Numa Sugite Mohaya Koi 8 *SPOILERS*


I messed up...

Continuing from the previous chapter, Kirino is holding Kametani's hand, leaning her head on his shoulder and asking if she's still considered his male friend.

Kametani blushes furiously and backs away from Kirino. Turning away embarrassedly, he stutters, "O-of course it's still the case." He then says that they should go home, and Kirino follows.

On the train, Kirino looks at Kametani, who's sitting next to her but blushing, not looking back at her and remaining silent. She thinks to herself that she messed up.

After Summer Break

Summer break is over and it's now September. Kirino is on her way to school, thinking that she didn't get to see Kametani again for the entirety of summer break.

She spots him ahead of her and calls out to him, greeting him good morning. When Kametani also awkwardly greets her good morning, Kirino asks to walk together, but Kametani tells her not to come too close.

Kirino freezes and realizes that she's being avoided. What she did near the end of their "date" during summer break must have affected Kametani more than she imagined.

New Transfer Student...?

In class, the teacher announces that there is another new transfer student. The class is shocked, while Kirino thinks to herself that she's come a long way since Kametani transferred in; when they first met, she never imagined that things would develop this way.

The new student enters the classroom and introduces himself. His name is Sakurai Mio. The girls are instantly taken with him as they find him good-looking and not intimidating.

Sakurai is immediately surrounded by girls. One of them asks him if he has a girlfriend, to which he answers no. The girl then says to Sakurai that she will be his fan.

The Reason I'm Being Avoided

The comment triggers Kirino and she gets up from her seat to leave the classroom. She remembers that she had also declared to Kametani before that she would be his forever fan.

Kirino thinks to herself that even though she was Kametani's fan, it turned into love, so this would be "illegal". There was no way she could strive for her love. She understands now why Kametani would want to avoid her.

Kirino runs out of school to buy a shaver. She tells herself that if she is able to seek forgiveness from Kametani, she would still want to be by his side. She resolves to return to a "stan" and "idol" relationship with him.

I'm sorry!

Kirino approaches Kametani with the shaver in her hand outside the school gates. She hands Kametani the shaver and bows to him in apology for her inappropriate actions as a fan. She tells him that she will never do anything to make him feel troubled again.

Then, Kirino bends her head towards Kametani and asks him to shave her head bald as a punishment for her, because she wants to hang out with him.

Kametani looks stunned, then hands the shaver back to Kirino, saying, "...No, what are you talking about, saying that you're troubling me? Anyway, what's with asking me to shave you?"

Kirino goes, "But...", but Kametani tells her to stop making the expression she has on her face. "I'll feel like hugging you! Sheesh... this is why I tried to keep my distance..."


Kirino is confused. Kametani wants to hug her? She asks him what he means.

Kametani answers that he doesn't really get it himself, but when she makes that expression, he will feel like hugging her.

Turning away from Kametani in disbelief, Kirino wonders to herself if Kametani's feeling of wanting to hug her is like how one wants to hug puppies. However, she turns back to face Kametani and opens her arms wide.

Kirino says to Kametani, "Pl-please... however you like...".

Kametani also opens his arms wide as in a gesture to hug, but after a moment, he blushes and says that he can't do it. He can't bring himself to do it.

Kirino is shocked, recalling the time Kametani pinned her on his bed. They had already done that before, yet Kametani can't hug her now.

Still blushing, Kametani tells Kirino that he did a lot of thinking over the summer break. He has come to understand that he does not see her as a male friend, but as a girl he wants to protect.

Cultural Festival

In class, their class president announces that the class will be performing Snow White and the Seven Dwarves for the school's cultural festival.

Kirino thinks to herself (distracted) that she needs to maintain control of her feelings, if not they will go back to romantic love.

Meanwhile, a female classmate nominates Sakurai to take on the role of the prince. Kirino's ears pick up on the word "prince", leading her to imagine Kametani dressed up as a prince. Her daydream goes on until prince Kametani bends down to kiss her as Snow White.

Suddenly realizing what she's imagining, Kirino stands up in shock. However, the class president takes it as her volunteering for the role of scriptwriter and director. The rest of the class are in agreement while Kirino realizes what has just happened.

The class president then proceeds to dismiss the class before Kirino can say anything.


On another day at school, Kirino is now getting the actors to start the first practice session. However, the classroom is empty save for herself, Kametani (in charge of the sets), Sakurai and Tera (acting as the evil queen).

Sakurai and Tera say that they can't seem to hold a proper practice session as everyone else is busy with club activities or part-time work.

Kirino weakly suggests that everyone practise by themselves at home, since it can't be helped. Tera suggests that it should be fine even if they only begin rehearsals the week before the performance day, so she calls for Kirino to go home together. However, Kirino says that she still has work to do, so Tera goes home first.

Kametani looks at Kirino working, and asks her if he can help with anything. Kirino assigns for him to do something about the sets.

When the sky turns dark, Kametani goes back to the classroom to check on Kirino and finds her still working.

Three Days Left

It's 3 days to the performance and Kirino is again trying to get everyone to rehearse. She had stayed up all night making notes for all the actors. She wants them to practise with the notes.

However, the actors are impressed with what Kirino's prepared, saying that with those, they don't need to practise anymore. They start leaving, saying that they have prior appointments such as a date, part-time work and studies. Kirino tries to stop them, but she starts to collapse from her fatigue.

Kametani catches her and asks if she's alright. Then, speaking to the classmates who are trying to leave, he tells them that Kirino has been staying back in school to work on the performance, so he hopes that they will stay to practise.

Kirino thinks to herself that Kametani had told her before that he couldn't bring himself to hug her, yet he caught her in his arms so naturally in front of their classmates. She feels like she's being fiercely protected.

Their classmates acknowledge that they have been pushing all of the work to Kirino and so decide to cooperate. Kametani and Kirino smile at each other, feeling relieved. Kirino also wonders to herself if she has to fight off her feelings for Kametani forever.

After Practice

Kirino and Kametani are moving the desks in the classroom. She thanks Kametani for his help earlier in the day. Kametani asks if he's done something unnecessary, but Kirino blushes and says that she was very happy.

Looking at Kirino's expression, Kametani goes up close to her and has his face close to hers, saying, "You're making that face again."

Kirino goes, "...Huh-" and the chapter ends with them looking like they're about to kiss.

