Te wo Tsunagou Yo 26


It's a new day. Azuki stands outside her house with a luggage bag, saying, "...Alright. For 4 days from today, we are going to be separated, but..."

Hugging Daizu tightly, Azuki says exclaims, "You must absolutely not forget about me! (Think about me everyday!)"

Daizu: Geez- you're exaggerating it.
Azuki: Let's have video calls at night!
Daizu: Before 8pm, okay?

Chika: Okay, okay. Well-- we gotta go-- (the taxi's here)
Azuki: !! Wait, give me one more minute, no, 30 seconds!
Chika: You already said that three times. (I'm not listening anymore.)
Mizuki: Yawn...
Ryuusei (saying to Daizu): Oi, Azuki is still dragging her feet. (Must be hard for you.)
Daizu: It's totally fine! Just watch!

Azuki: You see, Chika-chan, I won't be able to see Daizu for four whole days, you know? I need to be fully charged.
Daizu: Onee-chan!

Daizu hugs Azuki.

Daizu gives Azuki a big smile and says, "Here! Have a wonderful trip with my Daizu power!"

Azuki's heart gets shot by a cupid arrow upon seeing Daizu's cuteness.

Azuki: Okay! I will be back! (My angel!)
Ryuusei: That's amazing, Daizu!!
Azuki: Hiiragi-kun! Until I'm back, I'm leaving the fetching of Daizu in the mornings and afternoons to you!
Mizuki (sleepy): ...Okay, leave it to... me... Zzz
Ryuusei: Don't sleep while standing up! Mizuki! 
(It's 6AM in the morning)
Daizu: Come back with souvenirs!
Azuki: Leave it to me, my angel!
Chika: ......

Chika thinks to himself, 'What a lively send off...'

Azuki narrates: At the start of November, I parted tearfully with my beloved Daizu and began the school trip. (Daizu waves and says, "Be careful--!")

On the plane, as everyone is getting seated, Azuki's classmate (Friend A) notices that Azuki doesn't seem well.
Friend A: Oh? Azuki, why do you look so pale?
Friend B: Are you having motion sickness?
(They had to take a bus from school to the airport)
Friend A: Ah- the bus ride to the airport was pretty long.
Azuki: No...
Chika: Azuki has a fear of heights.
Friend A & B: Ah, I see. (I didn't know.)
Azuki: It's fine as long as I don't look down, but more than that, I feel like airplanes are so full of unknowns that it makes me scared.
Friend A/B: Oh, then will you be okay with the Sky Tree?
Azuki: I'm not totally okay, but it's fine!
Friend A/B: Why?

Azuki (still trembling): In any case, for now I will overcome this fear-
Friend A: But you're covered in cold sweat. (Are you really okay?)
Chika: Kobayashi, I'm sorry but would you let me switch seats with you?
Friend A (Kobayashi): Hm?
Chika: I'd like to look after Azuki. Also, I think it'd be distracting for you if she was nervous next to you.
Kobayashi: Well, Azuki might feel more at ease being next to Tachibana.
Friend B: That's true- Then, we'll leave her to you, Mr Childhood Friend!
Chika: Roger that-

Azuki wonders to herself if Chika is being concerned about her.

Azuki: Sorry, Chika-chan. Thank you.
Chika: Right, Azuki, do you want to sit here instead? I think it'll be better than sitting next to the window. (So that you can't see the view outside.)
Azuki: Ah, that's true. (I'll sit here.)

After a while, the plane starts moving.

Azuki: ...Anyway, Chika-chan. This chunk of metal can really fly, right? Doesn't it shake? Won't it fall? Is it safe?
Chika: It's fine, it's fine. Calm down.

The air crew announces for all passengers to fasten their seatbelts to prepare for take off. Azuki gets a fright.

Azuki: W-w-wait, I'm... not prepared...
Chika: It'll be okay.

He holds her hand.

Azuki: Eh?
Chika: If you sleep, we'll get there before you know it. I'll be right beside you, too.

Azuki narrates: Until just now, my heart was nervously pounding. In an instant, it's quietened down.

Suddenly, there's a loud thud, surprising them both. Chika goes, "Wha... What's that, so suddenly..."

 However, Azuki leans into Chika's shoulder and smiles, saying, "I feel safe."

Chika blushes as he looks at Azuki.

Azuki narrates: You're amazing, Chika-chan.

Chika goes, "Azuki...", but then he hears Azuki lightly snoring and realizes that she's fallen asleep.

Chika blushes even more to himself, thinking, '...Her cuteness is so explosive-"

The air crew then announces for all passengers to have an enjoyable flight. Still holding hands, Chika glances at Azuki's sleeping face and blushes to himself.

There's a flashback of Chika's phone conversation with Maho.

Maho: Heh- If that's the case, you can be lovey-dovey to your heart's content during the school trip.
Chika: No, that's what a middle school boy would think.
Maho: Eh- Aren't you a couple now? (It's a big event, isn't it?) Or do you mean that you don't want to?

Chika: ...It's not that. If I do too much, she'll be turned off.
Maho: Pfft- What's with that- You've become so adorable. Ah, but you're always like that when it comes to Azuki.
Chika: Shut up, I have no choice since we've been childhood friends for so long, okay? ...Furthermore, I want to match Azuki's pace. I don't want to force her to do something weird just because we're dating and should act more like lovers.
Maho: That's very commendable- Really.
Chika: Well, the last thing I'd want is for her to dislike me.
Maho: Regardless, it's really wonderful. Your longtime wish has come true. I thought it was about time to settle the issue, so I called, but I'm at ease now.
Chika: ...Thank you so much. For various things.
Maho (snickering): For various things, eh.
Chika: Could you please stop implying things?
Maho: Hahaha. Well, if anything happens again, I'll hear you out.

Maho: For now, feel free to flirt to your heart's content during the school trip!
Chika: You're saying that again?

End of flashback.

Chika thinks to himself that Maho kept saying, "flirt, flirt", making him strangely self-conscious. He sighs, and Azuki suddenly goes, "Mmm..."

Chika becomes alarmed, thinking he woke Azuki up. However, Azuki goes, "...W-wait, Daizu... Don't go back... to heaven. You're really... an angel..." and falls silent again.

Chika trembles as he tries to hold back his laughter, thinking, 'What, pfft... What was that... such incredible sleep talk... You even moved...'

Glancing at Azuki again, he finds her sleeping contentedly. Smiling to himself, Chika thinks, '...Well, it's fine. For now, this is enjoyable too.'

Azuki's class reaches the Tokyo Skytree!

Kobayashi: Oh-! It's really high up! As expected, even Tokyo's tall buildings all seem so short!
Azuki (hiding behind her friend): The sky seems closer too.
Kobayashi: Yeah!
Friend B: Azuki-san, are you all right? You're shivering like crazy.
Azuki (shivering): I-I'm all right! There's no fear of shaking! My feet are on the ground! It won't fly!

Azuki: Above all, it's fine because I have a mission to admire this view properly, take a photo and give it to Daizu as a souvenir! (If it's for Daizu, I'll endure it!)
(Daizu had excitedly said, "I look forward to seeing pictures of the Skytree!!")
Friend B: Ah- You're not fine, but you're fine, eh.
Kobayashi: As usual, full of love for your younger brother, eh-
Friend B: You don't have to force yourself, I can take the pictures for you.
Azuki: There won't be any meaning if I don't take the pictures by myself, Risa-chin. (Nonetheless, I am thankful for your offer.)
Friend B (Risa): I really respect that, Azuki. (Though I don't aspire to be the same.)

Chika walks by and tells Azuki, "It's fine if it's for Daizu, but don't overdo it."

Azuki: Oh, Chika-chan.
Kobayashi: Oh, where is Michieda?
Chika: Over there.
Azuki (to Chika): I'll be okay. I'll overcome it with my love for Daizu.

Chika pats Azuki's head and replies gently, "Right, right."

A male classmate then calls out to Chika, "Tachibana, let's take a picture over there!"
Chika: Okay-
Risa: Michieda sure has a loud voice.

Azuki touches her head where Chika patted her, blushing slightly and dazed. Risa and Kobayashi pop up behind her, going, "Oh?" "Oh-ho?"

They ask Azuki, "Did something happen between the two of you?" "I thought that there was something when we were on the plane, too." "What happened with Tachibana?"

Azuki (confused): What do you mean?
Risa: Well, we don't know. (That's why we're asking.) The atmosphere around Tachibana towards Azuki feels different from before. Was it just my imagination?

Upon the word "atmosphere", Azuki recalls the scene where she and Chika were holding hands as a newly-formed couple.

She goes, "Ah, yes."
Risa and Kobayashi: Oh?
Azuki: Um... I'm sorry if this isn't the answer you wanted, but we've started dating. Chika-chan and I.

Risa and Kobayashi are stunned. They simultaneously go, "EH?!", shocking Azuki and people around them.

Risa: Hold on- what- really?
Azuki: Uh- yes.
Kobayashi: Eh-- For real?! Really?! Is this for real...?!
Azuki: Um, yes. Why are you so shocked?
Kobayashi: Because!

Kobayashi: It's you, Azuki! Azuki, the brocon who doesn't care about romance?!
Azuki (confused): Is this an insult...?!
Risa: Ah- but it makes sense. It explains Tachibana's behavior.
Azuki: Eh?
Kobayashi: Yup!

Risa and Kobayashi talk between themselves, "That smile, reserved only for his girlfriend." "That sickeningly sweet aura too."

The two girls then turn to look at Azuki, who is staring after them awkwardly.

Risa: ...Compared to that, Azuki is...
Kobayashi: Not enough- not enough at all-
Azuki (flustered): ...Um, uh, you two... Somehow, am I... weird?

The two girls answer Azuki, "No, you're not weird. It's just, Tachibana's feelings of love are written all over his face, yet with Azuki, it feels like you haven't changed at all."

Azuki: Eh-
Risa: Well, it's Azuki.
Kobayashi: After all, it's Azuki for you-

Their teacher calls for everyone to head to the Sumida Aquarium. Risa says, "Ah, it's our turn now."

While Azuki is still processing the things Risa and Kobayashi said, the two girls walk away, going, "Well, we'll let it go for now. We can discuss this in the hotel at night." "For now, the aquarium--!"

Meanwhile, Azuki's mind is full of thoughts. '......Eh, eh?! Earlier, what they said... In other words, I don't seem like I like Chika-chan all that much...? No, wait. Even though that's not true, there are people who think that way.'

Chika suddenly comes up next to Azuki and lightly pats her head again, asking gently, "What are you spacing out for? You're gonna get left behind, you know."

Azuki glances at Chika and wonders to herself if Chika feels the same way as what Risa and Kobayashi said.

Chika: Azuki?
Azuki: Ah, okay. (Let's go!)

Azuki recalls the things she said to Chika: "In order not to make Chika-chan feel any unease, for you to smile with a peace of mind, I'm definitely going to do my best."

She wonders to herself if she's already causing Chika to feel unease.

At the aquarium, Azuki looks at some garden eels and thinks, 'They sure get along well, these garden eels.'

Two garden eels form a heart shape, and Azuki continues thinking, 'Even garden eels can be so lovey-dovey... What on earth is wrong with me...?'
(Daizu facts: It looks friendly, but is actually an act of intimidation by the garden eels. Even though onee-chan doesn't know that!)

She thinks, '...Nonetheless, it's true. It's been roughly 2 weeks since we started dating. If I think about it properly, I really have not changed from before. I simply spent more time being with Chika-chan...'

(Azuki: Daizu is adorable today as well, eh.
Chika: Yep.

Azuki: What kind of souvenir should I buy for Daizu?
Chika: You're deciding now?)

Azuki looks disheartened. She narrates: Even without words, I can clearly feel Chika-chan's love for me through his expressions and actions.

She recalls Chika's words: "Azuki, you don't need to be the only one to do your best." and thinks to herself disappointedly, 'No matter how hard I try, I'm not doing anything. (It's just no good.)'

Still looking at the garden eels, Azuki asks out loud, "...Garden eels, what should I do so that I can be like you?"

Chika appears behind her and answers, "It's impossible unless you're reborn again."

Azuki freezes upon realizing Chika is there, then jerks backwards, going, "Wah- Chika-chan?! (Suddenly...!)" 

Chika: I've always been around. (Opposite you.)
Azuki: That's true! (We're classmates, too!)

Azuki tells herself that she's been too lost in her own thoughts.

Azuki: Oh, anyway, where are Risa and the others?
Chika: They went ahead to see the penguins with Michieda and the rest. (Because you stopped moving.)
Azuki: Ah, I'm sorry.

Azuki: Alright, let's go too!
Chika: Ah- wait. Before that, let's talk a little.
Azuki: Eh?

Chika takes Azuki's hand and brings her to another corner to talk.

Chika: ...So, did something happen?
Azuki: Eh?
Chika: You were talking to the garden eels. It must be pretty bad. (Even for you.)
Azuki: Urk-
Chika: Besides, you were thinking about something just now, all by yourself.

Azuki looks at Chika, then looks down again.

Azuki: ...It's not that something happened. I was doing self-reflection. About the overwhelming lack of an aura of love from me to Chika-chan.
Chika: Huh?
Azuki: Earlier, I told Sumire-chin (Kobayashi) and Risa about how Chika-chan and I have started dating and they said this and that.
Chika: Eh?
Azuki: I've received a lot from Chika-chan, but haven't done anything myself. I don't want to let Chika-chan feel any unease, yet the behavior I'm displaying might already be giving you unease. When I think about that, I feel so pathetic.

Azuki narrates: I'm reflecting, but I still don't really know what to do. I'm truly pathetic.

She then turns to Chika and says, "Even the garden eels can be so lovey-dovey. I'm really no good, huh!"

Chika suddenly bursts out laughing. "Pfft! Wha- Hahaha! Just how much do you like garden eels?"

Azuki: ?! (Why are you laughing?!)

Chika leans into Azuki.

Chika: You're such a dummy. ...It's properly conveyed to me, you know. Your feelings for me. You're hard to understand, so it might appear that way to Tanaka (Risa) and the rest. However, the way you're reacting to us sticking together like this is different from before. Also, the way you're thinking about me so seriously, even to the point of feeling down, is all I need to understand. It makes me happy.

Chika adds, "I mean, I don't think what Tanaka and the rest said has that deep of a meaning, either. (Don't worry about it.)"

Azuki thinks, '...He tells me that he's happy even when I feel that I'm not doing a good job. However..."

She holds Chika's hand and says, "I still think that I should do more, after all! (I can't just keep indulging in Chika-chan's kindness!)"

Chika: Huh?
Azuki: That's why, Chika-chan. Let's go on a date tomorrow.
Chika: What?

Azuki narrates: I'll think about it more, in my own way.
