Hikaeme ni Itte mo, Kore wa Ai 22 *SPOILERS*


Picking up from Last Chapter

Hikari's friends had blurted out (and Risa heard): "Is that person 'Oohira'?" "Hikari, you said that you liked him during middle school--..."

Hikari's head is bent downwards. She's unable to make eye contact with Risa while she asks Risa if she heard what her friends said. Hikari goes, "It's not like that, Amakawa-san. Will you let me explain properly? I..."

However, Hikari is interrupted by Zen, who has come back for Risa. He says that they should leave since Risa wanted to see the reptiles section.

Risa's Decision

Risa: Ah... yes.
Hikari: Eh... Reptiles? I-...I see- There's no time, huh... Then, see you...

Risa notices Hikari's expression - Hikari is smiling, but she looks disappointed.

Risa: Zen, let's go via the monkey enclosure. We'll go to the reptiles section after sending Kuma-san and her friends to the monkey enclosure.
Zen: Sending or whatever... they can just look at the map and figure out the way.
Risa: Under what circumstances did the monkeys make it to this Hoshinoyama Zoo? I think that you'll enjoy it twice as much if I shared with you the information I researched. ✨
Zen: Just how much did you research?
Risa (to Hikari): Kuma-san, let's go together.

Hikari looks amazed.

At the Monkey Enclosure

Hikari's two friends are excited upon seeing the monkeys and pose for photos with it. They cheerfully ask Zen to help them take the photos (and they keep calling Zen "Hikari's friend's boyfriend!!"). Zen remarks that they're too loud and are scaring the monkeys.

Hikari and Risa simply look at them without comment.

One of Hikari's friends complains that she blinked and asks Zen to take another picture. Zen asks them just how many photos they want. However, a passing couple sees the commotion and asks Zen if he will take a picture for them, too. Zen ends up taking photos for them and a queue even forms so that Zen can be their photographer.

Hikari laughs and comments on the situation. Risa responds by saying that Zen could just ask the next person in queue to take the picture (but I guess Zen didn't think of that, LOL).

Hikari has a nostalgic look when she says that Zen hasn't changed at all (she refers to him as Oohira).

Hikari Shares About Zen's Past

Hikari fondly says that it's because Zen is like this that everyone liked him (she is referring to their middle school days).

Risa says that Zen himself said he was hated by girls. Hikari laughs and says that that was true in the beginning, as he did not give a good first impression. However...

Middle School Zen (calling out to some girls who don't like him): Hey, register number 21!
Female classmate: Uwah, Oohira?!
Middle School Zen: Hand in your English notebook. You're making life hard for the class rep.
Female classmate: Eh- Oh no! I forgot to do it, what am I gonna do--
Middle School Zen: Copy mine.
Female classmate: Eh?!
Middle School Zen: Don't worry, I copied mine from the guy next door. (He's smart. They're good notes.)
Female classmate: ...Is it really ok?
Middle School Zen: Keep it a secret.

Female classmates (upon seeing how cool and nice Zen is): *swoon*

Hikari explains that this was how everyone gradually warmed up to Zen. Risa thinks to herself that Zen was indeed truly a nice person.

Hikari's Experience

Hikari then shyly adds that she was also one of them. She explains that she transferred to Zen's school in her second year of middle school, and Zen helped her a lot, as if he couldn't leave transfer students alone. Hikari says that Zen was strong and kind, so she gradually started to admire him. Risa thinks to herself that she had the same experience with Zen, so she understands.

However, Hikari adds that she was too spoiled by Zen's kindness and caused him a lot of trouble, then had to transfer schools again. She has been wanting to apologize for that time. Nonetheless, she didn't have the courage to approach him in person, so she was desperately trying to get someone to connect her to Zen (hence she approached Raku).

Hikari concludes by telling Risa, "Right now... I just want to apologize to Oohira, and that's all I wanted to convey. If it's fine with you, Amakawa-san... I want to be friends with you... so..."

Risa says to Hikari that she understands and thanks Hikari for explaining things to her. When Hikari hears Risa's response, she smiles happily.

Risa narrates about Hikari: I can see why you are always surrounded by friends. It's because you are considerate and attentive. I wonder how Zen didn't fall for such a wonderful person. That being said, what you said that time... (refer to Chapter 19. Risa is thinking about when Hikari bashfully admitted that there's someone she likes.)


However, before Risa gets to ask about it, Hikari spots a Stabi (manga Starbucks) sign ahead of them and points out that they still have the Strawberry Mocha Rich Cotton (??) flavour. She suggests for them to get the drink now, since they missed the chance before.

Hikari is looking towards Risa, so she doesn't notice a standee that's falling over (little kids were playing with the standee and caused it to topple). Risa calls out, "Watch out!", but the falling standee causes Hikari to fall and hurt her ankle. 

Zen is still taking photos for people so he didn't notice it happening, but he heard the loud noise and looks over. He sees Risa and Hikari on the ground with the fallen standee, Hikari clutching her ankle and Risa reaching over trying to help.

Zen calls out to Risa and asks if everything is alright. She answers that the standee fell and hit Hikari. However, Hikari (wincing in pain) says that she's fine, that she just twisted her ankle a little. Risa suggests for her not to move too much.

Upon assessing the situation, Zen asks Risa to fetch Hikari to the exit of the zoo, so that they can go to the hospital - he's going to get his motorbike and will be here to pick her up in 5 minutes. Hikari tries to protest and say that she can go by herself, but Zen doesn't give her any room to decline.

A short while later, at the zoo's exit, Hikari is still hesitating to get onto Zen's bike. Zen says to her, "Hurry!", and Hikari looks apologetically at Risa, asking her, "...Is it okay?"

Risa looks at Hikari's expression, then answers.

Risa (putting the helmet on for Hikari): ...What are you talking about? Hurry and go!!
Hikari: Eeep!
Risa: Zen! Ride safely, alright?
Zen: Got it. I'll come back as soon as I send her there. Kuma, grabbing anywhere is fine, just hang on tight.
Hikari: ...O-okay...

Hikari puts her hands on Zen's waist to hold onto him while on the bike. Risa notices this and also Hikari's blushing expression.

When Zen and Hikari ride off, Hikari's two friends wonder out loud if Hikari is all right. It then starts to rain, and Hikari's friends express their shock.

At the Hospital

Hikari gets her ankle bandaged up and thanks the nurse. When Hikari goes back to the main corridors of the hospital, she finds Zen still waiting.

Zen: Hey. How is it?
Hikari: Oohira... you waited for me? Your date...
Zen: I'm going to dash back. How's your ankle?
Hikari: Ah... just a mild sprain. It's... really not a big deal.
Zen: I see, that's a relief. Is anyone coming to fetch you?
Hikari: Yes. My mum is driving here now...
Zen: Is your dad... well? Are you getting along?
Hikari: Ah... yes. He still interferes an awful lot, but I guess our relationship is better than before...
Zen: I see.

Hikari looks tense and nervous, like she wants to say something.

Hikari: ...Oohira. ...I- for that time... I'm really-...

There's a sequence of panels of Hikari and Zen back in middle school. Hikari is looking at a shelf with lots of various items (they are presumably things in a shop). It is shown that Hikari was reaching her hand out to steal something, but Zen grabbed her wrist to stop her.

Hikari: Sorry...-
Zen: Don't worry about it. Be it that time or now, I don't have anything against you, Kuma. So, you don't have to think anything. It's fine to just forget about it. Well then, take care of your ankle.
Hikari: Ah...

Hikari watches as Zen turns away to leave the hospital.

Back to the Zoo

Zen returns to the zoo on his bike (it's still raining). He doesn't see Risa anywhere, so he checks his phone and realizes that Risa texted him.

She wrote: Is Kuma-san okay? It started raining, so let's call it quits for today. I'm going home. I'll contact you again.

Hikari's two friends spot Zen and call out to him. They ask if Hikari is all right, because Hikari hasn't contacted them. Zen reassures them that Hikari is okay and asks them where Risa is.

They explain that earlier, they were taking shelter from the rain together and Risa spent 20 minutes deliberating about whether to buy an umbrella. In the end, Risa bought the umbrella. However, Risa accidentally left her notebook behind (the notebook is titled "Hoshinoyama Zoo"), so Hikari's friends are relieved to pass it to Zen to return it to Risa. They then say goodbye to Zen and leave.

When Zen looks through Risa's notebook, he sees the research on the animals that Risa did. It's extremely detailed. He then sees on other pages, Risa's research and plans for what to do after the zoo. She made two plans - to see a tower between 4pm to 5pm and then to visit a cafe from 5.30pm to 6pm.

Zen sees that Risa had written, "I want to go with Zen" on one of the pages and had circled it several times. This makes Zen's eyes widen and put on his helmet immediately. He speeds off towards Risa's house.

Outside Risa's Place

When Zen arrives outside Risa's place, he sees that the lights to her room are still switched off, so he wonders if Risa hasn't reached home yet. He waits outside the main entrance (it's sheltered). He sneezes from the cold.

Looking disappointed with himself, Zen sits on the ground and holds his head in frustration, saying to himself, "Ah--... I've gone and done it..."

After a while, Risa arrives home with her umbrella. She spots Zen sitting by the entrance and is surprised to see him.

Risa: Zen?!
Zen: Hey.
Risa: What are you doing? You're drenched!!
Zen: Is that so? I was wearing my helmet, though-

Risa throws her scarf at Zen and starts wiping his hair.

Risa: What about Kuma-san?! Is she okay?
Zen: ...She had a mild sprain.
Risa: I see! Thank goodness!!

Zen's head is tilted downwards.

Zen: I'm sorry... We couldn't carry out Risa's date plans to the end.
Risa: ...Eh?
Zen: I looked at the notebook you left behind.
Risa (shocked, checks her handbag): Eh... ah! It's missing!!!
Zen: There was a cafe you wanted to visit together with me, right?
Risa (embarrassed at having been careless but doesn't wanna admit it): ......Not really... It's fine.
Zen: It's not fine. I wanted to go, too. I'm really sorry---...

Zen hangs his head downwards again in disappointment.

Risa's Photos

Risa looks at a disappointed Zen and looks a little touched by his feelings.

Risa: ...Wanna see some pictures?
Zen: ...Eh?
Risa (taking out her phone and showing Zen pictures): Actually, after that, I went by myself. This is the night time view from the tower after ascending it. This is the cake that I ate from the cafe.
Zen: All... by yourself?
Risa: Since I planned it, I wanted to carry it out.
Zen: ...As expected of you.
Risa: ...I was thinking of sending them to you later. Even though we couldn't go together, perhaps it would still be kind of fun if you were able to see the pictures...
Zen: Thank you. They're super pretty.


Zen (hanging his head downwards again): Hit me.
Risa (confused): Eh?
Zen: If you don't hit me, I won't feel satisfied. Give me a punch.
Risa: Wasn't it inevitable that the date was cut short?
Zen: It's a fact that I left you behind. Please. (Hit me.)

Risa looks at Zen, but instead of hitting him, she extends her pinky finger towards him.

Risa: Then, a pinky promise. My punishment is not to hit you, but a promise for the next time.
Zen (hooking his pinky with Risa's): I'll make sure this doesn't happen a second time. Watch me.

Zen looks at Risa straight in the eye when he answers, and Risa blushes.

Risa (getting shy): ...I guess I have no choice but to look at you.
Zen: Pwahahaha!

Risa narrates: Zen looked at me so earnestly, it felt like he would see through me, so I ended up looking away. That he might see that the cake which I ate alone was not tasty at all; the view from the tower that I went by myself was no fun; and-... (she thinks of how Hikari and Zen had ridden away earlier)

Risa's narration continues: That pinky promise, which was full of emotions that I couldn't express.


Maki24 said…
Thank you for translating!! Your hard work is very much appreciated!!
cello said…
thank u so much for these!! i only recently found this series and i can continue to enjoy it thanks to your posts <3
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much! Really appreciate it 🙏🏻😊
Anonymous said…
Muchas gracias por traducir y narrar tan bien cada capítulo, gracias por tomarte el tiempo de hacerlo ❤ me encanta este manga