Onee-chan no Midori-kun 7

Sui narrates: It started before I noticed it. Even though it was already over since the beginning, it was inadvertently brought to an end. It was truly an absurd first love. After that day, a month or so passed. What happened felt like an illusion. Just like that, I didn’t meet Midori-kun after that incident. Before I realized it, it was already the start of summer.

It's morning and Momo is eating a slice of bread, looking dazed, sighing. Sui looks at Momo and asks her what's wrong.

Momo: Eh? It can’t be. I actually sighed?
Sui: Yup, a big one at that. Did something happen?
Momo: …Ah– it's nothing much. I’m really glad that I can be part of 'Kazuya and Miwa' now, but the job of an AD is much harder than I thought. Processes such as applications and negotiations hardly go smoothly for me.

[Explanation on AD: It’s short for Assistant Director. When shooting outdoors, they need to apply for various authorizations, carry out negotiations on the film subject, distribute lunchboxes and prepare the equipment needed for filming… All in all, having to take care of so many errands and tasks makes it a very challenging job!]

Momo (chuckling painfully): That’s why, I’m kinda drained now. (Haha)
Sui: *stares*
Momo: Eh, why do you look unconvinced-
Sui: You’re a liar.

Momo (confused): Hm?
Sui: Yes, your work is indeed very tough, but you’re always full of energy every day, onee-chan. I know it better than anyone. In the end, you haven't been able to meet with that person at all, have you?

Momo looks like she realizes what Sui is talking about.

Sui: Anyway, it's that kind of problem, isn't it?
Momo (flinching): Urk- 

Momo (sighing):  As expected of you. Sui-chan, who loves her older sister the most, has got me completely found out, huh-
Sui (embarrassed): Wha- No one said anything about loving you.
Momo (teasing and patting Sui's head): Yes, yes, you adorable kiddo.
Sui (flustered): Hey!

Momo's teasing reminds Sui of Midori.

Momo then continues, “...On the day Sui-chan fell ill and was resting, not only did I forget about the appointment I made with Midori, I also gave him a rude reply.” (recall Chapter 4 where Momo had replied to Midori: What?)

Momo: After that incident, I one-sidedly became awkward around him.
Sui: Eh? Didn’t Midori-kun say that he didn’t mind?
Momo: Oh, did I tell Sui-chan about it?

Sui: Ah! No. I just happened to overhear Midori-kun talking on the phone with onee-chan. At that time, I collapsed, so he brought me back to my room.
Momo: …Ah. Come to think of it, he might have mentioned that…

Momo’s memory: Midori is on the phone with Momo, telling her, “Sui-chan collapsed, so I brought her back to her bedroom. I’m sorry for entering without permission."

Momo: Oh no, why am I saying ‘might have’...? Gosh, I’m the worst, aren’t I? (Sigh–...)

Momo continues, “...Ever since I started working, my whole mind has been filled with work. Be it my own words or things that Midori said, I seem to have become more absent-minded about them. Even though he said that he doesn’t mind, I know clearly that I’ve inconvenienced Midori. All this time, we’d never encountered anything like this, so I think I’m at a loss right now…”

Sui looks at her sister making a pained smile and is reminded of Midori’s similar expression.

Momo further laments, “In the end, we couldn’t match our timings to meet up at all; And because I get too tired, I only reply to his messages the next day. I really hate myself to death.”

Sui is speechless for a moment, then asks, “...Say, onee-chan. You’ve scheduled your work so that it won’t clash with our family’s barbeque session with Ayame’s family, right?”

Momo: Eh, yes. I might get a call from work, but I'm free that afternoon. It’s an activity that our families have done together for 10 years in a row after all, I definitely have to be there. (This year, we will be the ones hosting it, right?)
Sui: In that case, on that day, why don’t you invite Midori-kun along?

At school, Sui updates Ayame about the barbeque.

Ayame: What? Oh– So Midori-kun is also going to join the barbeque.
Sui: That’s right.
Ayame: Aoi also said that he’d invite his girlfriend, so I don’t think that it’s an issue.
Sui: About that, why does an elementary schooler have a girlfriend? Are they all like this now?
Ayame: I’m not sure myself, but Aoi is indeed really good at such stuff.

[Aoi is Ayame’s younger brother. Mizukawa Aoi, 6th grade. Has a refreshing and outgoing personality.]

Ayame: Anyway, Sui-chan, are you fine with this?
Sui: ? What?
Ayame: The things you’re doing now seem to me like you’re trying to pick at the scab of your heartbreak.
Sui: Eh…
Ayame: Even though it’s been more than a month, won’t you feel sad if you see them together?

Ayame dramatically says, suddenly tearing up, “For me, when I’m pursuing other story routes, it kills me to see my close friend (in his bishoujo game) and my favourite character acting all lovey-dovey together in the background… (but I want to complete all of the story routes…)”.

Sui sweat-drops and asks Ayame not to mix her in with his game characters.

Sui then says, "Well, don’t worry about me. Forgetting about that person was much easier than I thought. Now, I have ab-so-lute-ly no feelings for Midori-kun anymore. Rather than that, if onee-chan and him continue being like this, I will get worried."

Huffing a little out of annoyance, Sui goes, "I know that there are many inconveniences that come with being an adult, but even if they are awkward about it, they should make time to talk it out clearly and all will be fine, right?!" (Don't you think that Sui is dropping facts like an adult here...? 😢💗)

After a short moment, Sui then admits that she's just being nosy.

Watching Sui, Ayame recalls his conversation with Sui when she was in his room.

Sui: Anyway, I was rejected by Midori-kun.
Ayame: Eh? (That’s sudden.)
Sui: It’s kind of a long story… but basically, under various circumstances that were beyond my control, things just turned out like that.

Sui: Compared to the time I was trying to hide and forget about my feelings, I now feel much more relaxed. It went a totally different direction from the plan that you came up with (recall their ‘Operation-Forget-Our-Troubles-With-An-Enriching-High-School-Life’ from Chapter 4)... but, how should I say it? I still want to thank you.

Sui holds her ponytails shyly and turns away from Ayame, tsundere-style.

Ayame: Eh, you suddenly got shy.
Sui: I'm not being shy!

Recalling Ayame's words to her in Chapter 4 (“At least, I wouldn’t think that way about you.”), Sui shyly adds, "...But really, Ayame, your words saved me. So thank you, Ayame.”

-End of flashback-

In the present, Ayame does not further comment on Sui's earlier remark about her being nosy.

Later, Sui is at home, looking at the card case that Midori gave to her.

She narrates: Actually, saying that I'm totally fine was a complete lie. However, somehow, I just don’t want to see Midori-kun looking lonely.

It's now the day of the BBQ! Mochi is looking around dazedly while Aoi and his girlfriend are fascinated with it.

Girlfriend: So cute…
Aoi: Yeah, Mochi’s adorable, right? (It looks like it’s spacing out.)
Girlfriend: Its name is Mochi? (That’s cute.)
Aoi: Yes, because it’s really soft to the touch. Sui-chan named it.
Girlfriend (touches Mochi): It’s true! So soft and bouncy.
Aoi: Yeah–

Sui and Ayame watch the young couple from aside.

Sui: What’s up with that fuzzy atmosphere over there? (It’s very cute, though.)
Ayame: I feel like I have no words for it.

Sui (teasingly): Eh, what? Are you feeling indignant that your little brother got himself a girlfriend ahead of you?
Ayame: Nope. In fact, I’m currently dating more than 30 ladies. I’ve also given away my first kiss.
Sui (rolling her eyes): Are you adding those girls from your bishoujo games into the count? Ayame, you should occasionally also show some interest in real people too.
Ayame (glancing at Sui): Real people, huh…
Sui (teasing): Then again– if Ayame really started liking 3D girls, I think pigs would start flying.

Someone calls out to Sui.

It’s Midori, going, “Sui-chan. Hello– Long time no see.”

Sui looks over at him and blushes lightly. 

Midori asks her if he can enter their yard through the gate. This snaps Sui out of her daze and she answers, "Ah-! Yes!"

Ayame watches the exchange silently.

Sui thinks to herself shyly with a blush, ‘I’m sure it’s not because we haven’t seen each other for so long that my heart’s beating faster.’ She also notes to herself that Midori's hair has grown a little longer.

Midori and Ayame greet each other. Mochi runs up to Midori to welcome him, and Midori also greets Mochi fondly.

Aoi asks Ayame who Midori is and Ayame explains that Midori is Momo’s boyfriend.

Watching Midori, Sui recalls her last conversation with him: “The next time we meet, we will still interact as usual!” with a pinky promise.

She thinks, ‘This is good, he’s properly keeping our promise.’

Midori then goes, “Ah, I just remembered.”

He holds out a cake box to Sui, telling her that he brought over a small gift for everyone to share (it’s from his favourite cake shop). (This cake brand ONiSE is from one of Meguro Amu's previous manga, Honey)

Midori: It’s cake.
Sui: Wow, acting all courteous to win us over, huh.
Midori: What’s wrong with that? I was invited to your family’s gathering, so bringing a small gift is normal, isn’t it? Kids who say such things won’t get to eat cake later, you know ❤
Sui: Ack-
(In the background, Aoi and his girlfriend bring Mochi over to another corner to play.)

The door to the house opens noisily.

Momo steps out. She sees Midori and goes, “Oh, Midori, you’re here.”

Midori: Momo. (Hello–)
Momo: I’m sorry I didn’t notice, I was in the house preparing the ingredients.
Midori: It’s fine, I just arrived.

Sui goes up to Momo to show her the cake box that Midori gave.

Sui: Onee-chan, this is a gift that Midori-kun brought over.
Momo (delighted): Ah, ONiSE’s cake? I was just thinking about eating it!
Midori: Oh, yeah?

Sui notices how Midori's expression softens as he adds, "I thought so."

Momo says that she will put the cake into the fridge and Midori asks her if he can help with anything. Momo says, “Ah– then, could you help to start the fire? I still have things to prepare indoors. (The rest of the adults are not around.)”

[Momo and Sui’s mother will be working until evening time, Ayame’s parents are out buying groceries.]

Midori says that he's got it, and Momo returns indoors. Sui then starts teasing Midori.

Sui: Look at you– Happy is written all over your face.
Midori: …What? Happy face?
Sui: You haven’t seen onee-chan for so long that you've got this silly grin on your face.
Midori (blushes): Eh- No no no, I didn’t make that kind of face–

(Ayame watches the entire banter taking place)

Sui: You did, you totally did–
Midori: I didn’t.
Sui: You did.
Midori: I said I didn’t, so I didn’t.
Sui: I said you did, so you did.
Midori (blushes): Ah– Geez. I already said I didn't.

Sui continues teasing Midori.

Sui: Stop acting cool already and just admit it. Tell her, ‘I’m reaaaally happy to see you ❤'
Midori: Hey, you. Of course I can't say such things. Especially not in front of you, Sui-chan.

Midori adds, "Also, I don't want Momo to think that I'm being passive-aggressive. (Haha...)"

Hearing Midori's words, Sui thinks to herself, '‘...What a fool you are. It’s already come to this; clearly you don’t have to be so considerate of my feelings.’

Sui: Gross. To think that Midori-kun is still being considerate of my feelings. That’s so gross.
Midori: Oh? Are you trying to pick a fight?

Sui: ...Midori-kun, you should go in and help onee-chan. Ayame and I can handle the fire-starting by ourselves.
Midori and Ayame: Huh?

Sui tells Midori, "Even though onee-chan isn’t busy now, she mentioned that she might get called to work anytime. Time is very precious, so you should use the time now, even if it’s short, to be with her.”

Midori tries to say, "But-", however he is interrupted by Sui going, "Right, Ayame?! You’re good at fire-starting, aren’t you!”

Ayame simply goes, "Eh? Yeah.”, and Sui tells Midori, "I’ll say this again. If you act considerate of my feelings one more time, I’m going to punch you!”

She shakes her fist at Midori.

Midori sighs and scratches his head.

Midori: Geez, really- Why is Sui-chan such a good kid? (While I am so lame—)
Sui: I’m not. It’s just that Midori-kun doesn’t seem like the type who knows how to start fires, so you’d just be a nuisance here.
Midori: Is it really fine? You're indulging me.
Sui: I allow it!

Sui narrates:  Ayame was right. I’m stupidly picking on the scabs of my heartbreak with my own hands. Nonetheless, I can’t help but find Midori-kun, who immediately becomes shy and clumsy when it comes to onee-chan, adorable. I'm truly incurable.

Midori: Alright, then I’ll take my leave for a moment.
Sui (shooing): Okay, please hurry up and leave.

Midori reaches a hand out to pat Sui’s head, going, “Thank you so much, Sui-ch…”, however he stops his hand before it makes contact with her head. Sui looks up at him with a small frown.

Midori then quickly withdraws his hand.

Midori (backing away): ...Ah. Sorry, I keep doing that.
Sui (huffing and clapping for Midori): Well done realizing it yourself. Even though I mentioned that we should interact like before, you should still stop doing that.
Midori: Yes. (I'm sorry.)

Walking away, Midori thinks to himself that he's a real jerk.

Sui watches Midori as he walks away and recalls the times he had patted her head. Blushing a little, she thinks, ‘I was the one who brought it up, but in my heart, I still feel a slight loneliness…’

Ayame then comes up next to Sui, snapping the tongs he's holding.

Ayame: Sui-chan, you’re a liar. So much for saying that you have no feelings anymore; it’s obviously all a lie.
Sui (pouting): What are you talking about?
Ayame: Well, that guy was in the wrong as well. Did he have to make that kind of face even if Sui was saying all that? (Being all shy). I understand that he was being considerate of Sui's feelings, but he knows how you feel about him, so shouldn’t he have tried harder to hide his expression?

Sui (confused): Eh? Are you angry?
Ayame (stunned and confused as well): Eh, am I being angry?
Sui: I don't know.

Sui and Ayame stare at each other for a moment in silence. Ayame remains confused while Sui goes to start the fire.

Sui then says to Ayame, "Well, that expression simply shows how much Midori-kun loves onee-chan. Even if he doesn’t want to show it, he can’t help but reveal on his face what he feels in his heart.”

Turning to look at him, Sui says, “That’s what love is like, you know.”

Ayame simply stares back at Sui, which causes her to blush in embarrassment.

Sui goes, "Ack, don’t make me say such things! It’s so corny…! (We’re ending this conversation here!!)”

Meanwhile, Ayame silently continues looking at Sui, then wonders to himself, ‘...What’s happening? Somehow, I feel kinda anxious.’
