Aoharu-sou e Youkoso 8 *SPOILERS*

Pudding Fairy

Sena visits the shop Fairy of Pudding to see his pudding fairy. He orders 2 puddings and wants to exchange contacts with her but gets knocked away by another enthusiastic customer 😤

He finds his pudding fairy really adorable and feels that when he looks at her, it's like his heart is fluttering in the summer sky 💗

At School

Summer break is over and all the guys are back in school! They spot Yamabuki doing cleaning. Hinata wants to go and talk to her but someone else approaches her instead - and it's Sena's pudding fairy, Suikazura Umi.

Sena goes to talk to her and she recognizes him as one of their customers at Fairy of Pudding. He introduces himself and immediately goes, "I like you! Please go out with me!!", but is equally quickly rejected by Suikazura.

Suikazura clarifies upon Sena's questioning that she doesn't have a boyfriend, but Sena is still unable to exchange contacts with her.

The guys express disappointment on behalf of Sena, but he seems completely unfazed. Yamabuki is Suikazura's classmate, so Sena requests for Yamabuki to tell him all about Suikazura tonight.

Art Class

Sena finds out that Suikazura is in the art club, so after school the next day, he goes to check out the art classroom. He's checking out the art pieces outside the classroom. He runs into Suikazura. He tells her that from the pictures, he can somewhat see her style.

Sena follows her into the art classroom and tries to talk to her, but she starts drawing and ignores him. He watches her for a while, but gets bored and sleepy.

After a while, Suikazura says that she's packing up, and Sena bids her goodbye while saying that he will be back tomorrow. Suizakura thinks to herself that he's strange.

Sena's Dedication

Sena wakes up at 5.30am so as to get to school in the morning to watch Suikazura do her art and he does this for several days in a row. He ends up sleeping on a table in the art room, though.

Suikazura notices him sleeping and lifts his bangs. Sena wakes up and looks up at her, asking her if she likes it better if he doesn't have bangs. However, she tells him that it doesn't matter.

Sena says that he will sketch something as well, and draws a somewhat hideous picture. When Suikazura asks what it is in the picture, he says that it's her. She bursts out laughing.

Sena finds her adorable again and wants to get closer to her.

Back in the sharehouse that evening, the other guys find him napping on the couch with a blissful expression.

Broken Promise?

Suikazura is in school in the morning, thinking to herself that Sena will probably show up again. However, she enters the art room and doesn't find Sena there. She wonders if he overslept. In the end, Sena doesn't show up.

For 5 days straight, Sena doesn't show up. Suikazura then overhears Hinata and Rikuto chatting about Sena, who has been absent. It seems like Sena had received some kind of shock and is feeling down.

Suikazura wonders if Sena's current condition is her fault - because she laughed at his drawing. She approaches Hinata and Rikuto.

Sena and Suikazura

In the sharehouse, Sena is in bed. He has been down with a fever, but it's gone down. He lies down to continue resting, but feels like he hears Suikazura's voice.

She has come to visit him! She brought pudding too 😘 Sena asks if she's the pudding fairy and whether he's dreaming, but she tells him that this is all real.

Suikazura explains that she found out about Sena from Hinata and Rikuto (who are peeping into Sena's room right now). She says that she understands Sena fell sick from eating too much pudding. Sena explains that he fell sick from the shock of his favorite pudding causing his body to break down.

I like pudding too

Suikazura asks if Sena truly likes her or is just distracted by her pudding costume. Sena explains that he saw how she wore the costume diligently even on a hot day, how she works hard at her part-time job, how she does classroom cleaning even when others skip, how she takes her art seriously, and how she came to visit him because she was concerned about him. 

Even though the way he noticed her was through the pudding costume, he now finds her more cool the more he gets to know her, and likes her more than before.

Suikazura says that she's the type to prefer being alone and doesn't understand much about love. However, she was lonely when Sena didn't visit her at the art class. She also says that she started working part-time at the pudding shop so that she could afford her art supplies, but she chose it because she herself likes pudding too.

Sena blushes and wonders to himself if this is fate and that he wants to marry her.

