Onee-chan no Midori-kun 3



Sui still thinks about what Midori said to her back in the previous chapter: "You are not incidental."

The next morning at 6:50am, Sui is preparing tamagoyaki and Momo enters the dining room yawning, looking exhausted and saying "I'm home-". Momo apologizes to Sui, saying that she had work which needed to be completed by yesterday.

Momo takes a piece of the tamagoyaki that Sui made and says that they're delicious ✨

Sui calls out to Momo and asks if she is pushing herself too hard.

Momo: Oooh, are you concerned about me?
Sui: You've only just started working, yet you're already pulling all-nighters doing overtime, then taking the first train home. Isn't this too much? Plus, you look like you're always in a hurry.
Momo: Hahaha, it's harsh, huh. Well, it's because I'm still not used to the work. After I become familiar with it, such things will happen less often. That's why, you don't need to worry. I'm fine. Furthermore, the work is enjoyable, too.

Sui sighs and says that Momo should still take care of her own health, but then she realizes that Momo has fallen asleep on the table. Sui is shocked at the speed with which Momo fell asleep. She covers Momo with a blanket and watches her sleep for a moment, looking concerned.

Sui then gets startled by her phone chiming. It’s a notification for her horoscope prediction for the day. Sui reads that her luck is above average today, and her lucky item is knitted cardigans. There’s also advice for the day: Do try facing your inner heart earnestly. Perhaps, you may discover your true feelings~

Sui is surprised by the advice given. She thinks, 'Wait a minute, my true feelings...?! Why must it be at this time...?'

She recalls that the reflection of herself which she saw in the car window felt like it wasn't her - a truly odd expression. Sui thinks that she did have a racing heart and a flushed face, but it's impossible to believe that she had the expression of a person in love. No matter how much she thinks about it, things such as love are still hard to imagine.

Sui looks at the text messages on her phone: She last sent Ayame a sticker, Momo had sent her a sticker, while Midori had texted her, "Today is your high school entrance ceremony, right? Congrats again."

Miyuki (Sui and Momo's mother) then comes into the dining room, yawning too and greeting good morning (startling Sui).

Sui narrates that a week has passed since she received that message from Midori and she is now seemingly stuck in an awkward position (one-sidedly), because she did not reply to Midori’s text and left it hanging.

Sui is roused from her thoughts when Ayame asks her a question. They two of them are walking home together from school, but Ayame wants to visit a store to buy a CD (his favourite character's song CD), so he wants to know if Sui will come along. However, Sui says that she's not interested and declines.

Ayame: Okay, got it.
Sui: Seeya, then.
Ayame: Ah, Sui.
Sui: Yes?
Ayame: Uh... do you want to borrow the CD?
Sui: No. (Didn't I already say that I wasn't interested?)

Sui huffs and walks away while Ayame looks on. He thinks to himself that Sui has been spacing out a lot recently. He continues thinking, ‘Well, she doesn’t seem to want to talk about it. I guess it's okay?’

Meanwhile, Sui continues thinking about how she left Midori's text on read. She feels that Midori probably wouldn't mind something like this, but ignoring him for a week is indeed a bit too much. She also doesn't know how she should reply, furthermore replying now at this juncture would be weird.

She then realizes that her head is full of Midori and gets frustrated with herself.

It suddenly starts to rain. Sui doesn't have an umbrella so she starts running towards the train station. She blames Midori for her muddle-headedness.

Just then, someone calls out, "Oh, Sui-chan?"

It's Haru (Midori's uncle). He offers for her to come under his umbrella while Sui recalls in her mind that Haru's restaurant was nearby. Haru suggests for her to wait out the rain at his restaurant.

Walking along together, Haru apologizes for not being able to escort Sui to the train station instead, as he needs to return to the restaurant to prepare for the evening. Sui reassures him that it’s fine, that she should be the one apologizing for inconveniencing him instead.

Sui glances at Haru and feels the gentle and kind vibes from him. She thinks that Haru is the complete opposite of Midori, but somehow she still feels a little nervous around Haru.

Haru notices Sui’s discomfort and asks if she is feeling nervous.

Sui: Ah, um! No, I’m not nervous…!
Haru: Ahaha! Sharing an umbrella together with an uncle like me must be awkward indeed.
Sui: No, that’s not the case!

Sui explains that it’s because her father passed away when she was young, so apart from the teachers at school, she doesn’t often interact with adult males - hence, she is not used to such situations and her heart is inexplicably racing.

Sui has an epiphany. She realizes that what she just explained might apply to her feelings towards Midori. Since Midori is considered an adult (he's 22 years old and a 5th year student in college), she concludes that the nervousness and heart-pounding feeling she feels towards Haru is the same as that with Midori.

Feeling liberated from her thoughts, she thanks a clueless Haru.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, Sui is stunned to see a drenched Midori wiping his hair with a towel. Midori greets her, going, “Ah, if it isn’t Sui-chan, who left me on read.”

Sui is shocked by Midori's greeting but does not say anything. Haru tells Sui that he will fetch a towel for her and asks her to wait. Meanwhile, Sui is trying to get herself to calm down and act normal.

She turns away and thinks, 'It's not like I find a drenched Midori sexy. I just didn't expect him to be here. My heart is racing because I’m not used to seeing a grown man’s body…’

To Sui's surprise, Midori puts his towel on her head and playfully asks if she will chat with him for a while. Sui feels trapped.

A short while later, Midori has changed into his work attire. He teases Sui.

Midori: Heh- So, the reason Sui-chan left me on read is because you were having too much fun in high school and forgot to reply, so you turned into Sui-chan who leaves people on read ♥
Sui: I already said that I'm sorry...! Can you not emphasize "leaves people on read" twice?!
Midori: But it's the truth-
Sui: Ugh!

Sui thinks to herself, ‘I agonized over you for so long that I became the Sui-chan who leaves people on read! But I can’t tell him that!’

Midori tells her that he feels relieved knowing that it was a happy reason Sui didn't reply to his text. He did guess that it was something like that, but he was still worried.

Sui looks surprised for a moment, but retorts, and they banter.

Sui: You say that, but in truth, 90% of this was because you just wanted to tease me about leaving people on read, wasn’t it?!
Midori: No no no, it's more like 99%.
Sui: You even increased it!
Midori: Oh my, I've been caught?

Haru smiles to himself while watching Midori and Sui's bantering.

Sui narrates that she initially thought she was the only one worrying about this issue, but it seems that Midori cared too. She doesn't want to admit to herself that she's somewhat happy about it.

Pulling a chair out to sit with Sui, Midori says that he understands that Sui is enjoying her high school life, so he asks how it is.

Sui: Hm? What?
Midori: For instance, is there a boy that you’re interested in?

Sui is taken aback by the question.

Sui: Hah?! Of course not…?!
Midori: Oh? Aren't you being flustered? Did I hit the bullseye?
Sui: I'm not flustered!

Sui thinks, ‘Why is the main cause of my frustrations asking me such a question at the most untimely moment…?!’

Sui: To- to begin with, it's only been a week. There's no way it's possible to have someone... I like.
Midori: Heh- Is that so? Well, even if you say that you have one, I wouldn’t be surprised. Love and time aren’t proportional, after all.
Sui: Huh?

Midori wistfully says, "Falling in love only requires a single moment. Also, the feeling comes all of a sudden. It’s uncontrollable. Love is like that.”

Sui falls silent, thinking. She then asks Midori if it was like that for him.

Midori looks at Sui’s serious expression and pauses, then blushes lightly, looks away and answers, “Ah- yes. That’s because, er… it was love at first sight for me.”

Sui feels a stabbing pain in her heart upon hearing Midori’s response and wonders to herself what she is asking. Nevertheless, she taunts him.

"What’s with that? So much for you acting as if you’re an expert on romance. You're just an easy guy, Midori-kun."

Completely unfazed, Midori asks Sui if she’s trying to pick a fight, and Sui answers that she’s just stating the truth.

Sui thinks to herself, ‘I am the one who asked, yet I'm the one feeling hurt. Isn't this supposed to be unrelated to me?’

Later, Midori and Sui are walking along the street. Midori is accompanying Sui to the train station. Sui says that he didn't have to send her, but Midori insists that it's necessary, as the sky still turns dark early in the evening, and bad guys could be loitering around.

While Sui nervously thinks that she's starting to feel awkward again, she suddenly gets a chill and shivers.

She decides to put on her cardigan again, even though it is still damp. When she adjusts her bag, Midori notices that she is using the card case that he gifted her - it's hanging on her bag.

Sui suddenly panics and wonders out loud if the card case got wet, but it's fine. She breathes a sigh of relief and puts the card case into her bag.

Witnessing Sui's actions, Midori teasingly asks if Sui likes the card case that much. Sui gets startled by his question and denies it, but Midori goes, "Heh, really?"

In tsundere style, Sui blushes a little and answers that it's useful, that's all. Midori laughs and remarks that Sui is honest.

It suddenly starts raining again, surprising Midori and Sui. Yet again, they are without umbrellas!

Midori suggests missing the next train and returning to the restaurant to grab an umbrella. However, when Sui imagines that she would have to share an umbrella and be in close proximity with Midori, just like she did with Haru earlier, she rejects the thought.

Sui suddenly has an idea. She decides to use her cardigan as a cover for both of them. Stretching up her arms to reach over Midori’s head, she tells him to come under the cardigan and make a run for it.

Midori is bewildered for a moment, but answers that he understands. He takes the cardigan from Sui and says that he will hold it for them.

When they start moving, Sui then realizes that this was a bad idea, because she is now even closer to Midori than if they had shared an umbrella. She scolds herself for coming up with this idea in a moment of panic.

Sui begins to say to Midori, "Wait, um, Midori-kun-", but she finds that he is stifling a laugh. Then, he bursts out laughing, bewildering Sui.

Midori explains between laughs, "Sorry, it’s just, two people using a knitted cardigan as a cover from the rain and making a mad dash… It’s just so hilarious! I can’t stop laughing!”

Gazing up at Midori's face, Sui thinks, '...Dummy. Don't laugh with such an innocent expression.'

Meanwhile, Midori remarks while recovering from his laugh, "Whew- I really never get tired of being with Sui-chan..." when he notices Sui's expression.

Sui is still thinking to herself while blushing, 'Don't say things that will make me happy.'

Sui recalls Midori's words from earlier: "The feeling comes all of a sudden. It’s uncontrollable. Love is like that.” and thinks that she can't take it anymore.

Midori starts to say something, but Sui suddenly bursts out, "Midori-kun, you're such a dummy---!!"

Midori is perplexed by Sui's reaction, wondering if she's throwing a tantrum.

Meanwhile, Sui narrates that in truth, she already knew what she was feeling in her heart. She just didn't want to acknowledge it, so she looked for various reasons to fool herself.

She thinks about Midori's text. If she didn't have any feelings for him, she should have been able to reply to him normally.

Sui thinks, while tearing up, ‘Having my heart race, feeling uncontrollably happy, getting heartaches - all of these are undoubtedly because I was already aware of my own true feelings.’

Sui tries to cover up for her outburst by saying that she's cold. Midori seems to notice that something is amiss, but does not say anything.

While continuing to run under the rain, Sui thinks, 'I'm sorry, onee-chan. I am the biggest dummy.'
