Onee-chan no Midori-kun 5


Sui narrates: He's mean; always teasing me; and I've always been bad at dealing with him. However, I never imagined that I would fall for Midori-kun; That I would fall for my older sister’s boyfriend. I really don't understand.

On another day, we see Sui stretching. She tells Ayame, “Health is best. (It’s a beautiful morning.)”. Ayame replies that it’s wonderful that she was able to recover so quickly.

Sui thanks Ayame for the jelly that he bought for her, and asks if he indeed came to visit her while she was sleeping (she heard about it from her mother).

Ayame confirms so and asks Sui if she's feeling fine, as she had to run into Midori again even though she was trying to forget about him. When Sui asks Ayame how he knows about this, he explains that when Ayame went to visit Sui, it was Midori who opened the door for him.

Ayame adds, "He didn't have the keys to your house, so when you were asleep, it seemed like he couldn't leave even though he might have wanted to."

Ayame: I’ll stay until Sui’s mother comes home, so don’t worry, you can go home.
Midori: Ah, really? As expected of Sui-chan’s childhood friend.

Sui had been wondering when Midori left and now she understands what happened. She suddenly recalls how Midori had princess-carried her when she was sick and blushes. She chides herself for suddenly thinking about it.

Answering Ayame's earlier question, Sui says to Ayame, “E-even though it was unexpected, it wasn’t a big issue. Back then, my consciousness was fading in and out, so I don’t remember much anymore. I think I probably just fell asleep really quickly.”

Ayame remarks that Sui tends to have lapses in her memory when she falls ill, ever since they were young. There’s a small panel of toddler Sui and Ayame talking: “Eh, Akkun was there yesterday?” “I was.”

Sui thinks to herself that she could still somewhat remember up to when Midori was on the phone with her sister. She only started losing consciousness soon after that. She worries about Momo and Midori, thinking, ‘...I hope they’re fine, those two…’

Suddenly slapping herself, Sui thinks, ‘Tch! That kind of thing won’t change even if I worry about it…!’. Ayame jolts a little at Sui’s slap.

Pumping herself up, Sui tells Ayame that they shall not talk about Midori anymore. Ayame simply responds by asking her about her slap earlier.

Sui narrates that she will reorganize her feelings, forget about Midori starting today, and raise the curtain for a new chapter of her life.

Meanwhile, Midori is sighing to himself. One of his friends tells him that that was the 10th sigh he's had today. Midori denies it, but his other friend agrees and says that it might even have been the 11th sigh.

Near them, a capped guy and another guy in a leopard print jacket are talking about picking up girls and laughing about it.

When Midori's friends ask him if he's having relationship trouble, Midori cheerfully smiles and says that he and his girlfriend are still lovey-dovey as always.

Friend A: Finger hearts? Annoying…! I also want a girlfriend– A loli with a huge rack!
Friend B: It’s precisely because you’re like that, that you’re unpopular, dude.
Midori (gives his friend a judging look): You like large-breasted lolis, huh.
Friend A (talking back to Friend B): You also don’t have a girlfriend–
Friend B: Well, at least I’m more popular than you.
Friend A: You’re annoying!

Watching his friends banter, Midori thinks to himself that their concern about him disappeared quickly.

He recalls the image of Sui lying in bed with a fever. Looking troubled, he thinks, '...Sui-chan must be feeling even more anxious than I am. Even though she blurted it out while in a state of delirium, judging from her personality, I’m sure she never intended to verbalize them.’

Midori thinks further, ‘Ah– This is terrible. I find Sui-chan adorable and care about her, yet it turned out like this… I’m such a scumbag.' 

'...Anyhow, I need to find a place and properly talk to her about it…’. He is visibly worried.

Elsewhere, Sui is having karaoke with her two friends. However, she doesn't seem to be fully enjoying herself.

She thinks, '…This isn’t good. By some rare stroke of luck, I got invited along to have a good time after school, but since the start till now, that guy’s face just keeps popping up in my mind…!'

Sui’s classmate: Sanapi– ❤ Let’s go to karaoke to celebrate your recovery!
Sui: Sanapi?!

(Sui's classmate singing): Sui thinks, 'Ah, Midori-kun listened to this song before.'
(Sui’s classmate enjoying some melon soda) - Sui thinks, 'Midori-kun mentioned before that he likes it too…'

Irritated with herself, Sui thinks that even in school, his face still randomly pops up in her mind. 

The karaoke set suddenly plays a music video of a boyband, Hinata no Blue (this happens to be the name of Meguro Amu’s previous manga).

Sui’s classmates say that they like this boyband and their songs are good. Sui notices that one of the band members is wearing the same brand of clothes that Midori usually wears.

To stop her train of thought, Sui slaps herself (again), shocking her classmates. They ask if she is all right and she awkwardly laughs, saying that there was a fly on her face.

Sui offers to get drinks and asks her classmates if they want refills. Both of them reply that they don't need drinks, so Sui leaves while they stare after her. After Sui closes the door, the classmates comment that Sui is amazing for being able to smack a fly with her bare hands.

While refilling her glass, Sui thinks to herself, ‘This is bad. The more I tell myself not to think of him, the more I do... Well, this operation has just begun, so I shouldn’t be too anxious about it.’ (recall from Chapter 4 that Sui and Ayame had coined Sui’s efforts to forget Midori as ‘Operation Forget-It-All-With-An-Enriching-High-School-Life’.).

As Sui nods to herself in her thoughts, she overhears the leopard print guy remark, “Say, that high school girl from earlier seemed pretty good, didn’t she?”

Capped guy: That’s right– Shall we wait until she comes out?
Leopard print guy: Bahaha! That’s gross!
Capped guy: You say that, but you’ll still do it, right–?

Sui glances at them and angrily thinks to herself that they seem like unsavoury folks. She wonders if the guys were referring to Yuzu, and whether the guys had peeped into their karaoke room.

Sui's two classmates' names are Ookubo Yuzu (the one with buns) and Osanai Kanon (light hair).

When Sui re-enters the karaoke room, she finds Yuzu tearfully singing, “I just can’t— forget you—” and gets a shock. She asks her, “Ookubo-san, what’s gotten into you?”

Yuzu (tearfully): Don’t call me that, it makes us sound like strangers– Just call me Yuzu–

Sui (turning to Kanon): Ooku-
Yuzu: Yuzu!
Sui (asking Kanon): …About Yu-Yuzu, what’s gotten into her, Osanai-san?
Kanon: She recently got rejected by someone she liked. She sometimes becomes like this when she has an emotional breakdown.
Sui: I-I see…
Kanon: That’s why I told her that it’d be better to forget about him; That teacher who easily causes underage girls to get the wrong idea.
Sui (shocked): What?! He was a teacher?!

Yuzu (crying in a sing-song way): I know, I know- Still, he was my first love— He might have been a bad match for me, but I just can't forget about him so easily even after getting rejected— It’s my one and only first love after all. Before I forget about him, I want to at least treasure these feelings—

Kanon (to Yuzu): Then, you should stop crying.
Yuzu: I can’t do that–
Sui: Here, tissues. (Wipe your tears.)
Yuzu: Sanapi–!!
Kanon: You don’t need to placate her, you know.

What Yuzu said seems to resonate with Sui. She thinks to herself that Yuzu is also someone experiencing a first love.

Later, as Sui gets ready to go home, she thinks to herself that in the end, her mind was still filled with Midori. She feels sorry towards Yuzu and Kanon.

While exiting the karaoke building, she notices the capped guy and leopard print jacket guy talking again.

The guys are going, "Eh– Isn’t it fine?” and someone answers, “No! We decline!”

Yuzu and Kanon are being hit on by the two guys.

“Weren’t you crying while singing earlier? Let us big brothers comfort you a little.” “Heh— How are you planning to comfort her?”

Yuzu defensively asks them how they knew about her.

Sui remembers that those guys are the ones she encountered earlier, and realizes that her suspicion was right - they were eyeing Yuzu and Kanon.

Yuzu firmly tries to turn the guys down, but they end up grabbing her wrist. Sui steps in between them and angrily asks the leopard print guy to stop it.

Yuzu: Sanapi?! 
Sui: Are you okay?
Yuzu: I'm okay, but-
Leopard print guy: Eh- What’s with you, little squirt? Us big brothers are having a pleasant conversation with these girls. Why don’t you go home– (don’t bother us.)

Sui stands her ground and talks back to the guy. "Hah? I may not know how old you guys are, but since you’re so big, you must be intellectually-challenged if you can’t even tell when someone is being unwilling!"

Everyone is stunned for a moment at Sui’s bold accusation. The guys look visibly annoyed. The leopard print guy towers over Sui menacingly and asks, “Hah? What did you just say?” 

Sui freezes in place from fear and shock. The leopard print guy reaches out to grab Sui’s ponytail and Sui closes her eyes in fear.

However, Midori suddenly appears and has his arm around Sui protectively, telling the guy, “Alright, stop it–”. 

When Sui opens her eyes, she is surprised to see Midori.

Leopard print guy: Hah?! What’s your problem!!
Capped guy: Ah, this guy is studying in the vet course!
Midori: Oh, what? You know me? Well, as for me, I don't know a single bit about crappy scumbags like you who raise their hands against girls.
Leopard print guy: Haah?! This has got nothing to do with you!
Midori: There is~

Standing protectively between Sui and the guys, Midori tells the guys, "Because this kid is important to me."

Then, Midori smiles and approaches the leopard print jacket guy.

Midori: I mean, if you want a partner that much, why don't you have me as your partner?
Leopard print guy: Huh-

Midori grips his cheeks and goes up close.

Midori says, "I'm totally fine with guys too ❤"

Midori’s words give the guys goosebumps and they back off, scolding, “Don't be absurd! You disgusting freak–” “Gross!! Asshole!”

Midori laughs triumphantly as the guys leave, saying, “Of course I was kidding– ♥ (even if I accept guys, it won’t be you guys ♥)”.

A short while later, after checking that the unpleasant guys have left, Midori turns to Sui and gently asks if she's okay.

Sui blushes furiously, but turns her head away sharply to hide her face from Midori. In tsun fashion, she says that she's fine, but her legs suddenly give way and she falls to the ground.

Yuzu and Kanon are shocked.

Sui: Huh? Sorry, I guess my legs turned to jelly…
Yuzu (cries): Uwah! I’m sorry, Sanapi–! In order to help us, you got such a big scare…!
Sui: Eh? No, no, it’s not a problem at all. We’re friends, after all.

Yuzu and Kanon are visibly touched by Sui's words. They cry out, "Sanapi---!" and hug Sui.

Midori watches them for a short while, then calls out to Yuzu and Kanon, asking if they are able to return home. He explains that it will be dangerous if it gets any later, but Sui still can't seem to walk, so he requests for them to leave it to him.

Yuzu and Kanon are instantly smitten by Midori’s charm while Sui looks on in shock. 

Midori: Ah, I'm acquainted with this kid (he's referring to Sui).
Yuzu: I got it! Well then, see you tomorrow, Sanapi! (Thank you so much for today ❤)
Sui: Huh?!
Kanon: Byebye, Sui-chan. We'll leave Sanapi to you!
Midori: Be careful-
Sui: Hey, wait-

While walking away, Yuzu squeals that it feels like the start of a new love and Kanon says that her eyes have been well-fed.

Turning back to look at Sui, Midori asks her again if she's okay, if she's feeling unwell anywhere (apart from her legs).

Without meeting Midori's gaze, Sui answers that she's fine. She thinks to herself, '...What a disaster. It’s this kind of situation again. Why is it like this…’

Suddenly, Sui realizes that Midori is poking her forehead. He nags, "Sometimes, Sui-chan, protecting your friends is remarkable. However, if something like this happens next time, you gotta remember to ask for help from others. (Thankfully, I was around this time because this place is near to my part-time job.)”

Sui retorts that it was just on the spur of the moment. Midori acknowledges it, but adds, "If anything were to happen to Sui-chan, I wouldn’t be able to take it. So, can you promise me this?

Sui looks at Midori and blushes uncontrollably.

Sui tells herself: It's because I'm onee-chan's little sister. I'm important to him because I'm his girlfriend's little sister. I know that. I clearly know that, but I still can't help feeling happy about such things. Even if I want to forget about him, or try to avoid seeing him, he always appears at the most critical instances. If this goes on, it won't be good at all.

After a moment of silence, Sui tells Midori that she understands. Midori is surprised by her obedience.

Sui adds, "Not just in such situations. Next time, if anything happens, I will look for Ayame, or ask someone else for help."

"That's why, you don’t need to treat me so kindly anymore."

The two of them look at each other - Sui with an earnest, uncomfortable gaze, Midori with a surprised one.

Sui also narrates that she is the one who selfishly fell for him, yet she's making such self-centered requests.

Then, suddenly breaking the tension, Sui barks out, "I mean, you're not allowed to! It annoys me when my impression of you improves!"

Sui narrates again: Rather than try to force myself to forget, I should have said it right from the start. He's mean; always teasing me - but despite how it looks, this person is kind.

In response to Sui's words, Midori has a look of worry and anxiousness.

Sui stands up and says that they should head home. However, Midori is still deep in thought, squatting on the ground as before.

When Sui mentions that the next train is coming, Midori goes, "...Ah- Sui-chan, do you have a bit of time now?"

Sui looks questioningly at him, and he says to her with a gentle gaze, "There's something I want to talk to you about."
