Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai 66 *SPOILERS*


Hotaru's Bold Decision

Hotaru updates Satomi and Yao (they are at karaoke together) that she plans to visit England by herself to meet Hananoi. 

Satomi is very surprised. Yao also says that he didn't expect Hotaru to make such a bold decision. Hotaru explains that she has always been approached or pulled along - she wants to try for once, doing something by herself. However, her parents were against it.

Yao offers to discuss and rethink Hotaru's strategy. Satomi then asks why she is included in this discussion - Yao and Hotaru innocently reply that it's because it seemed like the normal thing to do, and that Satomi is reliable. Satomi cries dramatically from feeling touched, and starts contributing ideas and her experiences enthusiastically (she has a lot of experience travelling solo to find her idols).

Biggest Concern

After settling the issues of travel funds (Hotaru has been working part-time so she has sufficient savings), Satomi points out that Hotaru's parents' greatest worry is safety. She suggests that if there can be an adult locally (in England) to act as a guardian, it will be more reassuring. The three of them crack their heads trying to think of someone suitable.

Assist from Hibiki and Shibamura

At Hotaru's home, Hotaru is now facing her parents together with Hibiki and Shibamura. Shibamura explains that she and Hozumi-sensei have known each other for a long time and that he is in Caterbury teaching kendo. Hozumi-sensei had shared that it's possible to secure an accommodation through his acquaintance. 

Hotaru's parents are worried about placing Hotaru's safety in the hands of a man, but Shibamura adds that the adult can be trusted. She also suggests arranging for a meeting prior to the trip so as to reassure them.

Hotaru also presents to her parents a notebook - it contains her detailed itinerary. She also says that she can contact them regularly while she is there if they are concerned.

Hibiki chimes in to lend her support and requests for Hotaru's parents to grant Hotaru this request.

Hotaru's Room

Later, the three friends are in Hotaru's room. Hotaru has obtained her parents' approval (though her father was very reluctant). Hotaru tearfully thanks her two friends. They pass her things useful for travelling, like a neck pillow and small bottles for toiletries.

Hotaru starts tearing up again, surprising Hibiki. Hotaru says that them and Yao have been so good to her and she feels blessed. Hibiki remarks that she's been wondering for a while if Yao actually likes Hotaru. Hotaru remains quiet. Shibamura then says that everyone just wants to lend their support, because it's Hotaru.

After that, Hotaru's parents and Hotaru meet the acquaintance through video call, Hotaru gets her passport made, and she does some more research on England. Yao also helps Hotaru with speaking English.

Yao and Satomi

The two of them are chilling at a fast food place and Satomi expresses her surprise at Yao informing her that he won't be going to send Hotaru off. She says that it wouldn't be weird if he went, since he is an important friend to Hotaru. Yao shares that he thinks he won't see Hotaru anymore, because he's moving away (to a neighbouring city). Satomi is shocked again.

Yao explains that the move is because of his mother's recent incident. His family is moving to where his grandmother is so that everyone can be less worried. He adds that he already tried approaching Hotaru in his own way, even if it was just a little bit - and he feels refreshed.

Satomi looks at him and thinks to herself that Yao's expression does not show that he is feeling refreshed at all.

Yao's Thoughts

Yao is packing his belongings at home, getting ready for the move. His dog Hotaru comes to accompany him. There are some flashbacks of Yao's memories from when he was young - his father comforting him when he cried, someone in the hospital (I think it was his father? I don't remember if his father has passed away) telling him that they are leaving mother and his siblings to him, Yao crying to his dog Hotaru but remaining stoic in front of his crying siblings, his interactions with Hotaru in elementary school and middle school, girls who liked him, and Hotaru's crying face.

He recalls Hotaru's words to him: "I know how happy it made me when you were kind to me when it looked like I was going to cry. That's why, I've always wanted to become someone like you, Yao-kun."

Meanwhile, Hotaru is packed up and ready to leave her home. Her parents see her off at home. Her father asks Hotaru to help clear up the misunderstanding Hananoi still has about her grandfather. Hotaru says okay and leaves.

Yao and Satomi (again)

Satomi manages to locate Yao after he leaves the school gate and wants to drag him to the airport to see Hotaru off. Yao tries to say that he's fine and it's a bad idea to go. However, Satomi gets upset and says that she hates seeing a kind person get nothing in return. She doesn't want the person she likes to think that he's at fault and simply decide to end his love.

Yao is surprised at her words, and before he can respond fully, Satomi blurts out loudly her confession - she likes Yao. However, Yao can only apologize to her. Satomi wipes her tears and smiles at Yao and says that she understands. She also apologizes for breaking their promise.

A while later, the two of them alight from a train. Satomi explains that Hotaru has reached the airport, so Yao will need to find her before she reaches the customs clearance. She also says that Yao will have to go by himself from here on, but Yao gives her a dejected look. He asks her to give him a punch as they had agreed.

Satomi gives him a huge slap on his back and tells him with a smile that it's the final stretch.

Yao and Hotaru

Yao runs with all his might towards the airport, telling himself that this is the time to act on his instincts.

He spots Hotaru going up an escalator and calls out to her. "Hinase! Hina... HOTARU!!"

Hotaru hears him and turns back to go towards him. He tells Hotaru, "Good luck...! Do your best!! I... I'm really glad that I was able to meet you!! If it weren't for you, Hotako, I'm sure I would have come to hate myself someday...!!"

Hotaru stops in her tracks at tears up, going, "...Me too. If I could live my life being straightforward... I would...". She thinks about Yao in their elementary school days. Hotaru then says that to answer a question he once asked her, her answer is, I liked you, Yao-kun!!

She says that because of the Non-chan incident, she didn't know if she could say that she was good friends with Yao, but she was truly happy. Happy that he talked to her, and happy that he was kind to her. It also made her very happy to be called Hotako by him. She will definitely never forget what they went through, because it's her life's treasure.

Both of them with tears in their eyes, Yao says, "Goodbye, Hotako. Goodbye." and Hotaru answers, "Yeah...! I'll be going now." They shake hands.


Satomi is still waiting at the train station, fidgeting, waiting for Yao. When Yao appears next to her, she stammers and says that she was wondering whether to wait or not. 

Yao asks her if they'll be friends no matter what happens. Satomi looks relieved at his words. She then asks Yao if he managed to meet Hotaru. Yao says that he did, but when he saw Hotaru in person, the words that came out were completely different from what he had been thinking. Nonetheless, he's glad he fell in love. Yao's tears are spilling down his face while he says that.

Satomi smiles, then gives him another slap on the back, saying that he did his best.


Anonymous said…
Kind of a weird chapter since the last one looked like she was already on the plane. Hopefully, we finally can get the story back to her and and Hananoi,.
Anonymous said…
How much more the author can fumble this story? What a boring chapter.
Anonymous said…
But, liked that friends or ..? I think that friends, but i dont know
Anonymous said…
My unpopular opinion is that the chapter is really necessary to move the story forward. In order for Hotaru and Yao to grow and mature, it was necessary for them to put aside the weirdness of their interactions and be honest with each other. Hotaru was finally able to tell him that she liked him as a person, and even though Yao couldn't confess his love for her, he did thank Hotaru for her kindness. I have conflicting feelings because of Yao not confessing his feelings. On one hand I think if he had confessed and been rejected, he would have recovered faster. But on the other hand, a confession would have put Hotaru in a very difficult and uncomfortable position. So, I guess the way things turned out was for the best. I'm excited for Chapter 67, which was released on December 23rd. What I'm most interested in knowing about that chapter is what Hotaru wrote in their notebook since they broke up. Thank you very much for the translation and I'll be looking forward to the next chapter.
Anonymous said…
As I interpret it, she told him that she liked him as a person, because Yao once at work asked her if she liked him. From what happens in this chapter it is clear that Hotaru does not consider him a friend because of the Non-chan incident. My personal opinion is that Hotaru has never wanted to have a close relationship with Yao because of the trauma, and also a part of her indirectly feels like Yao wants something more from her that she can't give him.
Anonymous said…
Guys with this I'm confused does hotaru love yao Or not if she loves him then what about hananoi. Who does she genuinely love hananoi or yao. I think that hotaru loves yao frm this chapter than hananoi and their bond is beyond frnds. There is a big draw back in hotaru character now am I right frnds. Answer this question who does she really loves hananoi or yao.
Anonymous said…
And another question what will hananoi do after he heard this whole scene between hotaru and yao will he accept hotaru or will he leave her for good. I guess hotaru character is quite twisted in this chapter the way she remember yao frm childhood it's implying hotaru does love yao more than hananoi well this far beyond friendship. What will hananoi do after hearing this some how frm other.
Anonymous said…
Hotaru has never loved Yao. She only admitted that she likes the way he is as a person. In fact, one of the few things I respect about Hotaru is that she has never doubted the love she feels for Saki, what she doesn't know is how to express it.
Anonymous said…
I believe Hotaru expressed in the previous chapter how much she misses Hananoi at the amusement park. In this chapter she is letting Yao know she cares about him as a friend, but her feelings for Hananoi are love. She tries to let Yao know in this chapter that she cares about him, without hurting him. Hotaru has struggled with communicating her feelings since the trauma she experienced when she was young. Hopefully, Yao understood her feelings and he can move on. I hope she reunites with Hananoi and they can both can continue to grow together. They both have experienced so much growth when they are together. Hopefully, they will reunite and even become stronger now they understand how hard it is to be apart, and they overcome obstacles as a couple!
Anonymous said…
Sorry to ask u this guys what about the part hotaru says in childhood that she likes yao what about this is this love Or something can't understand can u plz tell about it. More over who does she love yao Or hananoi why would she cry for leaving yao there 🤔. If it's not love then what else. We all know the bond between hotaru and yao is way beyond friendship how can u explain this.
Anonymous said…
In recent chapters hotaru kept secrets like talking and stuff from hananoi why that if she really love hananoi she can tell him that things to saki right. What is the point if keeping secrets in front of ur lover man and moreover she ditched saki in one chapter why though if it's not love with yao thn what with saki. Now I doubt abt her character sorry.
Anonymous said…
No she never said she miss saki until yao point out about saki so i assume she already forgot about saki and is happy with yao in that park. Read chapter carefully if yao didn't bring about saki i guess she is enjoying with yao there in park am I correct.
Anonymous said…
I think that Hotaru definitely misses Hananoi. She feels guilt at the amusement park, for having fun with Yao who she sees as a friend, cause Hananoi di not like herto hae any male friends. Remember she has always thought of him san old friend and he has not told her o his feelings. She sees Hananoi everywhere at the park and realizes how imomplete she is without him.
Anonymous said…
I think that the last comment was a little harsh. Hananoi's reactions to her friendships were sometimes harsh due to his relationship he had with his parents. She struggled emotionally from the trauma that happened early on in her childhood being afraid to hurt anyone's feelings. This is her first relationship, as well as his first serious relationship. The point being that they are both going to make mistakes, the bottom line is they love each other. I hope they reunite and grow together. I am glad Hotaru is taking the lead of going after him this time. It is a big srmtep for her and their relationship.
Anonymous said…
Well sorry to say this why she keeps secrets about yao to saki and will she ever tell saki about yao and her conversations. I think she won't tell saki about those conversations what will saki if he heard these frm others will he accept hotaru or just leave her. One thing why does she cry leaving yao at airport if it's not love with yao thn what is that can anyone answer this question and about liking yao. If possible can anyone answer.
Anonymous said…
Why hotaru is crying leaving yao at airport can anyone explain this her friendship with yao is way beyond normal. I think at some point she loves yao but can't express her feelings to yao. She said she could have been straight with answer but she is not. I guess at some point she really love yao but can't admit it straight. I guess this is what I understood. Anyway sorry frm now I can't even read further chapter.
Anonymous said…
The bond between yao and hotaru is really pissing me off. Sorry to say this now I kinda doubt about her character. If it's so painful to leave yao there then be with yao. She likes yao that much that she even cried leaving yao there at airport. Saki it's better to forget a girl like hotaru and be with other girl.at this point with yao, hotaru doesn't deserve a great guy like saki. To be frank hotaru is cheating saki. That's what I understood. I'm out of this crazy story bye. Sorry guys if my comments hurt you.
Anonymous said…
Can anyone explain why hotaru is crying leaving yao at airport if it's not cheating thn what is it thn what is with saki love Or just stuff I can't even understand her now why is she keeping secrets about yao to saki why can anyone explain these questions. Should I quit now about reading bond with yao and hotaru. Should I quit reading or should I continue.
Anonymous said…
She was crying at the airport because in the previous chapter she let him know about howcm she missed Hananoi and the realization that he felt that his confession will proably be the end of their friendship. She knows that Hananoi is very possessive and if they get back together that friendship, is probably over. Also, she is crying because she hurt him and he was her childhood friend. That also explains why he cried to his dog in the chapter. That , basically any hope hope for a relationship or friendship is over. She made her choice and is sad, he has to be hurt in the process.
Anonymous said…
Hananoi and Hotaru have broken up, although they love each each other. Yao asked her to go the amusement park as friends even though he wants more. Hotaru seems oblivious, but feels uncomfortable about situation and talks to him about Hananoi throughoughout their time at the park. She cries after confesses at the airport because she finally realizes the scope of his feelings and this probably the end of their friendship, as it is. Their really are no secrets. They are not "together" right now, however I hope that they do talk and disclose everything that happened while apart to avoid misunderstandings and grow together as a couple.
Anonymous said…
Oops she cried after he confesses at the airport. I believe she always seen him as a friend. Nothing more. She is extremely sad she hurt a friend and their friendship is now probably over with now. In, most their discussions were about her relationship and her fer feelings for Saki. Even though they are broken up all she talks about is him. She cries because she missed understood. Yao's feelings for her.
Anonymous said…
The only time she ditched him was when Yao's little brother and sister were alone at the train station. After she left the hospital she went through a snowstorm to get to him. Yao and her were childhood friends. She did not take Yao,,'s contact info because of Hananoi,'s jealousy. After the breakup, she saw Yao at the library months later and they went to the amusement park she thoughts friends not knowing he felt more. I think she cried at the airport because she knew she hurt Yao, because she chose Hananoi. In fact, she she talk to him and others about how much she misses him and they encouraged her to look for him.
Anonymous said…
They were broken up, however I think he will accept it, because Yao has his closure and he will know she only liked him as a friend, even when he confesses his feelings.
Anonymous said…
So hotaru does loves yao that is clear. Now I'm doubting hotaru character more now. So there is no friendship but love with yao right. What if hanaoi hears this will he accept hotaru. Will hotaru ever says the conversation between yao and her to hananoi. I think she won't tell saki. So she does plays with sakis heart. Now I really feel like saki deserves a better person than hotaru I hope. Hotaru is wrong no matter what . Now I really want saki to don't accept hotaru and move with another girl. Hotaru is trash. This is what I understood frm this chapter she does love yao more than saki. Sorry to say this I'm out of this trauma story. If my comment hurts u sorry.
Anonymous said…
What do you mean scope of yao feelings so she loves yao too right. So hotaru is really a meh character.
Anonymous said…
I think hotaru won't even tell to saki about yao and his confession because if she said this conversation about yao she knows saki will leave her no matter what. She won't tell saki because she knows what saki will do and leave her forever. Hotaru won't dare to tell her conversation with yao to saki no matter what. In my view she is too cruel to play with saki heart. Saki deserves a better person than hotaru.
Anonymous said…
I believe people are being too harsh concerning Hotaru. He left went overseas with no contact information for months. He says when he is ready m, he may ask her out again. She went to an amusement park with a friend, they mostly talked about Hananoi. He encouraged her to follow her feelings. Shie decides to follow him to another country by herself. Which speaks volumes about her feelings. She has always seen Yao as a friend. She did not realize he had more complex feelings for her. She cried because she feels she is losing a friend, and did not want to hurt him.
Anonymous said…
Man hotaru prioritize yao first instead of saki so he went over seas. Saki expressed this hotaru in recent chapter and see how hurt is he when she prioritizes yao not saki. It's not saki fault to get hurt it's totally hotaru fault. She didn't even said anything about going to yao house to and situation to saki. She didn't deny about fact what saki told to her. How can u be positive about hotaru character. She won't say anything about yao to saki never in her life bcoz if she said to him saki will definitely leave her. Really hotaru is too cruel to play with saki. If hotaru likes yao thn she should go with him and do whatever. My man she hurt saki and saki u deserve better person than hotaru. I dont like hotaru character no matter what. To be frank saki is straight forward in that matter. He was so hurt that his heart broke with yao matter so he want to leave her best decision. Hotaru is meh character . Saki is coward but honest unlike hotaru. Worst characters yao and hotaru. If this gets second season I'm sure many will drop the series because of yao and hotaru damn bond. Saki is better man just leave her u deserve better girl than hotaru. Let hotaru do whatever with yao and stuff she is cruel and not a honest person and her bond with with yao is way beyond friendship. Hotaru character is worst go with yao and never look at saki. Saki deserve a better girl than u(hotaru). Any way I'll drop this shit story about fmc cares her friend (yao) more not saki truly a despicable character. Better saki ditches hotaru and move with other honest girl I prefer this but not hotaru. Well this comment is lengthy I'm sorry if my English is bad feel free to reply to this comment . Sorry for my comment if it's bad.
Anonymous said…
She was enjoying date or whatever with yao until yao brings about saki it means she didn't even think abt saki after all what explanation will u give for if it's not cheating thn what is it and why the heck did she went out with yao eating shopping and ride with yao this is definitely cheating whatever u say. She is too cruel hurt saki and was happy leaving saki and enjoying with yao and about that hug with yao what should I think of her now she let a man touch her care to explain this anyone if they got answer well this is beyond friendship and definitely cheating now I doubt her character even more frm previous chapters. Can anyone better explain this comment cause I can't accept hotaru now as a best girl and she keeps secrets about yao to saki explain this thn.
Anonymous said…
Freind can anyone tolerate if his girlfriend priotize first her child hood friend other than him first what he will understand that he is not important at all and he better cutoff that relation with his girl instead of getting more hurt that's what saki did a better choice instead of getting hurt again and again let go off that relation thts best for him. Hotaru is at fault that's why I hate hotaru that even proved in last chapter how can u be so positive about a girl that wont care u instead she cares her friend😂.
Anonymous said…
Hotaru cried because at some point in elementary school they were friends, but what happened ruined that emerging friendship and now that they met again as teenagers there are too many things in between that did not allow them to resume their friendship. Yao's romantic feelings won't let him be an honest friend to Hotaru. And the discomfort Hotaru feels around him, plus the fact that she respects Saki too much to have a super close relationship with Yao, are enough reasons for them not to be able to be friends. However, these feelings can be cured with time and distance, I think that's why Hotaru cries because she realized that life is taking her and Yao on different paths and they don't know if they'll see each other again. Well, she's going to try to fix things with Saki and make a life with him and Yao is going to move in with his family in the city. It's inevitable that life separates two people who were once friends and that's sad.
Anonymous said…
I realize everyone is passionate about their characters. However, Yao and Hotaru were never meant to be. I think that this is Hotaru 's first relationship, and did not recognize the extent of Yao's feelings and that is why she cried. They never can be friends again after his confession. Also, remember both Hotau and Hananoi have always struggled with emotional issues leading to miscommunication. Hotaru always felt shee was okay with friends and family. When she met Hananoi she did not know how to juggle and set boundaries for friends and family. Also, if Hananoi was more open to making friends and talking openly why he was so overpossessive maybe some situations could have been avoided. I am glad Hotaru is making the first move this time and hopefully they can work together on the issues they struggle with.
Anonymous said…
Let me ask will hotaru tell about yao and her conversation with yao to saki and clear their misunderstanding between them I think she won't tell about that saki never cause she fears that if she told to saki then saki will definitely leave her forever due to overthinking about yao and hotaru. My guess is that she won't even tell that saki. Well what I want is hotaru should tell saki about yao and clear the misunderstanding. what I fell frm this is she is in love with yao at some point that clearly shows in these recent chapter. What do you feel does the relationship between yao and hotaru is love Or just friendship. Frm hotaru pov I think she loves yao too am I confused or does she love yao can anyone explain this. Will she ever tell saki about yao and her conversation between yao and her to saki. What do you think.
Anonymous said…
Hotaru likes yao as a man care to explain does she love yao. If she love yao thn her character would be trash and I won't even read further chapters.
Anonymous said…
Can anyone explain about above comment should I continue or stop reading this story guys help I'm confused 🤔.
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to see what happens next