Aoharu-sou e Youkoso 11 *SPOILERS*


What's Up with Seiya

Seiya is on a video call with Akari, chatting. Akari laughs about spy cosplay (something that Seiya and the boys probably did) and comments that things seem fun and interesting at Aoharu-sou.

Seiya shares that the environment at Aoharu-sou is relaxed, and Akari remarks that she'd like to visit.

Just then, her phone chimes, and she sees that it's a notification about a live stream starting. She excitedly tells Seiya about it. They then continue discussing more about their idols.

Seiya narrates that he's been keeping in touch with Akari like this recently and it's very enjoyable. Nevertheless, Akari has been all "kyaa, kyaa" over her idols, so he hasn't been able to progress in the romance aspect with her at all. He tells himself that it's fine, that it's good that she's obsessed with what she likes.


Seiya looks up the idol that Akari is currently obsessed with. He sweatdrops a little (probably thinking that the idol, who is a guy, is hard to beat.)

He goes out of his room to the living room, where the rest of the boys are. Sena asks Seiya why his call with Akari ended so quickly, to which Seiya answers that it's because a live stream was starting. Sena goes, "Heh, you lost to a live stream." which stabs Seiya figuratively 😂 Seiya cries out in frustration that he just can't match the idol. He laments that he wants to be an idol too.

Hamayuu seems to be dancing and striking poses, so Seiya asks what he's doing. Hinata explains that Hamayuu has to act as a popular idol in his next drama performance, so he's watching videos to research and practice.

Hamayuu says that he still can't quite get it, furthermore idols need to dance, and he doesn't know which ones to try. He asks Seiya to join him in dance practice, as Seiya is good at dancing. Seiya answers that he doesn't mind, but he doesn't know anything about idol-related dancing. He suggests asking someone who's more well-informed about this field.

Akari Visits!

On another day, the 5 boys are now gathered in front of Akari at Aoharu-sou. She's enthusiastically thanking them for having her today and for being her dance students. She will drill into them the essence of being an idol. Hamayuu seems pumped up about it, but Seiya is also burning with passion.

Seiya looks at Hinata, who seems neutral about it, and tells him that he should practice too, because Hinata said before that he couldn't keep up with dance class. Hinata can't say anything back.

Meanwhile, Rikuto and Sena say that they're just getting caught up in this (they have no interest), but Akari says that having 5 people in a formation is good. She energetically says that all of them have potential, so they should all give it their best shot.

Idol Training Start!

Akari gets them to be mindful of their expressions, to smile and pay attention to the camera. She gets them to find out what angles they look best in (Rikuto is handsome so he looks good in all angles). She tells them to look into the camera lens and think about their fans. Also, dancing needs a lot of physical stamina so she gets them to eat well and work out. Not forgetting voice training!

She also very enthusiastically shows them a long list of videos to watch for dance training. There's also need to be skillful in talking, being playful, having an aura, being princely, being smart etc. (all of it overwhelms the guys).

Nonetheless, after a while, the 5 guys, sweating profusely, manage to settle into an idol-like formation and pose well, looking somewhat cool. Akari looks at them and approves contentedly. She praises them and they all thank her.

Hamayuu shakes Akari's hand to thank her personally, saying that he learnt a lot. Akari replies saying that she's honoured to have been helpful. She asks about taking a video, and Hamayuu loudly declares that they should record one, and hopefully it goes viral.

Taking a Break

Hinata and Rikuto are out of breath, drinking water and wiping their perspiration. Rikuto comments that the main objective of the entire activity seems to have changed (from learning to be an idol, to recording an idol video to get famous). Seiya apologizes to them for dragging them into this, but Rikuto, Hinata and Sena say that it's fine, since it's fun and Akari is very lively.

Akari says that she will be going to the convenience store to buy more drinks. Seiya says that he will go with her.

On the way to the convenience store, Akari cheerfully remarks that she's nervous about recording a video, as it's her first time doing it. Seiya shares with her that he and the guys sometimes record videos for fun. Akari says, "I see! No wonder all of you were so used to the camera and could learn the dance quickly."

She adds that she really thought they were actually idols. Seiya answers that Akari is good at giving compliments. He then jokingly asks her while pointing at himself if she has become a fan, to which Akari excitedly goes, "Yes!"

Seiya is surprised at her answer and asks, "For real?!", and Akari says of course, because they are cool. She says with an innocent, big smile that she's their fan (meaning she's not a fan of him in particular), which disappoints Seiya internally (because he wants her to like him only).

At the Konbini

Seiya sadly thinks to himself that Akari seems to have gotten over her previous crush, but he still can't seem to get her to be aware of him, even though they do get along well together.

Meanwhile, Akari spots a new drink that she wants to try. She cutely asks Seiya if he would like to try it together. Seiya is charmed and agrees to it (while thinking to himself that she's so naturally sly, though it's super adorable).

As they leave the convenience store, Seiya thinks to himself that he also hasn't properly conveyed his feelings to her. Glancing at Akari, he thinks that he should, and wonders how he should do it.

Meeting Mei

On the way back, Seiya and Akari run into Mei. She asks them if they're on a date. Seiya awkwardly laughs, but Akari goes, "No way!!" and clarifies that they're just buying things. Seiya is disappointed at the "no way".

Akari further shares that she's hanging out at Aoharu-sou today to give them idol training. When Mei hears that, she gets very surprised and asks if Hamayuu is involved. (She totally wants to see Hamayuu as an idol).

Additional Members

Later, back at Aoharu-sou, Hamayuu is surprised to see Mei. They now also have fan props - hand-held fans with each of the boys' names. Akari explains to Hamayuu that they happened to run into Mei and she was curious. Mei adds while nervously stuttering that it would have been hard for Akari to hold the fans on her own.

Hamayuu remarks that that's thoughtful, which makes Mei's heart flutter. While Hamayuu leaves to gather the guys, Mei stares after him and thinks to herself that she would hold 5 fans with Hamayuu's name if she could.

Akari's phone chimes. While checking the incoming message, she thinks to herself that she should switch her phone to silent mode because they're going to film. The messages from her friend say that she heard Kento turned her down, and she's asking Akari if Akari would like to be introduced to someone new.

She thinks to herself that she's gotten over Kento, but she's still not too ready for a new love.

All Dressed Up

Interrupting her thoughts is Seiya calling out to her. He tells her that all of the guys are ready.

When she lays her eyes on them, she realizes that all of the boys are handsomely dressed up in princely clothes. She gets very excited, saying that they look cool. Sena explains that they are wearing costumes from the drama club.

Akari squeals that all of them look amazing (and Seiya is again disappointed that she refers to them as a group and not him only).

Their landlord Gen has also joined to be their cameraman, while Mei has helped to set up their speakers for music.

The recording begins and the guys start dancing!

Akari and Mei

While the filming is ongoing, Akari and Mei are standing behind the camera acting as fans. Akari glances over at Mei and asks if she's having fun. Mei is completely absorbed in watching Hamayuu (she's drooling). Akari laughs and says that Mei is easy to read.

Mei gets flustered and asks what. Akari answers that she can tell that Mei likes Hamayuu. Trying to get back at Akari, Mei says that during the festival (chapter 6), she thought that Akari and Seiya were dating.

Now, it's Akari's turn to get flustered as she denies it, saying that she and Seiya are just friends with the same hobbies. She says that she and Seiya do get along well, but if she says it like this, people would misunderstand. Mei asks if it's that Akari doesn't want Seiya to misunderstand, and Akari says yes.

Akari explains that she tends to misunderstand and get excited one-sidedly just because she feels like she gets along with someone. That's how she ended up getting rejected by Kenta previously. Mei expresses her empathy towards Akari, but Akari says that she's fine now, because Seiya consoled and encouraged her.

Akari also says that she's still feeling scared of getting hurt, so she's thinking of taking a break for now. Mei agrees that being rejected is indeed a scary experience. However, Mei asks Akari if Seiya seems like someone who would hurt another person. Mei says that she thinks a friend of Hamayuu's wouldn't be like that.

Akari glances at Seiya (the guys are still busy dancing) and agrees. She narrates, asking if it's okay for her to "misunderstand", and if it's okay for her to fall in love again.

End of the Day

The guys, Akari and Mei are now at the lobby of Aoharu-sou. Mei and Akari have to return home. Hamayuu offers to accompany Mei, who gets flustered and tries to reject him out of shyness, but Hamayuu insists. Watching Hamayuu and Mei leave, Akari smiles and in her thoughts she wishes Mei good luck.

Meanwhile, Seiya is accompanying her. He apologizes for making her stay so late, but she cheerfully says that it's fine, as she had a lot of fun. Seiya asks her what she would do if the guys become popular and famous people because of the video they filmed. Akari squeals that she would be very proud and boast that she was the one who nurtured them.

Disappointed, Seiya asks with an awkward smile, "...That's all?", which confuses Akari. She wonders if she said something strange, and asks Seiya what's wrong.

Seiya says that honestly, he wanted her to be jealous. He explains that Akari says that everyone is cool and gives them lots of compliments, and while that's fine, he thought that since he was the one who's closest to her, he wanted her to praise him only.

While explaining, Seiya takes Akari's hand and looks at her in the eyes. He then kisses the back of her hand, winking and going, "Got it, princess?"

Seiya and Akari

Akari reacts by pulling out a fan with Seiya's name, and squeals like a fangirl. She says that she loved that Seiya called her a princess, saying that it's the best kind of fanservice. Seiya explains that she mentioned it before, so he remembered it and tried to do it.

Akari looks at Seiya and her heart flutters when she thinks about how Seiya remembered the things she said before and even did it for her. She also thinks about how she enjoys talking with him and hanging out with him, how he consoled her when she was having a hard time. She realizes that she falls for this sort of thing. (I think she's realized that she likes Seiya, but I'm not sure) However, she also thinks to herself that Seiya probably meant that he wanted her to support only him because they are good friends - that there's no way he likes her.

Meanwhile, she thanks Seiya for remembering the things she said, and Seiya asks her how he did. Akari, having concluded things in her thoughts, shyly answers that she's glad that Seiya is not an idol, that it's definitely no good if he were.

This answer completely shocks Seiya and blows him away. He doesn't understand that Akari said that, because she thinks that if he were to become a real idol, she wouldn't be able to get along well with him as they are now.

Seiya tries to ask what she means, while wondering if he got his own message across to her. However, Akari shyly says that it's a secret. Seiya tries to get her to talk, but she playfully tells him not to worry about it (she would be embarrassed if Seiya figured it out).

Seiya is left extremely curious and confused, but he's charmed by Akari's smiles and decides that it's fine.

Results of the Video

In the end, the video didn't go viral, but it was well-received by their friends and family. Yamabuki is impressed when she sees the video, and Hinata bashfully laughs while next to her. Sena receives a text from Suikazura, saying that he looks cool, and she didn't know Sena could move like that. 

Sora angrily confronts Rikuto about him sending the video to Kanon, while Rikuto feigns innocence.

Seiya asks Hamayuu when he will be performing as an idol for the drama club. Hinata chimes in to say that he wants to watch. Rikuto is also interested. However, Hamayuu says that they can't, because it's for within the club only, and it's already over. 

The other boys cry foul at how it was such a small deal, yet Hamayuu did so much for it. He answers nonchalantly that he takes everything he does seriously.

Meanwhile, Mei still can't get over the fact that she was accompanied home by Hamayuu, and she also squeals over the video (she tells herself that she's going to save it and watch it everyday).

