Onee-chan no Midori-kun 23


The chapter starts with a flashback to a few days ago, when Sui and Momo had decided to invite Midori over for a gathering (see Chapter 21).

Midori is at home at night when his phone chimes with an incoming message. He picks up the phone to check it and realizes that there's a message from Momo: "Long time no see."

Midori is stunned.

He thinks, 'Eh- Momo...?'

Momo's next message goes: "I wanted to ask how you're doing. I saw your insta post about Pii-chan."

Midori pauses upon seeing the messages, then takes a deep breath and exhales. He types in his reply to Momo.

Midori: Long time no see. So-- that's why you're contacting me?
Momo: Yes. I was concerned. Sui is also extremely concerned.

Midori is surprised when he reads Momo's message and thinks, '...I hope Sui-chan didn't end up crying because of this.'

Midori: I'm fine, thank you for asking.
Momo: That's what I thought you'd say, Midori.

Midori is surprised again.

Momo: Sui and I are really concerned about you, so we thought of having a gathering, "To Help Midori Cheer Up". Are you free to come next Sunday? If you're okay with it, of course.

Midori thinks about it for a moment.

Midori types in his answer: "Don't mind if I do, then."

Back in the present, Momo brings Midori some coffee. (Sui and Ayame had left them in the living room in the previous chapter.)

Midori: I'm glad you reached out to me.
Momo: I didn't think it would be so easy to meet you.
Midori: To tell you the truth, when I saw your message, I was almost surprised to death. Before reaching here today, I was also so nervous I thought I was gonna throw up.
Momo: Ahaha, me too. I was really nervous when texting you.
Midori: Nonetheless, now that we've met, the nervousness is all gone. Has it really been 3 years since we last met? It's so surprising how we're able to talk like before, as if nothing has changed.
Momo: Right? I think so too. I heard from Sui that she met you, Midori, and I'm glad to see you're doing well.
Midori: Momo-chan, too.

Midori: Ah! That reminds me, I saw it! "Kazuya and Miwa".
Momo: Eh, thank you-
Midori: When Momo's name appeared, my tears wouldn't stop flowing, you know. Geez-
Momo: Yeah, right. You definitely didn't cry.
Midori: No, no, you mustn't underestimate my tear ducts. (They're weakening with age.)
Momo: Midori, too. I heard from Sui. You've become a vet. You've been really working hard.

Midori looks a little bashful.

Momo: So, how is work, Midori-sensei?
Midori: Stop- Calling me Midori-sensei will make me blush.

Momo's phone vibrates. She's getting a call.

Momo: Ah, sorry, can I take this?
Midori: Yeah. Work?
Momo: Yes. (It's my junior.)

Momo (answering the phone): Hello? What's the matter, Amamiya-kun?

Midori picks up his mug of coffee to wait while Momo speaks to her junior.

Momo: Uh-huh, yes, yes. Ah- I see. Then, I'll head there first thing tomorrow morning. Can you please pause for a moment? Yes. Then it's fine.

As Midori sips his coffee, he glances at Momo, who has her back turned towards him. He's reminded of the Momo 3 years ago, who was also taking a work call then. He seems to have a wistful expression on his face.

Momo: Got it, thanks for the hard work. (She ends the call.) Sorry, we were speaking halfway.
Midori: It's totally fine ♪

Momo notices something.

Momo: ? What are you smirking about?
Midori: Ah- no. It's just, somehow this feels nostalgic.

Momo pauses for a moment at Midori's words, then her expression freezes as she processes it.

Momo: I'm sorry... I'm still the same even though 3 years have passed...
Midori: Eh! No, I really was just feeling nostalgic, that's all... Ah, I'm the one who's sorry.
Momo: No, it's indeed a fact that I'm the one at fault. It's true that I was overwhelmed at that time, but I still did some things that were way too hurtful...

Midori pauses at Momo's words, then smiles a little to himself. He answers, "Nope, that's not the case."

Midori: I understand it now.
Momo: Eh?
Midori: Well- I started working last year, and I'm already extremely busy every single day. There's a mountain of things I have to remember. After all, I'm dealing with animals... they're such important pets to their owners, right? I'm continually being faced with the responsibility of managing life and death, so it makes me nervous and anxious pretty often. I'm left with hardly any personal time and barely any energy to spare for anything else. Of course, the work is extremely rewarding, so I enjoy it. ...In this sense, I'm in the same situation as you were 3 years ago, Momo.

Midori: Ah, so this is what Momo felt. I was able to truly understand it. 

Midori pauses and looks at Momo in the eye.

Midori: I wasn't able to say this back then, but thank you for always doing your best to be with me.

Midori flashes a big smile, saying, "I'm finally able to say it."

Momo looks surprised, then returns a smile towards Midori.

She says, "Those are my sentiments exactly. Back then, all I could say was sorry."

Smiling broadly, Momo continues, "Nonetheless, no matter now or back then, I've always only been thankful to you."

Midori: Stop, I'm blushing ❤
Momo: There you go again, immediately poking fun at things.

Outside the living room, Ayame and Sui are shown to have been eavesdropping the whole time.

Ayame (whispering): Look, they've got a good atmosphere going. It feels like bittersweet love, you know? Bittersweet love.
Sui (whispering): ...Eh?

Sui: Isn't it somewhat different from what you said...? Even though I can't really explain it well...
Ayame: Eh, really?
Sui: Anyway! We ended up eavesdropping because the mood made it seem difficult to enter, but letting this go on isn't good.
Ayame: Isn't it fine? They are talking in the living room after all. (Even though we're also around.) Furthermore, weren't you listening to their conversation because you were worried about them?
Sui: Uwuh-

From the living room, Momo's voice can be heard again. Our two youngsters prick up their ears to listen.

Momo: Could it be that the reason you decided to come today was to tell me these things? I was also thinking of talking about it. (Even though I don't feel like I have the right to.)
Midori: (Nono, that's not true.) Hm-... Well, it's true that that was a factor. I thought that we would never be able to meet again, but I ran into Sui-chan, and received this invitation from Momo, so I guess I was a little curious and concerned.

Momo waits for Midori to continue speaking.

Midori adds, "I wondered how I would feel if I actually met you now."

As Midori's words sink in, Momo smiles a little in response, then teases, "Well? How do you feel?"

The two of them smirk at each other.

Midori: What- Geez- You're making that face, which means you already know ❤ Anyway, Momo-chan, aren't you the same?
Momo: Ah- I got busted?
Midori: ...Today, 

Midori: Everything has become a precious memory.

Midori and Momo look at each other fondly and in understanding.

Sui narrates: Indeed, a person like me who has no experience would find it difficult to fully comprehend onee-chan and Midori-kun's feelings. However, I can somewhat imagine what the two of them look like right now.

She recalls Ayame's words from the previous chapter: I don't think they would know how they will feel until they meet again. It's someone they loved before, after all.

Sui continues narrating: At that time, that was indeed what I thought, but this is more like the two of them.

Ayame looks disappointed as he says, "This is no good."

Sui looks at him in confusion. Ayame mutters to himself, "Guh- What's with this? This kind of outcome was totally outside of my expectations. The operation failed... I need to hurry back and immediately rethink my strategy to fix it...!"

Sui can only go, "Wai- Ayame...?!" while Ayame runs out the front door and closes it behind him.

Sui (staring after Ayame): But you've left your things here...
Momo (or it could be Midori): By the way, it's about time for the kids over there to come out.

Sui flinches when she hears it, thinking, '!? Were we found out...?!'

Sui: .........Woof.
Midori: Mochi is nestled in my arms, you know ❤ (and you're supposed to be a cat, not a dog.)

Sui realizes that she's completely busted.

Peeking out from the door, Sui asks, "...When did you guys notice?"

Midori and Momo: From the beginning.
Sui: What?! You should have said so.
Midori: Well, it's not like it was something we couldn't let others know about.
Momo: Also, it's cute how you were being sneaky ❤
Sui: So you were just making fun of us...!
Midori: You've been worrying about us all day today, haven't you?

Sui pauses when she realizes that they know.

Sui (fidgeting, acting tsun): Not really, I wasn't concerned at all. ...Well, nonetheless, it's good that the two of you were able to talk.

Momo: Oh, speaking of which, where's Ayame?
Sui: He went home. (Had something urgent...)
Midori: Oh? Then, the bishoujo games will have to wait.

Later in the afternoon, the sisters see Midori off.

Midori: Hah- It was fun. It's been a long time since I've had so much fun with anyone like this.
Momo: Right? Me too.
Midori: I have to thank Pii-chan and Sui-chan for giving me this opportunity.
Sui: Don't mention it, I didn't even do much.
Midori: Well then! Take care.
Momo: Yup. You too, Midori.

Sui thinks to herself, '...Hm? He said take care. ...Oh, I arbitrarily thought that they'd go back to being friends, but I guess that's not the case... This is the decision that they made, but... I see...'

She thinks back to the enjoyable day that they just had. Sui pouts a little to herself (probably out of some loneliness.)

Midori seems to notice her expression.

Midori: Sui-cha-

Momo's phone rings.

Momo: Ah- sorry. I have a work call again.

Midori: Okay~ Then, Sui-chan can see me off. (Go take your call.)
Sui: Hah?
Momo: Alright, I'll leave it to you, Sui.
Sui: Eh- Onee-cha-

Momo enters the house to take the call and closes the door behind her. Sui stares after her, then looks back at Midori.

Sui: Uh, what? Isn't it fine already? We've already said our goodbyes and all.
Midori: Hm- Well, it's because somehow, Sui-chan, you looked kinda lonely and reluctant.
Sui: Wha-

Sui: Hahh? I wasn't making such an expression at all...! I was just thinking that we wouldn't be able to have fun together like this anymore... Ah!
Midori (smirking): Uh-huh--
Sui (blushing from exasperation): No- Ignore what I just said...

Midori shows her a smiling face.

Sui: Eh? You're so close! What?
Midori: Geez- Don't look so lonely. It's not like we're saying goodbye forever.

Before Sui can react, Midori whirls around and goes, "Anyway! See you- Sui-chan."

Sui blushes from being seen through.

Sui: I said! I wasn't making such an expression...!
Midori: Haha!

Sui narrates: Somehow, it felt like some things had changed, yet some things were still the same.

Sui's narration read: Such was the end of October.

Meanwhile, at home, Ayame calls his friend, Kaede.

Ayame: Kaede-kun! Help me formulate a new strategy...!
Kaede: Okay-
