Taking a break + Survey
Hello dear readers, I'm very sorry for the slow (more like lack of) updates recently. I've been too busy and/ or tired to do the translations, because each post takes hours for me to write. It's becoming a bit of a mental burden now whenever I think about making new posts when new chapters release. Therefore, I have an informal survey I'd like to put out - I would like to find out if you readers would be fine with it if I change my style to something much more brief, compared to the very detailed summaries I've been doing. If I keep things really brief, I think it will be more manageable for me to maintain my frequency of posts and stay updated with the latest chapters. If I maintain my current style of being very detailed, I can't guarantee that I am able to stay up to date with the latest chapters. Please let me know in the comments if you prefer my current detailed style (in which I can't guarantee being able to release posts timely), or if you would pre...