Numa Sugite Mohaya Koi 15 *SPOILERS*


Continuing From the Previous Chapter

Kametani is hugging Kirino from the back, telling her, "Don't run away from my feelings."

Kirino is blushing furiously, but she runs away from Kametani's grasp, going, "Uwahhhhhh----". Kametani is left standing, stunned.

While running, Kirino narrates that Kametani even asked her not to run away, yet she still did. Kametani was being too serious for her. She knows that what she's doing isn't right, but she just couldn't remain in that moment anymore.


Kirino is so busy running that she doesn't see where she's going, and bumps into someone. It's Sakurai, who's holding an umbrella (because it's raining).

Both of them are surprised to see each other. Sakurai asks Kirino what's wrong, as she's alone and doesn't have an umbrella with her.

Kirino answers that she ran away from something that she shouldn't have run away from. Sakurai's eyes widen at Kirino's words. He covers Kirino with the umbrella and brings her aside to a sheltered area to talk.

What Do You Mean?

Sakurai asks Kirino what she means by having run away. Kirino explains that she doesn't have the courage to honestly face love. When she thinks about how she might not be accepted even if she confessed her feelings, she gets so afraid.

Sakurai seems to understand. He asks her, "Then, isn't it the same for the other person? Even so, he is still facing his feelings, isn't he?"

Kirino recalls the various times Kametani clearly expressed his feelings to Kirino. Covering her mouth in realization, Kirino narrates that she's been neglecting Kametani's feelings. 

Suddenly filled with a surge of emotions, Kirino thanks Sakurai and tells him that she's going to set off. She then runs off, Sakurai watching her wordlessly.

Kirino thinks to herself that she's a huge fool for only noticing it after being talked to.

Kirino's Resolve

While running, Kirino swears to herself that she will get rid of the ignorant and selfish thoughts in her heart.

Arriving back at the riverbank where she and Kametani were (Kametani is still there), Kirino calls out to Kametani loudly.

Kametani is surprised to see Kirino again, but before he can react, Kirino jumps off the higher ground towards Kametani. He catches her and they both fall lightly to the ground.

Please Hit Me

Clutching Kametani's chest, Kirino looks at Kametani straight in the eye and asks him to hit her. Kametani goes, "Hah?!"

Kirino explains, "...For continually saying that you're my idol, running away from your feelings, I'm sorry... They were all lies. Truthfully, for a long time now, I've had real feelings for you. Kametani-kun, I like you."

Kirino continues saying that she's sorry and she's been a fool for not facing her own and Kametani's feelings honestly.

New Couple

Before Kirino can finish her sentence, Kametani pulls her into a kiss.

After the kiss, they both stare at each other, and Kirino begins, "Ka-Kametani-ku...", but Kametani pulls her into a hug. He says that he will never let her go anymore, and asks for Kirino to date him.

Kirino blushes furiously and then returns the hug, saying that she will never leave his side ever. She narrates: The person I like, likes me too. What is this? Does this kind of miracle actually exist?

Let's Go To My Place

Calming down, Kametani then laughs and remarks that they're all wet from sitting on the damp grass. Kirino agrees and says that people who see them would surely think that they're being weird.

Getting up, Kametani suggests for them to leave. He points out that Kirino is in a sorry state - her sweater and skirt are wet. He suggests going to his place to dry her clothes. Kirino is shocked, going, "Eh?!" at the suggestion.

She tries to go, "B-but...", but Kametani takes her hand and pulls her along. Kirino narrates panickily that they've just started dating, but they're already going to his house.

At Kametani's House

Kirino is nervous being in Kametani's house. However, Kametani assures her that his parents aren't at home, so she doesn't need to be tense. Kirino realizes to herself that they're alone at home.

Kametani points out the bathroom to Kirino and tells her to take a shower. While taking her shower, Kirino thinks to herself that the situation now is different from before - she's alone at home together with her boyfriend!

After a while, Kirino emerges from the bathroom in Kametani's T-shirt and shorts. Kametani blushes at the sight of her.

He says that he will be going to shower now, so he asks for Kirino to wait in his bedroom.

In Kametani's Bedroom

Kirino sits in front of a low table in Kametani's room, tense and hunched up. She narrates that she's read about such scenes in romance novels 50,000 times already - at the rate they're going, she wonders if Kametani is going to hug her later.

Fidgeting nervously, Kirino wonders what she should do, as she's not mentally prepared yet. She also doesn't know what kind of expression to put on to face Kametani later.

Kirino's heart is thumping loudly when Kametani returns to his bedroom. He sits on his bed and tells her to come over to him.

What Is Kametani Planning to Do?!

Kirino is frozen while she panics and wonders what Kametani means by asking her to go over. However, contrary to her fantasies, Kametani just wants to blow dry her hair.

Sitting obediently on the ground as Kametani blows her hair, Kirino realizes to herself that the person she likes is also the person who likes her, and he is touching her. She utters, "It's like I'm dreaming..."

Kametani stops the hairdryer and asks Kirino if she said something. Kirino blushes and says that she's realizing that their feelings are mutual.

Kametani's Reaction

Kametani blushes when he hears Kirino's words. He caresses Kirino's hair and tells her not to say something so adorable, because he won't be able to hold himself back.

Gently hugging Kirino from the back, he leans into her and smirks, "...Kirino, you're blushing. How cute."

Kirino blushes some more and says, "That's because Kametani-kun...", but Kametani takes her shoulders and pushes her against the side of the bed. He asks her if she can turn even redder from blushing.


While Kirino just stares in surprise, frozen, Kametani gently takes one of her hands and kisses her fingers. He then leans in and kisses her arm, then her neck.

Kirino shuts her eyes nervously, thinking that a kiss on the lips is next. Kametani looks at her, and kisses her cheek. When Kirino opens her eyes, she sees Kametani leaning over her, smirking and saying, "That'll be it for today."

Kirino goes, "~~~Ack!!". Kametani pats her head while she blushes, wondering what kind of progress they will make from here onwards.


Kametani is still leaning over Kirino and smiling at her when the door to his bedroom opens. 

A man with long hair and a cigarette says, "You've been so noisy ever since just now."

Kametani looks over at the man and goes, "...B-big bro."

Kirino is shocked, jaw open, at the realization.

