Onee-chan no Midori-kun 1

Note: It's 63 pages so it's a long post ahead!

We're introduced to 5th grader Sui, who has an older sister who's seven years older than her. Sui's older sister introduces Sui to her boyfriend. His name is Yukishiro Midori.

Four years pass. Sui (now in her 3rd year of middle school) is studying when she gets called down to dinner. In the living room, she discovers that Midori is there. He's hugging Sui's family dog, Mochi. The two of them have not seen each other for a while. Midori teasingly greets Sui, but she isn't too happy to see him. She thinks to herself that she's bad at dealing with Midori.

Sui's mother is working late today, so the three of them have dinner together. The TV is playing a drama, and it shows a romantic kabedon scene.

Sui feels very awkward seeing the actors about to kiss, but her sister and Midori are absorbed in the drama. She ends up turning the TV off even though her sister was enjoying it. Sui says that things such as kabedons and tilting of chins are gross if done in real life. Midori then teasingly asks if Sui has experienced these things before, and Sui says no.

Midori: Then you wouldn't know how it feels, won't you? Whether it's gross or not.
Sui: What are you trying to say?

Midori goes and tilts Sui's chin up and teases, "Actually, Sui-chan secretly desires to experience such things, but because you're too shy to admit it, you give the opposite reaction instead~"

Sui blushes furiously and gets flustered while her sister watches from aside in amusement. Midori continues to tease Sui until she gets mad and stomps off.

Sui shuts herself in her room. Midori and Sui's sister (her name is Momo) tease each other.

Momo: Ah, Midori, you're doing that again. You're going to be hated by Sui-chan, you know.
Midori: Heh- That's because I truly find it entertaining to tease that child. Could it be that you're jealous, Momo-chan? ❤
Momo: Why would I, of my sister, who's seven years younger?
Midori: I thought so~

Suddenly, Sui reappears in the dining room and clears her dishes. Momo and Midori watch her. Sui then shouts to them to just leave their dishes on the table because she'll do them later, and stomps off again to her room. Momo and Midori then burst out laughing, Midori saying that Sui is very interesting and Momo remarking that Sui is a tsundere.

In her room, Sui is peeved at how she was made fun of by Midori again. She recalls that since the first time she met him, they've only met occasionally, but he's always been over-familiar, teasing her and treating her like a child.

However, she reminds herself to go and study. Her grades have not been ideal - her mock test result for her high school of choice is a C. There's only less than three months until the high school entrance exams. Momo looks at Sui's result slip and determines that Sui is weak at math.

Sui and Momo's mother is home. Her name is Miyuki and she does insurance for work.

Momo suggests for Sui to go to cram school, but Sui doesn't want to, because she's concerned about adding to the family's expenditure. Nonetheless, Miyuki and Momo reassure her that they have enough money - their late father left them some money, and Momo would be starting work in April.

Momo then suggests that instead of cram school, they could hire a personal tutor for Sui. Miyuki and Sui agree that it's a good idea, so Momo recommends Midori, who has been looking for a part-time job. Midori is currently a student at vet school, which takes six years. Sui is shocked at this development, because she can't believe that she now is at the mercy of "devil" Midori.

On another day, Sui is returning home from school with her friends, and they both have been told about Sui's situation. Sui's female friend is excited for her. Sui's male friend (his name is Ayame) is a bishoujo game otaku, and he remarks that he wishes for the female character in his game to be his real personal tutor, so that he can do this and that with her. 

Sui is indignant that an otaku like Ayame can get A for his mock tests while she has to struggle so hard. Sui suddenly gets fired up and declares that she will work Midori to the bone so that she can pass her entrance exams.

After the female friend leaves to go home, Ayame tells Sui that Midori becoming Sui's personal tutor is a good arrangement, because it will help with her grades and also give her the opportunity to get along better with Midori.

Sui considers it for a moment, but then Midori suddenly appears behind them, teasing, "That's right, if you talk to me properly, you might discover my charm~". Sui is shocked, while Ayame calmly introduces himself to Midori.

Fast forward to 70 days before Sui's entrance exams, Midori is tutoring Sui in her room. Sui is surprised that Midori has not teased her at all so far, and his explanations are easy to understand.

Just when she considers that she may have been overly cautious of Midori, he lightly pokes her cheek and asks, "So then, won't you try calling me Midori-sensei?"

They banter a little, then Midori says, "I was kidding when I asked you to call me sensei, but calling me Yukishiro-san is being way too distant. Just call me Midori. After all, we share the same kanji, don't we?"

Sui tells him that she is aware of this fact, because she heard about it from her sister. Momo had noticed that Midori shared the same kanji as Sui's name (翠), which was how Momo felt connected to Midori when they first met in school. Sui realizes to herself that she was the bridge between Momo and Midori.

Midori is surprised that Momo talks about him to Sui. Sui adds that Momo also recently shared:

"I'm really happy about going on a date after so long."
"I received a matching set of earrings from Midori."
"Midori-kun's sleeping face is so adorable."

Hearing that makes Midori blush shyly. When Sui asks him what's wrong, he explains that Momo is the carefree and straightforward type, so it makes him very happy and shy to learn that she talks about these things. Sui is very surprised at his reaction, thinking to herself, 'So he can also make such expressions.'

Later, Midori is going home after the tutoring session. Sui is reluctant to admit that her studies are progressing much more smoothly now, thanks to Midori.

Midori teasingly asks Sui if she's lonely at home while waiting for her mother and sister to return home. Sui says she isn't (because Mochi is around too) and gets annoyed at Midori for treating her like a child again. He then winks at Sui and tells her to check her desk later, saying that he left a love letter.

Confused and annoyed at being made fun of, Sui stomps back to her room to check her desk, finding not a love letter, but a stack of practice papers and an amulet for good luck in exams. She also finds a note from Midori explaining that he prepared these practice papers for her after asking Momo about Sui's weaker sections. He left his LINE contact as well for her to easily contact him. Sui is moved by his attention to detail and effort. She also recalls that Momo had reassured her on how kind and caring Midori is.

Sui resolves to study hard. Fast forward again, it's now 10 days to the entrance exams. Sui has managed to obtain a B in her mock exams! Midori applauds her, narcissistically remarking, "This is all thanks to me, the best personal tutor ever."

They banter, and Momo watches them. Momo says that Sui and Midori seem to be getting along better, as Sui has stopped using formal language. Sui doesn't want to admit that she's getting along with Midori, but Momo ends up teasing her about it. 

Annoyed, Sui shyly admits, "It's just... I find that Midori-kun is a little more acceptable compared to before. That's all." Momo and Midori go up to Sui and pat her head. Midori says that Sui is an adorable little child, which ticks off Sui and she jerks away.

Sui: I'm just complimenting you a little, can you not get so full of yourself?!
Midori: Huh, why am I left all alone? Sui-chan, you're so mean, you're such a bully-
Sui: What? You're calling me a bully? You're one yourself. You already have onee-chan as your girlfriend, yet you don't bat a single eyelid at having such close physical interaction with others. You're the one who's bizarre (and I've felt this way for a long time).
Midori (confused): Eh, that's because Sui-chan is still just a child.
Momo: Wait, Midori...
Midori (poking Sui's cheek): Oh, Sui-chan, could it be that you feel as if you've already become a feminine lady? I've known you since you were a 5th grader, so how can that be?

Sui gets seriously upset and smacks Midori's hand away. Tearing up, she thanks him for his help and says that she will be fine on her own from here on, so she hopes that they won't have anything to do with each other anymore.

Midori is taken aback and confused, but Sui continues, saying that she feels like a fool because she thought Midori had become more acceptable. Wondering to herself why she feels so angry, she shouts that Midori is a bully, then kicks Midori and Momo out of her room.

Momo tells Midori that he went overboard with his teasing (even though she herself was at fault for not stopping him). Midori wants to apologize immediately but Momo advises him against it, because it will just make matters worse. Momo also says that Sui's studies will be fine, and she will help Sui if needed.

Midori genuinely looks like he feels bad.

Fast forward to the night before Sui's entrance exams. Sui is fully prepared, but she can't seem to fall asleep, because she's still bothered about her conflict with Midori. She recalls that Midori did a lot for her, yet she yelled at him. She realizes that she was really acting like a child after all.

Sui decides to get out of bed and leave the house for a bit of fresh air. When she opens the front door, she finds Midori standing there. Both are surprised to see each other and awkwardly greet each other.

Sui turns away to call for Momo, but Midori tugs on Sui's wrist to stop her, saying that he came to see Sui. He asks Sui why she's out in the cold while undoing his scarf to wrap it around Sui's neck.

Sui tries to stop him, but Midori insists.

Midori: If Sui-chan catches a cold, I'm going to be very troubled.
Sui: But-
Midori (sincerely): Sui-chan, I'm sorry about before. I said too much. I'm the adult here, but I went overboard having fun teasing you. Momo told me to observe and act accordingly until your exams were over, but I just couldn't let go of this issue. I'm really sorry, even saying all these right before your exams...

Sui thinks to herself that all these could have been said over LINE, but Midori came specially despite the snowy cold weather to talk to her. She thinks, '...He's... such a fool.'

Sui bows and apologizes to Midori as well. 

Midori: No no no, Sui-chan wasn't at fault at all.
Sui (pouting): Well, yes, I also think that this was all your fault. Nevertheless, you helped me so much yet I said such mean things to you...

After a moment, Sui declares, "So, as it is, we have officially reconciled!"

Midori laughs at her choice of words.

Midori then says, "You're a really good kid, Sui-chan."

Sui complains that Midori is treating her like a child again, but Midori pats her head and explains, "That was from the bottom of my heart. I have no intention of treating you as a little kid."

Midori breaks into a smile and says, "You are even more mature than I am."

Sui thinks to herself, 'This person is so bizarre, yet I, who feels so happy because of this, am even more bizarre myself.'

Turning away so that she's not facing him, Sui tells Midori that she will definitely pass, and thanks him for the practice papers and amulet.

Midori answers, "You're welcome~", and we see Sui's blushing face. We also see a qualification notice for Shinme High School, implying that Sui has been successful in her entrance exams.
