Onee-chan no Midori-kun 2


Sui has successfully entered high school and now has a new set of uniform! She wonders if she will be able to fall in love, just like her older sister did.

Sui is scrolling through a social media account filled with pictures of a cute hamster. She's hanging out together with Ayame in his room (judging by all the bishoujo posters on the wall). Sui shows Ayame her phone screen, saying that the hamster (which belongs to Midori) is very adorable.

Ayame is busy playing his game, but remarks that Midori doesn't seem like the type to post on social media. Sui says that the account is a hamster channel, not his personal account.

Sui adds that Midori also posts pictures of his family's cat, so the social media account is actually very healing. She also mentions that even though Midori looks frivolous, he's actually studying to be a vet.

Ayame tells her that she's already mentioned Midori five times today. He says, "You've even started following his social media account. You're really into him now, huh."

In tsundere fashion, Sui denies vehemently, saying that she's not someone who can be won over that easily - then in the next moment, she pauses, blushes and admits, "...Nonetheless, while it's true that I didn't know how to handle him before, it's somewhat different now." She also thinks to herself that her feelings about Midori have changed a little, though she doesn't understand what kind of change it is.

Ayame stares at Sui.

Ayame shows Sui a scene from his bishoujo game. The female game character pouts, complains, frowns but is blushing and acting cute. He trembles in excitement from the tsundere behavior of the game character, then tells Sui, "Your expression looked just like that. An expression as if you've fallen in love."

Sui's eyes widen in surprise, but she reacts with disgust at Ayame's remark and says that he's spouting nonsense. Sui says that Midori is her sister's boyfriend, so it would definitely be impossible with him.

Sui tells Ayame that he may appear to know a lot about love, but he's in fact just a 2D otaku with zero love experience. We find out here that Sui and Ayame's families are next-door neighbours.

It's been a while since Sui last saw Midori, but Sui narrates that they recently made plans to meet. Midori had suggested in LINE to celebrate Momo's start of work and Sui's successful entrance to high school, at his uncle's restaurant. Sui is locking the front door to head out for the celebratory dinner.

Midori is there and he greets Sui. 

Sui asks him where Momo is, because the plan was for Midori to pick Momo up from her workplace first. Midori explains that Momo isn't done with her work yet, so Momo told him to pick Sui up first and head to the restaurant to wait.

Sui suddenly feels nervous about being in the car with Midori. She tries to fasten her seatbelt but has some trouble with it. She loses her grip on the seatbelt and gets startled when it retracts, but Midori leans over and stops it for her, going, "What are you doing?"

Sui becomes aware of their close proximity while Midori fastens her seatbelt for her.

Sui is internally very surprised and fidgets while thinking to herself that there was a nice smell on Midori.

Midori asks her why she's wearing her school uniform, since the high school entrance ceremony is only on the day after tomorrow. He teasingly asks, "Ah, could it be that you were too excited to become a high school student, so you're wearing it ahead of time?"

Annoyed, Sui replies that she's not an idiot. She explains that it was thanks to Midori that she was able to successfully enter high school, so since this was a rare opportunity, she thought of showing him how she looked in her high school uniform.

Midori (teasingly): ...Heh, you wanted to show me how you look in your high school uniform, huh ❤
Sui: What? No! I'm just showing you!
Midori: Sure, sure. 

Midori: So, don't you want to know what I think?
Sui: You're just going to say something like 'fine feathers make fine birds', aren't you?
Midori (laughing): Ah, I've been found out?
Sui: Completely.
Midori: Just kidding. It looks good on you.

Sui gets embarrassed and flustered, saying that he won't score any brownie points for this compliment. Midori laughs and teases her about being shy. Sui thinks to herself that Ayame's strange comments from earlier are making her so easily triggered.

They arrive at Midori's uncle's restaurant. Sui is amazed by how stylish it looks. It's near to her high school, so she thinks that it would be nice to explore this area after school.

Midori calls out to someone, "Haru-kun." Haru turns and sees Midori, going, "Welcome, Mi-chan!"

Sui is surprised at the nickname "Mi-chan", while Haru asks Midori where Momo is. Haru's attention then shifts to Sui and she introduces herself politely. We find out that Haru's full name is Yukishiro Haru, and he is Midori's uncle.

Sui thinks to herself that Haru is good-looking and seems kind. Midori remarks teasingly that Sui's polite demeanor towards Haru is very different from how she is with him.

Sui thinks to herself that the gene inheritance must have gone wrong somewhere, because Midori and Haru are like the devil and angel.

A while later, while seated with drinks, Midori asks if Sui was surprised because Haru is young. Midori explains that his father and uncle are far apart in age, but also, Haru's appearance has not changed since his twenties.

Sui answers, "Yes. Being young is one thing. Midori-kun the mean devil, when compared with the angelic Haru-kun... Even though both of you are one generation apart, it's impossible to believe that the two of you have the same blood running through your veins."

Midori is unfazed by Sui's somewhat insulting remark and just cheerfully says, "People often say that~ ❤". 

Their conversation falls silent for a moment and Sui observes Midori. She thinks to herself that Midori and Haru are very different in various ways, but Midori also has well-defined facial features.

Midori notices her gaze and Sui gets startled. In an attempt to diffuse her embarrassment and awkwardness, she asks Midori when Momo is arriving. Just then, his phone chimes with a message from Momo.

Midori explains that Momo has texted to apologize and inform that she can no longer make it because she's swamped with work. Midori types his reply to Momo to say that he understands (and Momo replies, thank you 😙✨)

Sui is surprised at Midori's relaxed reaction. However, Midori replies by saying that there's no helping it, since work at the TV station is very fluid and unpredictable.

Sui says, "I know that this situation can't be helped, but to be stood up, you'd still feel some disappointment, right? Back when we were deciding when to meet, it felt like Midori-kun was really looking forward to it. Earlier in the car, too, you said that you'd prepared a special cake or something. You looked so cheerful, you were even humming to yourself. Hence, I'm a little concerned about you. About whether  or not you're just pretending to be calm."

Midori retains his calm demeanor and teases, "What- So you were worried about me, huh?"

Sui (flustered): No way! I was just being skeptical...
Midori: Yes, yes. Sui-chan is such a good and adorable child.

Midori admits that he does feel some disappointment at not being able to celebrate as the three of them, but he won't let such a small issue bother him, because he understands that Momo is new in her job and is encountering challenges.

Midori continues, saying that he knows how Momo is putting all of her heart and mind into her work now, and he wants to support her. He adds, "I also like the way she's so focused and gives it her all."

Sui gazes at Midori, who has a fond look in his eyes.

Sui thinks, '...This person really loves onee-chan...'

Midori: Anyway, Sui-chan is here with me today, so I don't feel lonely at all.
Sui: ...Midori-kun, you'd better not show that kind of expression to other people.
Midori: Hm?
Sui: Because you had 'shy' written all over your face!
Midori: Eh- To actually say that I looked shy- I'm not that careless, okay-
Sui: You did, you did-
Midori: No way.
Sui: How about you take a look at yourself in a mirror? See, you're being shy.
Midori: Listen, you...

Sui thinks to herself that Midori was earlier speaking calmly like a mature adult, but in the next moment, he'd turned into a child, bantering with her. Every single time he talked about something related to her sister Momo, he'd reveal an expression she'd never seen before. She finds it interesting to learn about new sides of Midori, but she also notices a throbbing pain deep in her heart.

Later, Sui and Midori are back in the car. Sui is very satisfied from the dinner and the special cake that he prepared. Midori comments that Sui looked as if she was possessed by his hamster, because she ate until her cheeks were full.

Sui thanks Midori and he answers, "You're welcome."

Sui says, "Even so, I feel sorry that you had to specially make time to plan this, yet my sister couldn't make it, and you have no choice but to have this little sister accompany you instead."

Sui adds, "I'm aware of it. You said that today was to celebrate for my sister and I, but in truth, celebrating my entrance to high school was just an incidental thing."

Midori taps a small box on Sui's head and says that he wouldn't want to reward a kid who says such things. Sui is surprised and confused, while Midori explains that the box is a gift for Sui for entering high school.

It's a card case. Midori says that the card case will come in handy when she starts high school, so it's a fitting gift, and that Sui can use if it she likes it.

Sui thinks, '...He says for me to use if it I like it... Such a...', but she doesn't finish her thought, because she remembers something else and asks Midori:

Sui: Wait a minute. Even though I'm really happy and thankful, money...
Midori: Hm?
Sui: Money. Do you still have money, Midori-kun?
Midori: What?

Sui explains that she found out from her mother that Midori didn't accept any money for tutoring her. Furthermore, the dinner today was Midori's treat.

Midori lightly taps Sui's forehead and tells her, "...Listen. During such times, you don't need to bother with the small details, okay? Just enjoy it and be happy."

He explains that all along, he was working part-time at Haru's restaurant. When the restaurant was under renovation, he tutored Sui as a temporary job. Midori also adds that he's not struggling financially, so Sui doesn't need to worry.

Midori teases Sui for being so considerate and thoughtful.

Sui (pouting): I'm sorry for being so un-cute.
Midori: It's the opposite. This is exactly what makes Sui-chan adorable.
Sui (getting flustered): What?!
Midori: Anyway. It's not true that celebrating for you was just an incidental thing.

Midori looks at Sui with a gentle smile and says, "You are not incidental." Sui blushes, then turns away out of shyness.

During the drive home, Sui thinks to herself that Midori is really sly. She also notices that her cheeks feel hot. She sees her reflection in the glass window, and is reminded of Ayame's words to her: "Your expression looked just like that. An expression as if you've fallen in love."
