Bokura no Suki wa Warikirenai 7 *SPOILERS*


The Night Passes

It's now morning and Yui slowly wakes up. Opening her eyes, she sees a sleeping Ritsu in front of her. Becoming wide awake from the surprise, Yui wonders to herself what is going on. She then hears a groan from behind her.

It's Hayato. Yui finds herself sleeping between the two boys.

Hayato also slowly opens his eyes and sees Yui. He smiles gently at her and says, "...Morning." Yui gets dazzled by Hayato and covers her face shyly while greeting back good morning.

What Happened

Getting up, Hayato explains to Yui that she fell asleep just like that last night, so they slept next to her. Yui thinks to herself that this scenario makes her feel like they've gone back to the past. However, she didn't expect to fall asleep like that, just like a child. She's also still basking in the view of Hayato she got earlier.

While Yui greets Tsumire good morning, Hayato checks and confirms that the power is back. He nudges Ritsu with his foot to wake Ritsu up.

Ritsu whines that it hurts, but Hayato curtly tells Ritsu that he's being considerate. Ritsu needs to get home to prepare for school. Ritsu asks if there is a holiday today due to the blackout, but Yui checks on the TV that as power has been restored, the trains are moving again (so there's no holiday).

Ritsu whines again that he doesn't want to get up and lies down again. Hayato tells Ritsu again to go home, but Ritsu then says to Yui that if she will make him breakfast, he will get out of bed.

Breakfast Time!

Yui prepares a delicious-looking spread for breakfast. Ritsu is impressed and compliments Yui. (They prepared food for Tsumire too.) Yui says that it isn't much, but Ritsu says that it's amazing and looks to Hayato for agreement.

Hayato also says that the food is delicious, which makes Yui happy.

When Hayato looks at Yui, he suddenly reaches his hand out and wipes a breadcrumb from Yui's mouth. Having witnessed that, Ritsu tells Hayato, "...Say, Hayato-kun. Siblings shouldn't be doing such things." He reminds Hayato that Yui isn't an eight year-old child anymore.

Both boys glance at Yui and find her blushing. Hayato flinches, then apologizes to Yui and clarifies that he wasn't intending on treating her like a child. Flustered, Yui says that it's fine and thanks Hayato.

While Preparing for School

Yui thinks to herself that yesterday, she was also thinking about how Hayato seemed to still be treating her like a child - toweling her hair, hugging her while thinking she was afraid of the dark. However, she is no longer at the age where she can behave like a child.

While checking herself in the mirror, Yui thinks to herself that even though she is no longer a child, she still looks and behaves like one. Falling asleep easily after getting tired out from playing to her is child-like behavior. 

Heading to School

Outside their houses, Ritsu sees Hayato waiting and asks why Yui isn't out yet. Hayato explains that Yui is on a phone call with their mother.

Ritsu then tells Hayato to not do such a thing anymore - he's referring to Hayato wiping Yui's mouth earlier. Hayato asks Ritsu if it's because such actions are the boyfriend's privilege. Ritsu simply smiles in response.

Yui comes out and thanks both boys for waiting. She informs that their parents still need to resume working for the day, so they won't be back home yet. Ritsu remarks that it's tough for the adults.

While Ritsu and Yui chat, Hayato lags behind them a little in pace and appears to be unhappy about something.

Volleyball Practice

Mano briefs the team that as competitions are drawing near, their practice session for today will be competition-style. He asks the managers Yui and Mitsuka to take video recordings of their matches.

Ritsu's game performance is especially outstanding today, impressing his team members. While high-fiving his teammates, Ritsu says that it's because today is also the day they pick the members for the competition line-up. Everyone good-naturedly compliments him. Yui also thinks to herself that Ritsu is amazing.

Mitsuka goes over to Yui to also tell her that Ritsu is playing well today. However, Yui stares at Ritsu and feels that something is off.


Yui notices that Mitsuka is sighing and asks if she's worried about the competition. Mitsuka clarifies that as support members, it's not bad. However, the volleyball club has a tradition - the managers are in charge of making bracelets for the entire team.

Mitsuka says that she has suggested before to abolish this tradition, but it was faced with rejection all around. The boys all cherish receiving the bracelets as motivation. Even Mano, the team's captain (and whom Mitsuka has a crush on), had sheepishly told her that he's been properly saving the bracelets. This left Mitsuka with no chance of turning them down.

Yui teases Mitsuka lightly, saying that she's adorable. Yui also suggests for them to split the work and do it together, as she is adept at such handiwork too. Mitsuka is touched and hugs Yui, thanking her for joining the club.

Ritsu's Behavior

During the practice, many girls are gathered above the gym to watch and cheer on the boys.

At break time, Ritsu approaches Yui and asks her to pass him a drink. She hands him a cup and he goes to sit beside her on the bench. Mitsuka tells Ritsu that his performance today is impressive, and he responds by asking if she recorded all of his gallantry on tape. Mitsuka answers, "Of course."

Ritsu then leans in close to Yui and gazes intently at her, asking Yui if he looked cool. Yui blushes a little and thinks to herself that Ritsu is deliberately showing this to the fangirls above. The rest of the team also look on in disapproval at Ritsu's blatant flirting. They drag Ritsu away, reminding him to keep personal and club affairs separate.

Yui calls out to Ritsu as he leaves, passing him a towel. Their fingers brush together momentarily. Yui then realizes something, and asks Ritsu, "Ricchan, are you not feeling well?"

The other team members go, "Hah, Yui-chan, what are you talking about?" "You've seen how this guy's playing today." "No matter how you look at it, he's in top form."

However, Ritsu immediately collapses towards Yui. Mano asks Yui to escort Ritsu to the infirmary while the rest of the team look on in surprise. "How could she tell?" "Is it because they're childhood friends?" "Was it the power of love?"

At the Infirmary

The school nurse isn't around, so Ritsu helps himself to the bed. He tells Yui that he'll be fine after sleeping for a while. Yui passes him a thermometer to check his temperature, saying that he might have caught a cold from sleeping on the ground last night.

However, Ritsu answers that it's because he was up thinking about various things, so he couldn't sleep well last night. Yui asks him what he was thinking about, but Ritsu replies, "If you're concerned, why don't you hold my hand?"

Yui blushes, but proceeds to hold his hand. She thinks, 'This is illegal. I still find him cute even though we're already so big.' She then is reminded of how Hayato had wiped her mouth in the morning and wonders if Hayato had thought the same about her.

Yui thinks, 'I care about Ricchan in particular, because to me, he is a very special person. This, and perhaps also the fact that our feelings have the same foundation.' She wonders if thinking in this manner is being conceited.

How Could You Tell?

The thermometer beeps, showing that Ritsu doesn't have a fever.

Ritsu asks Yui how she could tell that he wasn't feeling well. Yui answers, "It's probably because of how you were clearly perspiring so much, yet your hands were ice cold."

When Ritsu asks if she could tell just based on that, Yui gently adds, "Ricchan, haven't you noticed this about yourself? All this time, the more you're feeling unwell, the harder you'd try to cover it up."

Ritsu looks stunned for a moment, then says, "...What do I do with you?" and pulls Yui onto the bed with him.

Ritsu's Intentions

Yui is surprised at being pulled into bed with Ritsu and struggles to get up, telling him that they shouldn't be like this. However, Ritsu keeps her in place and says that they already slept next to each other last night. Yui can't deny that. Ritsu also pleads for her to stay, at least until he falls asleep.

Yui stops struggling, then asks Ritsu what was keeping him awake last night. However, she says that it's fine if he doesn't want to talk about it.

Ritsu is silent for a moment, thinking about the photograph that he saw. He says, "--Yui-chan, previously, regarding your actions towards Hayato-kun, you said that it was 'a mistake', didn't you?"

Ritsu then climbs over Yui on the bed and pins her down, saying, "I've been thinking that I should become like that, too."

Leaning in his face close to Yui's, Ritsu continues, "I suggested for us to pretend to date, not purely just for you. It was for myself. I was thinking that perhaps, in the process of us pretending to date, that you'd 'mistakenly' fall for me."

