Museru Kurai no Ai wo Ageru 17 *SPOILERS*


Cameras, Frozen

Picking up from the previous chapter, Hibari is currently being hugged (but protected) by Rihito (who's still in disguise) from the prying cameras of Pantera Negra's fans.

There's a sudden loud screeching noise from the stage, distracting the fans and cameras. It's Gaku, who doesn't look one bit amused. He takes off his guitar and jumps off stage towards Rihito (Kyouhei goes, "O-oi!" at Gaku).

Gaku then grabs Rihito's arm to pull him away from Hibari. The two guys face off and glare at each other. Gaku has a fist up, but Rihito is grabbing Gaku's fist.

Rihito says to Gaku, "What are you doing, wearing that T-shirt? (Gaku is wearing the T-shirt that Hibari designed) Think about it carefully, brat."

Gaku looks triggered, but does not engage Rihito. The two guys let go of each other and Gaku returns to the stage.

Airi goes to Hibari and suggests that they leave for a while. Hibari agrees. Nonetheless, the attention of the fans has gone back to the stage. Before leaving, Hibari turns to glance at Gaku, wondering if he'll be alright. Rihito accompanies Hibari to the exit.

On stage, Kyouhei asks Gaku if he's okay. Gaku looks sullen and doesn't answer immediately, but he says, "---Yeah. Let's make this the best night ever."

Pantera Negra proceeds to perform to screaming fans.

After the Performance

Two Pantera Negra fans leave the performance venue in a daze. They go, "That was insane." "Gaku was insanely good today." "The heat was intense, wasn't it?" "Yes...!" "I had goosebumps the whole time!"

"That being said, what was that thing with the guitar pick about, before the performance? A girlfriend?"
"Oh, a skit, I guess?"
"Ah-- That's what it was- Not a girlfriend-"
"Art universities do different stuff, huh-"

Hibari narrates that she did something unnecessary. It was just for an instant, but it caused only trouble. She thinks that she's a huge idiot. 

She and Airi are in another university building now and Hibari is squatting over some boxes, looking depressed. Rihito is with them.

Airi: It's fine, Hibari. It seems like they were able to mislead them, somehow.
Hibari: Is that so...
Airi: Anyway, let's go home! You can do the cleaning up tomorrow! Hey!
Rihito (still in disguise): Everything turned out fine. Hibari, there's no need to worry.

Hibari seems to be convinced as she looks at him.

Airi (whispering to Hibari): Hey! Your childhood friend is a guy, isn't he? I was surprised! Why is he in female clothing? (She hasn't recognized that Rihito is Baihuu, or she still doesn't know)
Hibari (whispering back): S-sorry, I'll explain it to you some other time.

The three of them suddenly hear a voice going, "Oi! Stop it, Gaku!"

Gaku Incensed

Gaku appears at the doorway of the room that Hibari, Airi and Rihito are in. He still looks pissed.

Kyouhei is with Gaku, but Kyouhei is clinging onto Gaku's leg, going, "Stop it, Gakuuuuu! The live was a success, wasn't it? Isn't it fine? The beautiful person was Baihuu, wasn't it? Moreover, he's the childhood friend of that ramen shop girl, right? Don't be so jealous! He's not your enemyyyyy---"

Gaku steps up towards Rihito. He appears calm now and says to Rihito, "...Thank you, Mr. Beautiful. For protecting Hibari. Thanks to you, we pulled off a good live performance."

Rihito looks surprised. Hibari and Airi as well.

Rihito responds by saying that he simply did what he had to do, and if there's anyone to thank, it should be Hibari.

Rihito: Well then, I'm going home.
Hibari: Ah, um, thank you, Rihito-kun.

Hibari looks grateful and Rihito gives her a small smile in acknowledgement. 

The Rest of Pantera Negra

After Rihito leaves, Kyouhei looks starstruck as he gushes about Rihito, "......Only the god of music could compare with such a god..."

Jouichirou and Momo arrive as well, asking if everything's alright and apologizing for being late. Kyouhei comedically hugs Jou in relief, saying that everything's fine and he can finally have a good sleep today.

Jou turns to look at Gaku, who seems to be in a daze. Jou puts an arm around Gaku and tells him, "You switched well. At the live, too."

Gaku replies, "It was intentional. For me, live performances were fun and freeing, but..."

Gaku thinks back to the live performance, watching as Rihito accompanied Hibari to leave the performance area. He felt chained to the stage, helpless to do anything.

Gaku continues, "It was the first time I felt like that. However, I thought that I should make the best of what was in front of me. I thought that I definitely shouldn't waste all of that time."

Everyone in the room is silent as they let Gaku's words sink in.

Gaku and Hibari

Gaku then turns to look at Hibari and says, "More importantly, I have something to talk to Hibari about."

He proceeds to grab her hand and leave the room, closing the door behind them and telling Kyouhei and Momo, "Don't peek."

Kyouhei remarks that Hibari's (he refers to her as the ramen shop girl) influence might be greater than he thought.

Gaku leads Hibari down a secluded corridor within the school building. Hibari apologizes to Gaku for doing something unnecessary at the live.

Gaku stops and turns towards Hibari, then grabs her and kisses her passionately, surprising her. After a few intense kisses and pinning Hibari against the wall, Gaku pauses and explains that he's disinfecting.

Hibari: ...Disinfecting?
Gaku: You were hugged by Mr Beautiful, weren't you?
Hibari: But we didn't kiss.
Gaku (hugging Hibari tightly): Is that so. I don't want you to be held by another man under any circumstances. Also, thank you for the pick. I was subconsciously nervous and forgot my pick. It was the first time it happened, so I was pretty nervous.

(From the panels we can infer that Rihito's unexpected appearance was what made Gaku nervous.)

Hibari looks moved by Gaku's words and returns the hug. She narrates: Thank goodness...

Airi and Jou

After a while, Kyouhei has his ear to the door that Gaku and Hibari left from. He complains that he has to go home soon, but because of them (Gaku and Hibari), it's hard to leave.

(He also remarks that if they wanted to do naughty things, they should do it at home. LOL)

Airi offers to check on them and Kyouhei thanks her. Just as Airi is about to leave through the door, she shyly turns to Jouichirou and asks him if he will come with her. Jou thinks about it for a moment and agrees.

The two of them don't manage to find Hibari and Gaku, and are now standing around somewhat awkwardly. Airi nervously suggests that maybe Hibari and Gaku are still occupied, and Jou agrees. He begins to leave, saying that he'll come and shout for them later, and if they still don't come out, he'll scold them.

Airi looks at Jou's retreating figure and recalls Gaku's earlier words about not wasting time. She musters up her courage and talks to Jou.

Airi: Um... About what you said yesterday... introducing me to your friend... I'm sorry. I have to decline.
Jou (looks somewhat surprised): ......I see. I'll relay it to him. It's a pity, though-- My friend kept saying that Airi-san is cute.
Airi: ......

Airi: I don't have a boyfriend, but... there's someone I like.
Jou: *pauses*
Airi: I like the person in front of me.

Jou turns around to look at Airi, who's blushing like a tomato. He looks a little confused and points to himself, asking if she's referring to him. She nods.

Jou thinks about it for a moment, then says, "......I see. Thank you." He gives her a gentle smile. Airi continues blushing and looks dazed.

Jou turns away to leave once again, going, "Shall we go?", and Airi nervously answers, "O-okay!" 

Her heart is pounding loudly in her chest.

Hibari narrates that in this three-day cultural festival, lots of things happened, and it was overflowing with creativity and thoughts.

Going Home

Pantera Negra and the two girls are now leaving the campus. 

Kyouhei: Ah- The cultural festival is over- Time flies when you're having fun, huh-
Gaku: Right-
Kyouhei: If only it could always be a cultural festival-
Gaku: That would be troublesome.
Someone (I'm guessing it's Momo): What are we going to do now?
Someone (I'm guessing it's Gaku): Let's go to Kyouhei's house-
Kyouhei: No- Don't- My mother is coming over-

"Your mother? LOL" "She wouldn't come now, LOL." "You can't know that--"

Hibari and Airi look amused as they listen to the banter. 

Gaku suddenly spots a cat and chases after it. Hibari sweatdrops while watching him, remarking that he'll only make it more scared by chasing after it.

While the rest are distracted by Gaku's antics, Hibari notices a poster. It's an ad about hiring a part-timer to do chores and cleaning at a design agency. The ad owner is M.J.D. (Recall from the end of Chapter 10 that MJD was the designer of some posters that caught Hibari's eye.)

Hibari looks interested.
