Numa Sugite Mohaya Koi 19 *SPOILERS*


Kametani's Big Bro

Picking up immediately from the last chapter, Kirino is faced with Kametani's older brother at the cafe she's started working at. However, he corners her intimidatingly and asks, "Can you go back home?"

Kirino: May... may I know why?
Big bro: You're annoying. To think you even chose a place where I'm working at.
Kirino: Eh?!
Big bro: Shuuto must have told you about me.
Kirino: N-no... I didn't tell Kame- Shuuto-kun about this place... I didn't know that his onii-san was here... I'm sorry.

Kametani's brother looks surprised.

Big bro: So it's a coincidence?
Kirino: Y-yes...
Big bro: Sigh--... Whatever. Go and get ready.
Kirino: Y-yes!

Kirino panics internally, wondering if she's been disliked. She tells herself to work hard and do her best in order to get Kametani's brother to accept her.

On the Job

Kametani's brother calls out to Kirino to do all sorts of tasks in the cafe - setting the table, taking orders, washing the plates, serving dishes - and Kirino does her best to comply. However, after a while, she gets exhausted, thinking to herself that Kametani's brother seems to be getting her to do everything.

Another coworker asks Kirino to take out the trash, and Kirino complies as well. When she goes to the back of the cafe, she finds Kametani's brother seated on the steps, smoking. She realizes that he's slacking off.

When they make eye contact, Kametani's brother simply goes, "You're working hard." He proceeds to stub out his cigarette and throw it into Kirino's trash bin, then returns to the cafe.

Kirino realizes with frustration that Kametani's brother is that kind of person.

Next Day

On the way to school in the morning, Kirino is dead tired. Kametani seems to notice and asks if she's alright, and how her first day at the part-time job was.

Kirino reassures him that she's doing well, but she thinks to herself that she cannot bring herself to tell him about his brother. She tells herself to not get down over it, because she needs to work hard in order to be the best girlfriend.

Committee Member

In class, the teacher announces that it's almost time for student-organized Christmas events. She asks the class if anyone will want to take on the role of being on the executive committee.

There's a silence. However, someone raises their hand. It's Kametani, who volunteers.

Later, while lunching together on a flight of stairs, Kirino says that she was very surprised when Kametani volunteered to be on the executive committee.

Kametani explains that it's because he said before that he'd work hard to become a boyfriend that she won't be ashamed of. (He calls her Momoka - without any honorifics too.) He had decided that he would bit by bit, do the things that he's able to do.

Upon hearing Kametani's words, Kirino thinks to herself that he's indeed a wonderful person. She tells him that she will give her all to support him.

Kametani proceeds to pull Kirino close to him. He then says that as long as Kirino is by his side, he feels like he can do anything.

The two of them blush at the closeness and look into each other's eyes, then Kametani moves in to kiss Kirino. However, he stops himself at the last second. He apologizes and says that he was supposed to wait until Kirino told him she wanted it - he almost lost control.

Kirino recalls that he did actually say such a thing. However, she wonders to herself if she would really be able to say something like "I want us to kiss".

Best Girlfriend

Later, Kirino passes Kametani some notes, explaining that they are about the Christmas event from previous years. Kametani thanks her for the notes and says that it must have been tough for her to prepare them. Nonetheless, Kirino gives him a thumbs up, saying that it wasn't a problem at all.

She narrates that after having heard Kametani say to her that being by his side makes him feel like he can do anything, she feels like she has to return the favour.

Kirino tells Kametani that she has time before her part-time job, so she can also help him out with the committee activities. Kametani reminds her not to over-exert herself.

Best Girlfriend...?

While Kametani and Kirino carry out their committee duties, Kirino notices that Kametani is approached frequently by girls. The girls then comment among themselves that Kametani is great, and if only he didn't have a girlfriend.

Kirino freezes when she hears those comments.

At the washroom, Kirino reminds herself that she needs to endure it, because Kametani becoming well-liked is a good thing.

When she returns to the classroom, a Christmas tree is about to fall on a female committee member. However, Kametani manages to save the female committee member in time by covering her with his body. (He doesn't blush when doing so.)

Kirino witnesses the scene as Kametani and the female committee member recover from the mini accident - he asks the committee member if she's alright and she blushes while answering that she is.

Kirino turns away and runs. She reminds herself again that this is a good thing and she must endure, but Kametani suddenly grabs her arm and calls out to her. He says that he saw Kirino run off and asks if she needs any help. Kirino pauses, then turns around to give Kametani a forced smile. She says that she's fine, then realizes that it's almost time for her part-time job, so she takes the opportunity to dash away.

Kametani stares after her.

Part-Time Job

Kirino is now at the cafe, working. However, she's feeling some self-loathing - recalling her feelings when she saw Kametani cover the female committee member, and seeing the blush on the female committee member's face.

Kirino narrates that she keeps reminding herself that it's a good thing, but she doesn't actually feel so. Looking at her reflection and seeing her distorted smile, she thinks that she's a terrible person.

Aside, Kametani's brother seems to notice that Kirino isn't feeling as energetic as usual.

After Work

Upon leaving the cafe, a tired Kirino thinks to herself that she must have smiled hideously today at work.

She checks her phone and sees a couple of messages from Kametani. He's asking her if it's possible to meet now and says that he'll wait at XX square.

When Kirino arrives, Kametani apologizes for calling her out and hands her a cup of coffee (even though it's turned cold). Kirino realizes that Kametani must have been waiting a long time.

She asks him why he is here, and what about the committee activities. Kametani explains that they worked hard to finish ahead of schedule. He adds by hugging Kirino and saying that it's also because he didn't want today to end without being able to see her.

Kametani says that Kirino was being strange today. He asks her to tell him if he did anything wrong. He then apologizes again for selfishly asking her out right now.

Kirino's Outburst

Upon hearing Kametani's words, Kirino pushes herself out of his embrace and tells him not to be so gentle towards her, because she is not a good girlfriend who's deserving of such a good boyfriend as him.

She suddenly flinches, realizing the things she said. She quickly apologizes. However, Kametani responds by hugging her again even more tightly.

Kametani tells her that it's alright and that she should tell him everything.

Kirino hesitates a little, then says, "Please don't arbitrarily become other people's idol!"

Tearing up, Kirino continues, saying that she wants him to belong only to her. Collapsing to the ground, Kirino says defeatedly that she didn't want to say these things.

Kametani's Reaction

Kametani sits on the ground to bring Kirino into a hug again. He remarks that she's finally told him the truth.

He then asks her, "Momoka, haven't you noticed? The one who can make me blush is you alone, Momoka."

Kirino says that she knows, but she still minds it, and she's sorry. Kametani then answers while blushing that even while being jealous, Kirino is so adorable.

Kametani then says, "Tell me everything. Whether you're angry, sad or happy - whatever you want to do, whatever Momoka's thinking, I want to know all of it. And once I know it all, I want to hug you in my arms."

I Want To...

Kirino tears up once again from Kametani's loving words. She narrates that the pain in her heart has melted away. The kindness that caused her heartache has gently seeped into her heart.

Recovering, Kirino then clenches her skirt in her hands and shyly says to Kametani, "...I, I want us to kiss. Can we...?"

When Kametani sees her expression, he blushes furiously and answers, "...Geez, saying such adorable things." and proceeds to kiss her on the lips.

They kiss a couple more times, and when Kirino thinks to herself that she wants more, Kametani kisses her again.

The happy couple giggle to themselves, and embrace each other.

Kirino's narration reads: 'Being liked by the person you like', I think I get what it means now.
