Aoharu-sou e Youkoso 13 *SPOILERS*


Dinner Time

At Aoharu-sou, Yamabuki serves up a delicious-looking dinner of Chicken Nanban (fried chicken with tartar sauce). The guys cheer and marvel at how yummy it looks, praising Yamabuki for her improvement in her cooking abilities. Her older brother is currently away attending his friend's wedding.

Hinata cheerfully thanks Yamabuki and her heart skips a beat. She narrates: Since I started helping out at the boarding house, I've gotten used to it and can maintain the consistency of the food taste. 

While doing the dishes, she happily thinks to herself that she's glad they enjoyed it today too. Seiya offers her some oranges, and she continues narrating: Everyone is nice to me, too.

While eating the oranges, Hinata goes, "Yamabuki-san, are your hands full? Then, here." He offers a piece of orange to Yamabuki and she receives it with her mouth, blushing.

Hinata (chewing): This orange is yummy, isn't it-
Yamabuki: Yes, it's delicious...

Yamabuki narrates: Also, lately, my heart races when I'm with Sakurai-kun. I get so nervous, I sweat like mad...!! (My face gets hot too...) It must be because I'm still not used to boys. Even though I thought I'd grown a little...

She glances at Hinata again, who's chatting with the other guys. She wonders, 'Or could it be that this is love?'

Yamabuki's Thoughts

In school the next day, at her desk, Yamabuki thinks to herself that this is the first time she's getting along with boys, so she might be mistaken about how she feels. She isn't sure what kind of person she likes and wonders if it's different with other people.

Just then, she overhears the conversation between two of her classmates, one male and one female, who are chatting with each other. The guy groans that he forgot his touchscreen pen and the girl responds that he has to write his notes normally.

Yamabuki (offering her pen): U-u-uh, if you'd like, do you want to use this?
Guy classmate: Eh, is that okay?
Yamabuki: Because I brought a spare one.
Guy classmate: Really? I'm saved-
Yamabuki (awkwardly trembling): S-sure, don't worry about it...

After the interaction with the guy classmate, Yamabuki thinks to herself that she indeed feels extremely nervous when talking to guys, such that her heart races and she starts sweating. Thinking that this is no different from when she's with Hinata, she tells herself that she must be imagining it to be love. She wonders how to tell if she likes someone as more than friends, and wants to try asking someone.

Asking for Advice

At PE class, Suikazura is helping Yamabuki to stretch.

Suikazura: When I fell for Yaguruma-senpai? What's with that sudden question...
Yamabuki: A-a-ah, sorry. I'm just asking for future reference.
Suikazura: Future reference, huh... I don't think mine is helpful, because it was kinda... unexpected.
Yamabuki: Unexpected...!!
Suikazura: Something like feeling happy when we're together... it's a fluffy feeling...
Yamabuki: Fluffy... fluffy sounds nice!
Suikazura: I think it's nice... but I'm sorry, I'm a beginner at love...
Yamabuki: No no, it's totally fine. I'm sorry too, for asking so suddenly.
Suikazura: It's all right. It's refreshing to talk about such things with Yamabuki-san. We're always in the same group, but until now, we've never really properly talked.
Yamabuki: S-s-sorry, when guys are around, I... (Also partly because I'm shy...)
Suikazura: Ah... there are indeed a lot of zealous people in our class. You don't have to force yourself, though. I find that it's easy to talk to you, Yamabuki-san.
Yamabuki: Suikazura-san... *touched* If so, I think it's all thanks to Sakurai-kun and the others. Even though I'm bad with boys, through working part-time at the boarding house, I've become more used to it and I think I can get along with them better...
Suikazura: Oooh-... He's a good person, huh. That Sakurai-kun.
Yamabuki: !! Yes! He is!! He was kind and nice to me, worrying about me even when I wasn't used to him. He invited me to various events and they were all really fun. I'm glad I can help out at the boarding house...
Suikazura: Heh-... You like him that much, huh.
Yamabuki: Yes, that's right...

Yamabuki catches herself - She thinks, 'That's right...??'

Yamabuki (suddenly getting flustered): Eh- eeeeh, it's not like that, I... liking and stuff like that, I'm totally...!! I don't really mean it that way!!
Suikazura: Eh... I thought that you were in love. So you don't really like him?
Yamabuki: That's... But... I mean... *brain getting fried*
Suikazura: ...Sorry. Take your time to think about it later.

The two girls move on to another PE activity. Yamabuki and Suikazura back-face each other and link their arms. Yamabuki bends over to stretch Suikazura's back. However, in the process, Yamabuki's glasses fall to the ground, and she accidentally steps on it, breaking it.

Blind (kinda)

Yamabuki tries to scotch-tape her broken glasses, but it doesn't work. Suikazura approaches her to ask if it's no good.

Yamabuki says that since she stepped on her glasses, they might be done for now. She says that she has contact lenses prepared in case such a thing happened, but when she checks her pouch, she realizes that she forgot to bring them.

When Suikazura asks if she will be okay, Yamabuki answers that it's not like she totally can't see, and all there's left is for her to return home (they don't have anymore classes for the day). Suikazura thus bids her goodbye and leaves for her club activities.

While Leaving School

With blurry vision, Yamabuki starts to leave school. She blurrily waves to a leaving Suikazura while thinking to herself that she has part-time work at the boarding house later on, so she'd have to head over after retrieving her contact lenses.

She pushes aside her long bangs that cover her eyes and tuck them over her ears, in an attempt to broaden her field of vision a little. While thinking to herself that she's really clumsy, someone calls out to her.

It's the guy classmate to whom she lent her spare touchscreen pen. He's returning it to her and thanking her. She goes, "Ah, okay.", while thinking to herself, 'It's blurry, but this must be Kashiya-kun.'

She says that she can lend it to him again anytime. Kashiya sees Yamabuki's face properly for maybe the first time (she's a lot prettier without her glasses and hair not covering her face) and gets charmed. He watches her walk away as she thinks to herself that she's running short on time.


In another corner of school, Hinata is sweeping the staircase while chatting with Rikuto, saying that he's going to play games after getting home. Rikuto remarks that he's been doing nothing but playing games recently and Hinata laughs, saying that it's become a daily routine.

Yamabuki turns a corner towards the staircase, but misses a step and trips, going, "Wah- ahh-!"

Hinata reacts in time to catch her.

Hinata: Ar-are you alright?!
Yamabuki: I-I'm alright! Sorry, I lost my footing!!
Hinata (recognizing Yamabuki): Huh? Yamabuki-san?!
Yamabuki: Eh...?
Hinata: Are you okay? Did you get injured?!

Yamabuki's vision is blurry and she can barely make out Hinata and Rikuto. She realizes that it's them.

Yamabuki: I-I-I'm so sorry, my glasses broke, so I'm not wearing them now...!!
Hinata: Eh?!
Rikuto: ...Didn't you break your glasses before?
Hinata: Can you see properly? Are you okay?
Yamabuki: I'll be fine, before I go to Aoharu-sou, I'll retrieve my contact lenses...
Hinata: Then, I'll go with you after I finish my sweeping!
Yamabuki: I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry, so I have to go! See you later-

Yamabuki embarrassedly and hastily leaves, leaving a sad Hinata behind.

Hinata's Follow-up

Watching Yamabuki leave, Rikuto says that she's still bumping into people. Hinata agrees with him. Handing Rikuto the broom, Hinata goes, "So then, you mind? (swapping with me.)"

Rikuto gets the memo instantly and takes the broom, saying to Hinata, "I'll tell everyone you ran for love."

Hinata answers, "It's embarrassing, so say that I had a stomachache or something!!"

However, Kashiya goes after Yamabuki and calls out to her. Hinata and Rikuto watch them.

Yamabuki: Ah, Kashiya-kun.
Kashiya: I noticed that you weren't wearing your glasses earlier. You can't see around you, right? Why don't I walk you to the station? ❤

Hinata is devastated upon seeing Yamabuki being "stolen away" right in front of his eyes.

Yamabuki's Response

Yamabuki: It's alright, I don't want to trouble you.
Kashiya: It's fine, I'm free now.
Yamabuki: But I'm in a hurry, so I have to run...
Kashiya: I can run fast!! We'll make it in time. Anyway, can I follow you on social media?
Yamabuki: Ah- uh... okay...

Yamabuki wonders to herself, 'Oh no... What should I do about this... He's a classmate, so he probably said it out of courtesy. Asking to follow me on social media too, so that we can become friends... But going home together? Is it alright? With a guy... What do I do...'

Hinata runs towards Yamabuki, calling out to her. Upon seeing Hinata, Yamabuki instinctively holds his arm and says to Kashiya, "...Kashiya-kun, I'm sorry. I already made plans to go home together with someone. Therefore, I'll be fine. Thank you."

Kashiya (in disbelief): Eh... You must be kidding me...
Yamabuki (flustered): I'm not kidding you! I-I-it's time for the bus, so...
Hinata: Yes, let's hurry, Yamabuki-san!! It's dangerous, so hold on to my arm.
Yamabuki: Y-yes!! Well then, see you tomorrow!
Kashiya: Oh-...

Hinata and Yamabuki leave, with her holding onto Hinata's arm. Rikuto smiles to himself as he watches the scene unfold.

On the Bus

A short while later, Hinata and Yamabuki are on the bus.

Hinata: Thankfully we were able to make it, huh, Yamabuki-san-- Your face is so red!!!
Yamabuki (extremely flustered): I'm so sorry! I blurted out that we were going back together... I even grabbed your arm to make the lie more credible...
Hinata: No, it's totally fine!! I was also trying to call out to you. I thought you looked like you were in trouble!!
Yamabuki (touched, blushes): Thank you...

Yamabuki thinks to herself: He's really kind. He's so kind, my heart flutters when I'm next to him. Earlier, I felt troubled when Kashiya-kun said the same thing to me, but it's different right now. I feel happy to be able to go back together with Sakurai-kun. He's different from other boys. I feel happy when Sakurai-kun is around...

She peeks at Hinata while thinking all these, and he notices her gaze. He gives her a gentle smile, going, "Hm?"

Yamabuki gets shy and flustered, answering, "Nothing!". She narrates: I feel shy when Sakurai-kun is around.

Getting her vision back

A while later, Hinata waits outside Yamabuki's place, thinking to himself that this is where she lives, and it's relatively close to Aoharu-sou. Yamabuki comes out and thanks him for waiting.

Yamabuki: Thank you for waiting! Sorry! I finally can see well again... Thank you for coming all the way here and for helping me at the staircase!
Hinata: No problem at all. You really couldn't see, eh.
Yamabuki: Yes... I've been wearing glasses since elementary school.
Hinata (holding up three fingers): How well can you see? Can you see this?
Yamabuki: ...Um, I'm wearing contact lenses now, so.
Hinata: Ah! I see! (Oops!)
Yamabuki: *giggles* Ahaha! That was funny.

Yamabuki narrates: I can smile when Sakurai-kun is around. However, it's more than just that.

Hinata and Yamabuki

The two of them walk towards Aoharu-sou.

Yamabuki: Sakurai-kun, do you have good eyesight?
Hinata: Yup, it's good. I'm kinda proud of it.
Yamabuki: I see, that's nice- I broke my glasses again... I wonder if contact lenses are better.
Hinata: Do you not like contact lenses?
Yamabuki: It's not that I dislike them... I feel like glasses can hide my face, so I've been using them...
Hinata: Your face?
Yamabuki: I don't like being stared at by guys... Also maybe because I'm shy.
Hinata: I'm sorry! I'll try not to stare!!
Yamabuki: No, it's fine!! Recently, it's fine even if I don't hide my face. I want to look into the other person's eyes properly.
Hinata: I get it!! Me too. That's why I was so happy when I was able to meet your eyes and talk to you, Yamabuki-san. It feels like we've become good friends.

Yamabuki narrates again: Yes, that's right. The reason I was able to talk to him right away; The main reason I was attracted to him; He looks at me straight in the eye and talks to me. That's why I felt so much kindness in him, and I started to notice him more, and I started to like him more and more.

Yamabuki realizes to herself, 'I like Sakurai-kun...' and narrates: So this is what it means to realize love--...

Feeling refreshed upon realizing her feelings, Yamabuki thinks, 'It's kinda amazing... I'm walking together with the person I like right now.'

Hinata's Thoughts

Yamabuki unconsciously looks at Hinata happily, and Hinata feels a little self-conscious upon noticing her gaze.

He thinks, 'I'm being stared at...? Do I have a grain of rice on my face?! No, I don't.'

Hinata glances at Yamabuki and finds her gazing lovingly at him. He thinks, 'I wonder what... It's a different atmosphere than the usual...'

Seeing her lovely smile, he inadvertently blurts out, "Cute..."

Yamabuki: Eh?
Hinata: Eh?

Hinata (realizes what he uttered): Sorry, I was mistaken!
Yamabuki: Ah... Okay...
Hinata: No, it wasn't a mistake! I mean... You were cute, so I suddenly... Ah, but you're always cute...
Yamabuki: Ah, thank you... Sa-Sakurai-kun too... Um... I think you're cool...
Hinata: Eh... That's...

Yamabuki's phone rings, and she answers it. "Hello? Onii-chan? Yes, I'm heading over now."

Meanwhile, Hinata stares after her.

He narrates: It's the first time I've been called 'cool'... Could it be that she feels good about me? Is it okay for me to feel conceited?!
