Te wo Tsunagou Yo 25


Azuki stands up from kneeling on the ground and her knees look soiled. She says that it hurts.

Chika asks her what's wrong and she answers that her knees are a little numb because she was kneeling for so long. Chika glances and says that her knees do look red.

Extending his hand towards Azuki, Chika says, "Then, let's go back slowly." Azuki blushes and takes his hand.

Azuki: Somehow, it feels like we've gone back to our childhood times.
Chika: ...Well, it's true that we don't really hold hands while walking now, unlike last time.

Azuki narrates: ...Nonetheless, it's completely different from back then.

She can see that Chika is blushing. After a short pause, Chika asks, "...Say, Azuki."

Azuki: Hm?
Chika: Are you really fine with me?
Azuki: Hmm... Earlier, didn't you accept (?) my confession...?
Chika: ...I mean, yes, that's true, but when I calm down and think about it again, it feels so much like a miracle that I'm scared!!
Azuki: Your character and excitement are becoming strange, you know.

Chika: ...That's because what I thought for 12 whole years was going to be impossible, actually came true. There's no way I can so easily accept this as my reality, right...

Chika trails off, pauses, then suddenly covers his mouth and blushes furiously when he realizes what he said. Azuki's eyes also widen in surprise.

Chika: Wait! Forget what I just said.
Azuki: 12 years...
Chika: No, it's really too embarrassing! Wipe it clean from your memory.
Azuki: No way.

Azuki squeezes Chika's hand.

Azuki: There's no way I'd want to forget about something so happy.

Suddenly turning towards Chika, Azuki declares, "Chika-chan, I'm going to do my best!"

Chika: Huh...
Azuki: In order not to make Chika-chan feel any unease, for you to smile with a peace of mind, I'm definitely going to do my best.

Azuki narrates: So that in my own way, I can return Chika-chan's 12 years of affection as much as possible.

She tells Chika, "Therefore, tell me about anything you're thinking of or want to do! (Come at me with them!)"

Chika says, "Then, make me your priority over Daizu."

Azuki freezes for a moment, then sweat erupts from her skin as she feels very distressed about Chika's request.

Azuki: I-I'm sorry, Chika-chan. This is an incredibly difficult issue to resolve, so will you give me a week to consider it?
Chika: I'm just kidding, dummy.
Azuki: What?!
Chika: Ah--... I'm so unmanly...
Azuki: Eh...?
Chika: ...You say that you want to make me happy, but that's the same as me. Azuki, you don't need to be the only one to do your best. So that you'll be glad that you're together with me, I'm also going to do my best to make Azuki happy.

Chika lightly bumps his forehead against Azuki's.

Chika gently says to Azuki, "Together, let's become happy. Not just as childhood friends, but also as lovers."

Meeting his gaze, Azuki blushes and answers, "Yes."

The narration reads: From now on, we'll be happy together.

Arriving outside their houses still holding hands, Chika goes, "...See you, then." and Azuki replies, "...Yeah."

However, both of them are not letting go of each other's hands. They both think, 'I don't want to let go...'

Chika begins, "Ah--... Well, then-", but Azuki suddenly goes, "Ah, right, Chika-chan. I want to properly inform Hiiragi-kun tomorrow that we've decided to date."

She explains that Mizuki had given her a push on the back to encourage her.

Thinking of Mizuki, Chika answers, "...I see. ...Well, Azuki, that's the case, but--..."

The next morning, Mizuki checks his phone and there are messages from Azuki, saying, "Good morning. I have morning duties, so I've left for school. Ryuusei-kun came to my place, so I brought him along with me. Thank you for yesterday." 

Mizuki thinks to himself, '...Thank goodness.'

Checking his face in the mirror, Mizuki thinks to himself, 'I can't show this kind of face. (Even though I already used a cold compress...). Thankfully, Ryuusei didn't find out.'

(Mizuki was pretending to be asleep in his futon while Ryuusei was sitting on top of him, going, "Mizuki, wake up!! It's morning!! I'm gonna leave without you, you know?!".)

He then realizes the time and hurries to leave for school. Mizuki narrates: Azuki-san, I wonder how yesterday was for you. Did you manage to successfully relay your thoughts to Tachibana-san--...

When Mizuki opens his front door, he finds Chika waiting outside.

Chika: Morning.
Mizuki (shocked, covers his face with his schoolbag): Eh- wha- Tachibana-san?! Eh?!
Chika: Why are you hiding your face?
Mizuki: Uh, I just kinda can't show my face to other people today... Ah! I got bitten by mosquitoes around my eyes, so they're a little red...! Why is Tachibana-san here...
Chika: I'm voluntarily taking a break. I was thinking of heading to school together with Hiiragi-kun.

Mizuki is surprised, going, "Eh?", but he proceeds to leave for school with Chika.

While walking, both of them are awkwardly silent. Mizuki sneaks a glance at Chika and thinks to himself, '...S-Somehow, he's completely changed compared to earlier. Tachibana-san has a very serious look on his face... Could it be that something happened yesterday...?!'

His head swirling in thoughts, Mizuki thinks, 'For example, some kind of misunderstanding happened between them, and they are in an unpleasant situation... therefore, Tachibana-san wanted to discuss it with me...?!'

While Mizuki makes that realization, Chika begins, "...Hiiragi-kun, I-" and Mizuki enthusiastically answers, "Yes?"

Chika says to Mizuki, "I've started dating Azuki. Actually, Azuki wanted to be the one to tell you, but I wanted to talk to Hiiragi-kun alone."

Mizuki thinks to himself, 'I see. Azuki-san was able to say it.'

Chika continues saying, "...Quite some time ago, I had confessed to Azuki. On several occasions, I thought of telling you, but in the end I couldn't say it."

Mizuki recalls one of the times Chika had tried to say something, but didn't, and makes the realization in his mind.

Bowing towards Mizuki, Chika says, "It's too late now, but I'm sorry for making it look like I was hiding it from you."

Flustered, Mizuki answers, "N-No, that's...! Please look up!"

Chika: Also, I'm sorry, I'm going to be saying some insensitive things.
Mizuki: Eh?! What...
Chika: Thank you, Hiiragi-kun. ...I somewhat mentioned it before a while ago, and when we were on the roof as well, but I was able to change because you were here, Hiiragi-kun. Unlike me, you're always honest with your own feelings, always facing issues head-on without running away. If Hiiragi-kun wasn't here, I'd always have been running away and staying the same way.

Giving a gentle smile, Chika says, "I'm glad you were my rival, Hiiragi-kun."

Mizuki recalls Chika's words from Chapter 18: "Maybe that's why Hiiragi-kun is my strongest rival."

After a pause, Chika continues, "...Anyway, I suddenly said so much unilaterally. Furthermore, one might think that I don't have the right to say such things. I just wanted to convey it in my own way, though I guess it was just for my own satisfaction."

Mizuki is silent for a short while, then says, "That was truly insensitive! I can understand that you're saying this to me, who was rejected, but what's with that? Is this like... the winner gloating to the loser?"

Chika flinches and replies, "No- Even if the outcome was reversed, the things I said would not have changed... but- including the confession issue, it's fine if you want to curse me till you're satisfied."

Mizuki: Why? I've never thought of doing that.
Chika: Eh-
Mizuki: Well, saying things like "Tsk!", might be the expected response, but just like Azuki-san, I also like Tachibana-san. Being told "thank you"  by Azuki-san and that I was a good rival by Tachibana-san makes me glad that I was able to experience this love.

Smiling at Chika, Mizuki says, "We should both thank each other."

Chika looks at Mizuki and notices his swollen eyes, then recalls what Mizuki said earlier about his eyes: "I got bitten by mosquitoes around my eyes, so they're a little red...!"

Chika thinks to himself, '...Ah-- Geez.' and says to Mizuki, "How does one raise a kid to become a good person like you?"

Mizuki: ? That's more like what I think of Tachibana-san.
Chika: No, no, I'm not. Truly, thank you.
Mizuki: Yeah.

Mizuki narrates: It's great that Tachibana-san and Azuki-san were able to properly convey their feelings.

Mizuki: By the way, are we still good on time?
Chika: Ah, oh no! Let's run!
Mizuki: Okay!

While running, Mizuki recalls the various times he had fun together with Azuki and Tachibana as the three of them and smiles to himself. He then declares to Chika, "I'm going to do my best, Tachibana-san!" while Chika goes, "Huh?"

Mizuki narrates: I feel very refreshed. I honestly want to support the two of them now.

At school, Azuki receives a message on her phone and she looks surprised when she reads it.

On another day, we see two text messages that Mizuki had sent to Azuki:
"I feel bad towards Tachibana-san if I go home together with Azuki-san as just the two of us, so from today onwards, I will go and pick Ryuusei up by myself 👍👍"
"Mornings as well! When Tachibana-san doesn't have morning practice, feel free to spend time together!"

Mizuki checks his message log with Azuki and thinks to himself that it's been a week since he's met them after that day. He thinks that it feels weird because he used to see them every day. However, he tells himself that it feels good to know that he's able to support their relationship (he's doing his best).

Mizuki sees that Azuki had replied, "I understand!" to his earlier message.

While lost in his thoughts, Ryuusei goes, "Hey, Mizuki.", startling him.

Ryuusei: Why haven't we been going to school and going home together with Daizu and the others recently?
Mizuki: It's so that I won't be an annoying pest.
Ryuusei: Huh? Pest? 
Mizuki: ...If I'm around, Tachibana-san and Azuki-san would surely have to be considerate of my feelings. I don't want to be in the way.
Ryuusei: ...... I don't get what you mean by being in the way.
Mizuki: Ah! Ryuusei, do you not like it? If that's the case, if it's just Ryuusei, with Azuki-san and them-
Ryuusei: It's fine, I get to meet Daizu at school anyway- (we get to play together at the children's centre too.) But Mizuki, you don't seem well.

Mizuki looks touched and goes, "...Ryuusei, are you worried about me?"

Ryuusei immediately goes tsundere and answers, "No! You're always so absent-minded and silly, so it's annoying when you're not! Geez, don't go misunderstanding things!

Mizuki smiles to himself, narrating: ...I see, I was found out...

Mizuki: ...It's lonely.
Ryuusei: Lonely?
Mizuki: Yes. Lonely. I really enjoyed the times all of us spent together. However, feeling lonely because of a decision I selfishly made for myself is no good, isn't it?

Mizuki narrates: Honestly, I want it to be the same as before, but...

Someone suddenly says, "It's totally no good, isn't it?"

Mizuki turns to see the source of the comment, going, "...Eh?" and realizes that Azuki, Daizu and Chika are behind them.

Azuki: Hiiragi-kun.
Daizu: Ryuusei-kun!
Chika: Daizu, hold up-
Ryuusei: Daizu!

When Mizuki finally realizes what's happened, he suddenly backs away with a loud, "EH!!?" and ends up hitting his head against a lamp post.

Ryuusei: Mizuki?!
Azuki: Are you okay...?!
Mizuki: ...I'm fine, but-

Mizuki: Azuki-san, why are you here...
Azuki: Why, you ask. This is the way home from school, so we were just walking behind you (since halfway through).
Mizuki: Eh?!

(Ryuusei is asking if Mizuki's going to get a bump on his head and Daizu asks if they should do "pain pain fly away". Chika is telling the two kids to stay behind with him to let Azuki and Mizuki talk.)

Earlier, Azuki had asked Daizu to remain quiet and Daizu asked if they were going to surprise Mizuki.

Mizuki: I even adjusted my timing...
Azuki: It's because Hiiragi-kun walks slowly.
Mizuki: Urk- (what a huge blunder.)
Azuki: Say, Hiiragi-kun.

Azuki: Let's go home together.
Mizuki: ...Huh?
Azuki: ...I read Hiiragi-kun's messages on LINE. You absolutely don't have to do that. There's no need for Hiiragi-kun to be considerate of us; I prefer it if we were the same as before. However, since I was the one who chose Chika-chan, I am not in a position to make such a request. I thought that making such a request would be unfair and selfish, so I answered you "I understand", but when I saw you make a face like that, I thought, 'that's enough' and couldn't leave you alone. 

Azuki continues, "You can think of me as a selfish person. Let's all go home together."

Mizuki narrates: ...Certainly, in my heart, I was waiting for this.

Azuki: ...I said all that, but truthfully, it's just my own opinion and ego talking. It would be a different story if Hiiragi-kun didn't like it...

Mizuki shakes his head and says, "Let's go home together."

He narrates: I'm so unfair.

Mizuki: Ah, but what if Tachibana-san minds-
Chika: I don't mind at all. I was wondering what you were talking about, saying "I'm going to do my best!". You sure went in a completely unexpected direction, Hiiragi-kun.
Mizuki: Urk-
Chika: It just doesn't feel right if Hiiragi-kun isn't around.
Mizuki (touched): Tachibana-san...
Azuki: Chika-chan has been looking lonely recently.
Mizuki: Tachibana-san...!!
Chika: Oi, Azuki. (What are you saying?)

Daizu: Chi-chan! Have you guys finished talking yet?! (I'm tired of waiting!)
Ryuusei: Hurry up and make up already. (I'm hungry!)
Azuki, Chika and Mizuki: Make up...

The three of them look at each other, then laugh.

"Let's go home." "Okay!"

The narration reads: Even if our relationship evolves, there are still things that remain the same. Everyone is smiling.

Daizu: I want everyone to hold hands!
Ryuusei: Eh- again?
Mizuki: I'll be in the center!
Azuki: Alright! Let's go!

Azuki: Shall we have hotpot today? (Let's have Chika-chan's mother and Hiiragi-kun's father over, too.)
Daizu and Ryuusei: Approved!
Mizuki: Hotpot... ✨
Chika: Which hotpot shall we have?

In Chika's bag, his phone is vibrating with a call from Maho.
