Hikaeme ni Itte mo, Kore wa Ai 20 *SPOILERS*


School Festival

Risa's narration reads: I want to know everything about Zen. The desire is growing stronger and stronger.

At school, Risa is busy running errands and guiding other committee members. The committee members are reliant on her, going up to her for various things - "Amakawa-san, where am I supposed to bring this to?" "Amakawa-san, we don't have enough LED lights." "Amakawa-san-" "Amakawa-san!"

Getting overwhelmed, Risa reacts strongly when someone else calls out for her once again. However, this time, it's Hikari. Hikari flinches a little from Risa's loud "Yes?".

Hikari: Ah... Amakawa-san, your bento is at the meeting room... That's all I wanted to tell you. Sorry, telling you while you're so busy...
Risa: Got it! Thank you.
Hikari: Yep, seeya.

Risa recalls that in the previous chapter, Hikari had said that she'd call Risa "Risa-chan", but earlier she used "Amakawa-san". Risa tries to call out to Hikari, going, "...Kuma-san-", but one of Hikari's friends approaches Hikari first.

Watching Hikari leave with her friend (who is dressed as a cat), Risa wonders to herself if she can just casually ask Hikari, "I heard you were Zen's schoolmate?". Recalling how Hikari behaved in front of Zen in the previous chapter, Risa thinks that she probably can't ask.

Zen and His Gang

Risa's phone vibrates in her pocket. Upon checking, there's a message from Zen, saying that he's arrived at her school.

Zen and his buddies are thrilled to be at Risa's school festival. They call out to her loudly when they spot her. (Raku sees many cute girls.)

When Zen greets Risa, she simply blushes. Recalling how she ran from Zen's place in the previous chapter, she thinks to herself that they hadn't talked properly since that day.

While she awkwardly tries to open the conversation, Zen points at some of Risa's schoolmates who are in cat costumes, asking why Risa is dressed normally. Risa answers that she won't wear that.

Risa explains that her class's stall is about solving a sudoku puzzle in a limited amount of time, and those who can't will get an electric shock. Zen replies that he's definitely not going to do that.

Risa passes Zen their festival tickets and says that she still has committee duties to do, so she can't accompany them. In her mind, she's feeling relieved that she and Zen are still able to converse normally.

Zen asks Risa if she has any free time, as he wants to chat with her. Risa answers that she will have some free time after she finishes preparations for the festival's evening activities.

Checking Out the Festival

As Risa leaves, Ryuu goes up to Zen and excitedly asks if Zen and Risa are fighting. Zen says that they're not and asks Ryuu not to look so happy about it.

Touji goes up to Zen to whine that he doesn't feel comfortable at the festival, as everyone around him looks like they are sparkling. It's a completely different world compared to their school.

Zen looks around and sees the people engaged in the festival's activities, and solemnly agrees with Touji.

As the boys walk around, they attract the attention of two girls dressed up in yukatas. The girls snicker to themselves, "Hey, don't those boys look fine?" "Eh, they look naughty~" "The black-haired one is Miko's type ❤"

The two girls approach Zen and his buddies, inviting them to their stall. They are from the tea ceremony club. When Raku sees that they are dressed in yukata, he gets excited. Ryuu also wants to go, so Zen follows them.

Before turning away, Zen spots Risa being approached by a fellow female committee member asking her for help. Risa is then hugged gratefully by the committee member, which makes Zen smile a little when he sees it.


Risa is now stationed at the executive committee's tent and has a bit of time to herself. She panics a little over what Zen wants to talk with her about. She thinks that it must be to talk about her behavior from the previous chapter (her running away).

She imagines Zen saying, "You want to know everything about me? You like me that much, huh?" and thinks to herself that she'd die if Zen said that.

Just then, she hears some boys talking.

Boy A: ...Hey hey, look. Miko-chan from the tea ceremony club looks like she's having fun with boys from outside. Is that ok? (The yukata girls are happily entertaining Raku and Ryuu.)
Boy B: Eh?! Miko-chan promised to hang out with me!!
Boy A: What's with those guys?
Boy B: I...I'll go and talk to them.
Boy A: Go for it, Hiroki! Get her back!

Risa is surprised from the conversation and thinks to herself that everyone loves with all their heart.

However, a third boy stops Hiroki.

Boy C: You guys, leave them alone. It's Tsuka High School. That's Oohira.
Boy B (Hiroki): Eh? Oohira? Who is that?
Boy C: Dude, it's the guy seated over there. The shortest one. A friend of mine told me that he was a bad guy.
Hiroki: He looks pretty normal, though-
Boy C: I'm telling you it's real! I heard stuff about him when he was in middle school. In his 3rd year, he did something bad and got suspended.

Risa is stunned when she overhears this.

Boy A: Eh--... Suspension from middle school is a big deal.
Boy C: I heard that his parents covered it up with money.
Hiroki: For real? 
Boy C: Apparently some students even transferred schools because of him.

Risa's eyes are wide in shock. She recalls her conversation with Zen about Hikari, where Zen explained to her that Hikari had transferred schools in the middle of his 3rd year of middle school. 

Hiroki: Uwah- Are there only people like that at Tsuka High?
Boy C: They're called the garbage den- Hahaha-

Risa stands frozen in shock as she watches Zen interacting and laughing normally with his buddies. She narrates: It's true that I want to learn everything about Zen, but-...

Risa's thoughts are interrupted by a fellow committee member calling out to her. She has to do the preparations for the festival's evening activities.

Trouble Brewing

Ryuu is now chatting with the yukata girls. The girls find out from them that they are from Tsuka High School. He casually remarks that their school is nearby, but their schools don't interact much, and suggests that they hang out together sometime.

After realizing that the boys are from Tsuka High, the yukata girls withdraw away from them. In an attempt to get the girls to stay, Ryuu and Raku try to say that they lied and aren't from Tsuka High, but the girls still leave.

Only one yukata girl remains, and she asks Zen if he is also from Tsuka High. When he says yes, Raku and Ryuu glower at him while the girl weeps and leaves. (She says that Zen was her type.)

Zen suggests that they leave, so he turns to the boy at the stall to thank them for the hospitality. However, the boy at the stall goes, "Eh... Ah... Huh? Wai- Please wait a minute!"

What's Up With Risa

The committee members celebrate as they finish preparing what looks like lanterns that they have prepared for the evening activities. The committee members praise Risa for her idea for the evening activities, which they pulled off despite the budget constraints.

However, Risa looks lost in thought and doesn't respond to them. When one of them calls out to Risa, she apologizes and thanks all of them for their hard work.

The committee members now have 30 minutes to take a break before the evening activities start. Risa thinks about looking for Zen.


Risa's attention is drawn to a group of people seemingly gathered around something. Onlookers are wondering if there's a fight. Someone explains that the money from the stall disappeared and it looks like the outsiders are being suspected of taking it. (The outsiders, referring to Zen and his buddies)

Risa sees the commotion. Touji is shouting at the boy at the stall, insisting that they didn't do it. Zen is beside Touji, telling him to calm down. However, the boy at the stall asks them to prove it. He says that when he left his position, Zen and his buddies were the nearest to the money.

Other onlookers remark: "Looks like those people are from Tsuka High." "Eh- Then they must have stolen it?" "No way-- how scary."

Sighing, Zen tells the boy at the stall that they didn't take the money, and asks him what they should do so that he will believe them.

A girl suggests they take off all of their clothes, and when Zen hears it, he proceeds to remove his sweater immediately.

Touji is shocked and asks Zen what he's doing. Zen tells all of his buddies to remove their clothes. (The girl who suggested it and her friend blush in shock.) Zen says seriously that they are in Risa's school, so they must not start a fight. Surprised, Raku and Ryuu go, "Zen..."

Risa to the Rescue

Zen is about to take off his T-shirt and a girl has taken out her phone to record it, but Risa steps in to stop the girl and to tell Zen to stop stripping. Zen is surprised to see Risa.

The onlookers are surprised to see that Risa knows Zen and his buddies. Risa explains that she was the one who invited them to the festival, and she will take responsibility for their actions. However, she asserts that they are not the kind of people who steal money. She admits that she can't prove it, but she can vouch for them.

Hiroki: You...you're their friend, so your words don't mean anything. Furthermore, that's Oohira. There are bad rumours about him! Things like how he got suspended in middle school, got into fights and caused students to transfer schools!
Zen: !
Risa: Did you hear that from a friend who went to the same school? Did that person know Zen?
Hiroki: They...they didn't.
Risa: Theirs is a big school with nine classes per grade; did that person understand Zen's personality and character?
Hiroki: I said no!
Risa: That's why, those rumours also don't mean anything. I know Zen.

Risa narrates: It's true that I want to learn everything about Zen, but-... I don't need to learn about Zen from people who don't know him and say whatever they like about him.

Truth Revealed

Everyone is speechless at Risa's declaration.

Meanwhile, a teacher wanders into the commotion and asks what's happening. The boy at the stall points at Zen and his friends, trying to say that they are from Tsuka High. However, the teacher simply goes, "Oh, the treasurer has returned? Here. The sales proceeds." and places a bag of money in the boy's hands, which shocks him.

The teacher says, "Didn't I ask you to bring the money to the staff room for safe keeping when you left your seat?"

The boy pathetically answers, "Se-sensei, so you kept the money?" and the teacher goes, "That's right- You better be thankful- (Hahaha...)" before leaving and saying that the evening's activities are starting soon.

The boy at the stall and other committee members are left stunned. Fudou goes up to him and says, "Oi. Don't get distracted. Don't you have something to say?"

The boy at the stall and his committee members bow in apology to Zen and his buddies. Ryuu cries to Risa, saying that he's thankful, and Raku puts his palms together as if thanking Risa as a god.

Zen and Risa

Risa gets Zen to put his sweater back on, saying that he'll catch a cold. Zen tells her not to underestimate his immune system.

Risa then tells Zen to follow her, as there's something she wants to show him.

Walking behind Risa, Zen begins to talk after a slight pause.
Zen: ...It was my bad. We caused a ruckus.
Risa: It wasn't you guys' fault this time.
Zen (hesitating): The rumour about the suspension is true. 

Zen: I can explain everything about myself. If Risa has even the slightest concern about anything, I'll answer it no matter what. This is what I wanted to tell you today.
Zen: About the suspension... it's complicated because other people were involved. Risa, if you're worried-
Risa (turning and giving Zen a small smile): It's fine. I believe in you.

When Zen realizes it, Risa has brought them to the main square, where numerous lanterns are lit and floating in the air around them.

What Risa Thinks

Zen looks at the floating lanterns and asks about them. Risa explains that it was her idea for the festival's evening activities. The lanterns are lit with LED lights to prevent the risk of fire, and out of consideration for the environment, they are still attached to the ground with strings so that they don't fly away. Zen is impressed.

Risa then elaborates, "...At last year's school festival, I was studying in an empty classroom. I earnestly felt that it was an event that had nothing to do with me. However, after riding on Zen's motorcycle for the first time, since that day, a new world started expanding for me. It looked like this scene today. Amongst all of the sights I've seen, there are people to whom Zen is important. That's why, I believe in you and the people who support you, no matter what, probably-"

Zen pulls Risa into a hug.

Risa: Ze-Zen... there are people...
Zen: It's dark, so it's fine. Risa, I promise you, I will become a man who can be proud to be next to you. That's why, let's be together forever.
Risa: ...Same.
Zen: Eh?

Risa takes a lantern and explains that she wrote a wish on her lantern. When she shows Zen her lantern, we see that she wrote "I wish to be together with Zen forever."

Zen remarks that she wrote her wish too small. (The lantern has a GOOD HEALTH printed on it too, which is very big compared to what Risa wrote)

Zen asks Risa for a longer string and a marker. He then draws a big heart on the lantern, writing both of their names in the heart, and then releasing the lantern using the longer string to float it higher in the sky. Risa is embarrassed as Zen does this.

The narration reads: Zen's smiling face, illuminated by the light of the lanterns, was lovely. I wanted to remember this scene forever--...


dei kiyoko said…
chapter 21 please huhu
J said…
Thanks a lot again for the translation! Really enjoyed reading it! 🙏🏻🌈