Bokura no Suki wa Warikirenai 6 *SPOILERS*
Blackout at Home
Yui goes to the living room to inform her brother, Hayato, that she's done bathing and thanks him for letting her go first. Hayato asks if she had any trouble (since it's dark). Yui replies that since they lit scented candles in the bathroom for this, it actually felt luxurious. She asks Hayato to quickly take a bath too. Before leaving to take his bath, Hayato reminds her to stay warm.
Yui smiles to herself, thinking that in Hayato's eyes, she must still be an eight year-old child, as he's being so over-protective. Drying her hair while sitting on the sofa, Yui thinks that judging from Hayato's behavior, there won't be any issue even if they are alone at home - but that should be normal, because they are siblings.
She checks the news on her phone and sees that the blackout had very widespread effects in the region. It also doesn't seem like it will get better anytime soon.
Suddenly, there's a loud clatter, which startles Yui. She realizes that it was wind causing the blinds to rattle. Her heart is beating faster from the shock, and she wonders if her parents are all right. She's also reminded of a previous rainy night.
Yui's Fear
Yui's mother had collapsed on a rainy night, too. At the hospital's waiting room, it was silent and dark, and Yui was all alone. The only thing she could hear was her heart thumping.
In the present, Hayato, who's done bathing, is in front of Yui and is calling out to her. Yui snaps out of her daze. Hayato covers her with a blanket and brings her into his chest for a hug.
Yui gets confused and flustered, wondering what's happening. Hayato says that Yui was shivering. He knows that Yui is afraid of the dark. Yui answers that that used to be the case when they were young, but she's not afraid anymore.
She thinks to herself that her shivering was only caused by her remembering the previous rainy night incident. Her heart is thumping loudly now as well, but for a totally different reason.
Yui realizes now that being in Hayato's arms, she is also listening to his heartbeat. She describes his heartbeat as a steady, rhythmic one that never fails to calm her down (just like how it did during the previous rainy night incident), different from her own.
Yui raises her head to look at Hayato, and the two of them stare at each other for a moment. (Awkward...)
Ritsu Visits
The moment is interrupted by Yui's phone buzzing. Ritsu is calling. He asks Yui to open their front door. Ritsu had texted Yui earlier, but she didn't respond to him, so he got worried and came over.
Hayato looks mildly annoyed, going, "He's coming even though the weather's so bad...? Geez." and leaves the living room to open the front door. Yui then breathes a sigh of relief to herself. She was very tense from trying to hold herself back, because her feelings for Hayato were about to overflow.
Ritsu's dog, Tsumire, appears! Yui is instantly charmed by how adorable she is. Ritsu brought Tsumire over because Yui wanted to see her. Tsumire is friendly and not wary of strangers.
Hayato, who's back in the living room, remarks that even if Yui wanted to see Tsumire, Ritsu didn't have to do it during this rainy day. Ritsu answers that in such a peculiar situation, he thought that having animal therapy would be useful. He even carried Tsumire over so that she wouldn't get wet.
Yui tells Ritsu that him bringing Tsumire over has truly healed her. Hayato then tells Ritsu to leave Tsumire behind and go home, to which Ritsu responds, "Hayato-san, don't you think that you're being very mean to me recently?"
What Shall We Do?
Ritsu pouts and says that since he's come all the way here, they should hang out, like watch a movie or something. Hayato reminds him that they're having a blackout. Ritsu then suggests that they eat something. Yui agrees that they can cook.
Ritsu suggests not opening the refrigerator because they don't know when the power will be back on, and also advises not to use the stove. However, Hayato says that they have a portable gas stove.
Several cup and bowl noodles are brought out and Hayato offers for Ritsu and Yui to choose any that they like. Upon taking a closer look at the flavours, Ritsu remarks that many of them seem to align with Hayato's preferences - spicy. Hayato tells Ritsu that if he's going to complain so much, he won't get to eat any. Ritsu passes Yui one of the bowls that he considers "safe" to eat and she thanks him.
Supper Time
After adding the hot water and waiting for the noodles to be ready, the trio start eating. Hayato has also prepared some food for Tsumire.
Ritsu says that eating instant noodles during such situations strangely makes it taste better than usual. Yui says that she understands. Hayato tells Ritsu that he used to say something similar in the past. Ritsu doesn't remember and asks when that was.
Hayato explains that it was when they were looking at comets when they were young. Ritsu asks if it was when Yui and Hayato's father brought them to Asahioka Park. Yui recalls as well and says that back then, there were too many clouds, so they ended up not spotting anything.
Ritsu adds that they then had instant noodles at the park before going home. Yui smiles happily at the memory and says that she had a lot of fun then. Hayato and Ritsu look at her.
Let's Do Something Else Together
Ritsu puts his arm behind Yui on the sofa and tells her that since they're older now, they can go somewhere else next time on their own - outdoor barbeques or camping.
Hayato instantly says that he will not allow any overnight trips, but Ritsu says that he didn't mean for just him and Yui to go. The entire volleyball team could go together. He looks to Yui for agreement, and Yui happily smiles, saying that it sounds fun.
Yui narrates that the unease she felt earlier now seems like it never existed. Having the three of them together like this makes it feel like she's gone back to the past and it makes her happy. She wishes that such times will keep on continuing to persist. They play cards and entertain Tsumire.
Hayato's Secret
After a while, Ritsu finds that Yui and Tsumire have fallen asleep. Hayato asks him to remain quiet and covers them with a blanket. Ritsu notices Hayato's gentle gaze and smile towards Yui's sleeping form.
Ritsu then asks Hayato for a change of clothes, as he's wearing jeans and doesn't want to sleep in them. Hayato says that he can just return home, but Ritsu answers that it's still raining, so he doesn't want to.
After a moment's hesitation, Hayato asks Ritsu to take the clothes himself. Ritsu then heads to Hayato's room with his phone as a torchlight. When he opens the wardrobe and reaches for some clothes, he accidentally knocks over a box, and its contents spill out.
Ritsu panics, hoping that he didn't break anything. While picking up the loose items, Ritsu notices a photograph that's fallen out of a book. It's a picture of two families - two sets of parents and two children.
Ritsu recognizes Yui, Hayato and their parents. However, he does not recognize the second set of parents, who are holding Hayato in their arms.
Turning the picture over, he sees writing on the back of the photograph. It says: Yui, 1st birthday party. Together with the Shikishima family.
Please Keep It a Secret
Hayato comes into his room to check on Ritsu, as he heard the sound of something dropping. He sees Ritsu holding the photograph. Ritsu apologizes for knocking the box over and says that he didn't mean to see it.
Ritsu asks Hayato who the Shikishimas are. Hayato solemnly looks at Ritsu, is silent for a moment, then says that they are his birth parents.
Hayato explains that he was adopted by the Yotsuyas when he was two years old. Ritsu connects the dots and asks, "......That means, you and Yui-chan are-", but Hayato completes his sentence for him by saying, "I have no blood relation with any member of this household."
Hayato tells Ritsu that they are probably not aware that he knows about this, so he asks Ritsu to keep it a secret for him. Hayato elaborates that Yui was truly happy about having the family be reunited once again after 8 years of separation, so he doesn't want to create a rift among them.
Ritsu's Inner Turmoil
Ritsu assures Hayato that he understands and will keep it a secret. He bends down to continue picking up the loose items and apologizes again for making a mess. Hayato reassures him that nothing was broken, as the box contained only paper-based items. He tells Ritsu that he will clean up, so Ritsu can take the clothes and change.
Ritsu returns to the living room. His mind is filled with thoughts of his interaction with Yui in Chapter 1 - where he saw Yui kissing Hayato's forehead, then her begging him not to tell anyone and Yui telling him about her self-doubts and fears.
He finds Yui still sleeping soundly on the ground and sits next to her. He mutters, "......I won't ever tell. I can't even bring myself to talk about it."