent while blushing. Then, through Kirino's video feed, we see him taking a sip of his drink, then approaching Kirino and taking her phone from her hand.

He points the camera towards them while leaning his face close to Kirino's. Then, he kisses her.

Best Boyfriend

After they kiss, they look at each other while their faces are still close to each other. Kametani licks her lip. This surprises Kirino.

Her mouth open, Kametani takes the opportunity to give her a deeper kiss.

While they kiss, Kirino thinks to herself, 'Is-isn't this super erotic?!?!'

In complete disbelief, Kirino wonders to herself if Kametani is really someone who was bad with girls. She wonders if he went to romance school and graduated as valedictorian.

As they catch their breath, Kametani tells her, "...I've said it before. If you say something that adorable, I won't be able to hold myself back."

Kirino can only go @#%!^& and burst out a nosebleed at his words, shocking Kametani. She narrates: So this is 'mutual love'... The boyfriend version of Kametani is the ultimate best.

We see a gravestone of Kirino as her soul leaves her body 😂, and Kametani piggybacking her.

