Museru Kurai no Ai wo Ageru 11 *SPOILERS*


I've Made Up My Mind

Glancing at Gaku's apartment key in her hand, Hibari narrates with a slight blush that she's decided to go to Gaku's place.

Hibari is now alone at Gaku's apartment. She thinks to herself that it's the first time she's waiting at a guy's place. She had texted Gaku earlier to inform him that she went to his place because she had something to discuss with him.

In the meantime, Hibari thinks to herself that when waiting, time seems to pass so slowly. She tries to look for the remote control to the air conditioner, finds random toys in Gaku's apartment and sees that he also keeps a beta fish. (She looks up beta fish. The description she finds of beta fish, she thinks describes Gaku 😂 - fights with other fish so keep only one at a time, beautiful, friendly towards humans)

She wonders what Gaku normally does in this apartment and what he thinks of. She thinks that she still doesn't know much about Gaku and it would be nice if she could learn more.

Gaku's Back Home!

Hibari hears clattering from the front door, which startles her a little. Gaku's home! He immediately hugs her and sniffs her head. Then, he tilts her head up towards him and goes, "Yes! It's Hibari!"

He didn't even remove his shoes! Hibari notices and points them out, but Gaku simply tosses them aside, saying that he forgot. Hugging Hibari again, he marvels at the fact that she is at his house. Hibari says that he's exaggerating, but she's happy.

Down to Business

Hibari then remembers her purpose for coming to Gaku's place. She begins to explain to him that the pictures they took at the beach turned out well, so she was wondering what to do with them. She asks if the band will be having a live performance during the art festival, and if so, would they want to make a poster. She wanted to consult him on this, hence her visiting him today.

Gaku answers decisively that they will have a live performance at the art festival. He thanks Hibari for the poster (though she replies that she hasn't made it yet.) Hibari shows Gaku the poster design that she's considering to use on her laptop and Gaku is agreeable to it.

Hibari wonders out loud who was the designer and Gaku says that it feels like someone who wears glasses. 😎

Getting Distracted

While Hibari continues looking at her laptop, Gaku glances at her. He then turns her face towards him and gives her a kiss on the lips.

Hibari is surprised and starts stuttering what, while Gaku simply answers, "The opening was right there." and kisses her again.

While they kiss, the doorbell rings, and they pause. Hibari points out that there's someone, but Gaku says it's fine and they ignore it. They kiss some more. (The person outside Gaku's place calls him Gaku-san and seems to be carrying a guitar.)

Gaku gets playful and licks Hibari's ear. She gets embarrassed, going, "You're fooling around!!"


Gaku laughs and finally goes to the front door. The visitor has already left, but there is a box. Upon opening it, they find a portable stove. Gaku explains that he asked for it from Momo, so that he can have hotpot. Hibari is surprised that he's having hotpot in summer, but says that she was planning to have dinner together.

Gaku then asks if she'll stay over. Hibari's eyes widen at his suggestion. She weakly answers that she didn't bring anything to stay over with, but Gaku says that they can just buy them.

After a short moment of hesitation, Hibari agrees. (She texts her mom to inform that she's at a friend's place to work on a project.) She wonders if something will happen, but then tells herself she's thinking too much.


The couple goes shopping for hotpot ingredients and things for Hibari to stay over with. Hibari feels a little embarrassed as it feels like they're a live-in couple shopping together.

Gaku spots high-grade black pork and swiftly tosses it into their shopping cart. Hibari freaks out and asks if he looked at the price tag, but Gaku simply whistles and rides the cart away. Later, the receipt comes up to 5515 yen (almost US$40) and Gaku looks shocked. (Hibari goes "I told you.")


Later, while setting up the hotpot, Hibari looks at a video for the steps so that they don't mess up, but Gaku goes, "Let's just throw everything in!" and Hibari freaks out. 😂

While waiting for the hotpot to be ready, Hibari asks Gaku if he gets tired of being with his band members. Gaku answers that he does, very often - especially Kyouhei. Kyouhei always makes him mad, while Momo is the type to remain silent even if he's unhappy. However, the band members understand him well, and he also talks to them about everything.

Hibari thinks to herself that that's nice.

Then, while looking at the fishballs in the hotpot, Hibari remarks that they look like Jouichirou. Gaku chimes in by saying that Jouichirou is drowning, which makes Hibari laugh. They enjoy the hotpot dinner together.

While eating, Gaku happily says that it's fun, and it's his first time having hotpot with someone other than his band members.

Gaku's Family

Hibari is surprised to hear that and asks if he hasn't had hotpot with his family before.

Gaku pauses for a moment, then answers that his father is hardly at home. Hibari asks, "Then, what about your siblings? You seem like you have an older brother!"

Hibari thinks to herself that she doesn't know about Gaku's family situation. However, Gaku seems to not want to elaborate. He eats from his bowl and exclaims that it's delicious (changing the topic). Hibari catches on and remains quiet, eating her food.

Convenience Store

Hibari is suddenly hit by a bout of spiciness in her mouth! She asks Gaku what he put in the hotpot, and he reveals that he secretly added peppers.

Hibari calls him an idiot and tries to glug water to wash away the spiciness, but it doesn't work. She huffs that she'll go to the convenience store to buy something cold. Gaku offers to accompany her, but she tells him to stay, because there's an open flame present (the hotpot stove).

On the way to the convenience store, Hibari thinks about how Gaku was hesitant to share about his family, yet he said that he can talk to his band members about anything. She feels a little lonely noticing this sense of distance, even though it's just a bit. However, she tells herself that all the more she shouldn't keep her distance nor be afraid.

Hibari notices that Gaku has also come to the convenience store. She hands him something she bought - mochi ice cream - and says that they can eat it together.

Gaku is surprised and touched, and hugs her. He apologizes for the spicy food and for making her mad. They then enjoy the mochi ice cream together.

Night Time

Hibari and Gaku then enjoy each other's company for the rest of the evening. (Gaku asks her if she wants to shower together, but she refuses.)

Later, Hibari is seated on Gaku's bed while he blow dries her hair. (She's wearing one of Gaku's sweatpants.)

It's now 2AM and they're watching a video together, but Gaku notices that Hibari is nodding off. He goes up behind her and says in a gentle teasing manner that if she's sleepy, they should sleep together. Hibari blushes without answering him.

Gaku gets up and says that he was kidding. However, Hibari grabs his hand and shyly says that she's okay with it.


Gaku proceeds to capture Hibari's lips with his and they start making out. Gaku slips his hand underneath Hibari's shirt and she looks visibly nervous.

Gaku notices her expression, then stops and says, "Ah- We can't. We don't have that."

Hibari: T-that?
Gaku: Condoms.
Hibari: Ah-

Hibari pulls her shirt back down, blushing with her eyes wide, while Gaku embarrassedly hugs his pillow to hide his face. Hibari thinks to herself, 'C-crap, I thought we were gonna do it.'

Gaku hugs Hibari from behind (he spoons her). He then says, "This is good enough for today."

Hibari wonders if Gaku was just being considerate of her. Gaku then takes out the remote control to the air conditioner and lowers the temperature, because he wants to stay in the same position (hugging Hibari).

New Information

After a moment's pause, Gaku says, "Earlier, I kinda dismissed the topic, but I'm a twin."

Hibari is very surprised to hear that. Gaku asks her if she's thinking of wanting to meet him - most people do get curious and ask. Hibari replies that she will meet his twin if he wants to let her meet him. Gaku seems very happy and touched by Hibari's answer. He makes a big smile to himself.

Hibari narrates that she does want to know more, but Gaku has his own boundaries, so as long as Gaku's around, it's enough for her. 


In the morning, Hibari greets Gaku good morning. He's already started playing music by his bedside. She gets up to start packing her things to take home, but Gaku says that it's fine for her to leave them behind, since she'll be coming again.

Hibari blushes a little, and decides to leave her things (contact lens case, solution and toothbrush) behind.

She then says that Gaku doesn't need to accompany her home, but Gaku insists, saying that he doesn't know where she stays.

When they reach her house, they see Rihito outside the front door. He spots them. Gaku goes, "Oh, it's Mr Beautiful."
