Bokura no Suki wa Warikirenai 14 *SPOILERS*
Going to School
On another day, Yui and Ritsu are on the way to school together. Ritsu says that it feels peculiar that it's just the two of them heading to school, as Hayato has retired from the volleyball team. Yui agrees with him. The two of them then fall into a brief silence again.
Yui calls out to Ritsu (he walked ahead a little). She asks if he would like to go on date together during their next day off.
Ritsu: A date?
Yui: Y-yes!
Ritsu: ...... (he seems to be confused)
Ritsu: Okay, let's do it.
Yui looks happy and relieved. Ritsu asks if there's anywhere she'd like to go, but Yui asks if it's ok if she plans the date this time.
Yui narrates that Ritsu doesn't talk about that day (she's referring to the day when Ritsu almost kissed her after the volleyball match), because she hasn't been clear about her feelings. Also, he thinks that she still hasn't figured out her feelings towards Hayato yet.
She recalls Ritsu's expression towards her that day and continues narrating: That's why you made that expression. It's no good if I continue being spoiled by your kindness and affection.
When back at home in her room, Yui does some research to plan for their date. She thinks to herself that she probably can't plan it as well as Ritsu did for her, but she hopes that he will have a good time like she did before. She also hopes that she can relay her current feelings to him.
Day of the Date
The couple arrives at the cinema. Ritsu remarks that he hasn't been here since his second year of middle school, when he came with the volleyball club members.
He asks what show they're going to watch. Yui explains that she heard from Mitsuka about this film that's been popular recently and points to the movie poster. However, she asks Ritsu if there's any other show that he'd like to watch.
Ritsu answers that he wants to just go along with whatever Yui has planned, because he's been looking forward to it.
In the Theatre
After getting their drinks, they enter the theatre to sit down. Yui notices upon sitting down that the guy next to her has his arm on the shared arm rest, such that he's eating into her seat space.
She shrinks away from the guy to move a little closer towards Ritsu in her seat. Ritsu notices her behavior and whispers to Yui if she'd like to swap seats. However, Yui reassures him that it's fine, since she's smaller. Ritsu then answers that she can sit closer to him, and she thanks him.
When the movie starts, Yui thinks to herself that though they're not touching, she can feel Ritsu's presence from the heat emanating from her left shoulder (where Ritsu is sitting).
The two of them watch the movie and are moved by the touching scenes (the movie is about a dog and human's relationship). Yui thinks, 'Ah, oh no. This is making me cry.'
When the end credits roll, Yui takes out her handkerchief to wipe her tears. She notices that Ritsu is also weeping quietly. She offers him tissue and he takes it while thanking her.
While exiting the theatre, Ritsu remarks that he's weak to such films where they feature a dog (because it will remind him of Tsumire, his own dog.) Yui answers that she understands.
Yui thinks to herself that she wanted to let Ritsu have a good time, but it seems like she ended up making him cry. However, Ritsu smiles and adds that the movie was interesting and he's glad he watched it in the cinema.
This lets Yui think that even though it turned out different from what she imagined, this date is probably still passable.
What's Next?
Ritsu asks Yui where they're headed to next. Yui says that since it's lunch time, she found this place that's famous for their delicious galettes.
However, when they arrive, they find that the place is crowded with a long queue to get in. Yui is devastated while Ritsu chuckles that it's really popular. Yui tries to look for another place, but Ritsu notices that there's a separate queue for takeaways and suggests that they buy takeaway and eat at a nearby park. Yui readily agrees and is impressed by his spontaneity.
The two of them are now seated on a bench with their takeaways. Ritsu says that he doesn't know what a galette is, but it's delicious. Yui agrees, saying that it's crispy yet soft. They offer each other their galettes to try and Yui blushes slightly when she sees Ritsu's smiling face.
Yui Shares Her Thoughts
They finish their food.
Yui: ...I'm sorry, Ricchan.
Ritsu: Hm?
Yui: I wanted to plan the date such that it would make you as happy as you did for me the previous date, but I think that it wasn't as flawless as Ricchan's.
Ritsu: ...I'm happy, you know. For me, you did your best to think and plan for this date. The thought makes me happy, Yui-chan. Furthermore, the one who should apologize is me.
Yui: Eh?
Ritsu: I'm sorry for that day after the volleyball match. I forced you to do such a thing.
Yui: That's- because I was half-hearted...
Yui: ......You know, I've properly thought about it. Our relationship may have started by just going with the flow, but I enjoy being with you, Ricchan.
Ritsu: *looks surprised*
Yui: My heart beats faster when I encounter a side of you I didn't know, and I also feel safe seeing the parts of you that haven't changed. ...When I was about to be kissed (Chapter 3), my body jerked away on its own because we were pretending, but it didn't happen this recent time. ...Whether or not this is love, I honestly still am not certain... but can we continue dating slowly like this...?
Ritsu's Reaction
Ritsu is stunned for a moment, then he sighs loudly. Yui panics a little and wonders if he's exasperated.
Ritsu: No, no, sorry. I thought you were going to say that you wanted to stop this trial and was bracing myself for it... I can't hold a candle to Hayato-kun, after all.
Yui: ...You don't have to worry about that. Nothing will come out of us being siblings.
Ritsu: ......
Yui: Anyway, I think that I've sorted out my feelings for my brother. That's why, thank you, Ricchan.
Ritsu: ...You saying that is going to give me expectations.
Upon hearing Ritsu's words, Yui blushes a little, then reaches for his hand and holds it.
She smiles at him and answers, "Okay."
Ritsu stares at Yui's face, then blushes furiously himself. He shyly hides his face with his other hand while Yui watches him.
Yui thinks to herself that Ritsu is usually so smooth when he's the one holding her hand, but it's different now (when she's the one initiating it).
Yui: ...How cute.
Ritsu: *shocked* ...Somehow, I've been super uncool today...
Yui (chuckling): That's not true.
Walking Together
The two of them get up from the bench, still holding hands and walking together.
They talk about how warm the weather is getting (it's July now) and that they'll have end of term tests soon. However, after that would be their summer break.
Ritsu asks Yui if there's anything she'd like to do. Yui shares that her mother was talking about making a family trip to an onsen or do glamping. However, Yui says that she would prefer to do something more typical, such as going to festivals and seeing fireworks.
Ritsu smiles gently at her and says that it's a good idea, and suggests for them to go together. Yui agrees and says that she looks forward to it.