Onee-chan no Midori-kun 12


Sui recalls her words to Ayame (from the previous chapter), "…Let's just go together, okay?". She narrates that she said that all because Ayame had looked so forlorn.

It's the day of the festival! Sui and her two female friends, Yuzu and Kanon, are dressed up prettily in their yukatas and cute hairdos. They greet the boys (Ayame, Saeki and Suzuki), who are also wearing yukatas and looking smart.

Saeki and Suzuki remark that the girls' yukatas are very pretty - that girls really do look more eye-catching when they put on yukatas. Pleased, Yuzu replies, "Right-? Sanapi (her nickname for Sui)'s mother helped us to put them on~"

Meanwhile, Sui can feel that there are a pair of eyes staring at her.

Sui glances at Ayame and notices him staring at her. 

Sui: ...What?
Ayame: You're cute, Sui. Your yukata look is the absolute best.
Sui: Wha-

Yuzu: Eh, did he just say 'cute'?!
Saeki: Nah, it must be your hallucination. Ayame has never shown any interest in real life girls, ever.

Sui pulls Ayame aside by the collar and whispers angrily at him.

Sui: Hey, you! Don't say such things in front of everyone! (Dummy!!)
Ayame (pouting): But I'm just stating the truth.
Sui: That isn't the issue!

Whispering into Sui's ear, Ayame tells her, "I plan to use the festival today to make Sui's affection level for me rapidly increase. Be prepared for it."

Upon hearing Ayame's declaration, Sui is stunned for a moment, then she covers her ear and goes, "What…?!". Ayame playfully sticks his tongue out at her.

The others call out to Sui and Ayame, telling them to catch up. Blushing, Sui thinks to herself, '…This guy's character change is just way too drastic…!'

Sui narrates: After that morning, a few things happened. 

(We see Yuzu telling Sui, "If that's the case, why don't we invite Saeki and Suzuki along as well?" and Sui agreeing.)

Sui's narration: Ayame's friends (who have also been my schoolmates since elementary school) ended up joining us, and it became the six of us going to the festival together. Ayame's mood became visibly better after that. (Ayame says, "Wear a yukata, okay? I'll wear mine too.") I thought it was fine, but I'm wondering now if it was too early to invite him along after all…?

The group of six walk through the festival together and remark that it's really lively. Yuzu squeals that the festival's atmosphere is making her excited.

Sui is lost in her thoughts, thinking, '…If I think about it, even though I'm not here alone with Ayame, wouldn't this still give Ayame false expectations...? No, even so, I just couldn't ignore how dejected Ayame looked…"

Some passers-by notice the group and comment, "Ah, look at those kids. Even the boys are wearing yukatas-" "They're cute~ (Boys in yukatas are great~" "Boys should put on yukatas more often!")

Sui listens to the comments and recalls her conversation with Momo: "Onee-chan, are you going to the summer festival?" "Yes, I'm going with Midori."

She wonders to herself if Midori is also wearing a yukata. Ayame taps her shoulder and snaps Sui out of her thoughts, asking her, "Why are you spacing out? …Surely you're not thinking about Midori-kun…?"

Sui flinches at getting caught red-handed, but she tells Ayame (while not meeting his gaze), "Hah? I wasn't thinking of him at all."

Ayame simply stares at Sui and goes, "Yeah, right."

Trying to look for an excuse for her spacing out, Sui spots a game stall in the direction of her gaze. She immediately points and goes, "Th-that…! The toy looks like Mochi, so I was just thinking that I really wanted it…!"

Looking over, Ayame agrees that the toy looks like Mochi.

Confidently, Ayame tells Sui, "Okay, leave it to me."

Sui (surprised): Eh?
Ayame (to the others): I'm gonna play that lottery for a bit.
The others: What, for the toy?

Sui is surprised at Ayame's eagerness, thinking to herself, 'Even though I only said it to distract you…! (Though it's true that I do want it…!)'

Almost immediately, Ayame returns to Sui with the Mochi toy in his arms. He goes, "I got it on my first attempt." and the others are impressed, going, "Oh--!"

Sui: Even though you're usually so unlucky with your otaku merch…
Ayame (lamenting): That's because my material desires interfered then. This is a victory gained using the power of love.

The others are shocked at Ayame's statement.

Yuzu: Eh, did he just say 'love'?!
Kanon: He did.
Saeki: Nah, it's just your imagination. Ayame really has no interest in 3D girls at all.
Suzuki: ......

Sui wrings Ayame's collar again and whispers angrily at him (again), "I already told you…! Don't say such weird things in front of everybody!"

Ayame uses the toy to lightly boop Sui's nose.

Ayame: Here, calm down. Hug it.
Sui: Uwuh-

Sui is instantly in love with the toy as it reminds her of Mochi. She hugs it tightly and looks very happy (in her tsun way). Ayame stands aside, watching her and trembling with joy, thinking to himself, 'Precious…'

Ayame: Think of it as me and treat it well. (You can pat it too.)
Sui: Huh? No way, I don't wanna.

Ayame takes a metaphorical stab from Sui's curt reply and gapes.

Sui shyly adds, "...Nonetheless, I will treasure it."

Ayame's heart is shot by the cupid's arrow multiple times from Sui's tsundere behavior. His affection meter goes up while Sui also says, "So… um, thanks for this."

Ayame goes aside to recover from Sui's cuteness, thinking to himself, 'I love tsunderes so much tsunderes are just so wonderful I want to just shout out hooray for tsunderes tsunderes are the best tsunderes will heal this world tsunderes make the world go round-'

Meanwhile, Sui looks at Ayame questioningly.

Sui: Ayame?
Ayame (mumbling and sighing to himself): Haah… Sui's existence is simply illegal… (You made my affection level for you go up yet again…)
Sui: Huh? (What?)

The others look on and comment on them.

Suzuki: Amazing- They're completely in their own world.
Saeki: Those two get along really well, huh- (All this time)
Yuzu and Kanon: ......

Saeki: Say, I'm hungry! Ayame, hurry over! Let's get things to eat!
Ayame: Ah, okay.
Suzuki: Shall us guys go to buy the food together, then? (There's enough of us to queue up.)
Yuzu: Ah, that would be great! (How gentlemanly! ❤)

Yuzu: I want candied strawberry sticks and shaved ice!
Kanon: I want bunny taiyaki.
Ayame: Sui, what about you? Will grilled squid, yakisoba, chocolate banana, karaage and candied apples be okay?
Sui: French fries, too.
Yuzu: Sanapi, your appetite is still so huge!
Sui (looking for her purse): How much is all of that going to cost?
Ayame: Ah, it's fine. Today's my treat.
Saeki: Eh, treat me, too.
Ayame: No way.

Watching Ayame as he walks away, Sui thinks, '…"Today's my treat", huh. What's with that? Trying to act cool? He doesn't usually say that.'

Yuzu and Kanon approach Sui from both sides with knowing smiles on their faces. Yuzu goes, "Sa-na-pi-", and they both grab Sui, dragging her aside.

Sui is surprised, going, "Eh, what…?"

The three girls sit down.

Sui: ? What's up?
Yuzu: Sanapi-

Yuzu: Are you and Mizukawa dating? (Mizukawa is Ayame's last name)
Sui (stunned): Hah?!
Yuzu: I know that the two of you are childhood friends, but somehow I've been feeling that the atmosphere between the two of you has changed.
Kanon (teasing): It's not the same~

Sui: No! There's nothing at all! We're not dating, absolutely not…!!
Yuzu: Eh, is that true? Nevertheless, Mizukawa definitely likes Sanapi. He even said things like 'you're cute' and 'love' and stuff. (Even though Saeki said that those were my hallucinations.)
Sui: Eh-
Kanon: The two of you are giving off those vibes.

Sui (flustered): N-no. We're not like that. How do I put this… it's something like… teasing between childhood friends…?
Yuzu: Eh, what? Could it be that he's confessed to you…?! (Just look at your reaction!)
Sui: ?! No!
Kanon: Haha, look at you, it's written all over your face that Yuzu guessed right.
Sui: Uwuh, no…

Yuzu and Kanon: Sanapi, you're so a-do-ra-ble!
Sui: J-just stop it already, you two…

Sui thinks, '…What's with this situation? Why does it feel even more embarrassing than when Ayame confessed…?! (Anyway, why are we even talking about this…?!)'

Yuzu (excited): So, what are you two going to do? Will you date?
Sui: Eh? No. I already turned him down…
Yuzu: Eh! Why? Don't you like him? (Two of you get along so well…)
Sui: I mean, I do lik…like him as a childhood friend. ...However, there's someone else that I like.
Yuzu (excited): Eh! I see! Who is it? Is it someone we know?!
Kanon: Is he from our class?
Sui: Wha…! Um, uh, that's......

Yuzu and Kanon look at Sui and seem to understand that it's a sensitive topic.

Yuzu: …So it was like that. You already have someone you like, so it can't be helped-
Kanon: We will support and cheer for your love, Sanapi. (Even though it's too bad for Mizukawa.)
Sui: Ah, no. The person has already turned me down.

Sui smiles painfully as she says, "It was a love that was meant to be over right from the beginning."

Yuzu and Kanon look somewhat shocked at Sui's words. Sui then realizes the gravity of her words, thinking to herself, '…Ack, I said something so intriguing. Wouldn't it make them even more concerned…?! What on earth have I been saying, being so stupidly honest…!! (I'm so dumb!) Even if they try to pry deeper, there's no way I could tell them.'

Sui: I-I'm sorry for this.
Yuzu (patting Sui's head gently): I see- Various things happened, eh- Sanapi.
Kanon: I'm sorry, we made you talk about something painful.

Sui is surprised at their reactions. She thinks, '…I thought that they were going to interrogate me. They're so kind…'

Yuzu: …Hmmm, nevertheless, if that's the case, there's no problem even if Sanapi tries dating Mizukawa, right?
Sui: Huh?
Yuzu: After all, nothing's going to happen with the person you like, right? In that case, it's totally fine if you fall in love with the person who likes you!

Sui: Oh, but… I want to properly cherish these feelings until they naturally fade away… Yuzu, didn't you mention this before? That it was your one and only first love, so… (during our karaoke session).
Yuzu: ? Yes, I did say that. However, properly treasuring your feelings and starting a new love are two different things, no?

Sui is confused.

Kanon explains, "Well, what Yuzu said about dating Mizukawa might be a little too extreme, but what she means is, even if your feelings for the person you like hasn't fully gone away, it's still completely possible for your heart to throb for another person."

Sui takes a moment to let the words sink in, while Kanon continues, "Sanapi might treat Mizukawa as just a childhood friend, but we can tell that you have good feelings about him. It's not a zero percent chance that these feelings might one day grow into love, right?"

Sui contemplates Kanon's words.

Yuzu: She's right! Also, Sanapi, summer festivals are key events in romance stories, you know? Even though I also still like the teacher, there's a chance that my heart may throb for Saeki or Suzuki today!
Sui: Eh?!
Kanon: Saeki and Suzuki aren't my type.

Just then, the boys come back with the food they've bought, going, "Ah, they're here. We've kept you waiting-"

Sui glances at Ayame, and Ayame notices her gaze.

Sui thinks (while still looking at Ayame), '…Is that so? Heart throbbing, feelings changing into love; I've never considered it before, so I can't imagine it at all. I wonder if such things are possible.'

Ayame interrupts her thoughts by asking, "Why do you keep on staring at me?"

Sui (looking away tsundere style): I wasn't staring at you.
Ayame (blushing a little): Your sideways glance excites me.

Sui thinks to herself, 'Now that I think about it, falling for Midori-kun was something I originally deemed impossible...'

After a while, Saeki sighs with satisfaction, "Ah- that was delicious-"

Suzuki: What shall we do next? There are a lot more people now, so shall we head to the fireworks viewing spot?
Yuzu: Yes, let's go-
Kanon: We're looking forward to seeing the fireworks. Right, Sanapi?
Sui: Yes.

However, Ayame suddenly says, "Everyone, I'm sorry. Can we split up from here? I want to see the fireworks alone with Sui."

Ayame's words surprise everyone, including Sui. Saeki is in disbelief, going, "Hah-?"

Saeki snickers, "Ayame, dude… just how much do you enjoy sticking to Sanae?"

Suzuki stops Saeki's teasing by patting his shoulder and nudging him away, going, "Alright, alright. We're just gonna step away for a while."

Saeki: Hah?
Yuzu and Kanon (winking at Sui and leaving with the boys): We'll see you later, Sanapi-
Sui: Eh- Wait a second…

Sui and Ayame remain standing, watching the others leave. Then, Sui turns to Ayame and asks, "…Aren't you just troubling the others?"

Ayame simply looks at her and answers, "Heheh."

Sui: What are you "heheh"-ing about? I was supposed to come to this festival with Yuzu and Kanon, you know!
Ayame (puppy eyes): Even if it's just for a short while, I wanted to be alone with you.

Sui blushes from Ayame's earnest words. However, she blurts out, "You're such a willful imp!"

Ayame remarks, "What's that, it's cute."

Sui thinks to herself, 'I had that conversation with Yuzu and Kanon earlier, so I feel somewhat awkward now… Here I go again. Just be normal, be normal…'

Just then, Ayame says, "Ah, Sui. The stall over there also has a lot of things that resemble Mochi."

Sui perks up and asks, "Eh, where…", when the string on her geta sandal snaps.

Ayame, who is walking ahead of Sui, doesn't notice when Sui stops. He continues saying, "We still have time now, so let's go and play at that stall. For Sui, I will win all of them!"

Meanwhile, Sui panics, 'Ah, the geta string snapped! How unlucky!'

She looks up to say to Ayame, "Sorry, Ayame, wait for me…", but realizes that he is gone. She is stunned, thinking, 'We've been separated…! (I only looked away for a second…!!)'

Squatting down to examine her broken geta string, Sui wonders, 'Hmm, how do I fix this? Even if I want to look for Ayame, I can't walk like this…'

Then, Sui suddenly remembers that she can call Ayame. While she sifts through her bag for her phone, someone goes up to Sui and goes, "Sui-chan?"

Turning towards the voice, Sui goes, "Eh?"

The owner of the voice is Midori, dressed in a yukata. He says, "Ah, it's really you."

Sui blushes from Midori's appearance, while Midori continues, "What's wrong? Why are you squatting there?"

Sui blushes even more from embarrassment, thinking to herself, 'Darn it, I got distracted by the sudden appearance of yukata Midori… But I'm not going to admit it!'. She replies, "I-It's nothing. It's just that the string of my geta snapped…"

Midori goes over and squats down as well, to examine Sui's geta. He says, "Ah- it's true. (It's totally broken.)

Sui senses something amiss, thinking, '…Huh?'

Just as Midori continues asking, "Are you alright? Did you get hurt?", Sui asks him, "Where's onee-chan?"

Midori's eyes widen at Sui's question. Sui continues, "She said that she was going to come with you."

We see Midori's thoughts: A text message from Momo on his phone saying, "I'm sorry, I can't make it today."

There's a panel of Momo busy at work.

Midori gives Sui a weak smile, while Sui asks, "Midori-kun…?"

Sui narrates: Say, Midori-kun, why are you smiling with such a lonely expression?

At the same time, we see Ayame turning around and realizing that Sui is not by his side.
