Bokura no Suki wa Warikirenai 15 *SPOILERS*


End of Term Tests

Time passes and everyone completes their exams. It's now the summer vacation. At the volleyball team, everyone is working hard at practice, but strangely, Mano (third year student and should be preparing for college exams) shows up at every practice.

Mitsuka watches him wordlessly, then turns to Yui and asks, "Isn't that guy already retired?"

Yui (sweatdropping): Ahaha... Well, onii-chan came today as well. (Maybe they're here just to destress?)
Mitsuka: This place is full of familiar faces; it's as if the handover never happened.
Yui: You say that, Mitsuka, but you're actually happy about it, aren't you~ (it's written all over your face)
Mitsuka (changing the subject): You- what about you? How are things recently?

Yui recalls that she and Ritsu went on a date recently.

Yui: ...Well, smooth-sailing, I suppose?
Mitsuka: Hm--? It's good if you're getting along well. I kind of felt like the two of you weren't talking much recently.
Yui (surprised that Mitsuka noticed): ...I realized that properly facing each other is important.

Mitsuka looks at Yui and appears to consider her words, but the two girls get distracted by someone talking.

Mitsuka's Worries

It's a female schoolmate (presumably Mano's classmate). She goes, "Eh- Mano, are you going for club activities?"

Yui and Mitsuka watch as Mano has a friendly exchange with the female schoolmate.
"What about you?"
"I'm going to cram school. We're third years, after all. I often meet up with others at the Starbucks near XX to study; come and join us if you're free!"

Yui and Mitsuka then watch as Mano and the female schoolmate say goodbye to each other.

Yui thinks to herself that Mano is popular.

Mitsuka: ...Is she a third year? Sigh- Do I have no choice but to face it head on--...
Yui: ! Are you going to confess?
Mitsuka: We're not in the same year; and he's likely coming to club practice only during this period, so the amount of time we can spend together is decreasing. I need to make good use of my chances. I don't want to be too late.

Yui smiles to herself while watching a shy Mitsuka.

Yui: Good luck!
Mitsuka: ...Thank you. Nonetheless, I don't know when to confess would be more appropria-

The two girls see a poster for a summer festival (with fireworks), then look at each other knowingly.

Day of Summer Festival!

Some of the volleyball guys (including Mano, Hayato and Ritsu) are gathered outside the festival venue. Mano asks Mukai who else are coming and Mukai answers that the two managers haven't arrived.

Just then, the two manager girls arrive, dressed up prettily in yukatas. They apologize for making the guys wait. The guys are immediately (and clearly) impressed and entranced (their eyes widen in surprise).

Mukai: Yukatas!! Did you wear them for me?!
Mitsuka: What are you even saying, of course not. 
Other guys: Ahaha-
Hayato (to Yui): It suits you well.
Yui: Thank you, I borrowed it from Mitsuka...
Ritsu (to Yui:) ...If I had known earlier, I'd ask for just the two of us to come.
Yui: Ricchan.
Ritsu: I don't want the other guys to see how you look in a yukata.

Yui blushes from Ritsu's words.

Ritsu: Sigh- Why do I have to come here with the rest of the volleyball club?
Mukai: I sure as heck won't allow you to be the only ones to make good memories today. I'm a student too, I want to experience my youth!!!!

The other guys from the volleyball club tease Mukai: "The fact that you're still single doesn't change."
Mukai answers: "Can you not point out something so cruel?"

Walking Around

Yui (to Ritsu): It's fun to be with the others too.
Ritsu: I guess so. (I have no choice.)
Yui: ...The summer festival isn't a one-off thing, anyway. There's still next year.
Ritsu (smiles): That's true.

Yui turns to look at Mitsuka, whom she's concerned about. Yui wonders if Mitsuka will be fine and hopes for Mitsuka to find an opportunity to be alone with Mano.

Everyone goes around buying food and playing games. Yui and Ritsu let each other try the shaved ice that they bought. Hayato impresses even the stall owner of a shooting stall. Mano offers Mitsuka to try the takoyaki he bought.

Girl Talk

After a while, Mukai checks the time and tells everyone that it's almost time for the fireworks display.

Yui goes up to Mitsuka and discreetly asks her if she wants Yui to help her to set up time alone with Mano. However, Mitsuka grabs Yui's wrist and says that she wants to go to the restroom (loudly enough for the guys to hear too). Mitsuka and Yui then run off. Mano looks concerned.

The girls are now out of earshot from the guys. Mitsuka is seated. She hunches over and covers her face in disappointment.
Mitsuka (depressed): ...I might not make it...
Yui: Mitsuka... Weren't there opportunities earlier?
Mitsuka: There were, ...but I didn't expect that I'd be this cowardly. Furthermore, he didn't even say anything even though I went out of my way to put on a yukata...

Yui narrates: Even the normally energetic and bubbly Mitsuka can have such moments of despair. She's serious about it, that's why she's anxious.

Yui sits down next to Mitsuka and says, "...Mitsuka, your feelings are the most important. You don't have to force yourself to do it today. Even so, if you don't put things into words, the other party will definitely not get it. I hope that you'll make a decision that you won't regret."

Yui narrates again: It's because I was able to say it out loud that I could have closure. It's also because I was able to say it out loud that I could then face him (Ritsu) properly. It'll be great if Mitsuka can also take that step forward. I hope she can accomplish her goal.

Mitsuka looks encouraged by Yui.

Yui (standing up): The rest are probably waiting for us to get back. Shall we go?
Mitsuka: Okay. Ah- ouch!
Yui: Eh? What happened? Did you get injured?

Mano and Mitsuka

Mano suddenly appears and calls out to the two girls.

Mano: Hey- I finally found you.
Mitsuka: Eichi.
Mano: The two of you were taking really long to get back, so I came looking for you.
Mitsuka: We were just about to head back.
Mano: Ah- wait. Your foot's injured, isn't it?
Yui: !

Mano squats down in front of Mitsuka and takes out a band-aid.

Mitsuka: ...How did you know?
Mano: It's because the way you were running just now was odd.

Mano and Mitsuka don't notice, but Yui covers her mouth in surprise. Yui thinks, 'Ehhh? He noticed it. Isn't this love...?!'

Mano takes Mitsuka's foot and puts the band-aid on for her gently.

Mano: Looking cute is hard too, eh~
Mitsuka: ...Did you just call me cute?
Mano: Hm? Ah- Yes.

While watching them, Yui instantly senses the opportunity for Mitsuka to confess. She slips away to give them time alone.

Mano: Mukai and the others were gushing about how cute you looked-
Mitsuka: I don't care about what others think!! Who do you think I'm looking cute for?!

A surprised Mano stares wide-eyed at Mitsuka.

Back to Yui

Yui leaves Mano and Mitsuka alone and is back in the festival crowd looking to rejoin the others. She texts Mitsuka on her phone to inform her that she left and puts a "Good luck!" sticker. She wishes Mitsuka the best in her thoughts.

When she looks up again from her phone, the crowd starts to overwhelm her and she gets pushed around.

However, someone grabs onto her wrist from behind. When she turns to look who it is, she finds Hayato.

Yui: Onii-chan!
Hayato:  Weren't you with Urata (Mitsuka)? 
Yui: We... got separated. Ah, but Mitsuka and Mano-senpai are together, so she'll be fine!
Hayato: Did you see Ritsu?
Yui: Hm?
Hayato (taking out his phone): He should have gone around looking for you, too.
Yui: Oh, I didn't see him.
Hayato: It's hard to see in this crowd.

The fireworks start going off. Hayato tries calling Ritsu on the phone, but is unable to reach Ritsu. Just then, Yui spots someone nearby who looks like Ritsu from the back.

Yui: Onii-chan, Ricchan is over there.
Hayato (can't hear over the fireworks): Hm?
Yui: Over there-

Hayato had bent towards Yui in order to hear her better, but someone bumps into him from behind, pushing him towards Yui.

In the next panel, we see Hayato and Yui's eyes widen. Their lips met.

Ritsu, who's in the crowd still searching for Yui, turns. From his angle, he can see that Hayato and Yui look like they're kissing.
