Onee-chan no Midori-kun 11


Sui is back at home, lying on her bed. She's removed her uniform and is only wearing inner shorts and a camisole.

Face down on her pillow, she groans, '…Ah- What did I just do…?'

Rolling side to side on her bed, Sui thinks, 'I suddenly got mad all on my own, hurled abusive language and stormed off… It's like I'm emotionally unstable!!!' (She's so embarrassed that she's in self-hate mode)

She continues thinking, '…Midori-kun would surely think that it's odd too.'

Sui narrates: I told myself that I would cherish these feelings until they faded away. I also wanted Midori-kun to think that I didn't have feelings for him anymore.

However, Sui recalls the scene at the train station with Ayame and Midori.
Ayame (declaring to Midori): I like Sui.
Midori: Eh...

She gets overcome with frustration again and groans loudly, "Ah- Geez!" when Ayame opens the door to her room, announcing, "Sui, I'm coming in."

Sui turns to look at Ayame and they look at each other. Noticing the state that Sui is in, Ayame blushes. He remarks, "What a feast for the eyes."

Sui goes, "Huh…", then pauses to examine herself. When she realizes what she's wearing, Sui proceeds to freak out.

Sui (covering herself in her blanket): You big pervert! You have no sense of delicacy at all!
Ayame (blushing and scratching his head): Ah, seems like I accidentally scored a lewd bishoujo game scene. Teehee-
Sui: Don't lump real life in together with your 2D games, dummy!!

Sitting down on Sui's bed, Ayame responds, "Yeah. I'm sorry."

Ayame continues, "For now and for earlier. I'm sorry. I keep doing things that make you angry."

Sui seems to calm down a little, but doesn't answer.

Ayame continues saying, "Well, even though I say so, I still don't get what it was that made you angry earlier. If you could tell me the reason, I would appreciate it. For future reference as well."

After a short pause, Sui answers, "…I don't really understand it myself."

Ayame: Eh, you don't even know why yourself, yet you still got mad at me.
Sui: I don't know why, but! I simply felt that I hated it. In front of the person I like… in front of Midori-kun, to be courted by someone else… or something. I didn't want him to see it. Besides, I know that Midori-kun won't think anything of it when he sees it, so it all just seems pointless.

Ayame is silent, seeming to understand.

Sui narrates: This is something that I decided for myself, yet I'm blaming Ayame for the hurt I brought on myself.

Emerging from underneath her blanket, Sui says to Ayame, "I'm sorry, too. I took out my anger on you."

Sui narrates: Why? Why can't I have better control of my own emotions? I'm truly hopeless.

Ayame gives her a thumbs up in response, saying, "That expression is brilliant. ✨"

Sui (judging look): …Hah?
Ayame (muttering to himself quickly as how only otakus can): It's a side eye, yet it's a little different from the usual; it's an expression carrying feelings of apology and weakness; accompanied by the cheeks which are a little flushed due to having been under the futon, it's perfect. I give my sincere thanks.
Sui: Hah?! I am earnestly talking to you, you know.
Ayame: I am also being super earnest.
Sui: Where-
Ayame: Well, nonetheless, Sui doesn't need to apologize. I acted without thinking about Sui's feelings in the first place.

Ayame: I mean, it was totally worth it. It's fine if you vent your anger on me more.
Sui: What?
Ayame: Because I'm somehow happy about it? You taking out your anger on me.
Sui (creeped out): Eh, what are you, an M? (Scary…)
Ayame: I think the same goes for Sui, who is heading down a thorny path yourself. Of course I'm happy. You're showing these emotions only to me. Sui said before that it's not all just pain, but as long as you still like Midori-kun, there might still be a lot of occasions where you can't help feeling like this.

Taking Sui's ponytail into his hand gently, Ayame says, "Throw all of it at me."

Gazing intensely into Sui's eyes, Ayame tells her, "I will use them to conquer you." He then lets go of her hair and smiles.

Sui narrates: Thorny path, you said. Isn't it the same for Ayame?

Out of embarrassment, Sui hides her face from Ayame. Ayame notices and asks, "Did your affection level for me increase?"

Sui answers, "You wish!"

Sui narrates: ...Are you a fool? We're both fools, Ayame and I.

Then, Ayame remembers something and goes, "Ah."

He asks, holding up a poster, "Anyway, Sui. Will you go to the summer festival with me? Let's go on a festival date."

Ayame looks proud of himself when he explains, "In bishoujo games, summer festivals are love events with a high probability of romantic scenes. With this, Sui's affection level for me should increase rapidly. (It's a flawless plan.)"

Sui goes, "...Um, sorry. I've already made plans to go together with Yuzu and Kanon."

Ayame freezes up in response, going, "Eh? What a terrible situation... I assumed that since Satake got a boyfriend, I would be able to go with Sui this year..."
(Satake is their middle school friend. They used to go to such festivals together as a trio.)

Sui: Somehow I feel really sorry.
Ayame (disappointed): No, it's my fault because I was too complacent...

Sui looks at Ayame, who looks like a dejected puppy. She thinks to herself that she can see his drooping ears and sad tail.

She narrates: Even though we've always been together, the current Ayame makes me feel like I'm only getting to know Ayame for the first time.

We cut over to Midori, who is preparing dinner at the stove.

He thinks, 'During the barbeque, I did think that Ayame-kun was sorta...? I wonder if they'll be alright, Sui-chan and them. Between that day and today, he must have confessed or done something.'
(He recalls how Sui had said in the previous chapter: "Various things... I mean... it's kind of difficult...")

Midori also recalls Sui's words: "Why did you say that in front of Midori-kun?"

He scratches his head to dismiss the thought. He thinks, 'Ah-...I'm concerned about it, but it's not up to me to say anything about this...'

His doorbell rings.

Midori narrates: ...Furthermore, I have my own matters that need dealing with.

Momo enters his house with a tired smile, going, "I'm so tired-"

Momo: I'm sorry, I'm later than I thought.
Midori: It's alright, I was working late today as well.
Momo (handing Midori a box): Ah, here. A present for you. Midori, you mentioned before that you wanted to eat this. The new tart from Onise.
Midori: Eh, really?! 😲 They're always sold out, so I never got to buy it…! Momo-chan, could it be that you're a cake goddess? ✨
Momo (proudly): You are allowed to worship me, you know.
Midori (squealing): Momo-sama ❤

Midori: Thank you for this. You even went after work.
Momo: Not at all. I'm glad that it makes you happy. It was worth stopping by the shop during location scouting.

Midori smiles to himself.

Midori: Alright then, be seated. Today's dinner is Pot-au-feu with summer vegetables and omurice!
Momo: Yay--

The two of them enjoy the dinner together, talking and laughing.

After eating, Momo sighs with satisfaction, "Hah-… That was delicious… Your culinary skills have improved again, Midori. (Such exquisite flavour...)"

Midori: After all, I've been cooking for myself for 5 years.
Momo: I'll do the dishes, then.
Midori: Ah, no need. Momo-chan, just stay put and relax-

Momo: But-
Midori: Don't worry about it. Okay?

Momo looks at Midori and hesitates for a moment, looking as if she wants to say something. However, she breaks into a smile and answers, "…Then, I'll take your word for it and take it easy."

Midori answers with a smirk, "That's more like it." He then brings the dirty dishes to the kitchen to wash. Momo remains in the living room, watching Midori's hamster.

Midori: Ah, I just remembered, are you free to go to the upcoming summer festival? (I'm not working part-time that day.)
Momo: Ah, yes. If it's at night, it shouldn't be a problem.

Momo glances at Midori and says, "In a sense, it's like a meaningful anniversary event, isn't it?

Midori looks back at Momo and smiles.

Midori (reminiscing): You mean our first date at the summer festival, before we got together, right?
Momo: Yes, yes. Our first date at the summer festival before we got together. At first, I had planned on going there with everyone, but Midori, you said to go with just the two of us~
Midori: No way, I was so assertive ❤
Momo: …How nostalgic it is.

Midori and Momo both reminisce fondly, with a wistful smile on their faces.

Midori suddenly recalls his words to Ayame: "I should learn from you."

Done washing the dishes, Midori begins, "…About that, Momo. I have something to talk to you about…"

However, there is no response from Momo. Midori is confused and returns to the living room, going, "Momo?"

He finds Momo sound asleep. He thinks, 'Ah, she fell asleep. (And I only looked away for three seconds…)'

Covering her with a blanket, Midori thinks, '…It's been a long time since I've seen Momo's sleeping face.' 

He continues gazing at Momo for a while, then he gets a sneaky expression on his face.

Taking out his phone, Midori snaps a picture of Momo. Then, he stares at the picture of Momo on his phone screen. He suddenly blushes furiously, thinking to himself, 'I'm such a creep; I'm really such a creep…!!'

(Midori's hamster, Pii-chan, munches on his food, going, "What's that fella doing, agonizing all by himself?")

Midori thinks to himself, 'I will delete it, I'm sorry, Momo…'

Midori suddenly notices that Momo has dark eye circles beneath her eyes.

He recalls Momo's words: "Shall we promise to meet up once a week from now on?" "Even though I'm really happy in my job now, and indeed I would like to put my job as my top priority, I don't want to neglect your feelings because of it, Midori."

Midori narrates: I'm glad that Momo is, in her own way, thinking about me. However... I was planning on saying everything honestly.

Midori's finger hovers over his phone's "Cancel delete" button of Momo's picture, while he thinks, 'Let's just forget about it for today-…'

Midori narrates: Sui-chan's straightforwardness and Ayame-kun's honesty, to the current me, are dazzling.

The next morning, on the way to school, Ayame lets out a huge sigh. Sui watches him and sweat drops while he sighs again.

She asks, "…Say, aren't you sighing way too much today? You've been constantly sighing the whole way here. Are you okay?"

Ayame stares at Sui for a second, then turns away and sighs again, saying dejectedly, "…It's nothing. It's totally not because I don't get to go to the summer festival with you…"

Sui goes, "Eh?" and thinks, shocked, 'He's still feeling down about that…?! (Even after an entire night…?!) …Just how much does he want to go with me…?'

Ayame lets out a huge, long sigh again, attracting even the attention of their schoolmates. Sui notices how forlorn Ayame seems.

After grimacing over it a little, Sui says to Ayame, "Ah- fine, I get it…! …Let's just go together, okay?"

Ayame: …Eh?
Sui: I already have plans with the others, so it's impossible for it to be just the two of us. However, if Yuzu and Kanon don't mind, we can... all go together."

Sui reminds him in tsun fashion, "I'll have you know that this is not a date, okay?! Don't go anticipating anything, got it?! (I'm sorry, but too bad!)"

Ayame stares at Sui with a blank expression, then a blush forms on his face.

Grabbing Sui's shoulders and leaning in towards her, Ayame says, "I'll go…!"

Sui shouts, "You're too close!"
