Numa Sugite Mohaya Koi 13 *SPOILERS*


I like you!

In the previous chapter, Kametani had confessed to Kirino. Kirino is blushing, still silent.

A blushing Kametani continues, "...Now that I've said it out loud, it's kinda..."

After a pause, Kirino suddenly kneels and bows towards Kametani, apologizing to him. "It seems that I've committed a terrible crime! Kametani-kun, you have not talked with other girls apart from me, haven't you?"

When Kametani confirms so, Kirino suggests that it's because of this that he has such thoughts right now. She compares his feelings to that of newborn chicks treating the first thing they see as their mother. 🐤

Kirino reassures Kametani that she will forget everything, and so he should also pretend that it didn't happen. Kametani starts to go, "Eh, no, that's...", but Tera returns to the room.

Kirino's Thoughts

Tera realizes that Kametani is still around. She smirks and teases him, going, "You said that you wanted to see our Kirino, eh?" Embarrassed, Kametani leaves the room.

Kirino is still frozen from shock. She thinks to herself that she had almost said "Okay" to Kametani earlier (instead of apologizing). She thinks that she is the only one whom Kametani is familiar with, so if she had accepted his confession, it would have been too in line with her own desires, just like how a school girl might have feelings for her male teacher.

Kirino thinks that if she said the truth and told Kametani "Okay", she wouldn't be able to take if it Kametani had later told her "I was mistaken". She thinks to herself that she was too afraid, so she ran away.

Reminded of how Tera had told her earlier to think about what she wants, Kirino suddenly dashes out of the room. She then returns with a life-sized panel of Kametani, saying that she made it and will share the bed with him (it).

Kirino also narrates that she doesn't want to ruin their current relationship - to maintain the idol and stan relationship.

Next Day

The group of 4 are out sightseeing again. Kirino and Sakurai are especially enthusiastic, taking pictures, and Kirino going, "This is the scene from Chapter 18...!!" "I am breathing the same air as my idol!" "How nice that I can feel their presence!"

Tera and Kametani simply stare after the two of them. Kirino then turns to glance at Kametani and thinks to herself that even though she decided on maintaining the idol and stan relationship, she still received a confession, so she doesn't know how to face him. She decides to just focus on being an otaku for now.

Kametani and Tera

Kametani says to Tera that he has something to ask her. Tera teases, "Who was the one who said before, 'Don't talk to me if you're female'?"

Kametani embarrassedly asks her to forget that he said that and apologizes. Tera then asks Kametani if he's fine with watching Kirino and Sakurai chatting so happily.

Without answering the question, Kametani tells Tera that he confessed to Kirino last night. Tera is surprised and thinks to herself that Kirino didn't bring it up. Kametani says that Kirino didn't seem to believe that he was sincere about it. He wants to properly convey his feelings to her.

Tera looks at Kametani for a moment, then sighs and says that he and Kirino are a handful. She tells Kametani that yesterday, after he left, Kirino made a life-sized panel of him. Kametani is surprised, but Tera continues, suggesting for him to get Kirino to stop treating him as her idol. Kametani looks inspired.

Kirino and Sakurai

Kirino notices Sakurai taking a picture of the scenery while holding a figurine against the scenery. She asks him if he would like her to help take a picture of him and the figurine. Sakurai asks if he can really ask her to do that, and she asks why not.

Sakurai says that he's a guy who looks like how he does, so it might attract attention.

To Sakurai's shock, Kirino suddenly starts crying. He asks her what's wrong and Kirino apologizes, saying that her emotions are unstable right now. She thinks to herself that it's because of what happened with Kametani.

She says to Sakurai that she never realized it before, but it must be tough to distance oneself from others because they are otaku. Hence, they should enjoy today to the fullest and take as many photos as possible. Kirino proceeds to take a lot of pictures of Sakurai for him, going, "I'll make you look cute in the pictures!". Sakurai shyly thanks her.

Happily wiping her own tears away, Kirino tells Sakurai that he's welcome, and that he can feel free to be a stan in front of her. Sakurai is surprised, then happily blushes to himself. Meanwhile, Tera reminds Kirino and Sakurai that they should get a move on.


The group of 4 reach a bridge and are amazed by the view. Kametani watches while Kirino and Sakurai are still enthusiastically taking pictures with their figurines. Tera notices.

Tera then tells Kametani that they will go and sit on a boat, so he should go on a date with Kirino at Arashiyama. Tera immediately proceeds to drag Sakurai away, leaving Kametani alone with Kirino. Kirino is left surprised and silent.

Kirino and Kametani

Telling herself that she has no choice but to make do, Kirino awkwardly asks Kametani if he wants anything to eat and that she will go and buy it. However, Kametani grabs onto her bag strap and stops her from escaping.

He tells Kirino, "From this moment on, I don't want to be 'idol' and 'stan' with you anymore." Kirino is surprised, saying that she had already promised to be his stan forever.

Pulling her close, Kametani asks Kirino, "Do you mean that you won't be with me anymore, if I'm not your idol?" Flustered, Kirino says that it's not the case. She starts panicking in her thoughts about what to do, because she had only just resolved to maintain the idol and stan relationship.

Kametani's Advances

Kametani is now eating a stick of toasted onigiri. He asks Kirino if she would like to try one. However, Kirino frantically declines, saying that a stan shouldn't eat what their idol has taken a bite off from.

Kametani then asks Kirino if she likes various things, such as soft-serve ice cream, dango, biscuits or milkshakes. Kirino gets confused and asks him what's going on with him.

Kametani answers that it's because he wants to know what the person he likes, likes. Kirino's heart gets shot by a cupid arrow.

Next, Kametani holds Kirino's hand, then intertwines their fingers, asking her which way she prefers. Kirino is stunned and asks him if this is a handshake event. Kametani tells her not to act like a stan.

Kirino wonders to herself that if she isn't a stan, then what is she? She wonders if such behavior is permitted. She then shyly answers Kametani, saying that she can't decide which she likes better. Kametani decides that they should intertwine their fingers and he tightens his grip on her hand.

On a Date

Kirino is overwhelmed and can only follow along, though she's screaming in her head, 'Isn't this as if we're a couple?!'

They're walking along the streets of Arashiyama and Kirino tries to let go of Kametani's hand, saying that they should look for Tera and the others soon. However, Kametani quickly grabs onto her hand again and tells her that he still wants to have alone time with her. Kirino thinks to herself that Kametani's expression is too unfair (because she can't turn him down).

Kirino asks herself if this is all a reality. She can feel the warmth of his hand where they're connected, as if there's something he's trying to say.

Kirino also sadly thinks to herself that if she isn't a fan, then she will merely be someone who likes Kametani.

It's Because of You

Suddenly, Kametani tells Kirino to look at him. He tells her that his face is flushed and that he is like this because of her.

He then brings her head to his chest and says that his heart is beating so quickly because of her. Kirino realizes to herself that his heart is indeed beating quickly, just like hers.

Kametani asks her if she is the same, and she is about to answer, but her phone rings and Kametani tells her to answer it.

The phone call is from Tera and Kirino tells her that they will be returning. While walking together (still holding hands), Kirino thinks to herself that she almost told Kametani how her heart was also beating quickly and how dangerous it was. She thinks that this can't go on, because she might accidentally let slip that she likes him, even though she swore to herself that she wouldn't fall in love again.

End of the Day

The group go on to visit various other places, then they are done for the day. Kirino breathes a sigh of relief from having gotten through the day. Everyone is dismissed and Kirino says goodbye to Tera and Sakurai.

Kirino also bids Kametani goodbye, but he tells her that he had a lot of fun during the school trip. He also says that he discovered something important.

He confesses to Kirino once again, "Kirino. I like you."

With a smirk, he says, "I'm going to make you say 'Me too', so be prepared. From tomorrow onwards, I'm going to come at you even more. Please treat me well 😏"

Kirino is stunned and thinks to herself that she's not going to make it through.
