Onee-chan no Midori-kun 13


Sui narrates: Say, Midori-kun, why are you smiling with such a lonely expression?

Midori immediately breaks out into a smile and says, "How about you just let me fix that geta strap of yours first?"

Sui: Hah?
Midori: You can't walk like this, can you?
Sui: No, Midori-kun-
Midori: Anyway, Sui-chan, where are the friends that you came with? You didn't come here alone, did you?

Sui gasps when she recalls, "Oh, right! Ayame…!"

Midori: So you came here together with Ayame.
Sui: Yes, I came with my friends from school, too. We just got separated, so I was planning to contact him…

Sui suddenly recalls the scene at the train station where Ayame had boldly declared to Midori: "I like Sui." and Midori's surprised look.

She thinks, 'Come to think of it, this is the first time I'm seeing Midori-kun after that happened…!! (How awkward!) …At that time, I wasn't paying attention to my behavior and said those things.'
(She's remembering how she said to Ayame, "Why did you say that in front of Midori-kun?")

Sui continues thinking, 'It must have been completely written on my face. What should I do? If he asks something strange...'

However, contrary to her expectations, Midori simply says, "Then, I'll fix your geta strap, and you can take this time to contact your buddies."

Sui widens her eyes in surprise and looks at Midori to see if he's serious. He looks at her questioningly, then teases, "What is it- You're staring at me. Am I that handsome? I look cool in my yukata, huh ❤".

Sui (taken aback): Not. At. All! You're not handsome at all!
Midori: Eh- Midori-kun is hurt- 😞

Sui smiles a little and thinks to herself, 'So you would pretend to be ignorant about it.'

The two of them get up from squatting on the ground. 

Midori says, "Alright. Anyway, it's way too crowded here, so let's find a place where we can sit down first. (It'll be dangerous if you knock into someone.)"

Sui replies, "Ah, okay.", but her foot slips out of her broken geta and she loses her balance. She falls into Midori's chest and he holds her steady.

Midori: Ah, it's difficult for you to move, after all.
Sui (blushing and backing off): I-I'm sorry!
Midori: All good. I'm sorry, Sui-chan.
Sui: Eh?
Midori (putting his palms together in an apologetic manner): I'm doing this because there seems to be no better option. I'm apologizing in advance, so please don't mind me.
Sui: Huh...

Midori puts his arms around Sui's waist and lifts her up off the ground, going, "Oof-".

Sui is shocked, going, "Wait- What?! Don't, dummy, it's gross!"

Midori: Okay, okay, okay- I'll put you down the moment we reach that (a low wall). Don't complain-
Sui: I can walk by myself!
Midori: You can't, not with that geta.
Sui: I can just hop on one foot!
Midori: That's dangerous for you and the people around you, so that's not allowed-
Sui: Then, I'll walk with one foot bare!

Midori glances at Sui and says to her, "It's just for a short while, so bear with it and hold onto me, okay?"

Sui blushes with a frown, but relents, and puts her hand on Midori's shoulder. She thinks, 'Dummy.', while looking at Midori's gentle smile.

Midori moves through the crowd, going, "Excuse me, please let me through-", while carrying Sui.

Sui thinks to herself, 'Everyone is looking. It's so embarrassing to be like this.'

Sui says to Midori, "…If this was going to happen anyway, piggybacking me would have been better."

Midori replies, "Even if I had bent over for you, you wouldn't have obediently climbed on, would you?"

Sui goes, "Uwuh-" in response, because she knows that Midori is right.

Blushing in frustration, she thinks, 'I really hate this part of me that still finds my heart throbbing for Midori-kun, no matter how much time passes, as well as this heart of mine.'

After a short while, we see Sui texting Ayame her location, while Midori holds up the fixed geta, going, "Look. Flawlessly completed."

Sui (amazed): Wah, it's really fixed…! (Thank you...!)
Midori: Amazing, right- The 5 yen coin does the trick. This is my granny's secret technique ❤
Sui: Oh- (Sui thinks, 'He's unexpectedly a granny's boy…? That's kinda cute…')
Midori: Anyway, Sui-chan. Why aren't you in your usual bunny ears today? (Your hair.)

Sui looks at Midori and thinks, 'He called me a bunny! (That's too adorable!)'

Sui: Well, I'm wearing a yukata today, so… Speaking of that, it's a relief. My hairstyle is different, but you were still able to recognize me from my back view.
Midori: Ah- that's true. Regardless, it's Sui-chan, so I'd know.

Sui looks at Midori, then blushes to herself, thinking, 'What's with that.'

The two of them fall silent for a moment, and Sui glances over to look at Midori.

After a moment, Sui begins, "Onee-chan wasn't able to come because of work, right?"

Midori turns his head to look at Sui, then looks forward again, answering, "…Yeah."

Midori elaborates, "Even so, you can't say things like being alone is pitiful, okay? This is fun as it is, so it's fine. I'm considering what gift to get for Momo, who is working so hard- things like that."

Sui doesn't look too convinced. She goes, "…Hmm- If so, why did you have to make such a lonely expression?"

This comment surprises Midori.

Midori: …Eh, was my expression earlier that strange?
Sui: Very! It's gross, so don't be like that. If Midori-kun isn't grinning, it's scary and feels like something's amiss.
Midori: I see- Sui-chan, you're concerned about me, aren't you ❤
Sui (triggered): What?! I am not concerned about you at all, okay?!

After a moment's pause, Sui continues, "…Regardless, I wish that the two of you will get along well. I wish for you to not make such strange expressions and just smile."

Midori's eyes widen at Sui's words.

Sui narrates: This is a matter that's between the two of them, so there isn't anything I can do. Neither do I have the right to do anything.

The fireworks go off in the distance.

Sui: Ah, the fireworks…! (They've started.)
Midori (looking downwards): …Sigh.

Midori turns to look at Sui and gives her a somewhat pained smile. He says, "Sui-chan, you're truly kind."

Sui blushes slightly from his gaze and answers, "I'm not."

She continues to narrate: Nonetheless, this much is fine. This is just my selfishness.

Midori: Ah, speaking of that, Ayame-kun sure is taking a while.
Sui: Oh no! He might have replied to my message!

Someone calls out, "Sui…!"

It's Ayame, who is running towards them. Sui goes, "Ayame!"

Standing up to approach Ayame, Sui says, "I'm sorry, I got separated from you. As we walked, my geta strap suddenly broke…"

Ayame doesn't answer, and glances over to Midori. Midori notices Ayame's gaze and both guys stare at each other silently.

Confused, Sui goes, "? Ayame?"

Ayame bows towards Midori, then swiftly grabs Sui's hand and turns to leave, saying, "Let's go, Sui."

Sui: Eh, okay. Midori-kun, thank you for fixing my slipper…!
Midori (waving): Sure thing- Seeya-

Sui: Hey, don't pull me along so hard.
Ayame: Ah, sorry.

Left alone, Midori thinks, '…Hah. I'm really no good. (I'm such a pathetic adult…)'

Midori gazes at the fireworks in the sky with a lonely expression. He recalls Sui's words, thinking, 'Wishing for me to smile, huh-…'

We cut over to Momo, who hears the booming of the fireworks from her office. Her coworker remarks, "We can hear the fireworks even from over here, huh-"

Momo: Yeah, but we can't see it.
Coworker: I want to put on a yukata and go, too. I've never heard of a part-time job extending this many hours before.
Momo: Alright, alright, I'll treat you to fruit juice after we knock off.
Coworker: Oh, yay ❤ Even so, Sanae-san, is it alright with you? Weren't you supposed to go to the festival with your boyfriend?
Momo: Eh? I didn't say that I was going.
Coworker: Well, even if you didn't say it, I would know- What sort of person would have a boyfriend and not attend the festival together?
Momo (sweat-dropping): What's with that bias? …Regardless, you hit the bullseye.
Coworker: Ah, so you really bailed on him. Your boyfriend is so pitiful-
Momo: Uwuh-

The coworker adds, "Well, this job has many unpredictable aspects, so it can't be helped- But if this goes on, are you going to be fine?"

Momo pauses for a moment and looks at her coworker. Then, she gives a wistful smile and says, "…Who knows. I'm putting in lots of effort, but I still cause him to push himself and endure a lot. He's a gentle person, too, so he would definitely never blame me."

In response, Momo's coworker remarks, "…Somehow, I feel that you're having a really hard time, Sanae-san."

Momo's eyes widen in surprise.

Momo: Huh? Me?
Coworker: Yes- How do I put this? I don't know fully what's going on between you and your boyfriend, so I can't say it well- But don't you feel that this is really tough for the two of you? Is this being overly caring, or is it being overly considerate of each other- 🤔 Someday, you'll hit a dead end, you know? I'm sure of it.

Momo remains silent while her coworker's words sink in. She subconsciously touches her ring while her coworker dismisses, "Well, I don't fully understand the details, so..."

We cut back to Sui and Ayame at the festival. Sui is frowning, quiet, and Ayame is also silent next to her, while the rest of the festival crowd is busy around them.

Sui: …Say, Ayame. This is enough. Can you let go of my hand already?!
Ayame: No.
Sui: Wha- The fireworks have already ended! We should meet up with the others now-
Ayame: I feel sorry for myself.

Sui (stunned): What?
Ayame (murmuring, depressed): I was so obsessed with acting cool and increasing your affection level for me today, I got absorbed with all the Mochi merchandise to the extent that even when your geta strap broke and you got separated from me, I didn't notice. This kind of date isn't going to raise your affection level; rather, it's going to lower it.

Ayame laments, "After all, there were things that were beyond my control…"

Sui tries to reassure him, saying, "Wasn't it fine? We still got to see the fireworks together."

Ayame answers, "...Though that may be the case, if I hadn't separated from you, it wouldn't have caused the unexpected scenario of running into Midori-kun."

Holding Sui's hand more tightly, Ayame tilts his head to look at Sui and says, "At that moment, I managed to restrain myself, but I really hated it."

Sui blushes from Ayame's words.

Ayame adds, "I was super jealous!" and Sui replies, "I get it! You don't need to emphasize it…!"

Sui thinks, '…He restrained himself. Ayame was being considerate of me in his own way.'

Ayame then asks, "Well? What did you talk about with Midori-kun?"

Sui: Nothing much. We just made small talk while he was fixing my geta.
Ayame: You're definitely lying.
Sui (sweatdrops): No, it's true. We didn't talk about anything important. …I simply said that it would be good if onee-chan and Midori-kun continued to get along well with each other. That's all.

Ayame asks, "What's with that?"

Sui retorts, "Anyway! Hurry up and let go of my hand!" (But Ayame still refuses 😄)

Sui narrates: I want the person I like to be happy. If I could be the one to give that happiness, it would definitely be the best, but that's impossible. Therefore, even if this is just me meddling or being a hypocrite, I just want Midori to be happy and smiling. This is what I think.
