Numa Sugite Mohaya Koi 17 *SPOILERS*


Back at Home

Kirino is in her bedroom at night, recalling the events earlier in the day (previous chapter). She is still in shock from the very sensual kiss that she shared with Kametani.

Thinking to herself that that must have been considered a deep kiss, Kirino wonders why/how Kametani is able to do it. She nosebleeds, narrating that she can't stop her fantasizing. However, when she catches herself, she tells herself that this side of her would surely be disliked by Kametani, so she absolutely needs to hide it.


The next day at school, Kametani shows up and gifts Kirino a bouquet of flowers, in front of their classmates.

Kirino is surprised and says that it is pretty, but asks why. Kametani answers that it's because he was reminded of Kirino when he saw the flowers. Kirino says that it's not her birthday, and Kametani replies that he just wanted to give it to her.

He takes a flower from the bouquet and places it in Kirino's hair. Smiling at her, he goes, "Yeah. Adorable."

Kirino blushes when she looks into Kametani's eyes, then quickly looks away from him when she realizes her thoughts. Because of what happened yesterday, every action and gesture from Kametani seems erotic and she doesn't want Kametani to see her like that.

While Kametani wonders at Kirino's reaction, she remarks that Kametani's boyfriend power is too strong (because he would give her flowers even on an ordinary day). Meanwhile, their other classmates comment that they are envious.

Kirino Vision

They are now at PE class and Kametani is playing basketball. Kirino tells herself to calm her lewd, fantasizing heart.

Her eyes are fixated on Kametani as she watches him wipe his sweat, lift his shirt to wipe his sweat (and revealing some of his abs) and throw the basketball. Everything about him seems erotic to Kirino.

Noticing Kirino's gaze, Kametani happily gives her a smile and a wave, calling out to her. He then goes over to her side and asks if she's been looking at him. She goes, "Y-yes! You made the shot, didn't you?"

Kametani asks Kirino to praise him. Kirino thinks to herself, 'C-cute!', before following through, by patting Kametani's head and saying, "G...good job."

Kametani smiles cutely. Kirino thinks to herself, 'What's with that delicious-looking smile?! I'll eat you!'

About Kametani

The female classmates who see Kirino and Kametani's interaction ask among themselves if Kametani is really still the same person.

Kametani gets called away by the other guys, leaving Kirino alone. The girls surround Kirino and start asking her questions. "What's happening?" "Kametani-kun has changed too much!" "Even though he used to say that he couldn't get close to females..." "Isn't Kametani-kun scary?!"

Kirino is surprised by the questions, but replies, "Eh... um... He's kind. Very kind...", and the girls squeal among themselves.

A couple of guys join their conversation, saying, "Isn't it a little too convenient? Making that kind of declaration, yet getting along with females when no one's watching."

The girls agree, recalling how Kametani kicked the desk of one of the girls back in Chapter 1. Kirino tries to explain, but Kametani approaches them from behind Kirino.

Kirino wonders if he overheard the conversation and is angry. However, to everyone's surprise, Kametani bows towards the female classmates and apologizes to them for scaring them. He says that he no longer has the problem of not being able to get close to females. Also, as Kirino's boyfriend, he will do everything he can to avoid bringing embarrassment to her.

Their classmates accept his apology, going, "I-it's fine, you don't have to apologize like that..." "We're sorry too, for troubling your girlfriend~"

Kametani turns to Kirino to apologize to her too. She says that it's fine, and when she thinks to herself how Kametani had said "as Kirino's boyfriend", she giggles to herself.

Kametani suddenly lifts her chin towards him and goes, "Hey, now. You can't show that kind of expression to anyone apart from me."

Kirino blushes while everyone else stares. The rest remark, "Say, isn't it nice?" "I get it!" "It's like a gap moe, right?"

Kirino narrates that it's a relief, as Kametani's misunderstanding with the rest of the class seems to have finally been cleared up.

Supplementary Class

In class, their teacher announces that those who have supplementary classes need to stay back in school today. When Kirino hears that, she remembers with shock that she has supplementary classes.

She texts Kametani to tell him that he can go home earlier today and she gestures apologetically to him. However, Kametani simply looks at Kirino and remains silent after reading her message, seemingly thinking something.

After School

Kirino walks along the classroom corridors looking out the window, thinking that it's become dark. She thinks to herself that she wanted to go home together with Kametani, but would feel bad making him wait. Also, she thinks that she might do unthinkable things to Kametani if they were together right now.

Someone tugs on her arm. It's Kametani! He says, "Kirino, come here." and pulls her away.

Couple Time

They go to a secluded stairwell. There, Kametani happily pulls Kirino into a hug, saying, "I caught you. Today, we couldn't be alone together even for a moment... so I was lonely."

Kametani nuzzles his head against Kirino's, looking like he's in bliss. Kirino is screaming in her head, 'So adorable--... I want to attack!'

However, she pushes Kametani away embarrassedly and says that she's dangerous, so he should let go of her. Contrary to her request, Kametani pouts and keeps his arms around her, saying that he's not going to let go.

He asks Kirino if she would be fine with him leaving her side. Kirino realizes that Kametani is sulking, and she finds it adorable too.

They look into each other's eyes, and Kametani also brings Kirino's face closer to his. She thinks that they are about to kiss, so she closes her eyes and puckers her lips, wondering if they are going to have a deep kiss again.

I'm Sorry

However, instead of kissing Kirino, Kametani apologizes to her. He asks her if she disliked what happened yesterday.

When Kirino looks confused, Kametani sheepishly says, "...Kirino just looked so cute, I couldn't help it..."

Kirino goes, "Ah... um-", and in her head, she thinks, 'No! Rather than that, I was super thrilled!! Nonetheless, it's embarrassing so I can't say that!'

Seeing Kirino's reaction, Kametani concludes that Kirino might not have liked the deep kiss and says, "...Yeah. I see. I won't kiss you anymore. From now, I'll wait until Kirino says, 'I want to do it'."

Kirino is bewildered. She thinks, 'Saying "I want to do it"... Me?! Is it ok for me to say that kind of thing?! Won't he think that I'm crazy?!'

However, as she doesn't say anything and simply stares at Kametani in surprise, Kametani proceeds to gently link pinky fingers with her and sealing it as a promise.

Kirino narrates: Leaving it to me like this... It's going to make me even more randy...!

