Onee-chan no Midori-kun 8


In the previous chapter, Sui had urged Midori to go to Momo. Sui had told Midori, “You should use the time now, even if it’s short, to be with her.” Midori opens the door to the house and calls out to Momo.

Closing the door behind him, Midori tells Momo that he's here to help.

Momo: Eh, what's the matter all of a sudden?
Midori: (smiling): I thought that it might be hard for Momo since you're alone.
Momo: No, it's totally fine.
Midori: Okay, okay, you don't need to be so courteous 😄

Washing his hands at the sink, Midori explains to Momo that Sui was the one who asked him to spend more time with Momo, even if it was just for a short while.

His hands dripping wet, Midori laughs cheekily and says, "Therefore, I obeyed her command ❤"

Momo sweat-drops and tells Midori, "Okay, okay, you don't need to pretend to be an obedient child. (The hand towel is over there, by the way.)"

Momo thinks to herself, '…Even so, it feels really awkward to have us suddenly be alone together, Sui-chan~~". Aside, Sui sneezes.

Midori notices a pot of cooked rice and asks Momo if he should help with making onigiri. Momo answers, "Eh, ah-- I'll leave it to you, then."

The two of them then proceed to work silently, next to each other.

Trying to fill the awkward silence, Momo begins, "...Ah-".
Momo: Say, um, it's great, huh. Today's weather is so good.
Midori: Hm? Yeah.
Momo: Also, it's not too warm. It's wonderful, huh. It certainly is a perfect day for a barbeque.

Midori senses Momo's awkwardness and has a knowing smirk on his face.

Midori (teasingly): What's with this standard conversational topic, sounding as if you're in a matchmaking session?
Momo: Is it? Am I not the same as usual?
Midori: No, I mean, we've never really talked about things such as the weather… Momo-- You're still bothered by the last time you bailed on me, aren't you?

Momo stiffens as Midori has hit the bullseye.

Midori: Even though you are able to act normal with Sui-chan and the others, when it's just the two of us, you're a little bit awkward.
Momo: Urk-
Midori: I can sense that you're a little nervous.
Momo: Ack-

Sighing, Momo says, "…I can't help it. Of course I would be bothered. I did such a thing after all."

Midori (teasing): Aww- Momo is so serious <3
Momo: Hey, you.
Midori: I already said that it's fine, so it's all right.

Momo recalls Midori's words from Chapter 4: "Really, don't worry about it." and thinks to herself that Midori is saying the same thing again.

Midori tells Momo that he understands how important her current job is to her. Momo recalls their conversation back in high school.

-Flashback to Midori and Momo in high school-

Midori: TV station?
Momo: Yeah.
Midori: You want to be something like an announcer?
Momo: No, not that. I mean backstage work. I want to be working at the filming scenes of TV dramas.
Midori: Ah-- You mentioned that before. That since young, you've enjoyed TV dramas.

Momo: That's right! Ever since I was in elementary school, I've thought that if I made a drama, I would be immersed in the world of drama--
Midori: Aww, that's so adorable.

Momo: This is just a dream of mine, but my father was really supportive of me, so I've decided that I must achieve it. I hope that with this, my father in heaven will be able to see that I am continually working hard to achieve my dreams.

Midori: What's with that, it's so tear-jerking. (It's a good story!)
Momo (teasing): You say that, but you're not crying.
Midori: Regardless, for real, I will also always support you.

-End flashback-

Momo remains silent while she reminisces. She then sighs.

Momo: …Hah-- I'm such a burden. I've made Midori and Sui worry about me.
Midori: I'm your boyfriend, so feel free to make me worry about you.

However, after a pause, Midori asks, "…Hold on, Sui-chan, too?"

Momo looks at Midori and gives him a small smile. She says, "It was Sui who suggested that I should invite you over today."

Midori's eyes widen a little upon hearing that but he remains silent.

Sighing, Momo continues, "She could tell that I was feeling troubled about this. It feels pathetic to have a sister seven years younger than me, worry about me."

Midori smiles as he gets what Momo is saying. He thinks to himself, 'That child is really…'.

Momo then looks at Midori and suggests something new.

Momo: …Say, Midori. I've given it some thought. Shall we promise to meet up once a week from now on?
Midori (bewildered): Eh? Hold on, what? (Why are you suddenly saying this?)
Momo: That's because if I don't do this, I'm afraid that I will use my work as an excuse to take advantage of Midori's kindness again.

Midori: …It's fine, I won't mind. Furthermore, when filming starts, you're just going to be even more busy, aren't you? You don't have to push yourself like this.
Momo: I'm not pushing myself at all. I want to do this. 

Momo: Even though I'm really happy in my job now, and indeed I would like to put my job as my top priority, I don't want to neglect your feelings because of it, Midori.
Midori: Ah, but-
Momo: What, you don't want to?

Midori: …Ah, not that. I'm indeed very happy… but…
Momo (clapping): Okay, then we're done talking- Here, let's bring the food out. (I'm so hungry--)
Midori: Eh, ah- okay.

Midori looks slightly unsettled, but does not pursue the topic anymore.

Sui narrates: I wonder if onee-chan and Midori-kun were able to communicate properly.

Later, everyone is sitting around enjoying the barbeque. Miyuki (Sui and Momo's mother) encourages Midori to eat, handing him a plate of food and telling him there's no need to be courteous. Midori politely accepts the food. Then, Ayame's father pops up next to him, going, "Midori-kun. How about we drink this next?"

Ayame's father is holding a whiskey bottle.

Midori: Eh-
Ayame dad (pressuring): It's not satisfying to just drink that one made for kids, is it? It's definitely not satisfying, am I right? (he's referring to Midori's fruit beer)

Midori: Ah, it's not.
Ayame dad (pouring the whiskey into a cup): Okay then, drink up, drink up. (I absolutely recommend this brand.)
Midori (uncomfortable): Um, ah, then I'll graciously accept.

Momo suddenly comes in and takes the cup of whiskey away, going, "Alright, that's enough-- Midori is a lightweight, you know. If he drinks whiskey, he might die."

Ayame's dad looks bummed out as he responds, "Eh, a lightweight, huh…"

Midori (flustered): Ah, but if it's just a little bit, it might be okay.
Momo: It's fine, you don't need to indulge him.

The mothers watch from aside in amusement. Ayame's mother says that if her husband were to continue drinking, he would be badly hungover the next day. She asks Miyuki not to mind him and says that Momo is very reliable. Miyuki says that she's the same (she gets hungover too).

Ayame's dad doesn't let go of Midori, saying to him, "But when eating meat, you simply have to drink, right? Midori-kun, what say you?", while Midori uncomfortably goes, "Eh, ah-- yes, you're right."

Aside, Aoi, his girlfriend and Sui are watching the interaction. Aoi remarks that his father is dragging others along again.

Sui thinks to herself while chewing her food, 'Somehow, seeing Midori-kun squirming like that… (it's refreshing). He looks like someone who can handle his liquor, but who knew that he was actually a lightweight? What's with this gap moe? It's kinda adorable….'

Midori is sniffing the whiskey and Momo's saying it smells bad. Watching Momo and Midori, Sui also thinks and feels somewhat relieved that they seem to have a good mood going.

Sui then turns to Ayame, who's sitting next to her, to ask if he's eaten yet.

However, Ayame is busy playing games, so he doesn't respond to her. Sui then proceeds to remove Ayame's headphones.

Sui: Hey. At such a time, can't you take a break from your games? (Geez.)
Ayame: Nope.
Sui: Why?
Ayame: Somehow, I'm feeling distressed and I can't seem to calm down.

Sui looks concerned and asks, "What's wrong? You're a bit strange today, Ayame.", but her words are covered by Aoi bursting in, asking, "Ah, onii-chan, you're going after the tsunderes again?"

On Ayame's game console, there's a girl blushing and pouting, going, "No…no way! I'm not complimenting you, got it?!"

Aoi remarks that Ayame's favourite characters are always tsunderes. He then turns to his girlfriend and reassures her, "But well, I prefer the candid types--"

Girlfriend: I'm candid?
Aoi: Koharu, you're calm and honest ❤

Watching Aoi and Koharu, Sui thinks to herself that she can see hearts fluttering around them. Meanwhile, Ayame remarks that Aoi is still young, so he doesn't understand the appeal of tsunderes.

Aoi asks Ayame why he likes tsunderes so much, because he wasn't like this last time. Sui thinks for a moment and says that Aoi is right - that Ayame used to like more diverse types of characters.

Ayame goes, "...Asking why, huh." He then points to his eye and says, "Firstly, it's in the eyes."

Ayame's otaku mode is switched on as he gives his lecture: Tsundere types typically have upturned eyes. There's nothing more adorable than that. The way they line their words with thorns just so they can hide their shyness is wonderful. I also love how they like to put up a strong front. Most importantly, when they unexpectedly become dere, their cuteness hits me like a bomb. Also-

Sui interrupts Ayame to tell him that his explanation is too long (and she doesn't understand). Ayame retorts that he just started explaining. Aoi looks at the two of them knowingly and goes, "…Uh-huh."

Sui notices and asks Aoi what's wrong. However, Aoi doesn't reply to Sui and turns to Koharu, going, "Ah, that's right, Koharu. We have bubble toys, so let's go over there to play." Koharu readily agrees, while Sui goes, "Oi- (You ignored me!)" 

Before leaving, Aoi turns back to say, "As expected, onii-chan, you're so easy to read." He then challenges Koharu to see who can blow bigger bubbles. Koharu says that she won't lose.

Ayame stares after his younger brother, wordless. He then asks Sui which part of him is easy to read. However, Sui says that she doesn't know.

Ayame remains silent, looking deep in thought, while Sui watches him. She thinks to herself that Ayame is truly being odd.

Later, the sky darkens and they bring out the sparklers. Aoi and Koharu are excited to play with them. Aoi excitedly asks Ayame to quickly light the sparklers, but Ayame says that the lighter seems faulty.

Meanwhile, Sui walks towards Midori and Momo, handing them the sparklers. Momo thanks her and Midori seems excited.

Midori: I haven't played with sparklers for a really long time.
Momo: There isn't much occasion to play, after all--
Sui: We play every year, though.

Momo's phone rings.

Momo sees that it's a call from work, so she excuses herself to take the call and asks Midori and Sui to start playing first.

While watching Momo leave, Sui says to Midori, "I'm sorry that you have to be stuck with me.", to which Midori responds, "You're saying such things again."

While taking out the sparklers, Sui and Midori talk.

Sui: Regardless, it's a relief. In the end, onee-chan wasn't called away to work.
Midori: That's right- It must be because I've been on my best behavior ❤
Sui: You're annoying. …Anyway, so? How was it, having some time alone together after so long? (Out with the details.)
Midori: Eh. (What barbed words.)

Sui: We're all around, you know. You didn't do naughty things with onee-chan, did you?
Midori: What kind of guy do you think I am?
Sui: A frivolous, good-for-nothing bum.

Midori is stunned by her frankness.

Sui asks, "So, were you able to talk properly?"

Midori looks at Sui and recalls what Momo said: "It was Sui who suggested that I should invite you over today."

He smiles a little and answers, "Yes. Well, there's something that I'm still a little worried about, though."

Sui looks at him questioningly, but Midori continues, "Despite that, I can feel that Momo is doing her best to think about us."

Sui smiles as she looks satisfied and relieved.

Sui: Uh-huh. Well, I don't really care, anyway. (Let's play with the sparklers already.)
Midori (sighing): You say that, but it's true. You're such a good kid that it's bothering me, Sui-chan. How does one nurture a kid to be like Sui-chan? (Please teach this onii-san.)
Sui: Hah? What's with that?

Midori asks, "It was Sui-chan who suggested to Momo to invite me to the barbeque today, right?"

Sui looks surprised, then thinks to herself, 'Onee-channn---- (you didn't have to tell him…!!)', while Momo sneezes.

Turning her head away tsun style, Sui says, "It's not like I did this for you, Midori-kun."

Midori: Yeah, yeah, I know ❤
Sui: Don't give me that smirk.
Midori: Right. Regardless, really, thank you, Sui-chan. Be it concern or consideration, I'm always on the receiving end from Sui-chan.

Sui gazes at the fireworks while she thinks to herself about Midori, 'What a dummy you are. I am the one who's received a lot from you.'

Sui has a light blush and a tiny smile on her face, which Ayame notices from aside.

Waving her extinguished sparkler at Midori, she chides, "You're really such a dummy, Midori-kun. (A huge one.)", while Midori answers, "Eh, suddenly insulting me." 

Noticing Midori and Sui's exchange, Ayame thinks to himself, '…That's odd. Just what is this feeling? …I'm starting to feel restless again…'

Staring at Sui and noticing her blush, Ayame moves towards her.

Ayame suddenly takes Sui's ponytail into his hand, surprising both Sui and Midori.

Sui: Wha- what's up, Ayame?
Ayame: Sui. Play the sparklers with me.
Sui: Hah?

Looking at Sui, Ayame recalls his earlier words and various past interactions with Sui: "Firstly, it's in the eyes." "Tsundere types typically have upturned eyes."

"The way they line their words with thorns just so they can hide their shyness is wonderful."

"I also love how they like to put up a strong front."

"Most importantly, when they unexpectedly become dere, their cuteness just hits me like a bomb."

Seemingly realizing that he's being strange, Ayame releases Sui's ponytail.

Sui asks, "...Ayame?"

Ayame has a huge blush on his face as he recalls Sui's words from Chapter 7: "Even if he doesn't want to show it, he can’t help but reveal on his face what he feels in his heart." "That's what love is like, you know." 

Ayame then realizes to himself, 'Haven't I just been describing Sui the whole time?'
