Te wo Tsunagou Yo 27

At the end of the previous chapter, Azuki had said to Chika at the aquarium: Let's go on a date tomorrow.
At night, in their hotel rooms, Azuki updates her two female friends (Sumire and Risa) about her plan to go on a date with Chika.

Azuki (bowing in apology): ...So, is it okay if Chika-chan and I go around on our own for tomorrow's free and easy time? I'm sorry for this, even though I initially planned on visiting Ameyoko with all of you.
Risa: Ah, it's totally fine... and I'm sorry, I don't mean anything by asking this, but were you bothered by the things we said?
Sumire: I'm sorry, Azuki.
Azuki: No, the two of you don't need to apologize. Rather than that, it made me notice that I really haven't changed and was just simply living my days without a care, so I'm really thankful.
Sumire & Risa: That's a relief-
Azuki: Therefore!

Azuki whips out travel guidebooks and seats herself at the side table.

Azuki: I'm going to spend the time now planning for tomorrow, so the two of you can just leave me be and have fun chatting!
Sumire: Ohh! Azuki's fired up!
Risa: ......Azuki, I have a question to ask.
Azuki: Hm?

Risa: The way you are now... you were affected by what we said and you're doing so much just so that you both will look more like lovers - aren't you pushing yourself? (Is it really okay?) Even though I was the one who started it.
Azuki: ......Not at all. I'm not pushing myself.

Azuki recalls what Chika said: It makes me happy.
She narrates: At that time, my heart had squeezed uncontrollably. I still don't understand what it means to be lovers, but...

Azuki continues explaining, "It's just that, I feel like I have to do something. I thought that I wanted to do something for Chika-chan. It'd be nice if the things I did made Chika-chan happy, have fun, make his heart race and smile. For that, I thought of making a plan. It makes my heart tingle and I feel excited."

Azuki smiles and adds, "I'm having fun. That's why, there's no need to worry!" She flashes them a thumbs up.

Sumire and Risa: ...... Ah- okay. Still, I'm sorry.
Azuki: Hm?
Risa: I'm having tunnel-vision. (Azuki, your expression is too adorable...)
Sumire: Azuki, have lots of fun with your school trip date!
Azuki: Okay!

Risa: Well, that guy Michieda must be freaking out right now.
Azuki: Huh?
Sumire: He's the only one who's still single-

(Sumire has a boyfriend who's in college while Risa has been dating their other classmate since middle school.)

Meanwhile, as Risa predicted, in the boys' room, Michieda is crying into his pillow, going, "Why...!! Tachibana's so popular, yet he didn't have a girlfriend, so I believed that we were gonna be single buddies... Argh- I should become a delinquent!!"

Chika: Eh-
Sawatari: That's just going to make you even more unpopular, Michieda.
Michieda: I can't turn delinquent, after all!

Michieda continues crying, "What's with this manga-like story, childhood friends turning into lovers?! I also want a childhood friend-"

Sawatari (to Chika): Well, let's leave Michieda alone. Have fun tomorrow.
Chika: ...Yeah.

Azuki narrates: Where should we go for my first date with Chika-chan?

The next day, we see Chika all dressed up in a men's kimono and he's texting Azuki. He thinks to himself, 'I didn't expect to have to wear a kimono and meet up at the venue itself...'

His text exchange with Azuki reads,
Azuki: Instructions - put on a kimono at this kimono rental store, then meet at Kaminarimon. Refer to the map below for the map to the rental store ↓↓↓
Chika: We won't go there together?
Azuki: I think that meeting up like this makes it feel more like a date 👍

Chika thinks to himself, '...Date, huh. She said, 'date'. She didn't have to put in so much effort--... (She's strangely pushing herself...)'

Azuki calls out to Chika, "Chika-chan. Sorry, I was planning to come earlier and wait, but I took too much time getting ready. Thanks for waiting."

Chika turns to look at Azuki and their eyes meet. Both are astonished at each other's appearances.

Azuki: Ohhh...! Chika-chan, it looks so good on you! You look a billion times more ikemen than usual!
Chika: That's a big increase.
Azuki: When it was your Shichi-Go-San, you looked so adorable, but today, you're really dashing.

Chika blushes from the compliment.

Chika: ...Don't compare it with Shichi-Go-San.
Azuki: Ah, are you blushing?
Chika: Shut up.
Azuki: So cute~
Chika: Ugh...

After a moment's pause, Chika then says to Azuki while gently putting her hair behind her ear, "The one who's adorable is you. The kimono and hairdo look really good on you."

Now, it's Azuki's turn to blush.

However, she exclaims, "Ah, no, that's not right!"

Chika: Huh?
Azuki: Today should be a day where I let Chika-chan have fun and enjoy yourself! That's why, Chika-chan, don't do anything and just follow me! Is that okay?

Chika holds his hand out to Azuki and answers, "...Then, here. Please escort me, Azuki-san."

Azuki takes Chika's hand and goes, "Okay!"

Azuki: With that, here's today's plan. We'll walk around Asakusa in our kimonos to start off the date!
Chika: Okay~
Azuki: First off, let's take a picture at Kaminarimon!

They ask a passerby to help take a picture of them together in front of Kaminarimon. They then walk around, try steamed buns, visit a shrine and buy fortune slips.

After a while, Azuki and Chika are done walking around Asakusa.

Azuki: Let me see... we're here right now...
Chika: Where are we headed to next?
Azuki: Imado Shrine, for good luck in marriage!

Chika is surprised upon hearing "good luck in marriage". While Azuki navigates, he notices the guidebook Azuki is holding, and the numerous post-it stickers it has.

After a short while, Azuki goes, "Mhm, I got it, okay! This way, Chika-chan." She takes his hand and leads him in the direction they're headed.

Chika recalls Azuki's words from earlier: "Today should be a day where I let Chika-chan have fun and enjoy yourself!" and smiles to himself while following Azuki.

While headed towards the shrine, Azuki tells Chika that it's good luck to take a picture of the manekineko at the shrine and use the picture as their phone wallpapers.

Later, the two of them are resting on a bench. Azuki is holding a melon bun.

Chika: Haah- We've pretty much enjoyed all of Asakusa, huh-
Azuki: Mhm. It's so wonderful that we were able to buy the jumbo-sized melon bun.
Chika: I didn't expect that there would be so many people lining up to buy the melon bun. (They had to queue for 20 minutes)
Azuki: It's a very popular store that sells more than 3000 buns each day after all! ...Now, with this famous dish that's crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside... Let's share it and savour the taste before it turns cold.
Chika: Ah- hold on, your hand will get dirty, so let's just eat it like this.
Azuki: Oh, but...

Chika leans towards Azuki and puts his hand over hers to move the melon bun towards him. He then takes a bite of the melon bun.

Chika: Mm, yummy! Azuki, you have a bite too...
Azuki: *blushing* 😳
Chika: Eh, why are you blushing?
Azuki: ...No, um, I don't get it, but I'm somehow... shy.

Now, it's Chika's turn to blush.

Azuki: Or rather, I think such surprise attacks are no good, Chika-chan!
Chika: Ah- Yeah, I'm sorry.

Still blushing, Chika shyly thinks to himself, 'Getting shy over something like this...'

Chika glances at Azuki.

Chika: ...Azuki, thank you for today.
Azuki: ...Eh?
Chika: ...Honestly, I thought that it would be totally fine even if Azuki didn't try so hard when it comes to dating. However, watching how you kept giving it your all today for my sake really made me happy.

Chika gives Azuki a happy smile and says, "It's the best school trip date!"

Azuki sees Chika's smile and narrates: I was hoping that Chika-chan would enjoy it and find it fun, but... for Chika-chan to be so happy and smile...

Azuki gets pumped up and tells Chika, "Alright! Chika-chan, after we eat this, the final event for today is the main highlight - rickshaw riding! (an exciting 30-minute course!) It's over there..."

It suddenly starts to rain heavily!

Azuki: Roof! A place with a roof...! (Our kimonos--!!)
Chika: Here, Azuki!

Azuki narrates: Why? Why rain, now...?!

The two of them reach a sheltered area and catch their breath.

Chika: ...Ah- We're drenched-... (The kimonos...)
Azuki: ...Uwuh. I'm sorry...
Chika: Hm?
Azuki: I forgot to check the weather forecast... (The melon bun got ruined too...)
Chika: No, it was supposed to be sunny today. This might be a passing rain cloud.
Azuki: Ah, then this rain prank must have been caused by my fortune slip earlier, which indicated "Bad Luck".
Chika: The weather god wouldn't be affected by your fortune, would it? Well- the rain will probably stop soon. (Let's just wait for a while.)

Azuki feels disappointed, thinking to herself, '...Just when I went out of my way to let Chika-chan have a good time... (Everyone's dispersed-)'

However, she quickly snaps out of it, telling herself, 'No, this isn't the time to feel down!' She tells Chika, "Just hold on, Chika-chan, I'll make a wet weather plan right now!"

When she whips out her phone to search things up, her phone chimes with incoming messages.

Azuki: Ah, it's from Hiiragi-kun.
Chika: What's up?
Azuki: Let's see...

Mizuki: I wasn't sure what to do because I thought it would be a bad idea to interrupt your school trip trip, but I thought I'd let you know.
Azuki (seeing the picture of Daizu and Ryuusei): Eh, cute...
Mizuki: You said you'd call at night, but you didn't, so Daizu is really mad.

Upon reading Mizuki's text messages, Azuki freezes up and Chika looks shocked.

Azuki: I forgot...!
Chika: Huh?!
Azuki (panicking): No way, hold on, what do I do? Daizu is mad! If he says that he doesn't see me as his older sister anymore, I'd rather die...
Chika: No, wait- You're saying that you forgot your promise with Daizu. What happened to you?
Azuki: What, you ask... It's because my head was full of Chika-chan!
Chika: Eh?
Azuki: Eh?

Chika: ...You're saying that you were thinking about today so much that you forgot...?
Azuki: Um, yes. I was wondering about things like how to let Chika-chan have fun. Somehow, when I was considering various things I also found it fun. My head became filled with Chika-chan... Ah, this isn't it, what do I do about Daizu...

Blushing furiously, Chika covers his mouth from surprise.

Azuki goes, "Eh?" and Chika suddenly squats down.

Azuki: Chika-cha-
Chika: Ah--... Goodness, what's with that...... For someone like you who worships Daizu to say such a thing, it has incredible destructive power.

Chika holds a hand out and gently takes Azuki's finger into his grasp. He says, "Just how much happiness are you trying to make me feel?"

Azuki looks at Chika's exposed nape, which is flushed, showing that he's blushing and feeling shy. She narrates: ...Ah- This is bad. What do I do? So cute, adorable, endearing.

Azuki squats down as well and says into his ear, "I like you, Chika-chan." Surprised, Chika raises his head to look at Azuki.

Azuki narrates: The love I've always had in my heart is mixed with romantic love. That is the shape of my feelings for Chika-chan. That's what I thought, but that's not all there is to it. There's completely no end to it.

Azuki grins at Chika and goes, "Hehe!"

Chika blushes some more and hides his face in his hand. He then pulls Azuki into a hug.

Azuki: Oof-
Chika: ...You had better be thankful for my rational side.

Azuki's eyes widen in confusion.

Azuki: What?
Chika: I knew you'd say that. Haah... you clueless heartthrob.
Azuki: Clueless?!

Azuki narrates: I wouldn't have understood it if we remained as childhood friends. Love doesn't stay the same, it's something that grows, doesn't it, Chika-chan?

That night, Azuki calls Daizu on her phone, with Chika next to her (but off-screen from her video call).

Azuki: I'm sorry, Daizu! I'll do anything, so don't abandon me...!
Daizu: Then, when you come back, hug me lots!
Azuki: Are you an angel?!
